《Jurassic Park: Altered LOST World: Origins /Rexy And Crusher's Love Story》Clever Girl/Back in Business


After finishing their meals, Rexy went on to pursue the humans to scare off the remaining ones that are left of the island, and Crusher began exploring the island a little longer, before eventually joining the female an hour later.

Rexy, was continuing to follow the scent of the humans that went ahead to the Visitor's Center by sniffing the air, plus following the human footprints, hinting that the large and powerful- -

Tyrannosaurus Rex, had a keen sense of smell, which helps in finding prey for miles away, though her vision being based on movement didn't exactly help much at all.

Crusher, however, was off building a home, somewhere else on another part of the island, taking time away to himself to re-establish himself and his reputation taken from him back on Sorna, started sniffing the area for any other predators in the area, before turning away to get himself a drink of water for a while.

Elsewhere, as Alan, Lex and Tim were approaching the powered down electric fence, with Grant, climbing up, and tossing a twig onto the power lines to see if the power is off, fortunately, at least, it's off, for the time being.

"Well, I guess it means the power's off," Grant acknowledged. And as Grant was just inches away from the fence, Lex and Tim were below, watching Grant to see what's happening, until when Grant pretended to be electrocuted in order to prank the two, to Grant's amusement.

Tony shook his head, while snickering in silence.

Lily rolled her eyes, not amused.

"Really, dad? That's really not amusing."

Lex did not think it was funny at all, but her younger brother did. "Well, well, maybe we can..."

Just then, they heard a loud roar in the distance, knowing what it meant: the T-Rex was approaching, and in their direction, having been attracted by Alan Grant's fake screaming, and the humans scrambled to get to the other side as soon as possible, before the Tyrannosaurus can get to them.

Far away, the male Tyrannosaurus Rex had just finished drinking and establishing a temporary home, and was on his way back, going off on another hunt, once again, thundering through the trees as one of the most largest carnivorous predators to ever lived, intending to head towards the open field from earlier where he and a female of his species feasted on their meals earlier today as he let out a loud roar, letting others know that he was not to be messed with.

Rexy, in the distance, was still hunting down the scent of the humans that made the screaming noise a few minutes ago. - - Until she heard a loud roar from afar, which she knew too well to be from the most feared of her kind, who is off doing his own thing, doing what he does best: hunting.


And just in the distance, a flock of Gallimimus from earlier, were grazing upon the grass and plants peacefully, for the moment, until when they perked their heads up, as the ground began to shake, trees started rustling and birds flying away, and they started watching deeply into the woods, the footsteps grew louder and louder as the menacing form of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, came bursting out of the trees, roaring loudly, scaring the flock into a panic, running away, with the tyrant lizard king following in pursuit, jaws armed with several teeth, and a bite strong enough to crush the bones of his prey.

Two Gallimimus started running the opposite direction, with the T-Rex still hot on their tails, bellowing loudly, heading into the direction where Rexy, was at, with one Gallimimus running past the queen, and another also running past her, turning around to see the male Tyrannosaurus Rex chasing them, only to catch up with one of them,- -

and clamp down on their body, crushing it before, shaking it violently and ending it's life, tearing one chunk of the recent kill he just made.

Rexy was just curiously watching as to see what he does, as he started to approach her with a chunk of meat in his mouth, signalling an intent to actually be a little more than what they are now, offering a piece of meat to the queen.

Rexy sniffed the meat with curiosity before she approached him in return, growling gently while later, doing the very thing that caused both of them to start blushing eventually..

The female Tyrannosaurus gave a big, long slurp onto the face of the bull Tyrannosaurus, as a token of appreciation before also, biting down on the chunk of flesh hanging in his mouth, and with their combined force, Rexy got one half of the meat, whereas Crusher got the other.

As Rexy and Crusher began feasting on the Gallimimus carcass, growling hungrily as they ate one chunk after another, they continued feeding and feeding for a while until there was no meat left.

Heading for a drink, the two adult Tyrannosaurus Rex started lapping their tongues at a nearby river, taking in the water, to clean off the blood on their muzzles, not before Crusher approaches the queen herself and returned the favor: he gave the queen a big, long slurp with his tongue: his version of a human kiss, that is, onto her face, as a result, they both slowly started blushing with embarassment,- -

- - though later on, Rexy eventually did the same with Crusher, also returning the favor, before they started to nuzzle one another, later on accepting one another as potential mates, though not right away.


They are friendly and decide not to give away one another's feelings until the time is right.

They continued to nuzzle one another before resuming their way, to hunt down the humans that went to the Jurassic Park Visitor's Center not too far away from where they are, at least.

Life finds a way, after all.

Elsewhere, at the maintenance shed, Dr. Sattler has just restored power to the park.

And unfortunately for Tim, before he could say anything, and Grant, Tony, and Lex all yell at Tim to get off the fence immediately before being ended up electrocuted.

Though despite Lex's protests, Grant tries to go up and help Tim off the fence.

Then Tony took matters into his own hands and tried to climb up and get Tim out of there.

Lily shouted at the both of them, her father watching the boys trying to get down.

"Come on, Tim! Tony! Get down from there now! You will get fried to death if you don't!"

Lex yelled to her brother as well.

"Tim! Get down from there now!"


As soon as he climbs up to get Tim, he then hears a low, eerie, buzzing sound.

Lex watches in shock as the teenage male 2 years older than herself to risk his life to help her brother..

But then there was trouble.

With a low, loud frightening buzzing sound - - seconds later - - the fence comes alive. PZZZT!

Both Tim and Tony are cut off mid-sentence, and literally thrown off from the fence from the sparks flying out of the fence.

He slams into Grant, who caught him at the last second.

And Lex caught the older, teenage male that was sent flying off the fence at the last minute.

The 4 of them fall to the ground.

"Tony! Timmy! Timmy!"

Lily shouted. This was a life and death matter now, considering both were electrocuted to unconsciousness.

Lex runs over to them. Grant tried to wake him up, but couldn't. "Tim, you're okay? You're okay?"*no response from Tim's unconscious body.* "He's not breathing. Tim?"

As Lex cried over what appears to be her brother ending up apparently 'dead', Grant tried to resurrect him, by doing CPR several times.

Didn't work, so he tries again a few more times.

But in a miracle, Tim was revived just in time.

And Lex turns to resuscitate the unconscious Anthony, though having not learned CPR, she only had the basics that she learned in school, apparently.

Using what she learned, she applied every CPR technique on the boy, even as far as the mouth to mouth resuscitation.

Though initially no response from him, Grant and Tim looked on as Lex tried desperately to wake him up, it didnt work the first two times, then she tries again, a few more times. Only to hear a cough from the male next to her. Fortunately, she saved his life. Lex hugged the revived 14 year old male, crying still.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm here." Tony answered soothingly as he continues to pat her on the back gently several times.

Grant and Tim smile in relief.

"Don't ever do that to me again, Tony. I thought you died." Lex pouted.

Tony hugs the teenage female, who hugs him back, as she continues to cry, even after having revived him minutes ago.

Tim chuckles silently to himself and mutters. "Teenage lovebirds."

Lex and Tony both blushed at the mention. They knew this would be coming to them.

Lily again, wasn't that amused, but called out to them.

"Um, I suggest we make it to the Visitor's Center to call for help, while we still can. There's dinosaurs out there, hunting us."

Grant nodded and agreed with his daughter.

"She's right. Let's all go and get going quickly. We've got to find help and get out of here ASAP." Grant said.

They all got up and immediately made their way to the Jurassic Park Visitor's Center.

Outside the maintenance shed, Muldoon carefully loads his shotgun and prepares to blow the raptor ahead of him to hell, before being greeted by another raptor next to him. Grinning with a menacing smirk, Muldoon utters his last words, "Clever girl."

Before the Big One could jump and tear the hell out of his face and eat him alive, another raptor, who appeared to be the more docile one, attacked the aggressive one, and buying Muldoon more time to fire his shots at the raptor ahead of him, and he seized the chance, and blowing the raptor's face off twice.

Then as the two raptors next to him fight, Muldoon then runs for it, retreating to the Visitor's Center.

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