《Jurassic Park: Altered LOST World: Origins /Rexy And Crusher's Love Story》First Kiss/When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth
Grant, Tim, Tony, and Lex arrive into the restaurant through the lobby of the Jurassic Park Visitor's Center.
Lily looked behind one last time, to make sure no one was following them, before making her way in, closing the door.
And heading her way to the others, who sat at the table.
There was no one around.
It was very quiet.
He carefully sets Tim in a chair at one of the tables, well, with Lex across from him.
"Tony, look after Lex for me, understood?"
Tony nods, agreeing to the task while Grant was about to prepare to go off to find the remaining survivors. But stops shortly to check on Tim.
Then he turns to Lex, as if instructing her to do something while he's away.
"I am gonna have to go find the others and get you to a doctor. Will you look after Tim, Lex?"
"Yes." Lex said, panicking internally.
Grant nods. He looks at Tim for a second.
"Your hair's all sticking up." He gently rearranges Tim's hair, which is wild, all over this head.
He looks up at Dr. Grant weakly and manages a smile. Grant smiles back.
"Big Tim, the human piece of toast." Grant chuckled.
Tim laughs. Dr. Grant pauses for a moment, as if he was thinking of something to say - -
- -then, Alan Grant finally answers.
"Be back soon, guys. I promise."
Lily watched as her father went off to search for any survivors, the door opening and closing.
He then leaves.
As he goes across the lobby of the Visitor's Center and outside, they can see his silhouette, moving through a translucent mural that depicts dinosaurs in various natural settings.
Lex turns to the older teenage male and approached. "So, uh, what I meant to say was, after this is over, would you want to go out on a date with me?" She asked, hopefully.
Tony was speechless for a moment before grinning happily. "Yes." He answered.
Tim and Lily overheard their proposition next to them.
Lex and Tony blushed as Tim began to tease them.
But Lex shrugs it off and gestures to eat quickly to prepare to leave the island.
Once Tim was looking elsewhere for a few seconds, Lex and Tony, without Tim looking at them, began to kiss each other on the lips.
Tim turned around shortly, only to see his older sister kissing a slightly older boy on the lips.
They continued to kiss for some time, until eventually, they in turn, grabbed a plateful of food to eat.
"Now, let's enjoy our date, shall we?" Tony asked with a smirk.
"You bet." Lex replied back with a faint blush on her face.
Everyone stared at each other for some time, despite Tim's apparent teasing.
It grew very quiet for a second, following a second after, Tony, Lex and Tim just look at each other before getting up and off the tables.
Tim goes across the room, to an all-you-can-eat table on the other side, and quickly piles some food on a tray. He brings its back to the table.
Tony grabs a bowl of ice cream and sits down near the kitchen door and preparing to eat as quickly as possible.
Lily also grabbed a plateful of food to eat and say at a table close to the kitchen.
Lex digs in, munching on veggies, grabbing food with her two hands.
As soon as Tony grabs a plate of vegetables and one slice of cake, Lex and Tim have already eaten before him.
He smiles at Lex, who was enjoying her food.
She looks up at Tony, and smiles back, resuming eating their food.
Tim enjoys his food, too. Lex comes up with a spoonful of lime Jell-O from a plastic dinosaur egg cup - - but her hand freezes halfway to her mouth to a complete stop.
Tim looks up, and sees the expression on her face.
"Lex, what's wrong?" Tony asked, before he turns around, hearing a snout and what looks to be a toe claw tapping on the ground. He knew what that meant. Danger.
Lily turned around, also seeing what Lex was seeing.
"Raptor!" Lily mumbled.
She quietly got up and at the last bit of her food on her plate and slowly.
And slowly backed away.
And went under the table she was sitting at and hid, remaining motionless as to not give herself away.
She's staring over his shoulder, eyes wide, the Jell-O quivering in her shaking hands.
Her eyes widened a bit more. Everyone turned around, knowing something was wrong.
Then there was trouble...
"What?" Tim turns around.
Behind him, one of the silhouettes on the mural approaching their direction, is a Velociraptor, in a hunting pose.
While they stare, the silhouette of a real raptor moves out from behind it and creeps forward, in the lobby of the Visitor's Center.
"Velociraptor." Tony mumbled.
He gestures for Lex and Tim to run to the kitchen and hide.
And he followed behind, running after them and closing the door.
As they all run into the kitchen, Lex then pulls the shiny metal door shut as quietly as she can.
It latches with a distinctive clicking sound, but there's no lock.
She runs to a panel of lights switches and kills them all, plunging the room into semidarkness.
Lex, Tony, and Tim ran down an aisle and they hide at the end,
- -behind a counter, breathing hard. A raptor's head pops into view, visible through the round window in the middle of the kitchen door.
It just looks for a moment, its breath steaming up the window.
Growling from outside, as the steam evaporates, the raptor can see a part of Tim that isn't entirely completely hidden by the counter.
However, in the kitchen, Lex and Tim remain frozen in fear as the raptor first takes a huge sniff at the bottom of the door, then presses it's head against it.
But the door doesn't budge. Not one bit.
Tony remained calm, despite being scared as well and danger present. He motions to Lex, who turns to look at him, staring intentively.
Whispering to Lex and Tim, he speaks lowly with a warning and a gesture of silence. "If you start screaming, it will alert the others and we won't make it out alive. So, try not to make a sound, okay?"
Lex nods, fearfully.
Tim asked a bit that sounded like loud. "Where's Lily?"
"Shhhh!" Both Lex and Tony said in unison, their voices low so they don't give away their hiding spots.
Reloading the shotgun, Grant turns to Sattler.
"It's just the two raptors, right? You're sure the third one's contained?"
Sattler turns to Grant.
"Yes, unless they figured out how to open doors."
Muldoon arrives back safe and sound, having narrowly escaped death from a Velociraptor.
The pair of adult Tyrannosaurus Rex had continued following the humans' scent that led to the Visitor's Center, after a few hours ago, of the affectionate display they had just done towards one another.
Rexy and the bull Tyrannosaurus continued forward, as their footsteps shook the ground beneath them, and their prey quivered in fear as they walked by.
As just as they passed by the area where they caught individually their own prey, Rexy stopped, as she perked her head up, pointing to the sky, as she started sniffing the air for any other scent of potential meal, until something piqued her interest: raptors.
She bellowed loudly to broadcast a message and a warning that if anyone picks a fight with either herself or the outsider brought to her home, they'll have to go through her, before growling to Crusher to push forward, heading to the Jurassic Park Visitor's Center not too far away.
"Newcomer, those pesky rodents are at the Visitor's Center up ahead. And there is the scent of raptors as well, we should rid the competition any way we can. And just to let you know, since you have just did what you did back there, you have started to earn my trust. So, let's go, shall we?"
Remarked an amused Rexy, towards an annoyed Crusher, who simply growled in irritation. "Seriously, Rexy. Get this over with and I need to return home."
Rexy nods reluctantly, though secretly cringed of the idea that the male T. rex was wanting to return to his home so that he can continue on his reign as the king of Isla Sorna, or better known as Site B in the archipelagos muertes, the five deaths, in general.
She secretly started fearing the obvious potential reality that she might not see the bull T. rex ever again,- -
but carried on, remaining calm as she can, despite her fears, leading herself and the bull T. rex towards the Jurassic Park Visitor's Center, their footsteps leaving an imprint upon the earth as they neared the building.
Later, they picked up the sound of what seems to be screeching and screaming, following shortly after.
As the two adult Tyrannosaurus Rex arrived close to the building, they heard screaming and cawing noises from inside, Crusher volunteered to go in himself, but Rexy declined it, preferring to go in there and finish the job herself, as this island was and always will be, her home.
As the female T-Rex had finally made her way in, despite her massive size, she quietly made her way towards one of the two raptors, who supposedly is planning on attacking the raptor in front of the humans, despite the fact the raptor didn't notice that a giant shadow of the Tyrannosaurus Rex appeared from behind it, chomping down on the raptor in front of it.
Snarling and growling aggressively, she shakes the raptor in its mouth violently while chomping down on it a few more times, with such force, leaving the humans in awe and terror as the female Tyrannosaurus throws it onto the ground, intending to eat it, that is.
Until the raptor from the freezer, somehow, got out and was just about to attack Lex and her bf, and Tim, as where it was just bite proximity from Rexy.
Until when Crusher broke through an unfinished wall of the Visitor's Center, and snatched the raptor that was about to attack Lex, Tony, and Tim, who stared in awe and fear that a dinosaur that tall had saved them, indirectly.
They watched as the bull Tyrannosaurus shook the raptor he grabbed violently before chomping down several times, with one ultimate blow, he crushed the raptor's body and throws the body onto the staircase, breaking it's ribs, as Crusher growls menacingly.
He stands to his full height and roars triumphantly before he left the building through the destroyed wall.
But not before he stared down at the two children, he didn't attack, as his focus was on the last raptor that was about to attack the female T-Rex, initially, before he left.
Rexy, however, was feeling impressed as she looked at the male, and at what he did. But turned her focus on the dead raptor in front of her.
As Rexy was just about to eat the dead raptor, The Big One jumped onto Rexy's body, scratching and biting at her, as she roared in pain, attempting to shake loose the raptor off of her, given the distraction, Alan, Sattler, Lex, Tony, Lily, and Tim escape the building and out to where John Hammond and Ian Malcolm were waiting, in the jeep.
"Mr. Hammond! After careful consideration, I've decided... not to endorse your park." Said Grant bluntly, as Anthony jumps in the car immediately. "So have I." Agreed Hammond, as he drove away.
He notices Muldoon running in their direction, and stops to let him in the jeep, and once that's done, Hammond finally drives off quickly.
Crusher, having heard the noise of the jeep, decided to follow, with an intent for revenge, growling menacingly as his footsteps faded into the distance.
But he decided against it, and chose to wait for Rexy to finish her mission.
So he stopped right where he was. Though his feelings for her have caused him to reconsider his decision.
He decided eventually, to remain with Rexy, if it's ever okay with the queen herself.
Inside the Visitor's Center, the female Tyrannosaurus Rex finally managed to shake loose the raptor off of her, and into her jaws, chomping down two times to end the raptor's life, before turning around and aggressively throwing the raptor's body into the skeleton of her ancestor's.
Having killed off her competition, she turns around, with her tail flinging, raises her head up, and lets out a loud, triumphant roar as the banner, titled, 'When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth', flew down.
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Sarsaparilla's Scary Super Power. Completed
Sarsaparilla is an older teenage girl living on Mars. And, like many other young people around her, she has a super power. Or, rather, she is supposed to have a super power. Only she has never been able to activate it, she doesn’t even know what her super power is. This annoys her, tremendously. But she hides this behind a really sweet smile. Adalace is another teenage girl, also on Mars. She knows what her own super power is, and it is quite a good one. She is also really cute… so long has she keeps her feelings under control and doesn’t let out anything from her dark past. Teylon is a man, currently living on Earth. He likes to think of himself as still young, even if he is over fifty. He’s a bit smug about his successful career and is thinking of retiring… until a sadly unfortunate event leads him to the conclusion that he had better immigrate to Mars. Immediately. Apparently, meeting one’s own Angel of Death tends to cause people to make profound changes to their lives… Mars society had better brace itself, because once these three people, plus another three also not so quite stable individuals, collide with each other, the resulting explosion is not going to leave anyone on Mars unaffected. This is another Esmeralda, the Angel of Death, story. It follows on from my previous two such stories, but it is in no way dependent on the previous stories. They can be read in any order. It is fully written and proof read (using Word for Windows, no real editor touched this transcript) and comes to about 247,000 words (about 895 Royal Road pages). It is organized into 50 chapters and I will be publishing them roughly one per day. In my writing, there are multiple characters and multiple points of view. Each change in a point of view is introduced by a header, giving the viewpoint character’s name first, and possibly a title. Inside a Point of View section, dialog in italics represents the Point of View character’s thoughts, while dialog between quotes represent normal spoken dialog. This story is very much inspired by the anime A Certain Scientific Railgun. However I have only taken some elements from the anime, and changed everything I took to make my own story, and so it does not count as fanfiction. Yeah, I know, the book cover page isn’t very good. It’s the best I could do, by tracing over a stock image. The two ladies shown are supposed to be Adalace and Sarsaparilla. Ideally I would have liked there to be two images of this pair, one where they are smiling sweetly and looking cute, and one where they are looking really angry and dangerous. But that totally exceeds my graphics abilities. You will just have to imagine it.
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