《Jurassic Park: Altered LOST World: Origins /Rexy And Crusher's Love Story》T-Rex vs Triceratops/Flocking This Way
Crusher was gone on a hunt a few hours ago when Rexy was elsewhere scaring away humans out of her territory, to compensate for not finishing his meal that was left behind back home, he went to hunt down one of the most dangerous herbivores of the late Cretaceous Period: Triceratops horridus, which means "three horned face," thundering through the trees as the T. rex began bellowing loudly, continuing forward.
The bull Tyrannosaurus makes his way into an enclosure he came across, containing a herd of a variety of hadrosaur species, eventually breaking in, to hopefully fetch a meal for himself to make up for his lack of food that was temporary, his footsteps echoing through the area.
As Crusher aggressively lunges at the one closest to him in his proximity, the herd began to wake up with a start, having felt the ground began to vibrate, of which they knew too well that there's something big and dangerous out there, about to eat them.
As a result, they panicked and ran off in a huff.
Elsewhere, Rexy was facing off against the alpha Triceratops, Lady Margaret, albeit encountering Jurassic Park's chief veterinarian, Dr. Gerry Harding, and his daughter, Jess Harding, somewhat related to Sarah Harding, as the fight appeared to be in a stalemate, as neither had the advantage, even after Rexy was distracted by Jess momentarily, the Tyrannosaurus drags the herbivore by the frill, before eventually, Dr. Harding carries a poisoned and unconscious Nima to the maintenance door at the last second, nearly crushed by the massive body of the herbivore, after being flung to the side by the female T-Rex, who bellowed loudly, as another Triceratops managed to escape the hungry watch of the tyrant lizard.
Crusher, on the other side of the island, was attacking, or at least, attempting to bring down a lone sauropod, who had wandered off from it's herd and into a herd with smaller herbivores, with the bull Rex circling around the giant herbivore, planning his next move on how to bring it down without injuring himself.
As Rexy was just finished with getting rid of the alpha Triceratops, she feasted on her kill for a while, only halfway finished with her meal, only to go towards the direction of the sound of one of the herbivores, with the female Tyrannosaurus zeroing in on her next target: a giant sauropod.
Crusher waited until the long necked sauropod lowered it's neck to the ground, or at the very least, near ground level, before opening his mouth full of razor sharp, bone crushing teeth into the waist of the giant animal,- - -
- -hopefully weakening it of blood loss until slowly the herbivore started to stumble a bit before the bull Rex lunges in and chomps down on it's neck, crushing it by shaking it's neck violently,
- - - breaking all the bones in it's neck, before bellowing loudly in victory, unfortunately attracting the attention of the island's resident Tyrannosaurus Rex, who started noticing somewhere in the distance of his prowess in hunting, but pondered the reason why he did that.
Little did the male knew that the one flirting with him, was also watching him.
Rexy watched curiously before quietly approaching him.
Crusher looked up, with a chunk of meat in his mouth, pausing for a moment.
The female pondered in thought for a moment.
Rexy's P.O.V
Why did he do this? Was it to impress me? Or to only interest nothing but to satisfy his own hunger? Maybe who knows?
Since he was brought here, my whole life was only revolved around being an attraction and ruling the park, that was all I knew since I was born.
"Until the new arrival showed up. But he, well, looks cute when he blushes around me.
I may have sounded a little cold and stern, but it is due to that I haven't been around any dinosaurs of my own species.- -
But what he told me, just somewhere deep within the walls I've built up since my hatchling years, just made me feel, open, and bad for what he has been through. And I like that about him. Being open and honest with me.- -
- -No matter how much I wish to deny how I truly feel about him, I promise to protect and help him, every step of the way, whatever it takes."
I begin to approach him as soon as he raises his head to look at me, and he wondered why am I here, and joining him at this time. I'll just have to tell him myself.
Normal P.O.V
The two Tyrannosaurus continued to stare at each other for a while, but before then, the male chomped down the chunk of meat hanging in his mouth.
Before he backs away, allowing the female Rex to have a bite on the meal he just caught.
Rexy curiously stares at the carcass, then at Crusher, and then turning back to the carcass, taking in a huge chunk of meat in her mouth, and chomping it whole.
The male watched as Rexy gorged herself happily in the food she ate.
Rexy turns to the male, who just stands there, watching her.
"Well, you coming over and help me finish this giant meal? Besides, I'm hungry." Rexy said, despite her mouth being full of meat.
Crusher nods and joins her in feasting on their meal, devouring each chunk at a time.
By the time they were done, the carcass had almost little to few scraps of meat.
And Rexy and the male went on their merry way, going to a nearby water source to wash their chops off with water.
Washing their muzzles several times, the Tyrannosaurus pair then went on patrol.
"Quit whining, Lex. You'll get the hang of it." Lex just stares at the slightly older boy, who winks at her playfully, and just clearly turns around, scoffing in amusement and annoyance.
The next morning, after Grant and the others left to head to the Visitor's Center, they stopped short, only for Alan Grant to discover dinosaur eggs.
Grant crouches down and picks up one of the fragments, a big one.
"You know what this is? It's a dinosaur egg. The dinosaurs are breeding."
Tim then pointed out that all the dinosaurs were female."
"But - - my grandpa said all the dinosaurs were girls."
"Amphibian DNA." Grant surmised.
"What's that?" Lex asked.
Grant replies back with a firm answer.
"Well, on the tour - - the film said they used frog DNA to fill in the gene sequence gaps. They mutated the dinosaur's genetic code and blended it with that of frogs. Now, some West African frogs have been known to spontaneously change sex from male to female, in a single sex environment.- -
Malcolm was right!"
Lex, Lily and Tim turn to notice small, tiny dinosaur footprints move away from where the eggshells were.
Look, life found a way!
Grant smiled, knowing that Malcolm was correct.
"Dr. Grant. So, I assume that the male who assisted the female that attacked us earlier was not born a female. He was already born a male, and for some reason, I don't know why or how it was here all of a sudden." Tony interjected.
Grant replies with a solemn answer.
"I don't know, but that T-Rex with the female of his own species, was definitely a visual acuity 3 dimensional dinosaur. Whatever the reason was for the male's appearance, I'm not sure if I want to know. But maybe ask that later when this is over."
Lex stares at the boy standing next to Grant, Tony, having taking notice of it, caught Lex staring, and she began blushing secretly.
Lily rolls her eyes in sarcasm.
"Boys. Ugh."
And they left to enter the Gallimimus Valley, where the fated T-Rex pair will soon arrive.
Elsewhere, the pair of adult Tyrannosaurus have gone on a morning stroll around the island, showing where the ocean was, to which Crusher stops for a while and just stares at the ocean waves crashing onto the shore.
Rexy was curious as to what does he intend to do, but immediately knew what he was up to. Crusher then playfully knocks her down and tickles her belly, from her waist area, up to her stomach, and then her neck, and all over the place.
The female began to laugh hysterically loud, thrashing her legs once more in silliness like a little hatchling.
"Hahahah- hahahahahaha- hahahahahhaha! S-s-seriously, Crusher, s-s-s-st-sto-oo-pp! You're being s-s-silly!" She pleaded, as the female chokes and coughs in laughter due to the male tickling her stomach.
Rexy continues laughing even harder when the male continues using his snout to tickle her neck, resulting in her laughing even more louder.
The tickling lasted for 3 to 5 minutes, until she pleaded for him to stop with the tickling.
By then, the male helped his companion, or soon-to-be mate, if that ever does happen, back up on her feet, letting her have some fresh air for a while.
Before they went on their merry way to hunt for their first snack.
Dr. Alan Grant, Lex and Tim Murphy, Hammond's grandchildren, and the 14 year old male, are on their way to the Visitor's Center, which was a mile over that rise there, as Grant put it, then asks Tim what the flock of bird like dinosaurs approaching their direction might be.
"Tim, Tim, can you tell me what they are?" Said Dr. Grant.
"They're uh, Gall-uh, they're uh, Gallimimus." Replied the younger Murphy sibling.
Lily took one step forward, looking closely at the flock of dinosaurs running towards their direction.
"Thought there was another like Ornithomimus." Lily asked, confused.
Lex asked with slight bits of worry and curiosity of whether or not they're 'meat-a-sauruses' as Grant went a little closer to take a look at theflock of Gallimimus, inquisitively saying, "Their wheel of direction formation changes, just like a flock of birds evading a predator."
Anthony tries to calm her down for a bit, patting her shoulder gently that things will turn out okay in the end.
Unfortunately- -
As the stampeding flock gets closer and closer, Tim starts to back away, laughing nervously while saying, "They're uh, they're uh, they're flocking this way."
"And there goes our cue to run the hell away." Tony said, panicking.
Lily backed away and turned around towards the direction of her father, and made a run for it.
And as the stampeding flock of Gallimimus start running their way, Alan Grant, Tim and Lex Murphy, who was holding Anthony's hand, she blushed in the back of her mind, while running alongside him and her brother, also started running away as well as the stampeding flock finally gets into view, surrounding the three of them left and right as they ran past them, as if a predator is hunting them.
Eventually, they made their way to a fallen tree, climbing up and above the tree, taking cover as the Gallimimus flock jump over and run, while Tim, Lex, and Alan Grant crawled over to the other side of the log to have a good view of what's happening in front of them, with Anthony following behind. Lily followed shortly after. Until...
They watched as the flock got closer to the trees that soon,- -
The female Tyrannosaurus, roars loudly, ambushing the Gallimimus, thundering through the forest and into the opening, crashing through the trees, knocking them down,- - - -
startling the flock with a start, snapping her jaws at the one in front of her, but missed, later, another Gallimimus jumps in front of her, as she lunges directly at it, clamping her jaws on her prey, dragging it towards her, shaking it's neck violently as it made it's last squeal as it has its life taken away as Rexy tears a chunk of flesh from her prey's body, growling hungrily, with her head pointing up, upon hearing a loud roar from behind her.
Then about a minute later, the Triceratops that escaped from the attack from the female T-Rex the night ago, came into view, only for the bull Tyrannosaurus to crash through the trees, lunging at his prey, holding it down before crushing it's neck,- - -
while the Triceratops roared in pain and struggled to get away, but it was too late, as the male T-Rex brutally snaps it's neck, crushing it's windpipe, preventing it from breathing, then tearing away at it's head, ending it's life, growling menacingly before turning around, stomping it's left foot forward, leaving a huge imprint upon the earth,- - -
lowering his neck before roaring triumphantly, demonstrating his hunting prowess, with Rexy watching him, and leaving Alan Grant, Lex, and Tim in awe and terror at how the Tyrannosaurus hunted and behaved in the wild. Diaz was amazed, and stunned.
And Lily Grant, was speechless.
She was quite surprised of the brutality of this Tyrannosaurus. The male, that is. Not the female.
"I want to go now." Said a fearful Lex Murphy.
"Look how it eats.." Alan Grant said, mesmerized..
"Bet you never look at birds the same way again." Replied the paleontologist, who continues to watch the two adult Tyrannosaurus feasting on their separate kills, the sounds of torn flesh and crunching of bones filled the air.
"Okay.. Keep low and follow me." Said Dr. Grant, as he crouched down to quietly leave for the Visitor's Center, with Lex following behind, as Tim continues to stare at the two Tyrannosaurus in fascination, having to be forcefully taken away to safety, not wanting to see the hunting behaviors of an extinct predator up close and personal.
"Seriously, Tim, I'm sure you really don't want to risk giving away your position, as that thing will eat you if it wanted to."
Anthony sarcastically replied.
Lily nodded in agreement and quietly crawled away.
With no humans in their presence, the Tyrannosaurus pair began to eat.
In peace and quiet at least.
As the 4 humans quietly snuck away from the hungry, terrifying T. Rex's, up to the Visitor's Center, Crusher was now feasting on his kill, in the open area, with Rexy, watching him, for a little while before she returned to feast on her meal, the two tyrant lizards enjoying their feast, whilst enjoying each other's presence, at least, for now.
The bull Tyrannosaurus started growling hungrily as he tore one chunk of flesh, after another, chomping each one down, in one bite, as the day passes up to noon, Rexy, too, started to feast on her own kill, tearing one chunk and chomping it down after another.
She secretly admitted that she was impressed with how he demonstrated his hunting prowess, even after she had done hers, indirectly seen by the humans, that were hiding from behind a log,- -
as the male T. rex continues feasting for a little longer, before leaving the Triceratops carcass mostly eaten with almost little chunks of meat left, and went on his merry way, to set up an isolated territory for himself, almost needing time to plan out a way to return home...
Though at some point in time, despite with a tough personality, on the inside, he gradually began to unconsciously develop some bit of interest towards the queen of the island.. but he chose not to show it, for the time being.
However, he chose to stay for a while and spend some time with the female.
Rexy, on the other hand, she went about feasting on her meal until ridding the carcass in front of her with no meat left, before turning her attention to scavenging what is left of the carcass Crusher, the newcomer to her homeland, left behind a few minutes ago, again, tearing away at the Triceratops carcass, chomping and gulping down one chunk of flesh at a time, as T. rex needs to eat at least almost a lot of food every day.
And once she was finished, she went off to track down the humans that she had attacked the night previous when the tropical storm hit the island, which was the very same night that she ate the cowering Gennaro,
- - who was sitting on a toilet, foolishly giving himself away, as per the obvious fact that she had movement based vision, like that of frogs, who use motion based vision when finding prey, Crusher, however, never has that problem since his birth and arrival to Isla Nublar, as he is that of a purebred T. rex, just like their prehistoric ancestors back in the Cretaceous Period.
Tyrannosaurus Rex, or commonly known as T. rex, was the most feared predator, and one of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs, to ever walk the earth.
To be continued...
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