《Jurassic Park: Altered LOST World: Origins /Rexy And Crusher's Love Story》The Tour Begins/65 Million Years of Gut Extinct
Hours before Grant and the others leave to begin their first tour, in the T-Rex enclosure, Rexy was patrolling around her area, doing what she does best.
Crusher, however, was still lying there, looking more sullen than usual. Though he managed to take a quick glimpse at the female, without her looking, but Rexy, however, caught him staring at her, so he looked away quickly, blushing bright red.
And once Rexy is done with her business, she went over to spend some time with the new arrival.
Crusher was so busy staring at the mountainside, longing to be out of the enclosure. Until Rexy got closer to where he was, he pretended to sleep and ignore her, as she began resting down beside him.
Only for the male T-Rex to wake up and stare to the left.
He finally began answering.
"Hello, Rexy. What are, uh, you doing here resting b-by me?" He stuttered, nervously.
Rexy spoke kindly, resting her head, before turning to talk with him, staring directly at him. "I just wanted to keep you company, that's all."
Crusher nods to her reply.
"I see.. but I just want to ask of you, why are you willing to help me? Or in other words, what made you decide to spend some time with me when you have other things to do?"
Crusher added.
Rexy leans a little closer, but doesn't get too close. "Well, 'Crusher', all I can say is that you must have been through a lot in your younger life. And that for some reason, I find you to be cute, especially when you blush or when we are sparring."
She then intertwins her tail around the male's tail, and leans closer to him to keep him company, pulling him into a cuddle as the clouds began appearing, growling with friendliness and compassion towards the male, resting her head next to his.
Crusher blushed at Rexy's sudden display of kindness and empathy, but returns the favor with her, and just enjoying the moment they have with each other.
"You remind me of my mother when I was very young." Crusher added, breaking the moment of silence.
Rexy nodded. "Really? What made you think that?"
"Well, like her, you are brave and strong, but she died defending me and my siblings." The bull Tyrannosaurus answered back.
Rexy being around him, just for some reason, made him feel better for a bit, and just sighed with content as he continues to cuddle the female next to him, enjoying the moment.
As the day passed, their bond grew, and the feelings they started to have for each other grew as well, but neither seemed to realize it, until the female leans closer to kiss him on the cheek, to which the male started to blush bright red, embarrassed.
Crusher does the same and kisses Rexy's cheek, and Rexy is the one blushing, and begin to nuzzle one another, at least once or twice, and begin to sleep, both snoring.
-At the Jurassic Park Visitor's Center-
The 5 of them left out of the restaurant and into the lobby of the Visitor's Center.
They head down the stairs, and pass the skeletons of the dinosaurs again from earlier.
"You four are going to have a little company out in the park. Spend a little time with our target audience. Maybe they'll help you get the spirit of this place."
Hammond added with enthusiasm.
"What does he mean by "target audience"?" Grant asked. He knew the answer as he turned around.
Hammond turns toward the door of the center and throws his arms out expansively.
"KIDS!!" He yelled excitedly to see his grandkids.
Two kids standing in the doorway to the center break into a broad smiles before running into the arms of their grandfather.
"Grandpa!" Lex yells out.
They race across the lobby and into Hammond's arms, knocking him over on the steps.
"We miss you." Said Tim.
"We love the presents." Lex replied.
"You must be careful with me. Did you like the helicopter?" Hammond asked.
Lex and Tim replied back kindly and happily. "It was great! It drops, we were dropping!" Sattler smiles, excitedly, looks at Grant, who just stares straight, feeling speechless. Malcolm and Gennaro looked away.
Tony walked from behind Malcolm and Gennaro, also looking elsewhere.
The family reunion continued, with excitedly exchanged words and thanks for gifts.
Lily leaned into her father's side so she might peer around Ellie, trying to get a better look at the new arrivals.
Alan gave her shoulder a little squeeze as he shared a look with Ellie. It was a look that conveyed his less than enthusiastic attitude towards having more children join the group.
Lily being his daughter, he knew how she would react what was to come on the tour; but these children were unknown factors. At first impression, they did not seem to have the maturity that Lily did.
They reacted in the manner that most children did and spoke quickly and over one another, trying to have their voices heard at the same time.
And that sparked a little surge of dread inside Alan's stomach.
"Oh, children, children, help me up," insisted Hammond, holding out his arms.
Both kids aided their grandfather in standing, smiling brightly the whole time.
Hammond then turned to face the rest of the group, proudly placing a hand on the girl's left shoulder, and the boy's right. "Everyone, may I introduce you to my grandchildren––Lex and Tim Murphy."
"Hi," they both chorused, voices going a little quiet with shyness. Hammond chuckled at them and then swept a hand forward to gesture to the group that stood before them.
"Lex, Tim… this is Mr. Gennaro, Dr. Ian Malcolm, Dr. Ellie Sattler, Dr. Alan Grant, and his daughter Lily."
Hammond had gestured to each of them as he said their name, a friendly smile plastered on his face as he did so.
With introductions made, the group on the stairs said their first hellos.
Lily felt excited that there would be kids her age on the island.
While she loved spending time with her father and Ellie, she was still generally treated as a child; and that was often times how she spent most of her days.
The only child surrounded by a handful of adults.
And it was sometimes infuriating, because she felt as though she was so mature for her age, and no one ever really acknowledged it.
So it would be nice to be on the same footing as someone else, if even only for a little while.
As everyone left the lobby at the Jurassic Park's Visitor's Center, and outside into the open in the middle of the roadway.
Following later,-
Two modified Ford Explorers leap up out of an underground garage beneath the visitor's center.
They move quietly, with a faintelectronic hum sound, and straddle across a partially buried metal rail is the middle of the road, slowly pulling to a gradual, complete stop, at to where the group is gathered.
Ellie is off to the side with Alexis Murphy, or nicknamed 'Lex', introducing herself warmly. Their grandfather is with Drs. Malcolm and Grant, and also with Gennaro. Hammond tries to lighten them up.
"Have a heart gentlemen. Their parents are getting a divorce and they need the diversion."
Gennaro then asks something that has to do with the safety of the cars.
"Hey! Where are the brakes?"
"Brakes? No. No brakes. They're electric cars, guided by this track in the roadway, and totally non-polluting, top of the line! Spared no expense." Hammond exaggeratedly replied, the catchphrase as usual.
Lex then enters the first car up ahead of the one where Grant, Anthony, Malcolm and Sattler will be at.
She then touches a touch screen in the car. "It's interactive CD-ROM. Look, see - - you just touch the right part of the screen and it talks about whatever you want."
"So, have fun. I'll be watching you from the control room in the lobby somewhere. Come along, my dear. You'll ride in the second car, I can promise you you'll have a real wonderful time." Hammond added as he slowly opened the car door.
Lily stopped in front of the car, one foot on either side of the track, and appreciated the bold color choices made for the vehicle.
It was a vibrant electric green, which transitioned into an even brighter yellow.
Stripes of red decorated the hood around the logo, which was also painted in large red letters across the side of the vehicle.
Rising up on her toes, Lily realized that a portion of the car's ceiling was made of fiberglass, which would likely allow for a good view of any dinosaurs that loomed above them.
"Lex, you're all right in there," Hammond told his granddaughter, who nodded in acknowledgement.
The older man then turned towards the group at the hood of the car and smiled at Lily. "Lily, dear, why don't you ride with Lex? I'm quite sure the two of you would get along very well."
Lily nodded, smiling brightly. She figured that the second car would be all adults, so they could talk 'business.'
Not that she really minded being put in the kids car, this time around.
When she interacted with children her age at school, she never really got to interact with them in her element.
Most of the kids at the schools she attended thought it was cool her family dug up dinosaur bones, but whenever she tried to go into detail, they would opt out of conversation in favor of playing with toys or talking to someone else. "Alright!"
"Oh thank you so much. So you'll see you later then." Sattler called out as Hammond turns and head back towards the Jurassic Park Visitor's Center.
Malcolm walks ahead of Grant and follows to the car where Sattler is sitting in. "I'll be riding with Dr. Sattler."
He was quick to follow with determination in his step, lips evened out in a tight line.
Lily made a face, having recognized her father's distinctly upset expression.
Deciding it would be best to be as far away from her father's potential wrath, Lily walked around the other side of the car, and pulled the door open.
The interior smelled of fresh upholstery and the air was pleasantly air conditioned.
She slipped inside just as Gennaro got into the passenger's side up front.
A smirk played across her face as she scooted to the middle of the back and leaned forward between the front two seats.
"Hi," she said, startling the lawyer into jumping.
He acknowledged Lily with a frown and let his head bob in awkward acknowledgement.
Lily, mildly pleased at having startled him, sat back with a little giggle.
The man clearly did not have an affinity towards children; and she wondered how he would fair with being in the vehicle where he would likely be the oldest one.
The prospect of his gaunt, exasperated face was amusing.
Grant didn't like it one bit. He was about to follow, but Lex's younger brother cut him off, smiling eagerly at him.
"I uh, read your book." Tim commented.
Alan Grant walks past, with Tim following behind.
"Uh, yeah, great."
"You really think dinosaurs turned into birds? And that's where all the dinosaurs went?" Tim rambles on as Grant opens the door of the rear car and climbs in. Tim follows.
Grant replies.
"Well, uh, a few species - - may have evolved, and others uh, didn't survive the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction, uh - - something along those lines - - yeah."
A mechanical voice intones from the intercom.
"Two to four passengers to a car, please. Children under ten must be accompanied by an adult."
Tim is right behind Grant, so Grant keeps moving, across the back seat of the car and out the other door.
But Tim follows him continuously.
"Because they sure don't look like birds to me. I heard a meteor hit the earth and made like this one hundred mile crater someplace down in Mexico - - "
"Listen, uh- -" Grant tried to remember what the boy's name was, but Tim answered for him.
"Tim. Tim Murphy."
Grant replies solemnly, dreadfully annoyed.
"Tim, which car are you planning on riding on?"
Tim replies back, enthusiastically following him.
"Whichever one you are in."
Then Dr. Grant slams the door on his face,
and walks past as he rambles on and on.
Only to be stopped by Lex Murphy, who was about 12 years of age, Tim's older sister.
"She said that I should ride with you because it'd be good for you." Grant knew she mentioned and pointed at Ellie Sattler, who turns to smile at him.
Grant smiles back, but he felt annoyed a little.
"Neurotic woman."
He mutters to himself.
Grant then approaches the second car, and sat down inside, closing the door.
Clearly undeterred by Alan's cold response, Tim eagerly turned to Lily, grinning broadly.
"I'm Tim!" he excitedly introduced.
He shifted the book he had been carrying––Alan's book––from his right arm to his left, and offered a small hand.
Lily smiled at his enthusiasm and clasped her hand around his, shaking it up-and-down a few times.
"I'm Lily; it's nice to meet you."
Tony eventually catches up and goes to sit in the driver's seat in the second car.
Lex then stares at the boy, who stares back, but turns away quickly, not before winking a flirty response right back at her.
Lex silently blushed and went over to the car, immediately introducing herself.
"Uh, um, hi. I'm Lex, what's your name?"
Tony blushed silently and replied back.
"I'm Anthony Diaz, or you can call me 'Tony'. Your brother needs you. And we can talk a bit more about things later when the tour's done. I'm 14, turning 15."
Lex smiles and leans to hug him, to his surprise, and he returns the gesture shyly, they pulled away, and waved their hands at each other as Lex then walks to the first car, and sat next to her brother.
"It's nice to meet you, too!" The door to Lily's right opened, and Lex slipped inside.
Up front, Gennaro groaned. "This is my sister, Lex!" The blonde girl leaned forward to look around Lex.
"She knows, Tim, grandpa introduced us inside, remember?" Lex pointed out.
But she turned her attention to Lily with a friendly smile, regardless, and offered her hand, just as her brother had. "It's nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you, too."
"You're Dr. Grant's daughter, right?" Tim asked while he removed his backpack and put the well-read book back inside.
At her affirmative nod, his smile returned full-force. "That's so cool! Do you get to go on digs and stuff?"
"I do! Whenever my dad goes on one, I go with him. I'm not allowed to do much digging yet, but I hope that I'll get to soon," Lily explained.
She ducked to the side so Tim could toss his backpack over the backseat and into the trunk of the car.
"That's so cool, though," Lex said beside her. "Tim goes on and on and on about dinosaurs when we're at home; I think that he wants to be like your dad when he grows up. A, uh… what's his job called?"
"Paleontologist," both Tim and Lily answered at the same time. Shortly afterwards, the three dissolved into giggles, shifting around excitedly as the car began to crawl forward.
"Well, you're kinda dressed like him, so that's a start," Lily joked, having gestured to Tim's blue button down, which hung open over a striped shirt, and the blue bandana looped around his neck.
The boy beamed at the likening Lily drew between him and her father.
The three chatted excitedly as the car started to wind its way down the road, which gracefully transitioned from pavement to dirt.
They quickly discussed ages at Tim's prompting––Lily was the second oldest at eleven––and then turned the conversation back to the excitement at hand.
They peered through every window as the car speakers explained to them how to use the interactive CD Rom player at the front of the car.
That was when Tim pitched forward and leaned up against the driver's seat; he thrust a hand forward to point through the windshield.
In the other car behind, Dr. Grant was able to get along with, other than his daughter and Dr. Sattler, sat in the car and reflected in thought.
"Though the boy Anthony here doesn't, or isn't really much of a problem." Grant thought, as he was sitting inside the car that Sattler and Malcolm are also sitting at, with the boy in with them.
Everyone was finally prepared, for their first tour.
After receiving word of a tropical storm heading towards Isla Nublar, Hammond grumbled in irritation that he could've built the park in Orlando instead.
Muldoon suggested that it might swing south or divert elsewhere like the last storm.
"Ray." Hammond pointed out to the computer screen for Arnold to click.
"Start the tour program."
Arnold scooted over to a nearby computer, pressing the keyboard several times, certain keys to activate the tour cars to get them going.
"Hold on to your butts."
The screen then shows that of everyone in the cars doing chit-chat, their tour beginning, as the cars headed towards the main gate, titled: Jurassic Park.
"What have they got in there, King Kong?"
Asked a sarcastic Malcolm.
"Maybe." Anthony replied jokingly.
Once past the gate, the doors closed and Hammond changes security cameras, to the ones pointing at the cars' interior, where the others were sitting.
"The voice you're now hearing is Richard Kiley. Huh. We spared no expense." Chuckled Hammond excitedly.
In order to get a closer look, Lex and Tim went closer to the windows.
The tour voice then continues to speak.
"To the right, you will see a herd of the first dinosaurs on our tour, called Dilophosaurus."
Grant and Sattler also reacted the same way Lex and Tim did.
"Oh, shit!" Sattler excitedly said, pressing against the window to also have a look.
"Dilophosaurus?" Grant turned to his right to the enclosure to look at where the Dilophosaurus even was, but, unfortunately, it's not there.
Richard Kiley's voice continues on speaking.
"One of the earliest carnivores in the Jurassic Period, we now know Dilophosaurus is actually poisonous, spitting its venom at it's prey, causing blindness and eventually paralysis, allowing the carnivore to eat at it's leisure. This makes Dilophosaurus a beautiful, but deadly addition to Jurassic Park."
"Alan... it's not there."
Sattler murmured, knowing that this is a first no-show.
"Damn." Grant sighed in frustration as the car kept going.
-At the T-Rex enclosure-
The clouds started to turn a little gray over Isla Nublar, our resident female T-Rex, is sleeping and cuddling next to the male Tyrannosaurus, who was also asleep.
Rexy was snoring peacefully next to the one that is now her friend. Who she has started to build feelings for with the 'butterfly' formation in her stomach. The hints of the feelings they have towards each other were made obvious, starting with the flirting they did when they sparred hours ago. Next, was when Rexy was on patrol and Crusher was staring at her when she was not looking, but got caught and looked away quickly.
And lastly, was when they pecked each other's cheeks.
Both of them were snoring loudly, their tails intertwined, and their massive bodies, well, are obviously huddled up next to each other, cuddling.
But, however, when the bull Tyrannosaurus snored loudly, Rexy snores even louder.
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