《Jurassic Park: Altered LOST World: Origins /Rexy And Crusher's Love Story》Raptor Feeding/Lunch Debate
As Crusher and Rexy began circling one another and biting down on one another's neck, usual fighting strategy for a T-Rex, their tails thrashed about as the two adult Tyrannosaurus Rex fight it out.
Then Crusher goes right for the throat again, dragging Rexy and slamming her onto a tree, and just as he goes in for the next strike, Rexy dodged and bit down on his neck, growling as she used Crusher's own strategy against him, throwing him to the ground.
Later, Crusher got up and rammed Rexy to the ground, to which Rexy got up, and bit down on his neck, snarling before knocking him down.
"Ready to give up yet, newcomer?" Rexy growled, with a slight hint of flirting and being playful. "We will see about that."
Crusher smirks, playfully as he roared, lunging at Rexy's neck, biting down, but not too hard to where he might kill her.
He then threw her to the ground, pinning the female T-Rex down with his massive foot, roaring playfully, smirking cockily.
Flirting with each other while they were sparring, Rexy smiles and nuzzles Matencero's king in the face, who nuzzles back.
Before Rexy knocks Crusher down and smirks at him, flirting again.
"You impressed me with your hunting prowess and demonstrated your strength. It determines that you are suitable to live with me." Rexy answered, still nudging playfully.
Crusher smirks and kicks Rexy off and pinning her to the ground once again, roaring triumphantly.
Before he helps her up, gently lifting her up on her feet.
Rexy found it thoughtful of him to even to such an act of kindness.
"Very thoughtful of you, outsider. Thank you. Your fighting skills impressed me there, but you will have to take more than that to earn my respect." Rexy said sternly, though having a flirty tone to her voice.
Crusher answered back plainly, though also flirting back.
"I noticed." Once it was over, he went away to clean his wounds, though albeit minor, Rexy stopped him, wanting an answer to the question she was planning to ask him.
"So, outsider, what made you avoid me and why do you do what you do?"
Crusher froze for a moment.
He turns to the queen of Isla Nublar with a blunt and calm reply. "Because I made a promise to my mother back home after she died. To rid the island of the one behind her death, and my second youngest brother, my only brother and sister remained."
Crusher continues again. "My mother was murdered in front of me when I was very young. I vowed to make sure this never happens again to anyone else. To spare others the pain of what I went through."
"Is that all you plan to ask of me?" Crusher asked, before turning to leave to have some alone time.
As he left to have some alone time, Rexy, who was watching him go, replied under her breath.
"Yes, I did." Her growls and expressions had a mixture of stoic and cognitive empathy, and of pity towards the male.
Once he had a drink, his tongue laps the water several times, deciding to curl up near the water.
Staring directly up into the sky, he was brooding all day. He looks like he missed his mom.
But he knew that his mother will always be with him, no matter what.
He didn't know that Rexy was behind him, and watching him from afar.
Rexy felt bad for the male, afterwards, elsewhere, she noticed a goat lying there, after one was released earlier, and chomps down on the goat, holding onto it, and approaching the male Rex lying there, approaching with a goat in her mouth.
Crusher turns to look at the female.
He notices the goat in her mouth.
Looks at her with a confused look before getting up to approach the female T-Rex.
"What is this?" Crusher asks, confused.
Rexy snorts in amusement. "Food." She answered, chuckling.
"You really have to eat soon, you look like you're about to starve." Rexy added.
Crusher was a little puzzled as to why is Rexy, all of a sudden, displaying kindness and empathy towards him, especially with the food in her mouth. After all, he is new to the island. different from the one he grew up in and was raised in.
But, nevertheless, he reluctantly accepts her offer and takes half of the goat, tearing it in half, each having a snack for the day.
"Thanks, Rexy. I owe you one."
Rexy smiled kindly. "You're welcome. Anytime."
Crusher, in the back of his mind, blushed, as he found the female Tyrannosaurus to be, cute. But shook off that thought for now.
He is just now, enjoying the moment.
After they were told that Jurassic Park had, indeed, bred velociraptors, Hammond invited them to see the fully grown ones.
They were kept in a pen separate from all the other dinosaurs, seeing as their nature as ruthless hunters would spell out trouble should they be allowed to interact with any of the others.
As they approached the prison looking structure that was the raptor pen, a terrifying screeching sound permeated the air.
Lily skittered a step back, faltering at the noise. It sounded like a monster had just been loosed.
There was more growling and screeching, which made Lily falter once again.
Ian, whom she had been walking next to, dropped a hand on her shoulder and gave it a comforting squeeze.
The young girl looked up at him with pinched brows and a concerned look.
He smiled and patted her shoulder a couple of times before letting his hand completely drop away.
Grant charges across the Jurassic Park compound, a fire in his eyes, ahead of Dr. Sattler and Dr. Malcolm, with Gennaro close behind.
John Hammond, walking with a amber cane, struggles to keep up.
"Dr. Grant, Dr. Grant? Uh - -we planned to show you the uh, raptors later, after lunch."
But Dr. Grant has stopped abruptly next to the Velociraptor pen, which unfortunately, was the same cage used in the night previous in transporting The Big One in with.
Grant stands right up against the fence, eyes wide, dying for a glimpse.
Hammond eventually catches up with Dr. Grant, as well as the others, slightly out of breath. "Dr. Grant - - as I was saying, we've laid out lunch for you before you head out into the park. Alejandro, our gourmet chef - - "
"What are they doing?" Asked Grant, who looked puzzled, wanting to know what was going on.
As they watch, a giant crane lowers a very large cow into the pen. It's a steer. The poor thing began flailing its legs in the air as it is slowly transferred and safely put into the raptor pen.
"Feeding them." Hammond added.
Grant continues to stare at the helpless cow still flailing in the air.
"Alejandro is preparing a delightful meal for us. A- uh, Chilean sea bass, I believe. Shall we?"
Before Hammond could say anything else-
Grant goes up to the viewing deck. The others follow behind him, staring as the cow slowly descends and disappears into the shroud of foliage. The line from the crane hangs for a moment.
Then silence fell in the jungle.
They all stare at the motionless crane line.
It was very quiet for a brief moment.
Suddenly, like a fish that caught the bait on a fishing pole finally getting a nibble, a moment of silence fell- - - - and then, a frenzy followed shortly after.
The line jerks every direction, the jungle plants sway and rustles from some frantic activity within, there is a cacophony of aggressive, violent growling, of wet crunches and flesh being torn, the cow bellows in agony in the pen, as the cow is literally being torn to pieces.
The line jerks a few times, then silence again fell.
"Fascinating animals that have been extinct for millions of years before man ever existed. Very fascinating." Hammond commented.
"Oh, my God. Oh, dear." Ellie murmured quietly as the raptors inside had just finished off the cow.
Grant stared in awe.
"Give time, they'll out draw the T-rex. Guarantee it." Hammond answered.
"I want to see them." Said a curious Dr. Grant. "Can we get closer?"
"Alan, these aren't bones anymore." Sattler pointed out.
"We're - - still perfecting a viewing system. The raptors seem to be a bit resistant to integration into a park setting." Hammond replied.
Seconds later, they heard a voice from behind them.
"They should all be destroyed."
It was Robert Muldoon, a game warden from Kenya, who approaches the group, and a young teenage male, about high school age, turning 15, who was a volunteer for the park's game warden.
Alan Grant immediately introduces himself, shaking hands with the animal game warden, then to the boy.
"What's their growth spurt? What kind of metabolism do they have? What's their growth rate?" Grant asked.
Lily watched the conversation occurring between her father and Muldoon, she quietly took note of the dangers and risks of dealing with dangerous animals 65 million years extinct.
They're lethal at eight months. And I do mean- lethal. I've hunted most things that can hunt you, but the way these things move - -
"Fast for biped?" Grant asked again.
The game warden replies back.
"Cheetah speed. Fifty, sixty miles per hour if they ever get out in the open. And they're astonishing jumpers."
"Do they show intelligence? With the brain cavity like theirs, we assumed-"
Muldoon replies to Grant's question again.
"They show extreme intelligence, even problem solving. Especially the Big One. We bred eight originally, but when she came in, she took over the pride and killed all but two of the others. That one - -see, when she looks at you, you can see she's working things out. That's the reason why we have to feed 'em like this. She had them all attacking the fences when the feeders came."
"But the fences are electrified though right?" Asked Dr. Sattler.
Muldoon calmly answers.
"Correct, that's right. See here, but they never attack the same place twice. They were testing the fences for weaknesses. Systematically." Muldoon concludes.
"They remembered."
And Anthony answered, breaking the silence. "Remember, Mr. Hammond, don't expect the dinosaurs to not act on their instincts because they could easily turn on you and eat you if they wanted to. With these animals, it's all about respect for the other."
Hammond, of course, ignored it like a naive dumb fool, but he'll learn it eventually.
Grant was astonished that even the young boy, who looks to be about 14 or 15, has at least a bit of awareness and seriousness in dealing with dangerous animals, whether extinct or living.
Everyone turned around to see- - - that
the crane was raised up, to reveal a messy spangle of guts all over the place.
"All right. Who's hungry?" Hammond asked, enthusiastically.
Back at the Visitor's Center- -
There is a large buffet table and two waiters, heading over, to serve them with food. The room is darkened and Hammond is showing slides of various scenes all around them.
Hammond's own recorded voice describes current and future potential features of the park while the slides flash artists' renderings of all of the features and attractions.
The real Hammond turns and later, speaks over the narration.
"None of these attractions have been finished yet. The park will open with the basic tour you're about to take, and then other rides will come online after six or twelve months. Absolutely spectacular designs. Spared no expense."
Gennaro then speaks as soon as his plate was put on the table, with a giddy smile on his face.
"And we can charge anything we want! Two thousand a day, ten thousand a day - - people will pay it! And then there's the merchandising - -"
"Oh, dear." Tony sighed, exaggerating.
"History repeats itself and if refusing to learn from past mistakes, you could end up repeating them. And you act so power hungry that you care about money to the extreme. And there would be a 'spared an expense'." Tony pointed out.
Malcolm chuckled silently, knowing at least he had some humility.
Exceptions to the rule.
Though Anthony chuckles back as well, then resumes eating his plate of food.
Hammond interrupted. "Donald, Donald. This park's not built to cater only to the super rich. Everyone in the world has the right to enjoy these animals."
"Sure they will. We- We'll have a, coupon day or something." Gennaro chuckles.
Ian Malcolm, who was been watching the screens with outright contempt and disgust, snorts sarcastically, as if he's finally had enough.
He finally speaks.
"The lack of humility before nature that's been displayed here...staggers me. "
They all turn and look at him.
"Thank you, Dr. Malcolm, but I think things are a little different than you and I feared."
Gennaro replied, skeptically.
"Yeah, I know. They're a lot worse." Sneered Malcolm.
"Now, wait a second, we haven't even see the park yet. Let's just hold out concerns until - - The theories that all simple systems have complex behavior, that animals in a zoo environment will eventually begin to behave in an unpredictable fashion have nothing to do with that evaluation. This is not some existential furlough, Dr. Malcolm, this is an on-site inspection. You are a doctor. Do your job. You are invalidating your own assessment. I'm sorry, John - -"
Gennaro reprimanded, and apologized to Hammond.
Hammond, however, shushed a complaining Gennaro and let the chaotician a chance to speak.
"Alright Donald, alright, but just let him talk. I want to hear all viewpoints. I truly do."
Malcolm replied, "Don't you ever, see the danger of what you're doing here, John, inherent? And uh, that genetic power is the most awesome force ever seen on this planet. But you wield it like a kid who's found his dad's gun."
Gennaro, stunned at Malcolm's blunt response, then tries to speak. "It's hardly appropriate to start hurling generalizations."
Malcolm pointed a finger to shut him up while he began to speak again.
"Excuse me, excuse me, um, if I may. Um, I'll tell you the problem with the scientific power that you're using here. Uh, it didn't require any discipline to attain it. You read what others had done and you took the next step. You didn't earn the knowledge yourselves, so you don't take the responsibility for it. You stood on the shoulders of geniuses, uh, to accomplish something as fast as you could, and before you knew what you had, you patented it, packaged it, slapped in on a plastic lunch box, and now you want to sell it."
Malcolm then bangs the table to prove a point, amplifying the problem, despite Hammond being naive to refuse to take the warnings seriously.
"I don't think you're giving us our due credit. Our scientists have done things which nobody's ever done before."
Malcolm sighs, then retorts back with a response of his own.
"Yeah, yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should. Tony, however, did think of it, twice. And he knew the consequences of working and dealing with animals that have 65 million years of natural instincts ingrained in them. He tried to warn you of the consequences, but you wouldn't hear any of it. Until it will end up being too late and you'll finally take the warnings seriously."
Malcolm then replies again.
"Science can create pesticides, but it can't tell us not to use them. Science can make a nuclear reactor, but it can't tell us not to build it! Actions have consequences, whether we like it or don't."
"But this is nature! Why not give an extinct species a second chance?! I mean, Condors. Condors are on the verge of extinction - - if I'd created a flock of them on the island, you wouldn't be saying any of this!" Hammond added, exaggerating.
"Now hold on, hold on. This isn't a species that has been obliterated by uh, deforestation, or the building of a dam. Dinosaurs, uh, had their shot, and nature selected them for extinction."
But however, Hammond wouldn't hear any of it.
Then later, a voice interrupted them.
"Mr. Hammond, I would suggest you heed the warnings, and that the folly of man is to think he's in control, but really, man is not."
Anthony, a young teenage male, about high school age, 14 to 15 years, interjected the conversation for a little while, just gulping down the bits of fish in his mouth.
-Clears throat- -
"These animals have been around millions of years before man ever existed. If the warnings aren't taken seriously, they're gonna be here after we're gone. Remember, the genie is out of the bottle, and you cannot put it back in the box."
Hammond again tries to ignore it, but then Malcolm just stares as he tries to come up with a naive, amateurish comeback.
"I don't understand this Luddite attitude, especially from a scientist. I mean, how could we stand in the light of discovery, and not act?"
Malcolm finally answers, concluding his sentence.
"What's so great about discovery? It's a violent,penetrative act that scars what it explores. What you call discovery, I, uh, call the rape of the natural world."
Hammond turns to Sattler, same with Gennaro.
Sattler starts to speak.
"The question is - - how much can you know about an extinct ecosystem, and therefore, how could you assume that you can possibly control it? You have plants right here in this building, for example, that are poisonous. You picked them because they look good, or pretty, but these are aggressive living things that have no idea what century they're living in, and will defend themselves. Violently, if necessary."
Exasperated, Hammond turns to Dr. Grant, who looked speechless, and numb of what he had heard, from everyone, even the teenage boy that had randomly showed up out of the blue.
"Dr. Grant. If there is one person here, who could appreciate what I'm trying to do."
Grant begins to say what was on his mind, grasping the information he just witnessed.
"Well, I feel - - elated and - - frightened uh, whats was I trying to say? Oh, here it is. The world has just changed so radically. We're all running to catch up. I don't want to jump to any conclusions, but look..."
Grant clears his throat.
"Like what Sattler, Malcolm and the boy Anthony had said, dinosaurs and man, two species separated by 65 million years of evolution have just been suddenly thrown back into the mix together- I mean, how can we possibly have the idea of what to expect?"
Grant answered, finishing his statement.
Hammond then turns to Grant's daughter.
"Look, all I have to say is, while this is amazing and all, my dad's point was, is that dinosaurs living in a world they don't belong in anymore since their extinction in the Cretaceous Period. They were the dominant rulers of their time, millions of years before us. Even with all the electric fences, eventually, something's going to go wrong, like the power going off, dinosaurs breaking loose and put in the open. And if we're not careful, they're gonna be here after us." Lily answered honestly and realistically.
Hammond looked in disbelief.
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