《Jurassic Park: Altered LOST World: Origins /Rexy And Crusher's Love Story》T-Rex Breakout/Gennaro's & Nedry's Demise
As soon as Dr. Grant and everyone else except Dr. Sattler, who stayed behind to check and look after the sick Triceratops, left to return to their cars, the tropical storm hit, battering the coast of Isla Nublar roughly, with winds up to 59 to 65 miles per hour, the tour cars making their way back the way they came, Dennis Nedry, however, decided to leave and steal some dinosaur embryos.
It was then, before Tim could make any excited inquiries, that the car came to a gentle stop.
Gennaro raised his hands away from the covered steering wheel, as though he was worried he had done something to stop the remotely controlled vehicle.
"Why did we stop?" Lex asked. She leaned forward to peer into the front seat, eyes locked on the interactive screen in the dash. It had gone dark.
"I don't know..." Gennaro trailed off. He reached for the radio used to call back to the control room and tried to get in contact with Hammond. "Hello?" A hiss of static was his reply. "Can anyone hear me?"
The next few minutes were comprised of trying to figure out how to fix the radio.
When it became clear that the storm had likely knocked out communications, and that it was probably also to blame for their sudden stop.
Alan had swung by to check in, informing the lawyer that their radio was out, as well.
The exchange was short and informative, and it wasn't long before his blue shirted back was disappearing into the rain streaked night.
Lily, who was seated on the far right of the backseat, peered through the window and into the darkness.
They had stalled right outside the T-Rex paddock, and their car was once again perfectly lined up for them to see the goat.
It was bleating and drenched in rain, but otherwise seemed unperturbed by the flashing lightning and crashing thunder.
Lily turned her attention up towards the sky, watching as the sudden flashes of light silhouetted the electric fence against the stormy clouds.
Her brows suddenly pinched together as she noticed a lack of twinkling orange lights.
"Hey... weren't the lights on the fence flashing earlier?" she asked, flattening her cheek against the window.
"They probably rerouted the power to somewhere more important," Gennaro reasoned in a mildly exasperated sigh. "Like getting the cars to move again..."
Tim climbed into the front seat and then disappeared as he ducked down in front of the passenger seat, rummaging around beneath it.
Lex began to fan herself with the hat, as the last refreshing breath of the air conditioning began to fade away.
Lily leaned her head back and stared up through the fiberglass that made up most of the roof.
The rain that was coming down was heavy and splattered loudly when it hit solid surfaces.
It was the kind of storm you didn't want to be caught out in, for fear of getting absolutely soaked.
It was also the type of storm that made you feel cozy.
The car might have been quiet, as conversation stalled, but the pattering rain was a comforting sound.
Lily shut her eyes and just listened as the music of the rain blended with the crashing of the thunder.
Unfortunately, the power went off, causing the cars to come to a complete stop, right outside the Tyrannosaurus enclosure.
Little did they know, that someone turned off the power merely for smuggling off dinosaur embryos that were stolen.
With what seems to be conversing over if the radio in the first car was also off, he ran back to his car and shut the door during a tropical storm that hit Isla Nublar, which cut the tour short.
At which they were stuck... next to the enclosure holding not one T-Rex, but two..
Dr. Alan Grant:
Their radio's out, too. Gennaro said to stay put.
Dr. Ian Malcolm:
The kids okay?
I didn't ask. Why wouldn't they be?
Kids get scared.
What else's to be scared of? It's just a little hiccup in the power. I didn't say I was scared. I didn't say you were scared.
I know.
Dr. Grant then turns to the boy behind him and begins asking him.
"So, you randomly popped out of nowhere, or somewhat- - warned Hammond of the consequences this could do to the environment if dinosaurs continue to spread around the world. Correct?"
Anthony nods 'yes.'
Following later, the ground shook...
THUMP! THUMP! And another THUMP!
And then it felt quiet. For a few seconds.
Before Grant could say anything else, the ground shook again.
And again...
"Dr. Grant, do you feel that?" the boy paused, eyeing the window with the rain continuing to pour down.
"What?" Dr. Grant asks, skeptically.
Dr. Malcolm also felt the same noise from earlier.
"Uh, Dr. Grant. It's a um, impact tremor, it's what it is." Malcolm replied, rhetorically.
Grant nodded. "It definitely means something big and dangerous is nearby. I believe that whatever dinosaur made those tremors was the T-Rex."
In the first car,- -
She was startled out of this restful state fairly quickly, though, as Tim loudly shouted 'boo' from the passenger's seat.
A gasp ripped its way from Lily's throat and she jumped; Lex's reaction mimicked hers.
The thrumming of Lily's startled heart could be felt unpleasantly in her throat.
Even Gennaro turned around to see what the commotion was, while the rain outside continues pouring down.
Tim Murphy: Boo!
(Lex gets startled)
Hey! Where did you find those?
In the box under my seat.
Are they heavy?
Then they're expensive. Put them back.
(Gennaro goes right back to sleep)
Lex, upon after being spooked by her younger brother, smacked him with her cap in annoyance and irritation.
"Don't scare me."
"I'm not amused." Lily grumbled before resting her head.
What Lex and Tim don't know, was that the Tyrannosaurus pair are right near..
As the storm continues pouring down, Rexy continues heading straight towards the fence, after eating the goat, growling menacingly.
Crusher, however, woke up from his slumber, still with a grudge against humans, also got up and planned to break out as well.
While Lex, Tim, and Gennaro wait inside the car as it continued to pour outside, a pissed off bull Tyrannosaurus starts preparing himself to charge at the electric fence, now that the power is off, the ground begins to vibrate, and a loud roar was heard in the distance.
"It is time to free myself of this confinement and rid myself of the ones that brought me here and hopefully return home." Crusher surmised to himself, as he ran straight towards the fence, as Rexy was already there, having cut down the powered down fences with her jaws, and out to the free world, letting out a loud roar, curiously exploring her new territory expansions.
Alan Grant remained frozen as he stares in awe and terror of the large carnivore, circling around his car. Malcolm and the boy also stared at the giant dinosaur standing in front of their car.
"Keep absolutely still. It's vision is based on movement." Said Dr. Grant, to Ian Malcolm, in a low voice.
And as the three of them remained still and quiet, the bull Tyrannosaurus came out bursting from the other side of the fence, destroying it, as he steps into the open, sniffing the air before bellowing loudly, turning his attention to the car with Lex, Tim, and the terrified Gennaro, who responded by running out of the car to try to hide in the bathroom like a scared little bitch, which was a bad idea.
They were also surprised, as how in the world was there a male when all dinosaurs were female? They needed to find that out for themselves.
"Uh, Dr. Grant? How in the world is there a male T-Rex when Dr. Wu says all dinosaurs here in Jurassic Park are female?" Anthony pointed out.
"Oh yeah, Anthony is correct. And look at the male's integumental colors. It's different than the typical male colors for the T-Rex. Normal male T-Rex look more dark or bright green. This one is purple with red stripes from nose to tail. And slightly a little bigger than the female, but about the same size, apparently. The essense of chaos." Dr. Malcolm pointed out.
Dr. Grant nodded in agreement. "Hm, yes. This T-Rex looks different from a normal male. And appears to be uh, about 43 feet long and 15 feet tall. By far, the largest male of his kind. And look at his eyes. His eyes face forward, which means that binocular vision gives it incredible depth perception, which means regardless if you are moving or not, it can still see you. And smell you."
Until they noticed Gennaro running past them and hiding in the bathroom.
"Wow. A serious mistake you made there. Easy prey. Shouldn't he know not to do that with two giant hungry predators about to eat him in one single bite capable of crushing bone?" Crusher thought to himself.
"Wh-where does he think he's going?" Grant asked, doubtfully, trying not to give a slight bit of movement, after noticing Gennaro running away.
"When you gotta go, you gotta go." Malcolm replied back, cooly and quietly, so the Rex doesn't hear him.
As Rexy continued to nudge the car where Alan Grant, Anthony, and Ian Malcolm were in, she took notice of the other Tyrannosaurus who was nudging the other car before ripping the roof of the car, throwing the roof to the direction of where Gennaro is, who opened the door quickly to get inside and hide, shuts the door quickly as the roof of the first car narrowly missed by landing at the door.
Crusher bellowed loudly, signalling his rage towards humanity as he flips the car over, with Rexy also approaching the flipped car roofless.
Anthony, Dr. Grant, and Dr. Malcolm watched helplessly as the dinosaurs continue to tear away at the car.
As the two Tyrannosaurus started tearing the car apart, Lex, Lily, and Tim were inside as they screamed loudly with each car part torn off one by one, Rexy puts her giant foot on top of the car, crushing it as she chomped away at the tires, ripping a chunk of the rubber away as a flash of lightning and thunder as she roared loudly. Crusher did the same.
He also tore apart the bottom of the car with one of the tires apart with such strength and rage, in which he came close to reaching his screaming prey.
That is, until behind them, Dr. Alan Grant lit up a flare, attempting to get their attention after running out of the car and into the rain, waving his flare to get their attention.
Lily knew that it was her father, who had ran out into the rain with that light he was holding.
"Hey!" Shouted Dr. Grant as the two Tyrannosaurus bellowed in his direction, looking at him, but Crusher wasn't so fooled, he just pretended to play along, as his vision is 3 to 4 times better than that of Rexy's, which meant he can see pretty damn well even if the prey item isn't moving.
As Alan Grant waved the flare to the right, then the left, and then throwing it to the right on the other side of the enclosure, Rexy followed to try and find it. Crusher, however, just stood there, staring at the paleontologist, growling with a death stare.
Until when Ian Malcolm runs out with a lit flare of his own, having the female Tyrannosaurus's full attention on him, buying Grant more time to rescue the children. Anthony just watched as the chaotician tried to distract the dinosaur.
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Ian, freeze!
Get the kids! (Rexy bellowing)
Get rid of the flare! (Female T-Rex starts chasing the chaotician)
Get the kids!
Get rid of the flare!
Crusher, bellowed loudly, immediately giving chase towards Malcolm with the flare who starts running away, luring the two Tyrannosaurus after throwing the flare away, but doesn't stop running as he runs straight into the bathroom where Gennaro is hiding.
And once the male and female were distracted, the boy rushed out to help Dr. Grant to get the children out of the car, though he heard the bathroom collapse behind him.
After both T-Rexes burst into the structure of the building, and Malcolm's body sent flying, though fortunately, Ian Malcolm was lucky to survive, Gennaro, however, wasn't so lucky, as he was sitting on the toilet, face to face with not just one Tyrannosaurus... but two..
Gennaro was surprised to see two Tyrannosaurus looking directly at him and wondering what was he.
What is this two legged rodent sitting on that mount looking thing? I wonder what it is.
I don't know, Rexy. Looks like easy prey and he has given away where he was sitting, and so, since I have some bit of a grudge against humans since I was brought here, let's just rid ourselves of him so he doesn't become a problem. You ready for it?
Yes, I'm ready, outsider. More than willing to get rid of him. He's being a nuisance.
As Rexy lunges down, chomping down on Gennaro's body, lifts him up from the toilet while he was screaming, shakes him violently several times, breaking all the bones in his body, then turning her attention to Crusher, who responded by ripping the now dead Gennaro's legs off his body with their combined strength.
With Gennaro disposed of, the two adult Tyrannosaurus returned back, only to see the paleontologist, and the boy from earlier, help in dragging out a blonde girl out of the wrecked car, started screaming loudly as the man with the hat put his hand over her mouth to prevent the situation from getting worse.
"Don't move. They can't see us if we don't move!"
Anthony remained motionless as well, kneeling next to Grant and Tim's older sister.
Rexy's giant foot left an imprint upon the Earth, as she stares at the three humans.
Blowing his hat away with her breath, she nudges the car to see if anyone's there, she knows exactly they are there, but couldn't see them.
Annoyed, she nudges the car again, with Crusher also joining in with eliminating the humans, due to a grudge against them for bringing him to an island he doesn't belong in.
As Anthony, Grant and Lex grabbed into one of the loose wires, they slowly started to make their way down, the car was pushed towards the edge, with Tim Murphy and Lily Grant still inside.
At the last second, Lex finally grabs the other wire, as the car with Tim inside was pushed over the edge of the enclosure, crashing onto a tree. Anthony was on the other side of the enclosure, also grabbing the wire, and jumped out of the way, to avoid the car that crashed into the tree next to them. And heard a loud roar from outside the enclosure.
Feeling satisfied with eliminating the threat, the 2 adult Tyrannosaurus bellowed loudly as the thunder flashed and the rain pouring down relentlessly.
Unfortunately for Nedry, now that the dinosaurs are loose, stupidly attempts to toy with the dinosaur and turning his back to it cost him his life. A Dilophosaurus decided to spray Nedry's face with venom, first time it missed, the second, this time, it hit right directly at his eyes.
As Nedry yells in agony, trying to get the venomous sticky goo out of his eyes, and ran for the car, he then tries to get inside the car, he couldn't see where he was going, and ended up busting himself in the face on the front of his car, falling down, and losing his precious stolen dinosaur embryos to the rain.
Getting into his car, and feeling a sense of relief pass over him, its quickly forfeited when the Dilophosaurus is inside the car next to him, and very, very hungry.
He screams in agony as the dinosaur jumps and mauls the living fuck out of him, the can of dinosaur embryos were covered and buried by the mud, covering up any evidence to the entire ordeal.
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Its my first time writing anything and I dont know how to use punctuation marks so I dont know man . I hope you guys can correct my sentences and I'll edit it to what you guys think is right . This a story of a 18year old guy and his adventure after he died by accident and asked by god to choose 1 item that he wants to take to another world when he is reincarnated.
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