《His Downfall☯︎》Chapter 40


This is gonna be a long ass chapter so buckle up bitches;)


Matteo's pov 

*1 1/2 months later*

I'm going to kill my father and brother, yup today is finally the day that I get rid of the two people who have caused so much stress in my life. 

I woke up to Esme's body on top of mine...what a way to wake up

It has been about 2 weeks since we got back from our trip to Barbados and I honestly miss the island, the country is so beautiful, it felt so surreal to see where my baby grew up and where she use to live. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Esme groaning and shifting slightly, I moved my hand to her back and placed it under her shirt rubbing it slightly, she has been feeling sick for the past few days and I wondered if maybe be she had eaten anything bad when she got back.

She shot up from on me and quickly ran to the bathroom spilling out her guts, I quickly followed behind her and held her hair while rubbing her back.

"Let it out, baby", I cooed at her as she shook slightly, she sniffled as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand leaning on the cabinet. 

"I will stay", I said once I joined her on the ground, she turned her face to me giving me an angry expression which made her look cute but scary at the same time. 

"N-no you will go today, it's a very important day for you teo... I will be fine", she said in a stern voice which left no room for discussion but I wasn't having it. 

"It could wait, you're not feeling well and I don't want to leave you here alone", 

"Ugh, fine how about this...I will invite the girls over and that way I won't be alone while you do your thing", she turned to face me. 

"Okay, good and you will update me every hour and I want you to please call me if you are feeling worse.. please", I gave her puppy eyes, which she laughed at and I sure my heart jumped. 

"Promise", she held out her pinky and I put mine on hers

"Promise", and brought out hands to my lips kissing her finger. 

"I will go make you breakfast because you have to eat, understood", she only nodding and I helped her get up from the grown.

"Now, go shower you stink", I said and bolted out the door not before I heard a gasp and inaudible shouting. 

I'm a dead man walking.

20 minutes later, I heard Esme come down the stairs, I turned my head slightly while cooking the eggs, she wore a dark blue sundress which had a corset top, they pushed up her boobs and I swallowed hard turning back to the stove. 

Clearing my throat I plated her food and slide it across the island and it landed right infront of her,


"Come feed me", she said, I walked over to a bar stool and got on, I grabbed her waist and lifted her on my lap, she opened her mouth expectantly and I was so tempted to shove my fingers in her mouth or something else. 

"Stop looking at me like that..you horny lil boy", she pushed my head to the side, sliding from off my lap.

"Where are you going", I asked trying not to pout. 

"To the Tv room, thanks for the breakfast, cupcake", she winked at me, shifting her her eyes to my lap and walked away, only then did I notice my hard on...damn.


( TW: torture and blood and more)

I pulled up to the warehouse on the outside of town, taking in a deep breath I opened the door to the building, My face remained emotionless as I walked pass the men that were lingering in the hallway. 

Walking down the stairs to the basement, I finally stopped at the door that held behind it the men who caused so much trouble in my life.


Pushing open the door, I spotted Enzo sitting down in the chair facing them, he turned to look at me, he smirked and got up to go stand in the corner lighting his blunt. 

"Ciao", I said to my brother and father as I sat down infront of them crossing my hands, my brother looked scared but my dad, he held no emotion.

Shaking my head I pulled out my phone looking down to see messages from Esme, 

Hazel<3 - the girls just arrived thought I should tell you..

Hazel<3 - we are gonna watch a move and eat all of your food;)

Hazel<3 - I found a gun in the fridge care to explain sir..

Hazel<3 - okay, bye now.... I love you, break a leg.. literally

I chuckled slightly and responded with 'I love you' and closed my phone, tucking it into my pocket, when I looked up my brother had a smirk on his face. 

"I think I'm pregnant..", and that was followed by silence and someone choking, 

"Bitch what!", Lotte was the first one to break the silence which was followed by other shouts. 

"What exactly do you mean by pregnant", Rin asked

"I mean as in I might have a human growing inside of me, from Matteo's big di-", I was cut off by a gaging noise which came from me as someone had shoved ice cream into my mouth....again

"Ewww I don't wanna hear about your sex life with him", Cleo said, while gaging

"Not my fault you haven't gotten it in while", I smiled sweetly at her blowing a kiss. She only rolled her eyes and flipped me the finger.

"But serious guys I think I am",

"Did you take a test?", asked Kaylee, I shook my head no

"Okay, I will go get the test and the pizza", Rin said as she walked to the door and got her keys, we all said goodbye and she left. 


"What am I going to do?", I asked them starting to get worried.

"What if he doesn't want the baby, what if he says to abort it or he'll leaving me...omg what I--", 

"shhhh, omg stop with the what if, that man is so in love with you it is disgusting, he would literally do anything for you, that man would be so happy that you are carrying his godamn child, so shut up and pee on the damn stick when Rin gets back", Cleo said as she looked at me. 

Taking a deep breath I calmed down my nerves and laid back in the chair

*few minutes later*

"okay I have the goods", Rin shouted as she walked back into the house throwing the pregnancy test at me, as she sat the pizza down I got a whiff of it and I instantly felt sick...no no no

I started to gag as I felt like wanted to throw up, tears started to run down my face as I made it to the bathroom leaning over the toilet, I calmed down a bit and thankfully did not throw up but I continued to cry on the floor, the girls rushed in and looked at my weirdly. 

"Why are you crying, Es", Kaylee asked me, 

"The smell of the pizza made me feel sick and and- I want pizza, oh no I can't eat it omg omfgggggg", I wailed and hiccupped as I leaned on the wall,

I heard laughing in front of me and looked up to find my friends laughing at me, I cried harder...after a few minutes I finally got up and peed on the stick, 

While waiting I started to cry again at the fact that I might actually be pregnant and that I can't stand the smell of pizza. 

The timer rung and I looked at the pregnancy test on the counter, seeing the result I really did throw up..

I punched my brother Elio in the face, "I bet she is good bro, don't gotta hide her from me bro..lemme get a turn", he gave me a bloodily smile, I punched him again and took out the dagger from my thigh slitting his arms as he screamed.

I threw some bleach on him as I watched him shake and beg for me to stop, but I continued to slash his skin and pour bleach on it . He finally passed out after the 4th round of bleach but I made sure he was still breathing. 

Turning to my 'father' I found that he now held a shocked expression , I looked at him and walked towards him while he tired to move away but he had no where to go, 

"Dai, perché stai correndo adesso?", (Come on, why are you running now?)

He only shook his head and proceeded to struggle, "Fermare!!!", I shouted and he halted all movements. (Stop)

I pulled out the hammer and nails from the table and started to nail them into his skin, he screamed and begged and it was really starting to irritate me so threw the hammer in the corner and picked up the drill. 

I turned on the drill and continued to work on my DIY project, after a while I stepped away from my father's body and smiled at my master piece.

"Don't you think we need some glitter or something?", I asked Enzo as he stood up behind me. He nodded his head in agreement and pulled out a container of glitter out of his pocket.

"I'm not even gonna ask", I shook my head and smiled, we watched as my brother regained consciousness and looked at our father, 

"You are sick", he spat at me, his eyes blazed with anger as I laughed, 

"Yay, I know", I smiled at him and flicked my lighter looking at them both, 

"Say hey to Sally for me", I threw the lighter in the air, once it reached the ground the room lit up as it started to travel to the bodies of my brother and father, they screamed and screamed as I walked out the door locking it.

all in a days work


Reaching home I realized that most of the lights were off in the house and it was quiet and eerie, I put down my keys and kicked off my shoes, taking off my jacket I walked up the stairs to our bedroom hearing the shower running.

Taking off the remainder of my clothes I sat on the end of the bed and waited for Esme to come out, a while later the water stopped and the bathroom door opened, at first she looked scared but then relaxed seeing it was me but she tensed up again and her eyes darted to the side table. 

She slowly crept to the table avoiding all contact with me, 

"Why are you being so weird?", I raised an eyebrow at her as she struggled to open the draw without me seeing what she was taking out, taking out what she needed she held it behind her back, 

I slowly raised from my seat and walked over to her she basically pushed her self further away from me, 

"Esme...what are you head bella..", I asked once I stood infront of her, she looked anywhere but me, she was shaking slightly, 

"Baby, are you okay?, why are you shaking?", I asked reaching to grab her waist but she pulled back.

she opened her mouth to say something but closed it, then without warning she threw something at me and darted out the bedroom running into one of the guest rooms. 

Leaving me shocked and confused...


OMGGGGG, yall made it to the end of the story...


I just wanna say thank you for all the love and interaction I really enjoyed reading your comments

Don't be sad just yet tho, we still have the epilogue to come and some bonus chapters too:)

Okay guys that's all for now, the new book has been posted and already has the first Chapter so go check it out.

Love yall

Don't forget to Vote and Comment, later peeps *Mauh*

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