《His Downfall☯︎》Epilogue



Esme's Pov

*3 years later*

I felt the bed shaking as started to wake up from my peaceful slumber, I peeked through one eye to see my 2 year old daughter jumping on the bed.

"ella...", I whispered as I rubbed the sleep out my eyes. She squealed as she jumped off the bed and ran out the room to god knows where,

"Fucking child", I heard someone whisper from next to me, looking on the bed I saw Matteo with his face stuffed into the pillow,

"Yes, your child", I rolled on top of him as he let out a 'oof', I slapped his back playfully as I straddled him,

"Happy birthday, my love", I leaned down to kiss his bare back and up to his ear. He groaned in the pillow and I knew he had a hard one, I jumped out the bed before he could turn around and pin me to the bed.

"Tease", I heard him shout as I ran out the bedroom laughing manically, on the way to the kitchen I stopped and looked out the window by the stairs.

ahhh Italy, I could never get old of this country..

You heard that correctly, we Matteo and I live in Italy with our daughter after we got married 1 year ago, he's still in the mafia and I work for them occasionally but my real job is being the owner of a multi million dollar accounting company, ya girls making moneyyyyyyyyyyy

Enough about me, let's talk about the gang, Enzo and Lottie also got married and have a mini them, his name is Roman and he is so cute, I adore the little trouble maker. They have also moved to Italy with us but thankfully don't live us.

Rin and Ethan are married as well and are expecting a baby girl, ugghhh I can't wait to spoil my little niece I'm going to be the rich single auntie expect I'm married..., they moved to England and have a big ass farm.

Cleo is well Cleo, I'm kidding she is married to the super hot model, don't tell Matteo, but for real Elena is such a gorgeous woman, they now live in England as well but not on a farm, never on a farm I think Cleo would probably die.


And last but definitely not least is Kayliee, who...*drum roll*, is married to Matteo's sister, yes you heard me correctly, she is married to Isabelle, god I love that woman, she and I have become closer over the past few years, same with Evelynn and Matteo's mom.

Now that your all up to date with the gang let's go make some breakfast,

Walking into the kitchen I spot flour on the ground and I knew I was about to blow, I carefully walked around the island to see my daughter sitting in a pool of flour and eggs.


"Ella, can you please come to mommy", I pleaded with the little devil, she looked up at me with her cute face and scrunched up her nose

"Mama, no", she pouted and took up a handful of flour throwing it into my face,

"Donatella Daniella Ivy De Santis", I gritted out, in a flash she got up and ran away call for her father.


"Come in, Come in", I said as my family walked through the front door.

"Ahh I love the rich", my dad said as he made himself comfortable on the sofa of the main living room, I just rolled my eyes and continued with preparing dinner,

"Hey miss lady", Enola said as she come up next to me,

"Hey, to you", I said and we continued our conversation from there.

10 mins later we were all sat at the dinner table, the De Santis, Barrows and other surnames that are just to much,

We sat there for about and 1 hour after eating just talking, until we moved the party to the back yard, we sat under the gazebo just chatting and drinking, well they were drinking wine I was drink water *wink*

"Okay time to sing happy birthday", I ran inside and brought out the double cholate cake that was Matteo's favorite,

After placing the candles in the cake, luckily the wind wasn't to high to blow them out, I pulled Matteo to the table as we all gathered around,

"On the count of three, 1....2..3 "

"Buon compleann-Happy birthday......", a mixture of the both the Italian version and English version were song poorly, Matteo blew out the candles and we all cheered.


"Happy birthday, my love....I love you so much", I said as I leaned and kissed him,

"Thank you, Hazel, I love you more", he said in between kisses, I wrapped my arms around his neck until we were cut off by a cough.

We slowly pulled away and faced the persons watching us, I cleared my throat and patted down my dress,

"Right, who want's cake".


It's now after 11pm and the guest are gone, Matteo is putting Ella to sleep which I was thankful for, it gave me time to clean up the mess downstairs and get ready for the surprise I have planned for him, making my way up the stairs I peeped in Ella's bedroom and saw that Matteo was still in there.

"Again, papa", Ella whispered sleepily,

"Are you sure, baby", he asked as he watched her eyes close, she shot up and nodding her head, I barely contained my laugh as I heard Matteo sigh and start over the story.

I made my way into our bedroom and took the box out of the side table, I sat on the bed and just stared up in the roof, occasionally looking at my self in ceiling mirror,

A few minutes later Matteo walked into the door closing it behind him,

"What is wrong with that child, she is sleepy but she doesn't want to sleep and I have told her over and over that she will not miss anything if she is a sleep, like what does she think is going to happen...paw patrol is going to release another episode without her, what Esme....WHAT!!",

I just watched as he rambled on and on about our child not wanting to go to sleep, I let out a little laugh which made him stop in the middle of his rant,

"You think this is funny, huh", he asked as he walked closer to me at a slow rate, I shifted back on the bed as he got closer. I shook my head no

"Come here", he grabbed my ankles and dragged me to end of the bed, he placed kiss all over my face while he tickled my side making me laugh, he finally kisses me on the lips and we fight for dominance, he brought his hand to my neck and squeezed it slightly,

I pulled away from the kiss in daze and he looked the same,

"I have a gift for you, and I know it's a bit late but I have some reall-"

"You're pregnant", he said bluntly, I was too stunned to speak and just nodded,

"How the fu-"

"You didn't drink tonight and you usually don't waste a chance to drink with people"

"Hey, that's not tru-", he gave me a look and my cheeks got warm,

"Okay, maybe it's true but still...."

"I just know amore, I know your body, every*kiss* part *kiss* of *kiss* it *kiss*", he spoke barely above a whisper, I looked in his eyes and I knew what was about to happen,

"I love you my big baby", I kissed him on his cheek as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"I love you, my crazy wife", before I could react he silenced me with a kiss, I laughed into it as we wrestled on the bed

"You are on thin ice mister, thin ice", I squealed as he hungry pulled my shirt off,

God, I love this man..

God, I love this woman...

My girl..

My wife...

My hazel....

My Downfall.........



and that is the epilogue of His downfall, I just want to say congratulations to those of you made it this far and for sticking with this book and it's errors and sticking with me as the author and my shitty updating schedule

I love you all and I couldn't be more thankful for every single one of you❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Seeing as the book has some errors, I would like to take it down for a day or two to edit it to the best of my abilities, so you have until Sunday December 19th with the book but it will be up again on Wednesday December 22nd, with hopeful a bonus chapter;)

I hope you all enjoyed this book and I will hopefully see you in my other books

Today is my last day of school, how about yall?

How way your day?

Bye bye my beautiful people see you soon!!!!


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