《His Downfall☯︎》Chapter 39


Esme pov

*1 week later*

It has been a lovely but stressful week in Barbados, the stressful part being Enzo's bitch ass complaining about how hot it is.

I mean yeah we did come during the summer and it's probably one of the hottest summer's I've ever experienced but you don't hear me complaining.

Anyway back on topic, today is Crop over and for you uncultured souls out there...

Crop over is 'a traditional which began in , having had its early beginnings on the sugar cane plantations during slavery', or at least that's what Wikipedia says.

I've grown up knowing it as basically a big up day time fete that symbolizes the ending of harvest.

Today the girls and I are taking Enzo, Matteo and unfortunately Ethan to jump in a band at Crop over and yes I mean the costumes and all, this year we are jumping in Zulu.

"Are you ready?", Kaylee shouted at me from the front door of the hotel room.

"Yes!!!, omg I coming man", I sighed as I put on the finishing touches of my costume.

*see picture above*

As I walked out of the bedroom door I felt a harsh slap to my ass, I jumped surprised at the contact, looking back I saw Rin behind me looking me up and down.

"omg, bitch you nearly made me shat my pants." I breathed out a relived breath,

"Damn shawty, what you doing here with all that ass, double cheeked up on a ...what day is it"


"...Friday morning, hella ass", we busted out laughing as we made out way to the door to meet the rest of the girls.

"Damn, I got some sexy ass friends", Lottie said as she looked at all of us.

"Omg, stawwwpp were gonna be late", I said as I looked down at the time.

"ohhh, I wonder whose fault is that", Kaylee said as she walked down the pathway which led to the parking lot where the boys were waiting on us.

I scoffed and walked after her to go see how yummy my mans looked in his costume. Making my way to the black SUV, I quickly opened the door before Matteo could look up and see me, I roughly opened the car door which startled Matteo and he dropped his phone onto his face,


I busted out laughing as he groaned rubbing his nose, feeling bad I got into the car closing the door behind me, I straddled Matteo's lap pulling his hands away so I could replace them with mine.

I felt Matteo's eyes roam my face as his hands made their way from my waist to rub circles around my thighs and then back up to my waist again, removing my hands from his face I slowly trailed them along his bare chest down to his lower stomach, counting the abs on the way.


"Mmmmm, you look so good, bambina (baby)", he spoke huskily in my ear, nibbling a bit.

I moaned softly as he caressed my ass, grinding into me, he placed his lips onto my neck kissing softly as I continued to moan.

He suddenly stopped, pulling away from me as I pouted. he only kissed my pout and rubbed my back.

"Why did you stop?"

"Because baby....it's punishment", he said as he looked directly into my eyes.

"Punishment for what?"

"For wearing this sexy as costume, making me hard as fuck, making me wanna fuck you so that you won't be able to walk for a very.long.time.", he gripped my neck harder and harder bring my face closer to his.

"Now be a good girl and get out the car", he pecked me on the lips before releasing my neck, I quickly got up and opened the door realizing we had reach out destination.

Matteo came out a few seconds after me, he stood behind me gripping my ass in his hands as he leaned to my ear.

"Behave", he released me and walked over to Enzo.



"Ben ova and tek this wuk" the girls and I screamed as we started to wuk up to the music.

I started to shake my ass in a circle while controlling my waistline at the same time.

"sink ya back and tek this wuk", I felt someone come up behind hind me and gripped my hips jucking me down.


"AY AY AY AYA AY AYA AY", I heard the people around us cheer.

I moved with the person, knowing exactly who it was. I pushed back harder on Matteo's groin and made sure to feel his hard on between my ass. The song changed and I rose up.

Turning to face a flustered Matteo, I chuckled,

"White boy got moves", I smiled and winked at him as I joined the girls who were further infornt of us.

(white chocolate....if ykyk)

"Who taught that boy how to move", Cleo asked me as I joined them.

"Miss girl I don't even know but I wanna thank them, that's all I gotta say"

I felt someone's eyes on me and they made me feel very unconformable, I looked around until I made eye contact with a familiar pair of brown eyes.

"You got to be rasshole kidding me ", I stupes, the girls looked at me with confusion writing all over their faces.

"What?', Kaylee asked

"Jayden is here...and he staring at me", whispered and watched as their reaction changed from confused to annoyed.

"Can't this lil boy just fuck off already", Lottie stressed

Little back story, Jayden is a guy I went to school with me who always tried to touch me up and he wanted to date me but obviously I said no and no but this guy is just so persistent.

"Oh no he is walking this way", the girls started to freak out but I calmed them down, we walked over to the guys, well tried but I was stopped by a body crashing into me and hands on my waist trying to steady me.

I quickly moved out of the person's arms taking a much need step back. I looked over the persons shoulder at Matteo who looked slightly pissed as he stared at Jayden's back.


"Hey, Esme ", I looked up to face Jayden Black.

"What", I asked feeling uncomfortable under his stare but he clearly didn't notice.

"Ahhh still feisty as ever, I just wanna say you look sexy as fuck and I wanted to get your num-", Jayden was thankfully cut off by Matteo calling my name

"Esme!", he shouted,

"I have been looking for you everywhere...who is this", he asked as he wrapped a hand around my waist possessively.

"This is Jayden, Jayden this is my fiancé Matteo", I gripped onto Matteo's torso as I introduced them...making sure to add fiancé because that's not to far from the turth.

I saw Jayden trying to look for a ring and I pulled my hand from Matteo showing him the promise ring Matteo got me 3 days ago.

"ohh, damn my bad man..I didn't know she belonged to you", he raised his hands in surrender, I was about to say something but Matteo beat me to it.

"She doesn't belong to me, she isn't a piece of land that you buy dickhead, she's human being she is my equal, why don't you fuck off before I fuck up your face more than it is, faccia di cazzo (fuckface)." he grabbed my hand and we walked away.

"I thought I told you to behave", Matteo said while he held my face in his hands, I pouted and did my best puppy face, which he only groaned and leaned into my ear.

"You just wait til later", he whispered and walked back over to Enzo who was a few feet from us.

Let's just say we got a lot of noise complaints that night.




What's good???

Writing people wukking up is so hard, I am so sorry if it is bad I tried.

Just one more chapter to go then the epilogue.


yay yay, i am bring out a new book on Monday and the first chapter will be posted, soo stay tuned on that.

How was your day?

What did you do today?

Bye bye....love youuu

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