《His Downfall☯︎》Chapter 26


Esme pov

I wish I had white people hair sometimes, like having black people hair is stressful at times,

Honestly why does it have to take me about 2 hours just to wash my hair, like I love my hair so much but my god can you be considerate sometimes,

I've been to the point where I cried and contemplated going bald just because my hair wouldn't cooperate,

Right now I'm in the shower washing my hair, I usually wash it every two weeks but I've been neglecting it, now its really crusty and dry, it still smells good but it's time for washing

My music has been playing for the last hour while I wash my hair,

I can't wash my hair in silence people who that are psychopaths,

Squeezing my conditioner in my hand I massaged it into my scalp, taking my wide tooth comb I started to detangle my hair from the ends upwards so I would yank my hair out.

Suddenly my music stopped playing and my ringtone was heard through the speakers,

Who tf is calling me at a time like this...

Harshly sighing I stepped out the shower to grab my phone, I couldn't tell who was calling me because I didn't have in my contacts.


"Woww, why so hostile darling", Matteo's annoyingly deep voice rung through the speakers,

"You are kind of interrupting me, so talk fast" I rushed out,

"Why haven't you been answering my text, did I do something", he asked softly.

"No, I just busy rn, ill have call you back in an hour, okay goodbye", I hung up the phone before he could ask my something again,

I really need to stop that though, one of these days he's going to strangle my black ass,

Shrugging I put my phone on DND, stepping into the shower I continued with my hair.


About 15 minutes later my bathroom door was roughly opened and my shower curtain was pulled open, screaming I threw a bottle at the intruder,

"Fuck", the person said.

"Esme you really need to stop that...shit man", Matteo held his head,

"Well maybe you should stop scaring me and what are you even doing here",

"I missed you woman...damn"

I pulled his hands away from his head and he looked up at me, he then slowly dragged his eyes down my body, and then realized I was naked.

"Prev", I pushed his head away,

"I'm not a prev if I'm looking at what's mine", he smirked still raking his eyes down my body, he stepped into the shower and that's when I realized he still had his clothes on, a white shirt and grey sweats, simple but sexy.

"You are interrupting me", I finally looked into his eyes after surveying him and his eyes swarmed with lust,

"Let me help you", he said softly,

White boy say what.....

He chuckled, I didn't mean to say that out loud,

"okay" Is all I could come up with, he took off all of his clothes....all

I turned my back to him so he has access of my hair, all that was left to do was to detangle a small part and rinse,

"You know how to comb hair right?" I joked,

He took a part of my hair and started to comb through it softly making sure not to hurt my head,

After combing the section, he turned on the water and started to rinse my hair, massaging my scalp.

He placed a soft kiss on my shoulder which made my shutter at the thought of his mouth on my skin,

His hands felt heavenly in my hair, he was whisper something to himself that I couldn't quite get.


Turning off the water he helped me to step out, he got us some towel while I rapped my hair in a T-shirt, he stared at me through the mirror with what lokked like admiration and love, I felt like I would explode in my body.....

Awww he so handsome.... I love him.... Love......

Yay, love, I do love him, he makes me happy, and I feel safe with him...

I smiled at him through the mirror, and he smiled back but with a bright one...one where I could see his dimples....


They're cute or whatever....

Quick filler ig😙

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