《His Downfall☯︎》Chapter 27


Esme pov

"Sally tired to sleep with the boss"

"The boss as in the 65 year old man, the one that is married an has kids...WHAT!!??",

"Yup, apparently she wanted a raise and he wouldn't give her one because she doesn't do shit, and after work on Friday she stayed back and tried to seduce him, luckily before she couldn't touch him Remi walked in.....", Mari said while she continued eating her snack,

We are having our weekly tea talk at work, it almost time for me to go home and I can't wait until I can take off these clothes, We are waiting outside for Mari's boyfriend to pick her up.

"I heard the only reason she isn't fired is because her dad is best friends with boss", Rin added,

That's actually foul, I don't have anything against sugar daddies and age gap relationships, but trying to get with a married guy is a no for me I hate cheaters and cheating.....

"She really needs to know when to read a room", I said while looking at Sally who is unfornutlatly walking in our direction,

"Hey girls and gay", her voice is like someone scratching their nails on a chalkboard, its so scratchy and high pitch my ears feel like they are bleeding,

I think my nose died, she smells cheap, like hella cheap, does she not know bath and bodyworks have perfumes my god,

"HEy, sally" I put on the fakest smile I could muster up,

"Oh, hey Esme.", she started to lean in to touch me, before I could ask her what she is doing a deep voice interrupted us,

"Hazel" , I looked over Sally to see matteo walking to me in his usual attire,

"Who's the hottie", liam asked me while nuhgging me,


Matteo walked past a shocked Sally, he placed a kiss on my cheek and held me by my waist,

"Hey." he said to My friends. Not sally, he turned to her and nodded his head instead,

Good boy.....

"Ohh look at the whore Esme, who is sexy piece of meat?" Sally asked, playing her hair and bitting her lip at matteo,

Mattoes grip around my wasit tighten telling me was uncomfortable,

"Can you stop, your making him comfortable", Rin laughed,

"What ever...what's a guy like you doing with...that", I made a move to advance to her but matteo held me in place.

"What do you mean that... as in that fine ass beatualul woman...im confused" Matteo's voice was hard,

"No..um no I just mean you could to so much bette-"

"Which would be you right...", matteo interrupted her, he looked her up and down with distaste and scoffed, "She is better",

"Say goodbye to your face before I shoot this bitch", he whispered in my ear before walking away.

Turning my friends i said a quick goodbye and hit shoulders with a stunned Sally,

I quickly followed after Matteo who went to the parking lot, reaching him, I placed my hand on his shoulder to stop him walking so quickly,

"Why are we running", i panted out.

Shaking his head Matteo came to a complete stop, when i looked up i realized we were at the car, it was a matte black Bmw today,

"We have some earns to run today, how are you with blood?"



We pulled up to a run down complex building, people were standing outside the building drinking and smoking,

"Why are we here?" i asked,

"For business", was all he said and got out the car, i got out after him hesitantly, Matteo walked past the group of mostly men and went inside leaving me to trail closely behimd him,


Matteo waitied on me before walking up the stairs going to the 3rd floor,

"Okay that's engough excersie for the week" , i once again started to pant.

Teo stopped at door 3B5 and knocked, well more like banged on the door, the door opened roughly by a short man with a resideing hairline and pot belly,

"WHA- uhhhh Mr. de Santis, hey", the guy quickly starigented up, mattteo just started at him blankly, the guy started to sqrium and look around finally noticing i was there as well,

His eyes swept over my outfit and face mostly staying on my chest, i felt incredibly unconfortable and grabbed onto matteos hand, the guy looked at my movements and i say his eyes widen,

"Don't look at her like that or ill rip your eyes out got it, now where is my fucking money Emmit" , teo barked out at the guy who i assumed is Emmit,

Emmit looked like he literaly just shat his pants, and he kinda smelt like it too,

"I-i don't have it, sir" , he said while looking down at the ground trying to avoid eye contact,

"I gave you 2 weeks beacuse you asked for an extention, I'm a very impecitent man",

"Yes sir"

"You have 2 hours to get me my 50 grand or your dead, you're lucky my girl is here.",

Matteo walked away while dragging me along with him, leaving a shocked and scared Emmit at the door,

"50 grand!!" i screeched, once we got into the car,

"50 thousand fucking dollars what the shit!"

"No, 50 thousand gold fishes", teo rolled his eyes at me and continued driving placing a hand on my thigh,

"Jesus christ..." i mummbled,

"You want something to eat" he asked while rubbing my thigh,

I tried to answer but i was distracted by what he was doing with his hands,

"Um, yeah."

Teo pulled up to Macdonalds and i ordered nuggets, large fries and a sprite while teo ordered a big mac, fries and a water,

Pulling up to the window to collect our food, the girl tried to filrt with matteo but i quickly leaned over matteo and collected the food while smiling in her face the best that i could, collecting all the food i threw some loose dollars teo had, at her and said,

"Buy yourself something nice and stop flirt with people man", teo got the hint and sped away as soon as i finish saying that but i still caught her shocked face,

"Really, amore",

"Si", i shoved a fry in my mouth and laughed,

Matteo parked at the top of an abdandond parking lot which over looked the city.

After we finised eating and talking, he pulled out some wraps and weed,

"You smoke?"


Hey hey my babies

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