《His Downfall☯︎》Chapter 25


Esme pov

I didn't know where we were going so I just dressed conforable with a bit of streetwear, walking into my bedroom I see matteo on my bed looking like a whole snack....

"You took forever", he slid his phone in his pocket,

"Well, im sorry you didn't give me an idea of what to wear", I rolled my eyes at him and brushed his shoulder while walking out my bedroom door, Matteo followed behind me after mummering something about 'woman'... what ever that means.

The girls were in the living rom watching outer banks...again...., they were startled by our guest,

"Girls, this is Matteo.......Matteo this is Kayliee, Cleo, Rin and Lottie" I justered to them,

"Ciao" he replied shortly,

"oui oui" Kayliee repsonned, the girls and I grunted together because of what she said,

"It's Italian but close enough", Matteo said while chuckiling softly,

"Right, we are going to...I don't know where but we are going and I will see you all later, leave some ice cream for me", I said while Matteo and I walked to the door.

"DON'T EAT MY SNACKS CLEO!!!" I shouted before closing the door,

"After you Monsieur" , I jestured for matteo to lead the way, he placed his hand on my lower back and led me to his car of the day.

"Where's the audi?"

"Somewhere far away from you" he closed my door and entered the dirvers side.

"We should be there in 20mins", after that we stayed in comfortable silence.


Matteo pulled up to a skycrapper,

I felt so undress, matteo must have noticed my expressions because he linked his hand wth mine while we walked to the entreance,

The building was tall..and well tall, glass surrounded the inter building, it was the type where you can't see in but they can see you,


The lobby of the office was black and morden, there was hints of gold and teal in whether it be the throw cuhsions or the desingns on the wall, it looked expeinsive to say the least,

Passing the reciptionce who looked pale as the though she hand seen a ghost, matteo nodded at her in acknowledgment, he made his way to the elevator, when I passed she gave a me a small wave still in her dazed state,

"Sooo is this like where you work" I said while looking around the elecvator noticing we are going to the 69th floor,

69.....i feel he is good at that...what- who said that..

"Yes Esme, this where I make money when I am here", I tried not to let him see how uneasy I felt when he said my name....i feel like ill catch a heartattack...

I only hmmed in response, the dinging of the elector stopped our staring contest, which would problayy end up in something else,

The 69th floor was like the lobby but darker, it fit matteo's personality well,

The workers shift from Matteo's frame to mine and then our conjoint hands,


Walking past to what I asuume is Matteo's office a group of women gave me nasty looks, which only made me smirk evily and wink at them,

Gotta love jealous hoes they make everything better...

Matteo's office was spacious, im sure he could have about 3 kind sized bed in just one corner,

"I have a meeting in about 10 mins" he turned towards me after shutting the door.

"You brought me here for what then..?"

He only shurgs, "I wanted to spend time with you", he slowly walked towards me, I bit my lip at the closeness of our bodies,

"Well, we could've slepet in and...maybe you could've gotten a special surprise" I said seductively, my hand made it to the back of his neck and dragged down slow until his tie, I yanked it so he would jerk towards me,


I licked his lip before crashing our lips together, he bit my lip slightly asking for permission, but I denied him which made him groand into the kiss, he hands moved from my waist to my ass and he squeezed it roughly, making me gasp, he took this opportunity to stick his tounge in my mouth,

Our tongues fought for dominance, but he won and smirked before pulling away slightly,

Smacking my ass he pulled away completely and made his way to his desk, after a few seconds of me catching my breathe I sat down infront of him on his desk.

He spread my legs and pushed himself in between them while still sitting,

"What a view" his eyes bright as he started at me, luckly I had on pants.

Knocking came from the door and Matteo told the person to come in, the door opened revealing one of the women that were starting at me when I walked in, her eyes hardened when she looked at our position,

"Your client is here, Matteo",

"It's Mr. De Santis" , matteo answered in a rough voice,

"Sorry, sir" she quickly said trying to hide the fear in face but she was shaking like a leaf,

"I will be back in an hour", matteo bent down and grabbed my neck, place a kiss on my lips,

He shoot me a smile before walking pass the jealosuse bitch,

I got up and made myself comfortable in his chair, placing my feet on the desk, all while the same blonde was staring at me like if I murdered her cat.

"He wouldn't like you doing that, in fact I think you should leave, no one is allowed in here beside him."

"Are you done talking yet?" I said while closing my eyes,

"Who do you think you are... you whore, he is mine, he isn't yours so back off you ugly nigger"

Did this bitch just-....ik she didn't just-...

I moved so fast I think I even scraed myself, the next thing I knew was my hand hit her face and me pulling her 'hair'

"Listen her cagna, I watched you give me nasty looks but I draw the line at you call me such a downgrading name, I don't know who the hell you think you are, but it won't work with me, get you ugly fake tan, scalely, ugly eye, no teeth rass out of this fucking office before I give you something to cry about, wouldn't want daddy wasting his money on your already crocked nose", I let go of her hair breathing healivly,

I should calm myself before I kill her with my hands,

"You'll probably just his slut that he keeps around-" she didn't get to finish her sentence because I punched her knocking her out cold, she dropped to the floor hard.

After calmimg down I started to feel the pain of my hand,

Matteo walked in after an hour , he looked at me and then the girl on the ground, then me again.....

"I'm not even gonna ask", he walked over her body and pulled me up.

"Let's go get some food" he lead me to the door,

I stepped over the body that I pretty sure was dead, but she will come to...eventually.


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