《His Downfall☯︎》Chapter 21




Esme pov


Pure fear is all I felt when I assayed the situation that I was in,



Why me?

Those word were all that were being chanted in my head as I watch Shane walk slowly towards me,

A kick was sent to my stomach making me lay flat on my back.

"I never knew why I even dated you, you weren't even that good in bed" Shane stated while he straddled me, griping my jaw he brough my face to his and kissed me roughly on my lips I tired I really did try to block it but his hold was strong.

"I'm gonna damage you so no one else would want a useless bitch like you, you're a fat whore" he shouted in my face making me flinch back,

"You're worthless"

"You're usless"

"I'm going to damage you"

"No one would ever want such a slut like you"

"Please, please, please don't" I begged while trying not to sob,

Wiping away my tears he sent a punch to my face, making my head roll to the side, taking my disoriented state his hand started to move all over my body,

He ripped opened my shirt feeling up my breast, he brought his hand down to my legs and started to take off my pants,

I trashed around in his hold trying to get away from his filthy hands. He pulled down my pants and started to rub my thighs, in this moment he started to unbuckle his pants when I started to scream and sob,

"Matteo.... help" I tired to scream while shaking violently to get him off of me, even though I knew Matteo was no where near me, hearing me Shane stopped,

"Fucking my boss, you little bitch" he sent a harsh slap to my face, when my head turned left, I saw the knife that he hands in his hand,


while Shane was occupied by my legs, I quickly got hold of the Kinfe.

At the last second, he caught my actions and longed at me at the same time I drove the knife to his neck sending the knife straight through his neck, he started to chock on his blood,

blood filled his neck and he pressed his hands against his neck to the try to stop the bleeding but it was to late, his body fell to the side of me leaking blood.

I quickly sat up and crawled to my purse on the floor, I pulled out my phone and called the only person I wanted,

he picked up straight away,

"Hazel, its 1 in the morning, why are you up?" he said tiredly,

"Teo" my voice cracked, and a sob slipped through my lips, my cry alerted him that that something was wrong,

"Hazel, hazel what happen, are you okay?" he asked quickly, in the background I heard the sound of keys jiggling

"Matteo...hel-help me" my breathing became heavy as I tried to stop myself from crying,

"Esme, baby, what happened you have to tell me what happened....where are you" he said softly,

"Shane..." was all I could get out as my vision became blurry and I started to fall into darkness.


Beeping was all I could hear while waking up,

Where am I?

What happened?

I said to my self while looking in the room, the memories from what I assumed was last night came rushing back and my heart monitor started to go crazy,

the door busted open and a frantic Matteo stood in the doorway,

Seeing as it was me, he ran towards me, crushing me into a hug,

"Omg, my baby"he said while holding my face,

"Where am I?" I asked Matteo


"The medical room in my house" he said still holding me like I was going to disappear,

"What happen, hazel?.....you don't have to tell me yet if you're not ready baby." he asked concerned,

Taking a deep breath, I knew I had to answer him, not for his sake but to put my mind at rest,

"umm.... sit" he did as told, sitting bedside the bed he took my hand in his.

"Well.... i was going to Shane's house because he said he needed to talk, so I went and as soon as he closed the door behind me he grabbed me and started to call me a slut and a whore" his grip tighten around my hand,

"He threw me on the ground and kicked me, then got on top of me and punched me..... and starting to punch me, he started to say how he is gonna damage me, he- he umm...ripped open my shirt and started to feel me up, he took off my pants and started to take off his pants....I saw the knife he had in his hand from earlier and grabbed it and drove it into his neck....he fell next to m and umm I went for my phone and that's when I called you....i-I felt helpless" I sobbed,

"No, no baby you're not helpless, you did very good, you overpowered him, and you got free"

, he said while rubbing away my tears,

"I screamed your name, while he-he was there and-"I stopped taking,

"What did he do?' he growled,

"I got bitch slapped" I laughed lightly which made him smile,

"Thank you...for coming" I said while looking down at our hands.

"You don't have to thank me baby, ill always be there for you" he kissed my forehead and smiled softly at me.


I'm sorry🥲.

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