《His Downfall☯︎》Chapter 23


Esme pov


Periods are probably going to be the death of me ong....ong

Miss.Flow decided to visit me early this morning and I'm currently searching through Matteo's cabinets to find some pads,

Why would he have pads.... You ask...... I don't know I just hoped he'd have some,

Running to the underground car park, I grab a random pair of keys to one of Matteo's car, totally coincidental keys for his Audi r8.

I made sure to bring a towel so I wouldn't dirty his baby, Starting the engine I zoomed out the garage and out the gates of the mansion, speeding down the highway I made my way to my dear apartment that I haven't seen in 2 weeks,

Pulling up to the complex, I made sure to lock the door before going up stairs, we don't live in a poor neighborhood, but you could never be to sure.

I banged on my apartment door since I didn't have my keys, a tired looking Kaylie opened the door with a scowl on her face, did I mention it was 7am.....oops

"Why the fuck are you here?" she said irrtatively,

"Because I live here, now move" I pushed past her not missing her mumble something along the lines of 'are you sure about that'.

Walking in my bedroom I looked in my draw to see if I have any pads, sighing loudly because I have none, I mad my way into Kaylie's room,

"Do you have pads?",

"Yeah...you know where they are" she replied not looking at me, I walk into her closet and pulled out the pads,

"Thank you, babe," I kissed her on her cheek and my way to the bathroom to shower and put on my stuff.

Getting into the kitchen I grab a Panadol and a glass of water, after taking it I made my way to my room.


Jumping on my bed I closed my eyes and let the darkness take me,


I woke up to ringing.

What the fuck.... why am I in my room...

Knocking out of my thoughts I realize it was my phone that was making the noise,

*55 missed calls from Mayonnaise <3*

*100 messages from Mayonnaise <3*


I quickly called him back, he answered on the first ring,

"Angel", his voice came through the phone roughly.

"Hey, Teo" I cooed,

"Where the fuck is my car?", he asked trying to stay calm.

"You don't even want to know if I'm okay...I feel hurt", trying to avoid the question,


"Asia", I replied then ended the call before he could respond, he called me back 20 times and then nothing else after that,

Banging on the door woke me up from my almost nap, why God why

Opening the front door, I was met with a pissed Matteo, I felt accomplished that I made him this pissed and I wanted to test his limits, sooooooooooooooooooo

I slammed the door in his face.


I did.........................

There was a moment of silences before the bang came back again, this time more aggressively,

Opening the door again, I didn't get time to think before I was lifted in the air and carried to my room, Matteo drooped my on the bed and then turned and locked the door,

When he turned around, I realized I really did mess up.

He moved as fast as Edward Cullen, one minute he was by the door, the next he was straddling me on the bed with a tight grip to my neck......

Well I'm fucked.........


Heyyy luvs

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