《His Downfall☯︎》Chapter 22


Esme pov

*2 weeks later*

Matteo stayed true to his words, and he stayed with me through my nightmares and even through out the day, the first few days I woke up in the middle of the night thinking Shane was on top of me again trying to assault me.

The nightmares went away after a week and I was able to get a full night's rest, I stayed at Matteo's house since he didn't want me to be alone not that I wanted to be anyway,

I've called to inform the girls of where I am and told them what happened, they showed up to Matteo's house with candy and ice cream and we talked and cried, mostly me, I don't know what id do without them.

Today Matteo is at his office having a meeting about some shit that I honestly couldn't care about, so that means I'm home alone, well I do have Atlas who is such the sweetest puppy I've ever met, yes, I finally met the damn dog, he snuggles with me while I watch movies through out the day and he loves to follow me around.

Matteo is jealousy because Atlas is always next to me, he thinks I'm stealing his best friend away from him, I told him he always has Enzo.

Speaking of Enzo, him and the girls met, and everything was chill until he talked to Lottie and there was a lot of 'blushing' and whispers, whatever they do in their spare time is none of my business, he better not break her heart or ill unalive him like I did with Shane.

Shane really hasn't been on my mind, you would think because he was my boyfriend, I would feel sad but no, I felt nothing, he tried to rape me and probably was gonna kill me afterwards.


Coming out Matteo's bathroom I went into his closet to find one of his shirts which came to my knee, I just decided to go with no bottoms today since I'm the only one here, expect the guards but they are stationed outside the house.

Humming 'Sweater weather', I made my way to the kitchen, by the end of the song I made it to the kitchen. And there was a girl sitting by the kitchen island on her phone,

Sensing my presence the girl turned towards me, narrowing her eyes at me, "Who the fuck are you" she said, her Italian accent showing,

"Who are you?" I asked while walking to the other side of the island also narrowing my eyes.

"I asked first"

"I don't care"

"I like you... we are gonna be great friends" she smiled, and I swear I went into cardiac arrest, she has long jet-black hair and the blue eyes, her cheek ones are sharp which gives her a model look,

"I'm Isabella, Matteo's sister" she extended her hand,

"Esme" shaking her hand,

"Ohhh you're the infamous Esme that my lovely brother talks about, your gorgeous my dear. Let me know if you ever get bored of my brother my door is always open." She winked at me, chuckle at my facial expression.


"Too cute" she laughs loudly, the clearing of a throat behind me startles me, making me jump around and look at the intruder,

Matteo stood at the door with his usual Armani suit on, but it looked wormed out and he looked tired, his hair was messy, and he had bags under his eyes, I felt bad he hasn't been getting much sleep he is always up doing work or making sure I'm sleeping well,

"Princess. Issy" he walks towards his sister pulling her in a tight hug, she patted his back indicating its time to let go, Matteo turned to me and walked until he was right Infront of me.


Bringing my hands to his face, I placed his head in my hands rubbing his cheeks, pouting slightly,

"Have you even been sleeping?", I brushed his hair out his face,

"No", he sighed out,

"Teo, you have to okay", I said softly while patting his cheek, I walked away to go to the fridge, taking out milk I got a bowl and a box of cereal from the cupboard, putting the cereal first,

If you, do it the other way, I think you're mentally unstable.

After I made my breakfast I took a seat at the island not too far from Isabelle,

"Mama is here too; eve is coming tomorrow" Isabelle said while looking at her brother who was to busy staring at me.

"Where are Yall staying?" Matteo asked, coming to stand in between my legs,

We have been touchy-feely lately......not that I'm complaining, we even cuddle at night, he's so soft.

"One of the hotels" she replied while looking at her phone,


"I miss my family" I said while moving closer to Matteo in bed, looking up in the celling I can see from through the mirror he is looking at me,

Yes, this man has a mirror as his celling, his house is not so different from the one in Italy, it has the same black interior and lots of windows, Matteo has led lights lining his celling and his bed frame.

"Where are they?" he mumbles while playing with my hair,

"Back home in Barbados, I'm the middle child, I have and older brother and younger sister, Ethan is 27 like you and Enola is 16.", Matteo doesn't say anything only listens to me take about my family for the next half an hour,

"We should visit them" he says, I like that not I but We

"Yay, we should, how about this summer for my birthday" I said excitedly,

"When is your birthday, love" he asked,

"July 20th...you?"

"September 18th",

"oouuu your gonna be 28 soon, you're getting old...is that a wrinkle I see" pocking his cheek, swatting my hand away he grumbles something incoherent,

"I'm tired"

"Go to sleep, Bella", Matteo whispered in my ear.

"Goodnight, Teo" I said sleepily

"Goodnight, Bella"


Long ass filler chapter

Sorry for any spelling errors in this story..ill edit it after i finish

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