《His Downfall☯︎》Chapter 20


Esme pov

The car was filled with small talks and loud laughs which obviously were coming from me,

I learnt that Matteo has a black haired puppy named Atlas', I made sure to make a geography joke about that one, I also learnt that Matteo can sing a bit,

We were listening to the radio and a song came that I never knew but he just started to sing, I was very impressed.

We pulled up to a local diner, which was pretty empty. It only had like 5 persons inside eating, Matteo opened the door for me, and a bell went of above us, indicating to the staff that people have arrived,

We found a booth at the far back of the diner, but we still had a big window where we sat, before I could ask why the diner we were interrupted by a voice,

"Welcome to Charles 'Diner, how can I help you?', a waitress said flirtisously well looking hungrily at Matteo, ,

"Hi" Matteo said dryly not even looking at her, inside his eyes were on me

"What would you like, luv?" He said motioning to the menu, picking it up I decided on a cheeseburger with fries and a chocolate milkshake, Matteo ordered the same.

"Okay your order will be out soon....If there is anything you want and I mean anything you can let me know" the waitress said still looking at Matteo , who again was even looking at her.

"Thank you" I said but received a glare and a disgusted face from the girl.

"Thank you but my girlfriend and I are good" Matteo said sharply, making the waitress run off,

"Girlfriend, huh" I scoffed, looking out the window I realizes that the sun was setting

"Si, is that not what I said bella", he put his face in his palms looking at me,


Staring into his eyes I notice that his eyes aren't all green they have some blue shrikes and gold specks in them,

Our food beinh placed Infront of me making us stop our staring contest,

Clearing my throat I turned my head to my food, glancing at the Italian sitting across from me.


I find my self outside of Shane's apartment door because he said he wanted to talk, knocking after standing outside of his door for 4 minutes, Shane opened the door roughly making me make a step back,

"Esme" Shane said roughly,

"Shane, hi how are you" I asked while walking in the apartment, he roughly grabbed my wrist twisting it,

My heart stopped beating for what like forever, "Shane...wha-what are you doing" I tried to keep my voice steady,

"You're such a whore, a slut all you do is whore yourself out for all of these men" he spat out in my face,

"What the fuck are you talking about!!" I shouted but instantly regretted it,

He push me hard making me lose my balance, I hit the floor and hit my head, black spots started to form.

when they started to fade away, I saw Shane standing above me with a knife.


Get cut hoe🙂....sorry...


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