《His Downfall☯︎》Chapter 17


Esme pov

I felt like I was hit with a bus when I woke up, squinting my eyes to get rid of the black spots in my vision, I finally felt how tense my body was.

"Yes", startled I looked up to see 2 tall figures over me, looking closing I recognized one of the faces as Matteo,

"What the hell happened" I said while rubbing my head, "Can I have a Panadol or something man" I sighed frustratedly,

The unknown figure scrambled away and got some water and panadols,

"Are you just gonna stand there and stare at me like I'm on display" finishing my water,

"I-how did you even get here" Matteo finally opens his mouth,

"umm, next question" I said while looking around,

"No answer the question Esme"

"umm unknown figure did you hear something.... i think you've drugged me" I said staring at the stranger...

"I know you...but I don't know from where", i pointed at him suspiciously

"The names Enzo, I'm the ghost's best friend" the stranger said,

"You are friends with a ghost that's kinda sad, don't you think" , I said trying to prolong the conversation so I wouldn't have to answer Matteo's question.

"Ya tell me about it" Enzo said playing around.

"I can hear Yall you know" Matteo said irritatively,

"No shit" I said while roiling my eyes,

"And to answer your question I followed you...now you answer my questions. What is this? Where is this? And lastly, who the fuck are you?"

"This is a house, we are at a warehouse......" , he said not wanting to answer the last question, but when I scowled at him he continued,"...and I'm the leader of the Italian mafia" , he said while scratching the back of his head.

"whipped", Enzo whisper well tried to, I ignored him and took time to take in the information and thought of an answer,


"Okay" I said while laying back in chair,

"Okay???!!" Matteo shouted seeming stunned that I didn't really react,

"I had a hunch", I shrugged

"Since when" Enzo said snapping out of his stunted state,

"ummm in Italy...it was quit obvious, the house, the clothes, the guards and oh yh the gun"

"Gun where the fuck did you see a gun" Matteo asked curiously,

"Your closet when I was look for clothes to wear, btw I still have your clothes they are very comfortable" I said cheekily

"umm okay, so does umm this change how you see me or umm yeah" Matteo said nervously while stumbling on his words.

Aww cute..

"No.... but can you teach me how to use a gun... ouu can I get a dagger" I said excitedly while jumping up from the couch.

"I can teach you" Enzo butted in,

"Yesses new bestie",

"Wait why does he get bestie, but I get friend" Matteo spat, looking disgusted by the word friend

Ignoring Matteo, I started to look around the living area that we were in,

"Wait so do you live here, I thought you lived in Italy", I said curiously

"Si I do but I also have houses here and business here so I'm always back and forth, right now I'm here for mafia business"

"Oh, wait is Shane in the mafia with you" trying not to laugh at the thought of the Shane in the mafia,

"God no I would never hire that fool for that work", he answered,

"Okay, well I have work in the morning tomorrow"

"Ill drive you back" Matteo said getting his keys.

"No no its okay, bye Enzo, bye teo "I said walking to the door quickly before he can ask me anything else or try to convince me to let him take me home

"Esme" Matteo shouted making me stop in my tracks

"What happened to my security guard" he said looking amused,

"What guard" and dashed out of there.


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I smell some Enzo and Esme bonding time..

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