《His Downfall☯︎》Chapter 18


Matteo pov

Once Esme walked out the door, Enzo opened his ass big mouth

"Your whipped" he wheezed out, glaring at him I sat down on the couch,

I know I am idiot

"No, I'm not" I said hostility,

"I-I -I" he mocked me, slapping him around his head he stopped quickly,

"You so whipped bro she has you around her finger is quite funny" he said chuckling softly,

"Am not"

"Are too"

"Am not"

"Are too"

"Shut up idiota", trying to stop the talk about Esme, I changed the topic.

"You called me here saying it's an emergency" I said,

"Oh yeah your dad and brother are on their bullshit again, they bombed up one of the bases back home, luckily no on was hurt" he said sounding piss,

Ladies and gentlemen, Ronald and Elio de Santis my 'father' and 'brother', the world's biggest pussies, and just pains in my ass.

I took over the business from my father when he went rouge and joined the enemy, ask me why I don't know he just up and left, I had worked my ass off to prove to the guys I wasn't like him

Now my brother, he has always been a jealous bitch, when I got the title he went and ran away to daddy, he joined the other side and then my family was left with just me, my mum and two sisters.

My mother took my father's disappearance quite easy; I don't think my parents have ever been in love, it was an arrange marriage.

My little sisters are honestly my joy....of hell,

I mean I love them to death, there is issabelle who is 21 and Evenlgyn who is 19, Issy is a model and eve goes to fashion school in Paris so I barely see her.


"When the fuck are they gonna stop" I sighed loudly.

They are really pissing me off, they have gotten bolder over the years, I guess because they are getting more power.


That's what they want, they want me dead so they can get the mafia or at least know my weakness, so that I would hand it over.

I only have one weakness, Esme.

"They can't know about her" I said to Enzo

"I know man they won't we just have to be careful and keep guards on her at all times to make sure" he said

"yeah, hopeful she doesn't bitch about it", but I realized to late about I said.

"You just called her a bitch, I'ma tell her "he said smiling evilly

"No, I didn't- I didn't mean she was a bitch...ugh wrong choice of words"

"Ya well I have to that over your head, so you better be on your best behavior" he patted my cheek,

Slapping his hand away, i looked up to the roof and sighed,

"I- fuck...fine" I said tiredly,

Fuck man she's not a bitch.


Damn....matteo out here calling yo girl a bitch....

I read punk 57 guysss, let me just say


Anyway enjoy your day luvssss

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