《His Downfall☯︎》Chapter 16


Esme pov

I was in my room watching over Stanger Things when I heard knocking from the front door, knowing that I and ordered food I went quickly before they left.

Opening the door, I turned to the side to get my money,

"Here you go, $17.50",

"Princess I don't want your money", startled I turned around to see Matteo standing in the door with a all-black suit on,


"uhhh I thought you were the delivery guy, sorry. Come in", I said while shoving my money in my purse.

"I realized that" he whispered,

Before I could speak a knock came from the door, using the peephole this time I saw that it was the delivery guy,

"Hey" the guy said, he was good looking I guess, not my type at all though and he looked 18 or 20.

"Hey" I replied politely while trying to get the money I just shoved in my purse, but my actions were stopped by a hand reaching over me, what...

"Here is $50, you can leave now" Matteo said in a sharp tone,

The delivery guy looked like he pissed his pants, but he didn't leave in fact he ignored Matteo completely and asked me for my number.

I was how to say this...speechless,

Matteo looked like he was 5 seconds away from murdering the poor little boy, I decided to take matters into my own hands so I wouldn't have to clean up blood,

I placed my hands on Matteo's chest and pushed him behind me, I struggled but he finally moved, not before placing hands around my waist.

"Look little boy, I not interested why don't you go date someone in your age range" I said trying to sound as nice as possible,

I hate being in conflict, don't get me wrong I like drama, but I like to watch it not be in it.


Not taking the hint the guy took step forward, not having any of his shit I snatched the pizza from his hand and slammed the door in his face.

Untangling myself from Matteo I made my way to the kitchen to get plates,

"If you're staying, we're watching Stanger Things" I said while taking the food to my room, Matteo following behind.

I placed the pizza on my bed and made myself confrontable, Matteo took off his jacket and climbed in bed with me,

I played the show and we ate and watched it in comfortable silence,

occasionally I would feel the burning gaze of Matteo's eyes on the side of my face while I tried to focus on the show.

Around an hour in there was another knock at the door, and a voice I recognized as Shane


"Hide" I said to Matteo while rushing to get to the door, "Hide?" the Italian asked,

"Yes hide, he can't know you're here, might freak out and ask why i don't know...maybe why I'm with his boss dumbass" I said while walking to the bedroom door,

I walked to the front door, opening it I was met with a frustated Shane,

"Are you in here with someone"

"No why would I be?" I played dumb,

"I heard voices"

"Well duh I live with other people" rolling my eyes, "what are you doing here anyway"

"I just came to see what you were doing you weren't answering my text"

"Ya, I am rewatching Stanger Things"

"Again..." "Yes again, anyway you should umm get home I'm kinda tired I might go sleep soon", I said while fake yawning.

"okay.." he said still suspicious,

"Right bye." I slammed the door in his face and walked back into the bedroom.


Walking in I saw Matteo putting on his jacket with a angered expression on his face.

"Where are you going"

"umm emergency?" he more like asked,

Walking closely to him I spot liquid on his shirt, thinking its water I wipe it off, but no it's not water, it was red....

Water is not red right?......RIGHTTT??!!!...... blood

"Teo why the hell do you have blood on your shirt, you don't look hurt, where is this from" I started shooting out questions,

Matteo's body goes ridged, "It's nothing Esme drop it",

"It's not nothing, there's blood on you and you don't have wound on you so where the fuck is it from, Matteo"

"Drop it", he shouted in my face, flinching I step back,

"I'm sorry, bella" he said while walking to me, but I moved back, my reaction caused him to sigh looking down,

"I-I have to go princess" he said sadly walking to the front door, he tried to reach for my face but i turned to the side.

Hearing the door shut I was pulled out of whatever haze I was in, rushing to my window I saw Matteo get in his car,

grabbing my keys I sprinted down the halls to the parking lot to get in my car,

Am I really about to follow this man?....yes yes I am

There is just something that he is hiding and I wanna find out, following behind him I watched as he pulled to an abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere

Getting out the car I walked to the door but was stooped by a tall buff dude,

"Where are you going cagna?", wanna be john Cena said, (Bitch)

"Who the fuck you calling a bitch, you lab experiment gone wrong" I shouted in his face.

John Cena didn't take that well and tried to advance to me, but I was quicker, and I punch him in the face, knocking him unconscious,

"Boom bitch, that's karate for yuh" I said while fixing my clothes, walking through the doors I was met with a big open foyer area,

Tf is this place

I heard faint screams and shouts from down the halls, following the sounds like a dumb bitch, I was met with an unforgiving sight,

Matteo stood Infront a man who was tied to a chair, but the man looked near death, none of the persons in the room heard when I entered, that was until I alerted the other people with one word.

"Oh" and everything went black......



Was kinda a long chapter😙.

Hope you enjoyed 🙃.

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