《His Downfall☯︎》Chapter 15


TW: semi- torcher


Matteo pov

I had to see her, she was on my mind for the whole night, I barely got any sleep because of the hazel eyed girl that just wants to be friends.


After leaving her apartment I made my way to warehouse to 'intergrate' some guy who was caught snooping around the place and he was also asking questions about me.

That was the real reason I was here in Canada, not to see how my club was doing, that was just a cover up

"Ciao don" the guard at the front said politely.

Nodding my head in acknowledgment I carried on my journey to the basement where we have cells full of traitors or the enemy.

Pushing open the last door in the long hallway I was met with the smell I knew all too well, bleach and blood with a hint of decay.

"Enzo, has he spoken" I said while taking of my jacket.

"Nah the bitch is silent, won't open up even after I skinned his arm" he said while craving flowers into the almost dead body.

"Ciao, Mr. Miller" I squatted when I was Infront of him,

He only stared me dead in my eye not saying a thing,

"How is it going today?", Nothing

"Mr. Miller you should know that I'm a man of few words, so when I am speaking, I expect a fucking answer" I spat, and again nothing,

Having enough of his bullshit, he is cutting into my time,

I made my way to the toy table where we have a variety of fun toys to play with.

Picking up the machete I walked towards him, "One last chance", still nothing

Plunging the sharp tip though his leg I finally got a response out of him, given it was a painful scream it was still something.


"Again Mr. Miller are you going to talk now" I said while smiling evilly, "N-no no" he croaked out

Twisting the machete that was in his leg I pulled it out and plunged it into the next leg, over and over again.

Screams where all that could be heard throughout the room, "leave him there to rot and we'll come back in two days to see if he finally has something to talk about "I said to Enzo while cleaning my hands.

Walking out the doors of the basement I made my way to the kitchen,

"I have to leave in about 2 hours, so you have me till then" I said to Enzo,

"Where are you going? "he said


"Ouuu to see your lady friend that friend zoned you" he said while laughing loudly, glaring at him I made my way to fridge to get water.

"Why does it concern you where I'm going"

"Because I'm your bestfreind and I should know"

"Who said that" trying not to laugh when he gave me an irritated look

"Whatever you say man just make sure you use protection, I'm to young to be an uncle" he said while putting his hand on my shoulder.

Shrugging off his hand I made my way to the door sticking up my middle finger at him and in return I just got a loud laugh.


Ouuu maybe some bromance😏

My books came in yesterday...I'm hella excited to read them.

How are y'all?

Has school started?... I'm still waiting on my results from school sooo im home😙

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