《His Downfall☯︎》Chapter 14


Esme pov


work is fucking bullshit

Excuse my French

I might be lazy but why the fuck do you have to get up so damn early in the morning,

I am a very heavy sleeper and waking me up is a whole chore.

No wonder my mum would just leave me to wake up on my own,

I think this is why I moved in with a bunch of early birds because without them I would miss classes, work and my own funeral.

Finally rising out of my bed I went to the bathroom to do my business and my morning routine which just consist of washing my face with clean and clear morning wash and brushing my teeth because who the fuck has time for any of that other bullshit.

As you can tell I am not a morning person, I am a nothing person because when you wake me up ill always be cranky don't matter the time of day,

Making my way to the kitchen, I kid you not i nearly shat my pants,

Matteo was in my kitchen....


"What the fuck are you doing in my kitchen" I say while walking towards my knives,

"I just thought ill stop by" he said while shrugging,

"At 7 in the morning" I say in disbelief.

"Yay so..."

Not bothering to continue the conversation I walked to the pantry to look for some coffee,

"I brought breakfast btw" he assisted my atire,

"Is what I'm wear appropriate sir...?", i asked scarastically.

Wiping my head around i saw a breakfast burrito and a iced coffee...

"I love you, I love you" I say while running to the food,

Mmhh food

"Right...well I have to go ill come back later" he got up,

Coming towards me he wrapped his hands around my waist and leaned in...


"Friends teo" I said softly,

Don't listen to me fool, kiss me

"Right friends" he said while kissing me on my forehead again.

Sighing heavily he made his way to the door.

"Byee dude go make money" I said while smacking his ass, he turned to glare at me but didn't say anything.

Finishing up my breakfast courtesy of Matteo I got ready for work,

Heading out the building I made sure to wave at my neighbors even though I hated them all.

I hate pretty much everyone except my four friends, Matteo and I guess Shane.

Speaking of Shane, I haven't heard him for the morning...strange.

He is usually up my ass asking me if I'm at work yet, i mean it's sweet but somehow he just makes it cringy.

I guess mummy issues does that to a person.

Getting in my car I made my way to work, cheers to a day full of fun


Heyyyy pretty people, how was your day.?

It's currently 12:29am....i have to up in 5 hours🙃


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