《His Downfall☯︎》Chapter 13


Esme pov


I told the girls about Matteo and what happened in the in the bathroom, and they are freaking out, like a lot

"Yay I know, and I was like we'll just be friends and he was like okay.... like totally okay with it... like why didn't he put up a fight... why do I even care I have Shane and like what!!! .....I'm stressed... and on top of that he looked so fine like wtf how can some be so fine, I don't get it.. like I get ugly but no that bitch got pretty as hell and the way he smelt... It was like so heavenly and- "

My rambling was cut off by someone shoving a spoon full of ice cream in my throat which resulted in my choking for the next 5 minutes.

"Firstly, who gives a fuck about Shane...drop him, secondly are you dumb???!!!!" Lottie shouted

"yes" I whispered while shoving more ice cream in my mouth.

"We know" Cleo whispered, I just glared at her and then placed my attention back to mother goose.

"Why did you tell him only to be friends, lets be honest you don't even like Shane that much"

"But nothing that man is fine and rich from the looks of it, he only wants you be grateful.", did I say that out loud.

"Whatever happens happens" I say wanting to end the discussion.

Right on que my phone rings with a call from and unknown number.

Deciding to answer, I walk into my room.


"Hazel..", Matteo's deep voice came through the phone,

"Oh thank god" I sighed relieved,

"You seem happy to hear me bella" he said sounding amused,

"No no not at all I was just relived you weren't a stalker"


"What ever you say"

"How are y- actually how the hell did you get my number?!" I shouted,

"Jeez princess why are you so loud"

"I'mnot loud that's just rude." I said and hung up,

I don't know why I do that, I 'overreact' to get a reaction out of people, in reality i couldn't care less about the situation.

My friends say I'm psychotic ... whatever it fun

My phone started to blow up with calls from Matteo, I open messages and deiced to text him

Me: what?

Sea salt<3: why are you ignoring my calls

Me: because I can... do you pay my phone bills?

Sea salt<3: I could but that's not the point, I wanna talk to you

Me: well, I don't so, it's 2am i have work in a few I'll talk to you later, bye bye 

Sea salt<3: I'll talk to you in the morning then, good night bella<3

Me: Night, espèce d'imbécile<3 (idiot)

Actually, feeling sleepier than I thought, I put on some lo-fi music and went to bed.



I'm kinda having some writers block😧.

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