《His Downfall☯︎》Chapter 12


Matteo pov

3 years, that's how long it has been since I saw her angelic face, saw her sweet ass and heard her Eruphic moans....

I was shocked to say the least, I honestly couldn't believe she was actually sitting less than 10 feet away from me, Il mio Tesoro(My treasure).

No, but she was here with that scumbag Shane, and then in the bathroom she slapped me,

Me the don of the Italian mafia, Me one of the most wanted cold blooded killers....

And she got away with it because its her, she can do anything me and I wouldn't even care, because it's her, Esme.

"Yo bro you good?" Enzo said waving his hand in my face,

"Yes, stop that stupid"

"Did you see that girl that Shane brought she was sexy as hell"

"Shut up"

"What did you not she the way her as-"

"Finish that sentence and I kill you" I said while grabbing him by the collar

"I was just joking chill; I saw the way you looked at her man.... like she was the only one there or some shit"

"Ohh hush" folding my arms like a child,

"Who is she" he said seriously, knowing i can't lie to him i tell him the truth.


"Her... you mean the artist or..."

"Her dumbass" I deeponed,

"Oh, shit HERRRR wow...." He slightly shouted,

"Whatever it doesn't matter, we are 'friends', as she said" , I said irritatively,

"You got freindzoned" he laughed out while wiping away tears.

"Shut up idoit lets go to the warehouse" I put the car in drive, and we left the club.


Short chapter.......

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