《Arranged Marriage |Complete|》"Асуудал"
"Ээж, би ирлээ" гэсээр гутлаа тайлангаа чангаар хэлээд ээжийг хайв.
Ээж зочны өрөөний буйдан дээр суун сонин уншин суух агаад хажууд нь суун түрүүн Чанёолын ээжээс сонссон зүйлээ ярилцахаар
"Таниас асуух зүйл байна" гэхэд ээж шилээ ширээн дээр тавин сонингоо хураан "Заа тэгээд юу юм?" гээд надруу их чухал харцаар харан сууна.
"Хадагтай Пак буюу Чанёолын ээж өөрийн хүүтэйгээ намайг гэрлүүлэхийг хүссэн" гэж хэлээд ээж рүү харвал их л анхааралтай сонсох агаад би ч яриагаа үргэлжлүүлэн "Тэгэхээр нь би бараг л зөвшөөрдөг юм уу? гэж бодож байна. Танд ямар санагдаж байна?"
"Охин минь уучлаарай! Гэхдээ чи түүнтэй гэрлэж чадахгүй байх. Бид аль хэдийн төлөвлөчихсөн. Мөн чи бидний сонгосон хүнтэй заавал гэрлэх болно. Уучлаарай охин минь, бид зүгээр л чамайг хэн нэгэнд сэтгэлтэй гэж бодсонгүй~"
Ээжийн хэлсэн үгийг таслан "Хэрвээ би хэн нэгэнд ухаангүй сэтгэлтэй бол яах юм? Яагаад миний ирээдүйн нөхрийг та нар шийдэх ёстой гэж?!" гэж хэлээд сэтгэлээ барьсангүй уйлчихлаа.
Аль болох сэтгэлээ тайван байлгах гэж хичээсэн ч ямар ч нэмэр алга. Хэдий ээж аавдаа аминаасаа, хайртай мөн тэднийг үргэлж миний төлөө явдгийг мэдэх ч гэсэн энэ удаад би үнэхээр тэдний шийдвэрийг зөвшөөрч чадахгүй нь.
Магадгүй Чанёол убба руу юм бичсэн нь дээр бололтой.
To: Chanyeol Ubba
Убба! Танд маргааш надтай уулзах цаг байгаа болов уу? Их чухал зүйлийн талаар ярилцах гэсэн юм. Бидний тухай гэх үү дээ?
From: Chanyeol Ubba
Тэгье ээ, Байнга уулздаг газартаа 12 гээд уулзацгаая!
...Цаг хэдийн орой болсон байх агаад одоог хүртэл унтаагүй, зүгээр л дээшээ харан хэвтэнэ. Магадгүй бид хоорондын эцэг эхдээ өөрсдийнхөө тухай хэлж танилцсан нь дээр байх.
Тэглээ ч бид үнэхээр удаан үерхэж байгаа шүү дээ.
Магадгүй би Чанёолгүйгээр амьдарч чадахгүй байх. Тийм байхад яаж өөр хүнтэй гэрлэх юм?
Оройтож унтсан болоод ч тэр үү? эсвэл бага унтсан болоод ч тэр үү? нүүр минь аймшигтай болчихож.
Орны хажууд байсан толинд өөрийгөө хараад гялс босон шүршүүрт орлоо.
Дараа нь нүүрээ цэвэрлэн маск тавиад хувцсаа солин нүүрээ хөнгөн будсаар бэлэн болов.
Хэрвээ эрэгтэй байсан бол бүр нүүрээ ч угаахгүй байх байсан байх даа. Нэг бодлын амар ч юм шиг....
Гэрээсээ 11.30 гэж гараад Чанёол уббатай байнга уулздаг газарлуугаа алхана.
Яагаад ч юм бэ? нэг л сонин санагдаад байх юм. Магадгүй миний сэтгэл яг л энэ бүрхэг тэнгэртэй адилхан байгаа байх.
Дотогш ороод цонхны хажууд суух түүнийгээ хараад золтой л уйлчихсангүй. Нулимсаа арчаад инээсээр урд нь очин суулаа.
Тэрээр өөдөөс минь харан суугаад "Тэгээд чиний чухал гээд байсан зүйл чинь юу юм?" гэхэд нь урт амьсгаа аван өөрийгөө зоригжуулаад
"Убба, миний бодлоор бид өөрсдийнхөө тухай эцэг эхчүүддээ хэлэх хэрэгтэй байх. Учир нь манай эцэг эх намайг өөр хүнтэй гэрлүүлмээр байна гэсэн" гээд нулимсаа тэвчсэнгүй уйлчихлаа.
Чанёол миний хэлснийг сонсоод үг хэлсэнгүй. Бүр үнэхээр юу ч хэлсэнгүй. Зүгээр л хажууд минь ирж суугаад намайг аргадан тэврэн сууна.
Яг энэ мөчид л өөрт байх хамаг нулимсаа гаргаад дуусгах хэрэгтэй.
Учир нь дараа нь илүү хүнд зүйлс тохиолдож магадгүй.
Тэрээр толгойг минь илэнгээ "Би наад асуудлыг чинь шийдэх арга олох болно оо. Битгий санаа зов" гэв.
Яаж ийм тайван байж чаддаг байна аа? Би тэссэнгүй Чанёолыг түлхээд
"Асуудлыг шийдэх арга олно гэдэг чинь юу гэсэн үг юм? Ганц байгаа арга нь л эцэг эхдээ тайлбарлаж хэлэх байна шүү дээ.
Юу нь танд тийм хэцүү байгаад байгаа юм? Эсвэл намайг араар тавиад байгаа юм уу?
Надад хэл л дээ!!!! Та надтай гэрлэмээр байгаа юм уу? Хэрвээ надад үнэхээр сайн байсан бол эцэг эхдээ нуулгүйгээр хэлэх байсан гэдэгт итгэлтэй байна"
Би түүнрүү уурлаад зүгээр л гараад явчихлаа.
Хэдийгээр араас минь дуудах ч гэсэн надад хамаа байсангүй. Юу нь тийм хэцүү байгаа юм? Зүгээр л эцэг эхдээ хэлнэ шүү дээ? Түүнийг надад хайртай эсэхэд эргэлзчихлээ.
His Personal Secretary | ✓
Cali Wilson desperately needs money. She had her father's gigantic gambling debt and 4 months overdue rent to pay. When she saw a job opening that offered a place to stay and your choice of salary, she immediately applied. She expected her debt to be paid, but what she didn't expect was her life to be turned completely upside down.Meet Christian Wright, the only son and successor of Wright Corporations. Born with the brains, the looks, and the money- he was the total package. Except there was one problem: his personality. Not only was he rude, self-centered and arrogant, he also had an extremely short temper. Employees were fired for little things like being a minute late to a tiny typo in a report. Everyone in the company knew about his horrible personality and avoided him as if he was the devil himself. When his personal secretary is fired for the 3rd time that month and nobody wanted to be the replacement, the Human Resources department had no choice but to give an outrageous offer just to get someone on the job as soon as possible.What will happen when these two are brought together?#3 in Romance [05.03.16]**warning- this story was one of the first ones I've ever written on Wattpad so there is a lot of room for improvements
8 302Thirst of the Heart (COMPLETE)
*Mature content and sexual references*Yasmin grew up with everything she wanted, two loving parents, nice house, great clothes and good friends. So the last thing she expected was to be sold to the highest bidder by her parents.Running from the family she trusted, Yasmin finds her heart thirsting for the guy who saves her from death not knowing he thirst for her blood.Can Yasmin make this work, or will the past get in the way of her future.#1 in cage (2022)#1 in Heat (2020)#1 in sexscenes (2021)#2 in supernatural (2021)#2 in vampire (2021)#3 in mates (2021)
You know that feeling when there are lots of responsibilities and things you have to do pulling you down alongside emotional issues that's making you feel like thousands of straps are tying you down to a torture chair ....well that's how skai feelsSkai Hart is an African American who lives a peaceful and calm life ... she's about to graduate from college with her long term boyfriend of 5 years,Andre MatthewsAs she had dinner with her family and finance in a restaurant ....a mafia gang bursts in and turn the building in disarray looking for a particular blackjack ....little does she know that's her boyfriend.....she witness the lash out between the gang and her boyfriend....finally realizing her boyfriend is part of a mafia group that deals on drugs and weapons which leads to the serious breakup .And that's how the scandals began to unfold in her life....just after the incident she learns of her parents divorce leaving her alone to cater for her younger brother, Sekani who disagrees to go with any parent . That's when Skai decides she's going to cater for her and her brother not depending on anyone for help making her to work hard and be diligent .Hardwork paid off..now she's a big business tycoon who landed a partnership deal with an attractive but stuck up Drake Johnson who doesn't take the slightest bit of nuisance .How would skai relate with her new business partner ?Would she finally find someone to let down her guard and depend on another person ?Would she be able to recover from her hard break up with Andre ?Would she finally be able to relax and not be anxious about anything ? Please read on and see how skai"s life filled with 1 million and 1 event unfold as she lives under a boot strapped life
8 71Just Revenge (#1)
I looked at his eyes and put up a strong face. His eyes bore into mine as much as mine into his. It was like he could read my mind and reach out to my soul just by looking into my eyes. I tried to read his thoughts too but it felt like he had blocked me out this time. Nothing seemed clear to me anymore. Tears were burning behind my eyes and threatening to pour out. I forced my self to hold them back and asked him, "Just revenge?"Without a ting of emotion on his face, he said, "Just Revenge."********************************************************************************************Amelia Lawson had a perfect life. In the eyes of the world, Amelia, or Amy as most would call her, had everything you ever wanted. A successful career, rich background, a loving brother and a handsome boyfriend turned husband. But, it all crashes down when on the wedding night the love of her life, Aaron Kingston, laughs on her face revealing to her that the whole thing right from dating to marriage was just a big sham and for a fact he actually hates her to no bounds. Now, blackmailed by her husband, Amelia has no choice but to pretend in front of his family and the world that they are a happy couple until he gets what he wants, even if it is her life that is at stake. With Amy's heart already in her husband's hands, her husband hell bent on making her life a living hell and her not knowing what has she possibly done in the twenty five years of her existence to make him hate her so much, what is much left for her to do but comply? But no, "Take no shit from anyone." is a rule made for Amy.Aaron Kingston may have been the love of her life, but he is no exception to this rule.********************************************Warning: Mentions of sensitive stuff. Please refrain if you feel you can't handle.Note: This is a standalone book but a part of a series. Can be read in any order.#1 in heartbreak on 05/28/2022#1 in planned on 06/03/2022#2 in betrayal on 06/04/2022
8 188Falsely Yours, Arthur
Arthur Fucking walker would someday ruin me.•Ever since the day Marnie set her eyes on Arthur she knew she was done for.With dark eyes and dark hair, the girl in the band was someone she wanted to know everything about.Secrets would come out and blood would be bound to spill but in the green lights or the golden sun rays, Arthur would burn every soul to grant Marnie warmth.•Arthur's hand came up to my hips as she grabbed it tightly, staining my skirt with her bloody hands. My whole body was trembling.The knife.I turned around abruptly taking out my knife and pressing it to her neck, but she was quicker as she pressed her knife to my bare thigh. One of her hands was still on my hips as she pushed close to me.I flinched at the cold metal pressed on my upper thigh. But my hand didn't falter. I pressed the knife against her neck harder. A drop of blood dripped down her neck and trailed to her collarbone. Slowly trailing down and travelling down the curve of her and inside her shirt."What did you see my angel?" She asked, her voice mocking as she stepped closer. I took a step back my back meeting the cold metal and her knife sliding higher."Nothing," I whispered, panting.Fucking hell."Nothing, I saw nothing." I breathed out and she grinned."Shit liar baby." She shook her head kissing my temple and my collarbone. Her lips lingered for more than a second."Get your knife away from me." I grit my teeth."And here I thought you liked a knife between your legs." She whispered grinning, I swallowed as I could feel the blood drip down from the cut.
8 121*Gay Panic*/Billie Eilish x Reader
You're the lesbian in town, and have a very interesting taste in things and is in love with music. You find this very popular girl that has the same tastes, She catches your eye and your sister happens to post a cover you sang to one of her songs, not realizing what you're getting into. Side note: writing will be revised from older chapters. So if you go back and something is missing or changed thats because I did that to make the story better for new readers.*No rewriting my stuff, any book on my page will stay on my page, same goes for chapters. Getting creative influence on it is one thing, copy and paste is another.*+High tags+#1 in billiexreader#2 in billieeilishxreader
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