《Love on First Spark | Boboiboy x Reader |》Chapter 14: Chaotic Jealousy


I was 2 weeks asleep after the mission in Planet Rimu Ru. After I woke up I was given days to recover. Of course when I am recovering everyone is taking care of me. I feel at home. Even Admiral and Commander sometimes visit me. But mostly the person who took care and was with me 24/7 is Boboiboy. Well more like the Elemental Siblings.

They have turns. 2 hours for Quake and then Thunderstorm will replace him for 2 hours same goes for the other elements. I don't know why but they seem pretty concerned. Which js kind of cute- WAIT NO! Y/n what are you thinking?!?

I'm fully recovered and decided to go out. I went out my room and went to the mess hall where everyone seems to be there. I them spotted Solar carrying a tray. Probably taking it to my room.

But then Solar stopped once he saw me. Once he stop his movements were noticed by Ice who is sleeping by the couch beside where Solar stopped. Ice looked at me and sits up in shock.

"Y/n?! What are you doing out your room?" Ice says. This caught the attention of everyone. Yaya and Ying came up to me too.

"Are you sure to be going out you might get tired" Ying says.

"Guys it's fine, I've been asleep for two weeks I can't just rest for another week and I'm already fully recovered" I say as everyone sighed in relief. Solar placed my breakfast by the table.

Thorn ran to me hugging me by my waist. Since I'm sitting down, Thorn's kneeling to level with me and rest in between my legs hugging my waist. "YAY Y/N'S OKAY NOW WE CAN DRAW MANY THINGS AGAIN" Thorn says in happiness. I giggled by his actions and cares his hair while also patting him.

I glanced at the others but Fang, Yaya, Ying and Gopal are by the side stepping away from the other elements. Why? They are looking at Thorn in what I assume envy. Except for Quake, he is staring at his brothers who are looking Thorn in pure envy.

And then Ice came behind where I am sitting and rest his chin by shoulders and sleeps while standing behind. I pat him too with my other hand and smiles.

"HEY HEY! BOTH OF YOU! LET HER REST DON'T DISTURB HER" Solar and Thunderstorm yelled at the two. Solar pulling Thorn away and Thunderstorm dragging Ice away. I look at them in confusion. Well actually this is the first time I saw the siblings like this.

And then Admiral and Commander came surprised to see me out and okay.


"Cadet Y/n you're fine now?" Commander Koko Chi says and I nodded in response. He smiled and looked at Boboiboy and the others. They were just passing buy to get to the Power Sphera's room.

I ate my breakfast well of course while eating Thorn kept telling me stories about their missions while I'm asleep. I didn't let him stop, I don't want to let the smol bean get sad y'know.

Thorn told me how they went back to Planet Dharga'ya and was chased by the rocks again. He said they met Admiral Tarung there and a hypnotic frog or whatever it is. How they were chased by species in another planet. They were also surprised Adu Du is still alive after we saw in Planet Rimu Ru. Adu Du was in their mission to steal the power sphera again.

"Hey Y/n! Y/n! Do you want to see me and Solar do our experiment? Pretty pleaseeeeeee?" Thorn asked begging me with his puppy eyes. Well who am I to refuse such cute eyes right?

"Sure" I say. Thorn overjoyed. Solar smiled and lead the way to his lab. We left the other elements along with the gang while we headed to Solar's lab. How did Solar got his own lab anyway? Well simple, he got permission from Admiral and Commander.

We opened the door and I was stunned by a pitcher plant who immediately looked at us once the door was opened. "HOLY SH-T!" I cursed hiding behind Solar. Thorn went to the pitcher plant hugging it. The pitcher plant seems to know Thorn.

Solar went in, me following behind.

Y/n, Thorn and Solar left to get to Solar's lab for his experiment. Thorn told Y/n to come with them. We were left with the other elements. Of course the elements didn't notice that we're still here and kept blabbering.

"AISH! THAT FOUR-EYES NERD got lucky because of Thorn! I WANT TO SPEND TIME WITH Y/N TOO" Blaze whined like a kid stomping off the floor and crossed his arms. It's official alright, they are JEALOUS funny they are jealous of themselves.

"You guys are just jealous" me and Gopal spoke up. The elements looked at us in surprise knowing we're still here. Blaze laughed nervously and went back to being angry.

"Hey! We're not jealous" he fumed.

"Oh yeah? Not jealous of how Y/n spends time more with Thorn and Solar got lucky because of him, now they get to solo Y/n" I smirked making Blaze more angry. We spotted Thunderstorm lower his cap, probably hiding his red face. Cyclone is obviously blushing. Ice just shrugged it off and sleep. Quake is the most obvious one since he is silent about it.


"They are jealous alright" me, Yaya and Ying says in unison.


We all looked behind the elements to see my brother Captain Kaizo. He is now with Admiral Tarung and Commander Koko Chi. I excused myself from my friends and went to meet my brother, Commander and Admiral. We went somewhere to talk.

"That day you guys were teleported to Captain Kaizo's office, we gained information from Ochobot and Wishbot" Admiral said making me confused. What information?

"After Wishbot was teleported with us to my spaceship, it detected an unfamiliar aura within Y/n" brother Kaizo says making me stop. Unfamiliar aura?

"The reason we did not let Ochobot come with you in every mission is because we let him examine Y/n and here's what Ochobot found" Commander says and opened a file inside Y/n informations. I was shock to see something I didn't expect.

But... "Who is Voltra?" I asked.

"That we still don't know. But Y/n possess the power of Voltra... Let's just wait until she tells it to us herself" Admiral says and we all agreed.

I walked back to the group still the existence of Voltra lingering in my mind. Does that mean Y/n used Voltra back in Planet Rimu Ru?

While Fang is talking to the Commander and Admiral, the elemental siblings went to peek on Thorn and Solar. It was plainly Blaze's idea.

Quake followed knowing they might do something reckless. They all peeked by the door. Thorn is placing a flower crown by Y/n head. Y/n is patting Thorn's pitcher plant too. Thorn amd Solar started experimenting Y/n and the Pitcher plant just watched.

And then... BOOM. Thorn put something in Solar's potion creating an explosion. "Thorn! Be careful on dropping things in my potion! We need to make the perfect fertilizer for your Mr. Carnivorous plant" Solar says removing his glasses and wiping it with cloth.

Thorn didn't listen and just laughed at Solar's face. His face is covered with black ashes. Same goes for Thorn. Y/n? She was covered by the pitcher plant.

The other elements just watch each of their actions. Cyclone and Blaze's mouth was covered by Thunderstorm and Ice since they are about to laugh too.

Y/n picked up some clean cloth somewhere in the lab and went near the two elements. She first wiped Thorn's face squeaky clean and then next is Solar. She took off Solar's glasses and wiped his face like her son. After that she gave back his glasses as Solar put it on.

"Both of you really need to be careful doing experiments" Y/n says wiping her hand too. Solar and Thorn looked at each other and smiles and kiss Y/n by her cheeks. Thorn on the left and Solar on the right. This gave the girl a pinkish dust running throught her face.

This triggered Blaze, Thunderstorm and Cyclone. They immediately barged in causing the three to jump in shock.

"HEY WE SAW THAT WHY DID YOU TWO KISSED Y/N?!?" The three elements fumed. Thorn hid behind Y/n while Solar rolled his eyes. Y/n is looking at them in confusion but still a hint of blush creeps on her cheeks.

Quake took off his hat and put it on Y/n giving Y/n a chance to lower Quake's cap and hides her blushing face.

"You're just jealous" - Solar

"WE'RE NOT JEALOUS YOU DAMN LIGHTBULB" mainly Cyclone, Thunderstorm and Blaze says. Ice? He made Solar's table cleared and slept on it. He looks like he don't care but he is mad too. He just don't wanna be obvi.

"Guys enough you're making Y/n uncomfortable" Quake says. They looked at him and stop. They don't want to anger the momma earth you know. He's scary. They then spotted Quake's hat on Y/n. Cyclone took it off and gave it back to Quake and put his own hat on Y/n.

Blaze didn't gave up and took off Cyclone's hat om Y/n and put his on Y/n. "Hey! I WAS FIRST" Cyclone says. Blaze didn't listen. Cyclone and Blaze kept taking off and putting on their hats on Y/n. Y/n on the other hand just stood there in silence until-


Cyclone and Blaze squats on the floor holding their heads after getting smacked by Yaya and Ying.

"You guys really are troublesome! Didn't you hear Quake earlier? Y/n is uncomfortable" they both said. Yaya took both Cyclone and Blaze's hat and put them on the two. Y/n was dragged out by the two girl leaving all the elements in Solar's lab.


"What? Why me? You're the one who took Quake's hat off" - Blaze

"Well this won't happen if Solar and Thorn didn't kiss Y/n" - Thunderstorm

"What why it is our fault?" - Thorn

"You guys are just jealous" - Solar

"It's your fault for peeking on them" Ice spoke up, the elements look at him. His back is facing them since he is 'Sleep Talking'

"If you didn't peek this chaos won't happen" Ice continued.

"HEY YOU PEEKED WITH US" Thunder, Blaze and Cyclone yelled at him.

"Me and Quake just followed because we know you guys will make Chaos" Ice says and Quake kind of agreed.

Meanwhile at Y/n....




















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