《Love on First Spark | Boboiboy x Reader |》Chapter 15: Eggabot
Hey guys before we start in this chapter, I just wanna say this plot is base within Boboiboy Movie 2. So I'll be inserting Y/n scenes and Y/n plots in the movie so it might change a bit. Hope you understand.
Days, weeks have passed, Boboiboy and the others saved power spheras continously. They even had a Pirate Adventure with Captain Kaizo. They had fun in these past few days.
But that's not all. The past few days, Y/n and Boboiboy gets closer and closer. Boboiboy's feelings started to grow more for Y/n. Oh the boy is deeply inlove with her ever since her first spark in the koko tiam. Let's not forget that Boboiboy is sometimes stuttering when he talks to Y/n making ut more obvious.
Y/n? She started to feel the same way. Butterflies flutter in her stomach everytime she's with him. Plus the elemental siblings are always with her, especially Thorn.
On to the story....
Boboiboy and the team are in a winter habitat planet. Their mission is to save a Power Sphera named Eggabot. The others are on guard to the surroundings. Fang and Ying are with Captain Papa Zola and Ochobot in Papa Zola's spaceship.
"Hurry up Boboiboy" Gopal who is climbing down a rock mountain says as his voice echoes.
"Sshh! Keep it down will you?" Boboiboy yell-whispered as he looks up above him. He is also climbing down the mountain bu he is below Gopal.
Behind Boboiboy is an egg resemblimg the whale-like species below them. They found Eggabot with that animal and it took Eggabot thinking it was it's actual egg.
Boboiboy and Gopal kept climbing down to where the animal is. From above you can't see where Eggabot is at all.
"Swap the eggs quick! I'm starving!" Gopal whined again can't control his hunger. They are still not completely on the ground yet he is here whining about his hunger.
Once they are mainly down on the ground, Boboiboy ran by a piled rock to hide and look for Eggabot. Behind him following is Gopal. They then heard a squeakh voice. It was Eggabot by the animal's tail.
Boboiboy tool the egg behind him and went near to where Eggabot is. He slowly lifted the animal's tail to let Eggabot out.
"Hurry! Hurry!" Boboiboy says as Eggabot leap out from the tail and went behind Boboiboy. Boboiboy took a glance at the whale-like animal and place the egg he brough under it's tail and gently put the tail down safely not to wake up the animal.
After setting it down he sighed. He took Eggabot to the sling behind him and carried it like a backpack. "Job's done! Let's move" Boboiboy says and ran back to the rock mountain they climbed down earlier and started to climb up.
He is PEACEFULLY climbing up when his partner climbed up fast. "Out of my way Boboiboy" Gopal says climbing up fast. This startled the orange hat boy almost making him fall.
"Aish watch where you're going- Huh? What's that you got there?" the boy noticed the round egg hels by his friend.
"What else? It's my breakfast" Gopal gave him a smug look and giggled as he kissed the egg he was holding. What do you expect from him? He's a glutton.
"Huh?!? You're not suppose to take one of the eggs Gopal"
"Why not? Let's make an Omelet want some?"
"Sheesh what is wrong with you?" Boboiboy said to him in a displeased tone. Boboiboy grabbed Gopal's foot pulling it to make him climb down and put it back to where he got the egg. "Put it back Gopal! Now"
"Hey! Lay off! You're not getting a single bite of it then" Gopal keeps on insisting causing the egg to fall off from his hand.
The egg fell bouncing from a rock and landing on the snow. The egg cracks slowly until it crack completely as a baby whale-like animal popped out the egg. In a second the baby started crying, this alerted Boboiboy and Gopal. The baby animal kept crying calling it's Mama.
"Ssh! Ssh! Mama's not home! She had gone to work!" Gopal says trying to stop the baby from crying but of course the baby won't understand him.
Because of the baby's cry. The mother wall woke up from her slumber. Slowly opening it's eyes as she wander her eyes looking for the source of the noise. She spotted her baby whining around by the snow hatched from it's egg. Not far from her sight is Boboiboy and Gopal hanging by the mountain.
This angered the mother and stared at the two causing Boboiboy and Gopal flinch and started to climb up faster. Once they reached the top the mother of the animal jumped high reaching them and started chasing them.
They screamed in terror while running away as the animal chase the at a high speed. Boboiboy making sure Eggabot won't fall from his back.
"This is all your fault Gopal!!!" Boboiboy shouts as he keeps on running away.
"My fault? I was just hungry!!" Gopal reasoned as he looks at his belly still running away from the animal. With it's sabertooth, he don't wanna be gobbled up by that.
"You're so full of excuses" Boboiboy's voice echoes as he shouts at Gopal.
Behind them, the animal jumped high causing both of them to lool back in shock. As the animal landed they both flew in the air by the impact as they started falling down to the ground.
"I don't wanna die Boboiboy!" Gopal cries in fear.
"Elemental Power! Boboiboy... ICE!" Boboiboy summoned his Elemental power using Ice for the better option. "Ice Slide" Boboiboy made a slide made of shiny ice as Gopal slid down.
Eggabot fell on Gopal's hand as they slide around Boboiboy giving path of the slide dor their way to escape without running.
Not too far from Boboiboy and Gopal was a box headed alien spying on them with his telescope. He laughed as he spotted Eggabot by Gopal's hand.
Back to Boboiboy, Gopal looked behind to check if the mother whale tooth animal is following them but it seems their coast have been cleared.
"We've lost her" Gopal says as he looked at Boboiboy only to spot the animal infront of them. "AAAHHHH! Look out Boboiboy!!!" he screamed pointing infront of them.
Boboiboy looked and immediately dodge their way from the animal. Once they passed through her it bites Boboiboy's Ice Slide causing them again to fly in air. The ice slide is completely broken. Both Boboiboy and Gopal are now stumbling mid air. The glass of Ice are shattered and it can hit them.
"Ah! Pizza Transformation!" Gopal used his power to change the glass of ice around them to Pizza.
They started to fall again but once they were near the ground, Boboiboy again made an ice slide as he trails it to a hidden cave safe enough for them to stay. After they got in, he reverted back to normal.
They hid behind a rock as the animal rage outside the cave looking for them. The mother animal have a mouthful of giant Pizza on its mouth made by Gopal too.
"She's looking for us" Boboiboy says as he puts down Eggabot infront of him and hides.
The animal completely devoured the pizzas as it roared again. This gave Gopal shivers as he hides in fear.
"Please don't find me! Please don't find me- AH! AAHHHH" Gopal who is just wishing already jinxed it as the baby animal started to bite his head this caused Gopal to ran outside the cave.
Boboiboy tried to warn him but it's too late he is already outside. Gopal bumped by the mother animal's legs. Gopal stood there frozen as the baby smiles to see it's mama.
"Oh hehe how was work Mama?" Gopal laughed nervously waving at the animal. The baby looked at him and them the mama animal started to chase him.
"GOPAL! GET BACK INSIDE" Boboiboy called him out.
While he us calling out a robot arm or something is reaching out to capture Eggabot. The power sphera screamed causing Boboiboy to look back and see that Eggabot is gone. He looked uo to see Eggabot being taken.
"Hahahahaha we got him Probe! Let's go!" Adu Du laughed in victory as they immediately sprinted out the scene. Boboiboy was about to follow when Gopal screamed in terror.
He looked at where Gopal is and started to think until he made his decision. He get his watch near his mouth and talked. "You guys help Gopal! I'll go save Eggabot" he says as he started to spark in red. "BOBOIBOY THUNDERSTORM" he summoned his dear thunder and dash out to follow Adu Du.
Back on Gopal, he tripped himself causing the animal to get a complete swallow of him. Well... Almost.
A h/c haired girl kicked the ground causing electric energy to flow to the animal electrifying it from the ground causing it to lie down.
Yaya soon came behind Y/n lifting the animal away from Gopal. Y/n went to Gopal helping him up and walk away from the animal.
On the chasing game, Adu Du and Probe are running away, Eggabot in their hands. They are being followed by Thunderstorm with his thunder sprint.
"Let go of me!!!"
"Be quiet will you?" Adu Du scolded the power sphera as he looked forward to spot their ship.
"Mr. Boss! We're almost there" Probe says happily as he drives faster.
Adu Du laughed as he can smell his own victory. "Farewell Boboiboy! See you NEVER again ex-buddy" Adu Dy laugh as he looked forward to see another spaceship blocking their way. "Hit the brakes, Probe! NOOWWWW!" he panicked as Probe brakes their flight almost hitting the spaceship infront of them.
The spaceship completely revealed itself and read as MYS Justice. They then heard a laugh from a microphone as they look at the head of the spaceship.
"You may be able to run and escape from your ex... However..." the voice said as Papa Zola features his own. "You cannot escale from JUSTICE!!!" he says as he poses his stance. "Ochobottttt"
"Okay" the yellow robot says as he pulls a lever openjng the door infront of Adudu and Probe.
Stood infront of them is Fang and his Shadow Beasts. Fang pushed his glasses over his eyes as he looks at the box headed alien.
"Huh? What are you trying to do, open a zoo?" Adu Du joked but this didn't make Fang pleased.
"Do kids like Mr. Boss gets a free entry?" Probe joked next earning a hit from Adu Du.
Then without them knowing, Eggabot was now taken by none other than the speedy time manipulator herself. She ran up the spaceship stopping beside Fang.
"Hey hey hey! That power sphera belongs to me!" Adu Du yelled at Ying pointing Eggabot o her hands.
"Is that what yoy think?" she says in a playful tone.
"ATTACK" Fang commanded, his Shadow Beasts started to attack Adu Du and Probe.
The two were being beated up by Fang's Beasts. One of them is hitting Probe which s the gorilla. Some are biting Adu Du as he whine in pain. They also scream in pain for the bites, hit and scratches.
They both ended up being thrown on the floor as Fang reverted his Shadlw Beasts. Adu Du and Probe crawling on the snow beaten up.
"Please don't hurt us anymore..."
The two begged for mercy. Ying giggled as Eggabot flutter it's antlers like a cute bat.
"You don't have to worry about me but.... I don't know about Boboiboy" Ying says as she spots her friend in his Thunderstorm element in a furious look.
"Boboiboy?" Adu Du and Probe says as a feet of the mentioned boy stepped infront of them. They looked up to see a furious Thunderstorm pissed off by their sudden botnap on Eggabot.
With one strike, Boboiboy sent them flying causing the two to scream in fear.
Meanwhile back on Y/n, Yaya and Gopal...
"Gopal are you okay?" Yaya asks still not putting the animal down.
Y/n helped Gopal as he rests on the ground gasping in reliefe he is saved by the girls.
"I'm okay..." He says. Yaya started putting down the animal gently as the baby immediately ran up to her. "Thanks Yaya and Y/n"
"Don't sweat it, you're lucky me and Yaya are just near the location where you and Boboiboy are" Y/n says. Gopal just gave her a tiring laugh.
Then the spaceship came to their location. Y/n helped Gopal to get on the spaceship as Boboiboy helped her out.
"Captain Papa, everyone's on board" Fang says as Papa Zola started to take the ship on it's leave.
Boboiboy, Gopal and Y/n stopped once they heard Adu Du's voice who are currently in a tone of pain. Well they are being mobbled up by the mama animal.
"Hah... I wouldn't want to be in their place" Gopal sighed as Y/n looked at him in a poker face. She knew Gopal did something and he got chased by this huge beast.
"What are you waiting for? Let's go Boboiboy" Fang says as Y/n looked at Boboiboy who seems to have a plan in mind.
"Y/n bring Gopal inside" Boboiboy says letting Y/n take Gopal on her own.
"Wait WHAT?" Y/n was shock by what he had said.
"Where are you going?" Fang says as Boboiboy ran out and jumped off the ship activating his power again.
"Elemental power! BOBOIBOY TRIPLE SPLIT!"
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