《I Belong to Him》You Don't Know Him


Elliot P.O.V

I open my eyes to grey ones staring at me. I jump out of bed in surprise.

"Ow gosh darn it." Grayson chuckles slightly.

" That's quite the interesting way to wake up princess."

" Ugh don't call me princess and why are you staring at me what are you a pervert." Grayson laughs so hard his face turns red and it's actually quite amusing. I wish he'd smile more often he'd be a lot cuter. Wait what do I mean cute I hate him I hate him a lot.

" hahaha I see your back to normal." Grayson says wiping tears from his eyes. I huff in response trying to stand but a pain shoots up my spine knocking me down. Grayson grabs me wrapping his arm around my waist.

" Move slow you're still hurt."

" Okay, thanks. Let me go please."

" Gladly." Grayson let's me go and I fall flat on my face. Heavily annoyed I rub my forehead glaring at Grayson to which he is cracking up.

" Your glaring is cute, you should do that more often." I don't even respond I just ignore him turning me head to the side and folding my arms.

" Quite the angry kitten are we?" He says teasingly. I continue to ignore him when he grabs me pinning me to the floor. The pain shoots through my body and I flinch.

" I don't give a fuck if you're mad but look at me when I'm talking."

" Y-yes daddy. Please let me go." How can someone who was just smiling and laughing become so cold? Grayson gets off me throwing me over his shoulder then onto the bed.

" Um for a sick person you're being pretty rough don't you think?"

" I could be rougher if you want."

"Weren't you just laughing. I know I already asked you this but are you seriously not bi-polar. Maybe you should go to the doctor. You could have Dissociative Identity Disorder, commonly known as Multiple Personality Disorder. It's usually used as a reaction to trauma as a way to help a person avoid bad memories. Since you're a gangster it's very possible." Grayson gives me a stare as if trying to process my words and once he does he laughs so hard I think his laugh box is broken.

" Uh is it something I said? And weren't you just mad?"

"Man I can't get enough of you. You're such a weirdo. You're hilarious, I wish you'd be such a riot more often."

" No offense and I hope you won't get mad but I've smiled and laughed and made jokes before. Just not really around you..." Grayson's smile quickly fades and he looks away. He then get's up and packs his stuff.

" I've got stuff to do I'll be back to check on you later."

" Umm.. are you really mad? I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude."

" For fucks sake be mad!! You rarely yell and you're always sorry and being polite and checking on me even though I'm such a dick. You're right you do smile all you do is smile but never around me. Never even when I do say something funny or you say something funny you never smile. I wish you would smile at me and I wish I could be nice to you but I can't because you're just a toy and nothing more. So get off me with all that nice shit and be an asshole to me like I am to you!"


"So I should change myself? Because I get bullied and because you and Levi have hurt me and I also have hurt myself I should change along with the world. Be mean to everyone because they deserve it? With all due respect that's not how I am. I'll never let the world change the way I treat others but I will use that to change the way others treat me, themselves, and the world." I say breathing harshly. I usually don't talk that much so I was surprised I said all that. When I almost cussed at Grayson I felt as if I'd lost myself I felt so horrible. I promised myself I'd never say another curse word and I'd never hurt another person. Yet this man who pretends to be so strong I've done nothing but hurt him, and in return he has done nothing but hurt me. It's all my fault. I wrap my hands around Grayson's neck hugging him tightly. His eyes widen in surprise.

" I'm sorry I've hurt you. I've never meant to hurt you. You're not as bad as you think. So I'm begging you, please don't hurt me anymore." Grayson bends over hugging my small frame to him with his face buried in my neck.

" Please be mine. I promise I'll never hurt you again if you just be mine. I want you."

" I-I'm sorry.." Grayson pulls back slowly looking into my eyes. After he receives my answer he moves away from me, grabs his stuff, and walks out the door. I don't stop him. This is wrong I can't continue to be around him, and I can't continue to let him be around me. He's a mafia boss, scary, evil, and very obviously bi-polar. I can't be with him and I need him to get that. I call Levi but he doesn't answer so I call again but still no response. He's never ever missed a call from me. I wanna go to his house but I don't have a car. Plopping on my bed I sigh worried. I have no clue what I'm gonna do. I gotta go to school tomorrow I've already missed 2 days. I'll have to see and deal with Grayson. I'll have to "service him" sure he was nice yesterday and sorta nice today but I know it won't last. I know tomorrow he'll be back to himself and he'll hurt me just like he always does. Will this ever end? Or am I hoping for something that doesn't exist.

~2 days Later~

Levi isn't at school today and I'm relieved. I haven't seen him since what happened at my house. I love him but I'm afraid to see him and I'm also upset at the fact I've hurt him. For the last 2 days I also haven't seen Grayson which scares me more. I mean what if he went to kill Levi after what I said. I texted his sister and she said he's fine but she could've just been saying that not to worry me. I feel like pulling my hair out. I have all these friends now because I don't wear glasses and people actually think I'm pretty yuck. But it's all fake a face change shouldn't describe a person. At least I never have to sit at lunch by myself that isn't so bad. In the middle of my thinking I bump into a wall and fall. Damien comes up beside me and helps me up.


" Hey bro you good?" Oh yeah I forgot to mention. Damien and I have been getting close for the last week or so. He's actually really cool and was only joking about what he said in class. He's been a good friend considering Levi hasn't been around.

" Yeah yeah I'm cool thanks." I say rubbing my sore bum.

"Man watch where you're going geez. He's like a baby you'll break him." Damien says laughing. However, Grayson says nothing only glaring at Damien and walking away. Wait walking away? Before he would've grabbed me and told Damien not to touch me. Or glared at me or helped me up. Said anything to me! But he just walks away?? Is this over? After everything he's put me through is it finally over. Or did he get what he wanted did he kill Levi and now has nothing to do with me. What is going on I'm so confuse I feel like I'm about to hyperventilate. Damien shakes me snapping me out of my trance.

" Dude get a hold of yourself!" Damien says shaking me. I snap out of it relaxing. There's no use thinking about it. Today he'll call me to the balcony and it'll all make sense he's probably in a bad mood. The rooftop will explain everything I'll get my answers. Damien and I walk to second period messing around with each other on the way. He drops me off at music class then heads to his. When I walk in Mrs. Melony is there a huge grin on her face as usual.

" Good afternoon Elliot! How are you?"

" I'm pretty good thanks for asking." I say with a smile.

" Oh my! You're smiling so much more these days! You're so much better when you smile! Beautiful, Beautiful! It's a great day to make music everyone!" Mrs. Melony says cheerily. The energy around Mrs. Melony is amazing I can feel she has a genuine connection with the muse. Whereas the guys are to busy staring at her boobs to notice. Pretty sure half the guys in this class are in here for that reason if I'm being honest.

" I have a song I prepared to sing for you all! However this week you all will have an assignment. Every single one of you will do a duet with me and receive feed back from myself along with the class. You can also choose what instrument you'd like me to play. Which includes: Piano, violin, viola, cello, bass, harmonica, and my voice. For example, Elliot please join me on piano and choose my instrument!"

"Elliot?? Seriously Mrs. Melony? Can he even play? He doesn't know the song either. Neither do we, what do you even expect. You should let me join you I'm probably better." The smile on Mrs. Melony's face quickly fades for the first time.

" Oh my my my. None of you have heard Mr. Turner play have you? You must not know his music teacher. Such a shame. You really don't know him yet you say such things. As humans we make fun of those we are jealous of. Maybe you talk this way because you wish you were half as good as he is." Mrs. Melony is glaring at Johnathan the guy who said it. He looks away pissed but saying nothing. The glass goes quiet and Mrs. Melony's smile returns.

"So Elliot! Will you play with me?"

" I guess.. I don't see why not. And I guess you can play Violin."

" Okay! The song we'll be playing will be different from the assignment."

"alright." I say sitting at the piano in her class. I take a few minutes glossing over the sheet music then closing my eyes.

" Oh my! You remembered it that fast?? Even for you that's pretty quick! I look forward to playing with you!" The class was murmuring and I knew they doubted me I knew they were waiting for me to fail. But if I'm gonna make change I need to start now. My hands hit the keys making a tremalo hard doing crescendos. Mrs. Melony smirks as she begins play the violin. As we play I realize she's trying to outdo me. What a show off. I laugh smiling in response. I slam the keys playing as loud as I can overpowering her. I will use the muse I will demolish this music with everything in me. We keep playing and I'm smiling like a mad man. Mrs. Melony has a crazed look in her eyes as if she's being controlled. We glance at each other as we begin to reach the end of the piece hitting every note. Every movement the authors wrote never missing a beat. Or rather we couldn't. Mrs. Melony finishes and I play the last few notes sweat dripping from my forehead. I raise my head up as I finish with a smile all the horrible feelings I once had gone. The class is in an uproar clapping screaming and a bunch of the other music students come inside the door raving. I'm suddenly surrounded and boy was it amazing.

" I've never heard you play omgosh you're so good!! Why aren't you a professional??"

" Um I uh just I don't know?"

For the next hour everybody's asking a million questions and giving a million compliments. I look at Mrs. Melony and she smiles at me nodding her head. I smile back giving her a silent thank you and watching as she walks out the room.

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