《I Belong to Him》Piece 1


Elliot's P.O.V

Everything was going great he was so soothing and loving but he got rough all of a sudden and wouldn't slow down. Why wouldn't he relax he said he'd be gentle is this just going to keep happening to me? I roll myself into a ball trying to make myself feel better which only makes it worse. My butt feels like it's going to break. I wanna get up and take a shower and some tylenol but I can't breathe. After 30 minutes I cry myself to sleep. I wake up to someone picking me up and bringing me in the bathroom. When I open my eyes there Grayson is. For once I wasn't mad in a way I guess I was kinda happy he was there. He put me in the bathtub before putting my hair in a pony tail and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I think he's about to walk out but he takes his clothes off and climbs into the bath instead. He reaches out to touch my face but I flinch scared. Seeing this he removes his hand and instead holds my arm and slowly brings me to him with my back to his chest. After a few minutes he grabs the soap and begins washing me with a rag. He wipes down my back, then neck, then chest, and begins to move lower. I try to run away but a pain erupts through my body making me yelp. I start crying and Grayson says nothing only holding me to him and rubbing my side soothingly. When he finishes washing me he picks me up setting me on the counter to dry me off and rub lotion on me. He leaves then comes back in with a bottle. He bends me over the sink puts some of the stuff on his finger and inserts it in me. I yelp in pain, it felt like a million needles shooting through me.

" P-Please stop don't Grayson."

" Shh I'm not gonna do anything. I'm just putting ointment in it so you'll feel better." I relax in response letting Grayson rub the ointment inside. It hurt until suddenly Grayson hit a weird spot and I moaned out in pleasure. I then covered my mouth knowing I was in for it. Instead nothing happened Grayson simply put my clothes on me and laid me in bed pulling the covers over me. I mean, not to be rude but is this some type of game? Wasn't he practically about to rape me a week ago? Now he's babying me? He has to be bi-polar. Grayson lays on top of the covers, next to me and begins running his fingers soothingly through my hair. I inch closer to him feeling his heat though it seemed like he was trying to keep his distance.


"Um Grayson?"

"hmm?" he hums in response.

" I don't mean to be rude but are you bi-polar?" Grayson stays quiet and I think he's mad and am about to try and run but he begins chuckling.

" You're quite funny when you want to be. No I'm not haha. But I just don't quite know how to be gentle with you. I get so jealous and angry when it comes to you I don't know what to do with it. I'm sorry that I've hurt you. I know you can't break up with Levi but I can't handle seeing you with anyone else. I've never felt like this before Elliot and I don't know if you get that or even if you care to."

" I don't think you're a bad person Grayson. Maybe one day I can show you how to be gentle.." I don't finish before I fall asleep in Grayson's strong yet warm arms.

Grayson's P.O.V

To be honest I didn't mean even half the shit I just said. I really don't care if I hurt him, I really don't want to be gentle, and I don't feel any type of way that I've never felt before. I just really want to get him in bed so I can get over this. I don't want some slut whose fucked other guys. Once he knows what real sex is his like his little muse won't mean shit. And once I fuck him he won't be or mean shit. I just need to say a few nice words and do a few nice things and he'll be mine. I'll make him my boyfriend, drive him insane and leave him. Why? Because I can and he's been dragging me around like a little puppy for too long. I get out the bed and take a shower, then wrap myself in a shower and go down to his kitchen to get something to eat. Of course it's empty. This is why he's so skinny because he never eats anything. Now I'm gonna starve to death. I call DoorDash and get a large water and chicken salad. It arrives after 30 minutes and I'm about to eat when I hear footsteps. Elliot comes down the stairs rubbing his eyes. Not gonna lie he looks hot as hell. He has long socks up to his knees some underwear and my hoodie that goes down past his butt.


" Mmph Grayson?"

" I'm here, you hungry?"

" Not really." Elliot looks a bit flushed so I walk over to check his temperature and sure enough he's running a fever.

" You have a fever you should lay back down and get some rest."

" M' not tired anymore." I sigh in response and pick him up bridal style. To my surprise he doesn't object and wraps his arms around my neck. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel a little happy but only a little. I sit him on my lap on the couch and put on the Tv. We watch The Walking Dead and I rock him as we do. Soon after he falls asleep and I take him upstairs to rest. I get up to walk away but Elliot grabs the end of the shirt asking me not to leave. So, I sit down on the bed and he lays his head in my lap. I run my fingers through his smooth hair. I'm analyzing every part of his body. His head is as small as a peanut, those big doe blue eyes are enchanting, his eyelashes are long as if he's wearing mascara, his nose and lips are so small and just perfect. His ears are like dwarfs, and his hands are small and slender, I hold his hand to mine and there's a significant difference. I laugh at the sight it's honestly quite cute. He curls up in a ball wrapping his arm around my waist. I'm about to kiss his forehead but I get a call from one of my employees.

" Boss."

"Yeah, what do you want? I'm busy."

"Um we have a situation."

" D, one question. Can it be handled without me. Or do you little pussies need me?"

" Uh what?"

" Is there an issue or can you handle it without me?"

" No sir. You've just never asked us to do that. "

" And? Let me be honest here. My patience is wearing very thin and as you know I don't like to repeat myself. So if I have to ask my question for the 4th time next time you see me it'll be with a bullet between your eyes."

" Yes boss we can handle it ourselves."

" Good. You be in charge and handle it. But so help me if anything goes wrong-"

" Whattt I got this bro, relax. Sooo sorry lines breaking bye!" there's a click and the call ends. If it was any of my other employees doing that I'd kill em but D's my #1 so he can pretty much do as he pleases as long as he doesn't piss me off. I look down at the still sleeping Elliot. I don't want him but I could definitely stare at his sleeping face all day long. I did some research on him and I don't get how he's so kind and gentle after everything. He smiles every day even though he's been through such horrible things. I mean, he killed both his parents. It doesn't get much worse than that.

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