《I Belong to Him》Murder In My Mind


Elliot's P.O.V

When I finally escaped the class I ran to lunch preparing my mind to have to go to balcony. I tell my friends I won't be able to attend lunch and get ready to head to the rooftop. However as I'm walking there I get a text.

~Bi-polar Asshole Grayson~ "Don't come to the rooftop."

~Me~ "Okay."

~Bi-polar Asshole Grayson~ Read 1 minute ago. What.. is that all he has to say? Literally nothing. Something has to be wrong what if he's killed Levi. No wait what if he's actually leaving me alone.. That has to be it right? I have to know what's going on. I begin running to the rooftop to see Grayson standing there no shirt and a bruised ab.

" Grayson oh my gosh are you okay?? What happened??" I say running up to to him and touching his ab. Grayson grabs my hair pulling it back harshly.

" I told you not to come what the fuck are you doing here?"

" I know what you told me but what's going on with you. Levi's not here, you're missing school too then you're suddenly here and hurt as well. Now you're ignoring me. Just tell me what's going on please. I'm begging you." Grayson looking into my eyes cupping my cheek.

" What do you want from me. I bother you you're mad, I'm mean to you you're mad, I tease you you're mad, I laugh you're mad, I leave you alone you're mad. What am I supposed to do? If it means you'll smile I'll do it. Even if it means I have to kill Levi. I just want you so bad."

"Grayson.. have you ever thought maybe if you were just gentle that's all I'd want?"

"That's not who I am I don't know how to be gentle that's not who I am." I wrap my arms around Grayson's neck and he buries his face in mine.

"I'm not asking you to change, but you don't have to be that way with me if you truly don't want to." Grayson looks into my eyes searching for something but he doesn't find it. I cup his face, stand on my tippy toes and kiss him. Sweetly and slowly showing him what I mean. Grayson picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist but then Levi pops in my head. Right as I'm about to stop there's a drop at the door. Levi's standing there with flowers in his hand and a devastated expression. How could I do this??


" Levi babe please listen. It's not what it looks like" I say panicking. Levi looks at me in shock saying nothing. He walks up quickly and I know he and Grayson are about to fight but he slaps me instead.

" Who knew all this time my best friend and boyfriend was such a whore. I will never forgive you. I hope you die! Actually! I hope Grayson kills you! THE SAME WAY YOU MURDERED YOUR PARENTS!!" Grayson grabs Levi punching him several times before throwing him out the door. I couldn't move I was paralyzed.

" Murderer!" NO.

"Liar." I-

" Betrayer." Please!

"Killer!!" No! I just listen to me!

" Die! Die! You don't deserve to live!" I just wanted us to be together.. My eyes flutter closed and I fall to the ground hyperventilating. I'm a killer! A cold blooded killer! No no no that's not me I had to do it. I had to! There was no choice. He was gonna kill me, I didn't mean to hurt her. I couldn't breathe it felt like everything was falling apart. Grayson was holding me trying to get me to breathe as he runs off the rooftop with me in his arms. He passes by a broken Levi stepping on a now bunch of broken flowers left at the door. I just want to breathe. I want to say I'm sorry even if it means death. I swore I'd never hurt anyone again. I swore I'd never make anyone sad. I broke my promise. What right do I even have to live anymore? I've lost everything.

Levi P.O.V

I know it's my fault Elliot's with Grayson. He took advantage of the fact I hurt Elliot. Elliot only sees the good in people he's gullible and understanding, he doesn't know what Grayson can do. I stopped by Elliot's house a couple days ago. I saw him and Elliot together. I knew there was no getting him back but I thought maybe I still had a chance. I mean there was no way after everything Grayson's done to him he still likes him unless it was all a lie. This whole time they've been laughing at me behind my back. They can both rot in hell especially Elliot. No I don't mean that I don't. Actually I've been away from Elliot the last few days because I was at a Psychiatric Hospital. The doctors determined I have Bi-polar disorder. I knew I was bound to have it which explains the mood swings and the voices in my head. I would never do what I did to Elliot or tell myself everybody likes it a little rough. I know who I am and that was not me. So I got myself checked out. My mom had BPD when she was younger but now she has schizophrenia. I can't become her I will never be her all I gotta do is take some pills and I'll be fine. How can I even be mad at Elliot he's done nothing wrong but I don't get it. There's a million guys in the world, he could even be with Damien but he chooses Grayson? Grayson Del'Rosa of all people? When he claimed to hate his guts not even a week ago? Has this whole time really been a joke? I don't know and I really don't want to. Maybe I won't take the pills after all.


Grayson P.O.V

Damien and I get to the office and have the nurse check out Elliot. He kicked us out and now I've been outside the room waiting for the last 10 minutes. What if he's dead. I mean it's not my fault I never asked him to kiss me but that would mean all the ass-kissing, sweet talking, and bullshitting I've been doing, WAS FOR NOTHING. Elliot better survive I don't have time to waste, I just don't. In the middle of my thinking the nurse comes out with a smile on his face.

" He's fine just a bit of anxiety. He should rest here for the rest of the day. I'll take care of him and call Levi to take him home. Thanks for bringing him up here when you did!"

"No fuck that. I'll take care of him he's coming home with me."

" What about class young man?"

" Are you questioning me?" I ask glaring at the nurse. He cowers in response.

" Okay sir. Just let me check Elliot again and wake him up." I nod my head and sit back down. A few minutes pass and they still haven't come out. The door is locked and I'm getting impatient so I kick the door down.

" What the fuck is taking so l-" Elliot's sitting up with a dazed look on his face as the nurse removes his shirt. I grab the nurse banging him into the wall.

" What. the fuck. are you doing? I could really kill you right now. I could shoot you if I wanted to. In case you haven't noticed he belongs to me, don't go around touching what's mine." I'm about to punch him but Damien comes in and grabs the hand I'm about to hit the nurse with.

" Bro Elliot needs you right now. Now is not the time to be fighting. Take him and go." I look at the nurse, then Damien, then Elliot. I sigh and let go of the nurse dropping him to the floor.

" If I ever see you at this school again. I'll kill you." I pick Elliot up bridal style and begin carrying him through the halls. Everybody is looking hella confused, which is of course understandable. 4 days ago he was all over Levi now he's suddenly with me. I mean I get it I just don't care. From now on Elliot belongs to me and I plan on making it clear.

" HEY YOU IDIOTS LISTEN UP. LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING, THIS BOY HERE BELONGS TO ME HE'S MINE. IF ANY OF YOU TOUCH HIM OR HURT HIM YOU WILL AND I PROMISE YOU WILL ANSWER TO ME. I WILL KILL YOU ONSITE WHETHER HE TELLS ME TO OR NOT. FROM NOW ON THIS IS MY BOYFRIEND GOT IT?" I say putting him down, everybody nods in fear. To seal it I kiss Elliot with my hand on his butt possessively. Elliot snaps out his trance and puts his hand up in an effort to push me away. I grab it holding it up continuing to kiss him and glaring at everybody in site. I can tell Elliot's about to run away so I sling him over my shoulder and walk out with him. He starts flailing around but I grab his butt holding it tightly. He yelps and stops right after. I throw him in the car and lock the doors.

" You said you would be gentle you said you would do anything to make me happy."

" Nah I said I didn't know how to be gentle, oh and I lied."

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