《I Belong to Him》Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda


Grayson's P.O.V

I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel bad. I would never want make Elliot feel this way. That beautiful ball of sunshine, I don't want to break him I just want that smile and warmth of his to be mine. I just want him to stand by my side even if I don't get his heart. As long as I have him that's all that matters. If he won't give himself to me then I'll take his body instead. I know it's fucked up I don't need anyone to tell me that but I can't stand the thought of him being with someone else. It infuriates me and I will do anything and everything necessary to get him away from Levi even if it means death. I head to the bathroom and bump into Levi on my way in. He chuckles and I can feel my sanity breaking. If Levi didn't tell me not to I'd put a bullet in his head right now. But it's fine soon enough Elliot will be mine and there's nothing anybody can say or do about it. I smirk looking at him before going into the bathroom. When I finish pissing I head out to wash my hands. Levi 's standing at the door with a pissed look on his face.

" Where's Elliot I can't find him. Tell me now."

" How would I know where your little boyfriend is."

" QUIT SHITTING ME. You know exactly where he is so Tell Me." I kick my foot hard on the wall next to Levi leaving a dent.

" I don't know if you know who I am so allow me to remind you. I'm the type of man who gets what he wants by any means necessary. If I really wanted to I could put a bullet in your head right now with no remorse and nobody would know. You'd just be another suicide case nobody cares about. Try me if you want to but I guarantee you won't come out alive. This isn't a threat it's a promise. Break up with Elliot and we have no problem. I'll give you some time to think about it." I walk out the bathroom before heading out the school. I have business to take care of and I definitely don't have time to see Elliot and Levi all over each other in the hall. If I see it again I might just kill him in front of everyone. At my car Jessica and Layla are sitting with their nasty coochies on it.

" Yo get off my car. I don't wanna have to wash it."

" Geez what's got your panties in a twist. You're not usually this much of a bitch." Jessica says sarcastically. Grabbing her by her hair I pin her to the car.


" Jess I'm not in the mood for games. Keep fucking with me and we will have a problem. Now, tell me what you want." I say getting off her as I could tell she was beginning to like it.

" Well I'm a little late on rent and I was wondering if you could help me out."

As she's talking I see Elliot coming out the school he and I make direct eye contact before he looks away.

" Blow me and I'll give you what you want."

" Here? In front of the school?"

" No in my car now."

" Okay whatever you want." Jess and I head into my car she waists no time pulling out my dick and starting to suck it, like a pro of course. I want to enjoy it and any other day I would have but it didn't feel right I kept seeing Elliot's crying face. All I could see was him and I realized nobody would do but him.

" Stop. Just stop." Jessica backs away slowly confused. I grab 1k out the glove compartment and hand it to her.

" Here this should last you a while just leave me alone for the time being." I say grabbing my hair tiredly.

" Oh uh okay." she kisses my cheek before leaving the car. I don't want anybody else I just want him.

Elliot's P.O.V

When I finally got myself together I ran to the bathroom. Grayson was walking out with a smirk so I hid. I go inside and there Levi is with a furious look on his face.

" Levi are you okay? What's wrong? I wasn't actually mad at lunch I'm over it. I just needed a breather." Levi runs up to me hugging me tightly. Before touching over my body.

" Are you okay? Nobody hurt you right? Wait what's this?" Levi removes some white from my hair and I turn red. Before I can answer Levi pushes me in the wall and begins kissing me. Slowly and sweetly nothing like the dominating kisses Grayson gives me. I kiss back wrapping my arms around Levi's neck. It felt so good everything just felt right like we were meant to be.

" I think I'm in love with you." Levi says.

" I-I think I'm in love with you too." I answer. Levi begins kissing me again a little harsher but still softly and I melt in his warmth. This is all I've ever wanted. Just to be by him, by his side. Once we've finished I wash my face and hands and make sure there's nothing odd on me. Levi and I head to class since we have 4th period together being we skipped third and my school runs a block schedule which also why you can get away with so much at my school. The only thing we're good at is music, anything else.. not so much haha. We aren't bad we just aren't good either. Levi and I sit together but my eye starts to itch so I rub it. Right after my contact falls out and I begin looking for it. Levi holds my face and picks up the contact off my lap he puts a few drops of solution on it and asks me to tilt my head back. When I do he slowly inserts the contact back into my eye. I blink a few times and it's as good as new. I'm about to thank him but everybody in the class is staring us down.


" What's the problem." Levi asks.

" Nothing! You guys are so so cute together. Can we take a picture??" The girls in our class are squealing and I know I'm blushing like crazy. Literally why me why'd I have to get the flashy hot guy? Not that I mind anyway. Well I do but I don't if that makes sense.

"Sure you can, I don't mind a little paparazzi" Levi says with a wink. Levi pulls me onto his lap and I laugh putting my arms around his neck. He moves a hair behind my ear as he stares into my eyes. All I want to do right now is kiss him. Is it even legal to want somebody so bad.

" Hey hey what are you all doing get in your seats!" Mr. Jackson yells. I quickly hop off Levi's lap and everybody goes to their seats. Mr. Jackson begins the lesson, unfortunately it's hard to pay attention while Levi's hand is casually on my thigh rubbing slightly for comfort. I know it's wrong but it made me so nervous. Finally after a long 2 hours class was over. Levi let's go of my thigh and we get up to leave. At my locker Levi places his arm protectively around my waist making sure Grayson can't get to me.

" Shit, I left something in the classroom. Go ahead and go to my car and start it I'll be there in a sec okay?"

" Sure no problem." Levi kisses my cheek and heads to the class. I walk out the school going to his car. On my way I stop and make contact with Grayson he's flirting with some girl. I look away and continue to Levi's car. What is all this for why is he doing this if he's just going to flirt and be with someone else. I just wish he would leave me alone. I don't deserve nor do I want this. When I get in the car I start it and get out to go to my side I'm about to get in when the door is shut closed. By the veins in the arms and the broadness of the person I know it's Grayson behind me. His arm snakes around waist inhaling my scent and my body quivers in response. I want him to stop but in a way I don't. No the one I love is Levi he raped my mouth I'm scared I can't take it. I shut my eyes tightly as his hand moves up and down my side slowly. The warmth is then pulled off of me and I hold myself shivering. There's punching; Levi and Grayson are knocking the shit out of each other. I grab Grayson trying to pull him off Levi but he pushes me back infuriating Levi and he gets on top punching Grayson in the face. After a few minutes the principal and some other administrators grab Levi and Grayson pulling them apart and taking them to the office. I come too and give my side of things.

"What'd they say?" I ask Levi frantically when he comes out.

" 3 day suspension since it's my first offense."

"What about Grayson?"

" No consequence since I started it."

" What the heck? You know that's not why of course this school has favorites." I say pouting. Levi chuckles and kisses my forehead.

" It's fine let's go home. Just avoid him as much as you can I'll drop you off and pick you up from school so you can avoid contact as much as possible."

"Yeah, thanks." Levi nods in response as we get into his car and drive to my house.

" You staying over again?" I ask.

" Nah gotta go home and cook dinner." Levi responds, he gently kisses my lips.

" Lock the door."

"Okay mom." I say laughing. Levi chuckles before getting into his car. I smile waving at him as he begins pulling out. Once he's gone the smile quickly fades from my face and I close the door not even bothering to lock it. I drop to the floor crying in agony. Did my smile look fake? Was I able to hide it good enough? Could they tell I was broken? I just want Levi to be happy I can't break his heart I need him. I want him so bad. I curl into a ball holding myself drowning. I don't know what I'm going to do. Now I will have to spend 3 days without Levi. Will I make it?

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