《I Belong to Him》Fear


Elliot P.O.V

Just when I was getting over it I felt like I was right back where I started. How could he do this to me? How could he treat me like that. My wrists were sore from the way he held me. After he stopped I took that chance to run upstairs to my music room locking the door. He tried to come in banging on the door and threatening to kill me if I didn't open it but I moved the dresser in front of the door so he couldn't. I won't allow myself to become lost again. I sit down in front of the piano my hands shaking and play for 6 hours straight. By the time I finished it was 6 p.m and the shaking in my hands had finally stopped and I felt peaceful. I moved the dresser from the door. There's no way Grayson could still be here but I need to figure out how he got in. I leave going into my room and into my dresser to erase the nasty feeling over me. As I'm getting a pair of underwear I'm pushed into the walls with Grayson's hands on either sides of my head. His now calm eyes staring quietly into mine. He leans in to kiss me leaving me in fear but when his lips are about to touch he stops pulling back slowly.

" I-I'm sorry." he states looking down at me. I say nothing only looking away holding my wrist, he sighs in response before walking out the room and out of my house. I wish he would walk out my life I can't handle him. I just can't.

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