《I Belong to Him》Respect


Grayson P.O.V

After leaving Elliot's house I was furious. Did he seriously think I was going to kill him? Has he really given up on himself? I've had to go a whole week in school without him. Okay maybe I'm overexaggerating I only stayed an hour after realizing he wasn't coming. I came over to make sure he wasn't dead because Levi looked like he was. For him to tell me to kill him it was too much, I just wanted to see his face. Yet, that beautiful face of his that was always smiling looked so broken and shattered and I've never wanted to hug that small body of his so bad. Of course I told him to kill himself instead. That's who I am I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I miss him and I need him back, so I called the music teacher and somewhat explained to him the situation in hopes he would get through to him. Don't get me wrong it's not for Elliot but what's the point of school if I don't have my toy with me. I'm glad it worked when I heard him playing in the music room everything stopped. I'd never heard someone play with so much emotion, I'd never been touched by just a piece of music. How could he be so ready to give this up when he's so good. He's literal perfection and he doesn't know it but not to worry. Soon enough he will be My literal perfection and He Will Belong to Me.

Elliot P.O.V

After playing for the music teacher everything just felt right. As if time stopped in that moment just for that. Music is the one thing I can't live without.

" Thank you sir, I'm gonna take the day to rest and go home. I will be back tomorrow, thank you" I said smiling for the first time in what felt like forever.

" Don't thank me thank Grayson he wanted me to talk to you"

" Yeah that's funny"

" I'm serious Levi wanted me to talk to you but Grayson made all this happen"


Before he could say anything else I left out the back doors and walked home. I feel horrible I told Grayson to kill me, only to find out he's the one doing the most for me. I walk into my house locking the door behind me before plopping myself on my couch. I'm about to drift off when the couch dips and I open my eyes to see Grey ones staring into mine.

Grayson P.O.V

" Grayson? Grayson what the heck how did you get into the house" he asks frantically trying to push me off. Naturally I don't budge an inch, it will be years before he can get me off him and I mean years.

" If you don't know how that's easier because then I can get in at my convenience" I reply with a smirk. He sighs rolling his eyes in response before turning on his side to sleep.

" Go away I'm tired I have school tomorrow."

" Oh back to being a nerd are we" I mock, to which he doesn't respond. I sigh in response sitting next to him with my arm on the other side of his waist looking into his eyes.

"I-I'm s-s-" I try to say. I want to apologize but damn it's so hard. I never have to apologize for Anything because I'm never wrong. This is the first and last time I will ever do this. It's a pain in the ass.

" What are you sick?? Are you okay??" Elliot jumps up sliding from under me before putting his hand to my forehead, then neck, then cheek. I remove his glasses holding his cheek. I was mesmerized how can such a boy exist? I never knew anyone could be so beautiful. I start to lean in but he pulls back with a nervous chuckle.

" You don't have a fever, that's good" he says smiling. I pull him back into me staring into his eyes. One sorry that's all I have to do.

" I'm not sick but I, I guess I'm s-s- sor- DAMNIT NEVERMIND! Why do I have to apologize to you of all people. This isn't like me you're nothing but a toy why am I behaving this way!" I yell irritated.


" Then why don't you leave! I never asked you to come!" Elliot yells. Now I'm mad. I grab Elliot slamming him onto the couch looming over him.

"Never talk to me like I'm some girl on the street. You are MY TOY! I do what I want when I want. You DO NOT TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK TO DO." Elliot was trembling under me as I yelled and I was loving every second of it. I'm tired of him talking to me how he wants.

" I hate you! leave!" Oh now he's done it. Now I'll really show him who Grayson Del'Rosa is. I pin his hands above his head with one hand and rip his shirt open with the other.

" Maybe next time you wanna disrespect me you'll think about it first"

" N-no Grayson I'm sorry! I won't do it again, please let me go" he begs clinging onto my arm in an attempt to stop me. Ignoring him I sink my teeth into his neck biting harshly while rubbing his nipple with my other hand. He bites his lip trying to suppress his moans. I bite harder causing him to gasp before crashing my lips into his. Exploring every inch of his mouth, dominating him. He wriggles under my touch but I hold him still gripping his side harshly. After minutes of kissing I move my lips to his neck kissing it softly. Then to his chest, then stomach then side. I leave hickeys with every touch so anyone who sees him will know he's mine.

" Please Grayson stop I don't want to" Elliot pleads.

" Shut. the fuck. up" I say with a menacing glare. Elliot looks into my eyes for a moment before looking away with tears in his eyes. Slowly I move my hand down under his pants to his underwear fondling his boner.

" For someone whose telling me to stop you sure do like it" Elliot's face turns bright red in response as he removes his hands and tries to run. I slam him back under me glaring into his bright blue eyes.

" Do Not Move." He stares into my eyes saying nothing, fear obvious on his face. I reach my hand under his underwear touching him, feeling him while holding his hands down. I begin to pump his hard on gently and the most beautiful sound escapes his lips. His moan was unlike any other, I'd never been so turned on before. I want to fuck him right here right now I don't think I can stop. After letting go of his hands, I yank his pants off him pulling his legs up in the air with his butt to my face.

" Grayson! Grayson stop please no! I-it's dirty you can't I don't want to please! I'll do whatever you want just not this!" Ignoring him I spank his ass 4 times.

" Keep talking and I'll keep spanking" I spit. I lick his hole sticking my tongue inside. Elliot makes a painful sound and suddenly starts freaking out.

" NO NO STOP DON'T RAPE ME, I HATE YOU, STOP!!" what the fuck? I grip his legs harder eating him out. He will learn to respect me. After a while he stops moving and I am able to stretch him out. I put his legs down and pull my throbbing dick out, more than ready to push it inside. But something doesn't feel right. I look down at the now quiet Elliot. He's crying while staring up at the ceiling a blank look on his face. The same look he had when he was almost raped. Oh gosh what am I doing. I pull my pants up before holding Elliot tightly. I think I've broken him and if I'm being honest that's just fine with me. From now on he will be mine and there's nothing he or anyone else can do about it.

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