《The Ultimate Guide To Writing PJO Fanfics》Plot Holes


Plot holes are as dangerous as potholes. One of the reasons I don't like the Percy Jackson movies are the oh so many plot holes.

Remember in the movies when they use the head of Medusa to freeze that giant hydra? No? Well, they did. They did it at a very famous museum, that had people coming every day.

Now, did the writers ever stop to think, "Hey, what's going to happen the next day when people flood in and see a huge statue of a hydra?"

Now you might be saying "But Aaron!!! The Mist!!!"

The Mist covers things up, but it can't destroy things. People will walk in, bump into the statue they don't see, and start wondering what's there. Then, to make the mortals less suspicious, The Mist will show the statue of the hydra.

They won't think it is part of the exhibit, because the people who were there literally yesterday will obviously know it's new.

Plus, in the next movie they have The Mist in a spray can, so it's obviously not covering it. The movie also contradicts itself.

When Percy returns the lightning bolt, Poseidon asks Zeus if he can talk to his son that he's never spoken to before.

That's a total lie. First of all, when he was hurt and bleeding, you said "Use the water, Percy." Then, at the Lotus Casino, you told Percy about the flowers. There are other times in the movie, but I don't want to watch it again.

I suggest reading your story and seeing if there are any things that you think are wrong. CinemaSins is a channel where a guy watches movies, and thens sins everything bad about them, to lousy writing to plot holes, to random things.

Now, let me tell you something about it. It has a twin channel called CinemaWins, and they equal each other out. CinemaWins is optimistic and shows what's good about the movies, while CInemaSins is negative, and shows the mistakes in the movie.


Always take CinemaSins with a grain of salt. As @albdonini says "CinemaWins on the other hand is great. It made me appreciate movies I considered mediocre."

He is totally right, and I agree with him. And thank you @albdonini for always reading when I have an update, and for always being positive and giving me your view.

The reason I like CinemaSIns and CinemaWins is because I get to see there unique views. I see the movie through a different person's eyes, and it helps me really digest what I'm reading/watching.

Getting off track here. The point is, watching it trains your mind to find the mistakes. My brother hates me for it, because when he asks me to read his stories, I end up pointing out what's wrong, and he gets mad.

Now, even Rick Riordan has plot holes in his book. One, Thalia's eyes. They were once described as green, and then as electric blue. Having small plot holes are okay, because most people don't figure them out.

It's also good to see people are really reading your story if they point out a plot hole.

Generally, avoid plot holes.

Now, I have something else to say. This is similar to a plot hole. It is a Deus Ex Machina. A Deus Ex Machina is when something really unexpected comes out of nowhere and saves the characters from a no odds situation.

It is pronounced Day Us Eks Mock in A. Now, you really want to avoid having a Deus Ex Machina. Now, in my book The 4, I had one. So I needed to fix that, so I did one of the easy fixes. Add foreshadowing and explanations.

I had the characters talk about the Deus Ex Machina in The Lord of the Rings, and one of the characters talk about their special skill. I also broke the fourth wall a little bit, but it was for a worthy cause.

Now, have fun, stay safe, and stay away from plot holes unless you know what you're doing.

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