《pride & property » |larry au|》7. the fool, the trip and the tour


Harry woke up with nausea and headache. And that should have been about it after all the beer he had the night before but once he remembered about the stranger and the hug, he also started with the moral hangover.

He didn't wake up until almost noon and he didn't even get up from his bed.

"Ello sleepy beauty," Gemma walked in, with singing voice, "How are you doing?"

"Just give me an aspiring or something," Harry said with deep voice, "Help."

"You hangover?" Gemma said with a grin on her face, "Who would guessed it?"

"Shut up," Harry said, turning his back to her, "Leave if you're not helping me."

"Are you not going to the last day of the festival?" Gemma asked.

"Not in the mood," Harry answered, thinking about last night.

"Nick probably will be there," Gemma tried to tease.

"Nick is somewhere else," Harry didn't even remember what Zayn told him yesterday, "I didn't see him yesterday."

"No wait," Gemma said, this time sounding serious, "But I saw you yesterday with someone? You literally were slow dancing with someone yesterday."

Harry groaned at the memory and squeezed his eyes the most he could, "I don't even know who was that!"

Gemma saw his brother and lied down beside him, "It's okay brother," she said in a soothing voice, "I'll let you rest and I'll just go with Liam. Sleep and get better," she got up from the bed, but not before giving a quick kiss to Harry in his forehead.

When Gemma closed the door gently leaving the room, Harry was left alone with the thought of last night and the stranger hugging him from behind. And all of the sudden, he remembered the quote marks tattoo. He tried to placed those hands somewhere but his mind was too exhausted for it and he finally fell asleep again.


"I'm going out!" Liam shouted into the house, "I'm going to the festival with Gemma! Anyone fancy coming?"

"Liam!" Eleanor shouted while she was stepping down the stairs, "You can't be serious right now!"

"What?" he asked to her, "What are you talking about?"

"We came here to make business, not for you to make an edition of The Bachelor. I swear to God, you haven't done a single thing since we came here," Eleanor was right. They were supposed to be making business here but they haven't accomplished a single thing.

"Well, Louis has done some things," Liam said. It was true. That was the reason Louis had to go to London.

Just then, Louis entered the room, "Yes, I have been doing some researches," he said.

"When did you even arrived?" Eleanor asked to him.

"Yesterday," Louis said, arranging the strap of his watch.

"You arrived earlier than expected," Eleanor said, with a bit of resentment to him, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Us," Liam corrected.

"I just arrived earlier, nothing special," he said, trying to avoid the looks of both of them.

"Tell him then," Eleanor said, "Tell him he hasn't done a single thing since we arrived here."

"You haven't done a single thing since we arrived here," Louis told plainly to Liam, "And I don't think we are ever going to do a single thing here."

"What?" both of them asked in shock.


"I looked through some of the official statements this city has on the UK records and I don't think they got exactly the economy to support any of the business you want to place here."

"I'm just going to help people here, it's not like -,"

"You're wrong there," Louis interrupted Liam, "I know you want to help them out, but you will be literally in charge and they will have to pay you sooner or later but thing is, I don't think they are ever going to pay you."

"Explain yourself," Liam said more worried.

"They are literally flooding in debts," Louis explained, "The town has been in debt forever, they don't even notice anymore. That's why they are so behind on everything, because their economy has been horrible for years. The other towns around it are just as equal. We have to choose a better destination for your business."

"But - I promised to this people, I have been - offering and helping so much -,"

"Liam," Louis said, softer this time, "I know you like her very much, I get it. But you brought me here to help you out. And I'm here, doing it."

Liam nodded and try to give them a smile, but failed, "I'll figure it out then."

Liam left the house then, with a sad smile and his hopes crushed. Eleanor turned to Louis then.

"Cut the crap, what's the real reason?"

"Her family," Louis said, with a special curly haired in mind, "They are not good for him. They are not good for us."

"What do you mean?" Eleanor asked with strangeness.

"The mother has been bragging about the benefits of their relationship - everyone in town knows about it."

"And how do you even know that?"

"People hear things whenever you take a walk around," Louis said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh well," Eleanor said shrugging, "I kind of liked her. You know, Gemma. She's nice."

"She's okay," Louis said, "But the mother is clearly a problem. And the entire town knows the cousin is rather... easy."

"What about Harry though?" Eleanor asked, knowing she would hit a soft spot.

"He cares about the wrong people," Louis said, not revealing too much.

Eleanor nodded, not quite sure what Louis meant but trying to understand.

And even if Louis was hurt - not because of his new tattoo, by the way - he was rather frustrated with the curly boy for believing Nick without asking him for his version of the story.

Not that it mattered now, because they were going away.


"You are still thinking about that night?" Niall asked Harry.

"Of course I am," Harry said, "A stranger hugged me."

"You said it felt familiar," Niall said.

"I say a lot of things, Niall."

They were laying over the green grass of Niall's backyard. The weather was rather sunny and warm, so when Niall offered some iced tea and laying next to eh big tree on his backyard, Harry couldn't said no.

Harry was seriously enjoying the day. He was wearing short denim shorts and a white tee, hair free and wild. He hadn't seen Louis Tomlinson for a while now and even if he was starting to miss the blue of those eyes, he definitely didn't missed that rude attitude.

"So," Harry said after a while, "What's up with Ed?"


Harry could practically hear Niall's heart race at the mention of the ginger and he was trying to contain his giggles.

"Uhmm - there's nothing we just - like, I don't know," Niall was stuttering and Harry tried not to laugh for real this time.

"Mate, chill," Harry said to him, "It's not like I'm asking you to marry him."

"Of course not!" sometimes Niall's accent was the most funniest thing ever.

Harry smiled at the thought of Niall finally being happy, founding true love.

"So what's up with Gemma and Liam?" Niall asked after a few minutes.

"Well, I don't know to be honest," Harry said, "Liam is very attentive and he has been nice and charming with her. I think he really likes her."

"Yeah, duh," Niall said making it like it was obvious, "But does she like him?"

"What do you mean?" Harry asked now, furrowed eyebrows.

"I mean, few of us are secure enough to be in love without proper encouragement. Liam likes her, enormously, but if Gemma doesn't help him on, she might lose him."

"She's just shy and modest," Harry tried to defend her, "If Liam doesn't perceives the way Gemma cares for him, then he is a fool."

"We are all fools in love," Niall said at last, trying to make his point.


Harry came home that afternoon not long after his little chat with Niall. They enjoyed the sun as much as they could but at the end, the sun started to hide away and the air became chill.

Once he stepped into the house, he knew something was wrong.

"What's the matter?" he asked to Zayn who was sitting motionless in the living room.

"Gemma," Zayn said simply, "She's on her room."

Harry quickly jogged upstairs to Gemma's room and stepped in the room without knocking.

"Gemma," he said, looking at her sister lying in bed, "What's wrong?"

"He's going away," she said softly as first, "He's going back to London for God knows how long."

"What?" Harry asked, not understanding.

"Liam is leaving," she said finally, sitting right at the bed, "I saw him and he was very serious and cold, you know? And I asked him if something was wrong, then he just plainly said he was going back, didn't know if he was ever going to come back and that was it."

"Just that?!" Harry asked, hugging his sister, trying to calm her down.

"Just that," Gemma said, she was sobbing faintly now, "Not even a proper goodbye, he just left."

"Well," Harry said, standing from the bed, "You should go to London then."

"What?" Gemma asked, surprised by his brother's request.

"You've been wanting to go to London and look for an internship, right? And it's summer, you should have fun. You mentioned Krystal and Aimee where there, right? You can visit them. But," Harry said, already flipping through Gemma's closet, taking out different sort of things, "Make sure he notices. Post stuff in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. He will notice."

"You are completely mad," Gemma said, shaking her head.

"M' not mad!" Harry said defending himself, turning around to look at her, "M' serious! You are going to London and that's it. And you know, mom will like the idea and she will support me."

"Ugh, fine," Gemma said, rubbing her eyes with her fists, "Just because I know you and mom won't let me alone until I accept."

"That's it," Harry said nodding, "And you know what? Even if you don't see him there, you will have a great time. Just, take your time and think about everything, yeah?" Harry said, smiling kindly to her.

"Yeah, fine," Gemma said faintly, "Thanks H."

"Don't mention it love," he said before standing up and leaving the room.

And it's settled then. Gemma packed her things, grabbed her best stuff and travelled to London. Anne was excited of course, with the little ray of hope still there, lingering, always present - already making plans again about Liam and Gemma. Des couldn't say a word about it, not really so he just nodded along and like a good father, wished well and all the best luck to Gemma. And the lovely Harry, always so supportive and amazing as a brother, gave Gemma a farewell and all the love to her.


If Harry thought the last day had been stressful, he should have waited for that day then. Ed Sheeran was finally leaving Holmes Chapel, to continue his small tour around England - with him finally making contact with Pemberly Digital and his wishes getting granted, he was getting support and he finally had a safe contract.

And really, Harry should be grateful. Ed Sheeran leaving would mean more silence and more time for yoga meditation but Harry was not happy at all. Not a single ounce.

"What do you mean you are going with him?" he asked quietly at Niall, both of them in Harry's room, not wanting to be listened by their parents.

"M' telling you, he asked if I wanted to go along and I said yes," Niall said shrugging.

"And what are you even going to do?" Harry asked, not getting any of it.

"Well, you know I can play the guitar, right? And the drums, and I know I don't sing that well but anyway," Niall said.

"I can't believe it mate," Harry said, feeling speechless, "You are going away with the bloke you shagged two nights ago."

"Hey!" Niall yelled, slapping Harry on his arm.

"Ouch! Okay, okay," Harry said, giggling, "I guess you like him too."

"Of course I like him," Niall said, defending himself, "He's different you know? He's kind and funny. He's really intelligent and like, a complete mystery to me."

"Yeah," Harry said, smiling at the look of Niall's face when he talked about Ed. It was fascinating to see how his face could radiate from just talking about the person you love.

"Well, I wish you the very well," Harry said, saying at last.

"Thanks mate, I really appreciate it," Niall said, smiling, "You're the best."

Harry just nodded and smiled. He was happy for him, really. Even if he had some doubts about their relationship going to fast because who goes to a tour with the guy you just met? But anyway, Niall was big enough to take care of himself and he was right after all - he knew how to play the guitar and Harry could see him helping Ed out on his small concerts.

"You should come and visit us one day," Niall said suddenly, "Maybe not like for the entire tour but Ed has a big concert coming up in a couple of days in Sheffield so maybe you can come? It's not that far away and you can always stay with us!"

"I'll think about it mate, but thanks," Harry said smiling.

And if Harry secretly thought about going right away to see them perform, no one had to know. Besides, now that Nick was gone, Gemma was gone and, well - Liam, Louis and Eleanor were gone - the days in Holmes Chapel were going to get bored again because Zayn didn't even count at all.

Yeah, Harry could use some days off from this town.


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