《pride & property » |larry au|》8. the party, the concert and the confession


And well, Harry did. After Niall left Holmes Chapel, two days passed when Harry was bored to the moon. There was nothing happening at the town. Literally nothing. Even Anne was getting bored - there were no more gossips and she felt like a fish out of the water.

So Harry decided to go and visit Niall at Sheffield. Ed was giving his most important concert there since some important people were going, probably from Pemberly Digital. Harry was sure the name was familiar now, after so many times hearing it, but he didn't quite recall from where he had heard it.

Anyway, it was an hour and a half trip by train, ten pounds at the most and the promise of good music and good friends at the end of it. Harry had nothing to loose. He packed a bunch of basic stuff into his bag and with it over his shoulder, he was gone from the little town in no time.

He arrived to Sheffield and, Niall and Ed were already waiting for him on the train station. Since they were staying in Sheffield for a few days, Ed rented a small flat near to the recording label, since Ed was going to be on meetings and stuff for the most of the time.

It was a nice flat, not really that small. It was a two bedroom flat, with a small kitchen and a decent living room. And it was furnished, so it was modern and neat. Harry liked it. Also, because Ed and Niall shared a room - the bigger one - Harry could stay in the spare one. So, really, for two days, it wasn't that bad.

"Great news!" Ed said once they were at the flat, Niall and Harry just resting on the living room, chatting about the last few days Niall had, "There's a small party from the recording label and they just invited us. It's on the office, on the auditorium - not that big, really - but it's great!"

"That's wonderful Ed," Niall said, with such fondness to the ginger lad, "Isn't that wonderful Harry?"

"Uhmm, yeah," Harry said, trying to understand.

"Don't worry Harry, it's not that fancy," Ed said, looking at the ripped black skinny jeans Harry was wearing.

"Oh-kay," Harry said, not really sure.

"It's important to him because that means he will make connections with other people. Probably more famous people or different agents or producers," Niall whispered, so Harry could understand.

"I'll try to wear something posh then," Harry said, slapping himself mentally for not taking with him a decent pair of jeans with him.


Sure thing, Harry borrowed some black skinny jeans from Niall - not ripped - and a plain white t-shirt, with a light black blazer over it. Unfortunately, nothing could be done about Harry's worn-out boots. Anyway, Harry looked decent and besides, it's not like he was there to impress. He was going there only because Niall and Ed insisted of him going - also Niall didn't want to be there alone with all the important people.

Sharp at nine, they were going from the small flat to the incredibly tall building a block from there. It was all glass windows with big letters on the front doors saying Pemberly Digital.

Few people was going in and out of the building, some of them dressed for the party some others just finishing work. Probably not everyone was invited to the party, so Harry was feeling kind of priviliged to be there.


They got to the elevators and Ed pushed the one button to the top - kind of the penthouse. "It's the auditorium, where they get to do the most important meetings. It has glass windows and you can see the entire city from there. I can only imagine the view it's going to have now that is dark," Ed said, getting excited.

"I'm sure it will be great," Niall said, soothing him.

It was charming, really. The way they seemed like a strong contrast from each other but at the same time, balancing the relationship to the point of being comfortable. Harry thought that even though it was good a relationship like that, it felt like he needed more. He couldn't do with comfortable. He needed... passion, adventure and even a little danger. Or kind of.

Anyway, the elevator opened at the last floor and right there, at the entrance of the auditorium, there was a big guy with a list on hand.

"Oh shit," Harry said, getting the scene, "They are not going to let me in."

"What?" Ed said, turning at the direction Harry was looking, "No - I'll handle this, don't worry."

"Niall, they are not going to let me in," Harry said to Niall, once Ed walked all the way to the big guy.

"Let's just wait and see," Niall said, shrugging.

Ed came back after a few minutes, a lot of people going in and out, more people coming from the elevators and the stairs.

"Well, I'm on the list," Ed said, looking between Niall and Harry, "But I only have a single plus one."

"It's fine, I'll go back to the flat," Harry said, not wanting to cause any more trouble.

"No way, let's find a way to get you in," Niall said, not giving up.

"Ni, it's not going to happen," Harry said.

"He's right," Ed said to Harry, "There's gotta be a way."

"Really guys, I don't want to be a burden, I should just go and -,"

"Hey," someone said from behind, interrupting Harry. And well, isn't that voice familiar.

"Louis," Harry said, turning around to see at the man in perfectly fit black suit. He was amazed by how much Louis could change with a suit on. He looked more mature and somehow, even more serious.

"Hi Harry," Louis said finally, looking at the curly boy in front of him. He looked at him somehow with a nostalgic look.

"Hey Louis," Ed said, interrupting, "Great to see you here."

"Hi Ed," Louis said now, flashing a simple smile, "M' glad you could make it."

"Sure, sure," Ed said, smiling and thanking, "We were just about to enter but - well, I only got an extra plus one."

And, oh. Louis looked at Harry, and then looked at the big guy by the door. He then walked there, to talk with him.

They all followed out of instinct.

"Hey Mark," Louis said, tapping the shoulder of the big guy on black, standing by the door, "Make sure they enter," he said, pointing at the three of them.

"Ed is on the list and he has an extra invitation but the other guy -,"

"Just put him as my extra one then," Louis interrupted him, "Let them in."

"Okay then," he said, writing some stuff down on his list, "You can get in."


"Thanks," Ed said, looking at the big guy then at Louis.

Niall followed Ed, but Harry stayed at the door.

Louis smiled at him but made no move to enter. He actually turned the other way around and went down the stairs.

Harry had no option but to enter to the party.


The place was great. It was the entire penthouse, all windows made of glass, just like Ed had said it, and some few dim colour-lights to set the mood of the party. It was incredible, because you could see the entire city from above, little lights travelling down the roads and some other lights turning on and off in different houses. Not only that, but you could clearly see the moon and the stars on the sky, because even if it wasn't a full moon, it looked pretty awesome just like that.

Ed and Niall had disappeared into the party, probably to make some connections, as Niall said earlier so Harry stayed at the side of one of the windows, next to the bar where they were serving the drinks. Not that he was drinking that much, but - Louis was there. He needed alcohol to relax himself before even thinking of talking with him.

"I didn't know you were going to be here," and speaking of the devil.

"Well, I needed a break from Holmes Chapel," Harry said, trying to joke, to set a certain mood into the chat, making a way to control it, "What are you doing here?"

"Oh," Louis said, turning around to see the rest of the party, "Well, this is my - uhmm, business. I'm the CEO of Pemberly Digital."

Ohhhh, there it was.

"Oh," Harry said, shocked, "I didn't know about it."

"Yeah well, it was inherited to me when my parents died," Louis said shrugging, "It's not like I can be proud about it."

Say what? Harry would be proud about it.

"M' sorry," Harry said, correcting himself quickly, "Not about the heir part, but about your parents."

"It's fine, thanks," Louis said softly.

"Louis, there you are," a woman said, hooking her arm around Louis' one, "We have been looking for you!"

"I'm here, Anne Marie," he said, back to serious.

"Oh, who's this?" the woman said, looking up and down not subtle at all at Harry.

"This is Harry Styles, from Holmes Chapel," Louis said looking at Harry now.

"Oh right, you mentioned him before," she said, "Anne Marie, nice to meet you."

She gave out her hand to Harry, and Harry made a way to shake her hand, "Nice to meet you too," he said, politely.

"Please, join us," Anne Marie said to Harry, "Ed is over there with Tania."

She looked around to see them and sure, Ed and Niall are over the other side of the room, with a very pretty brunette next to them, probably Tania.

"Shall we go?" Anne Marie said, not even waiting for them to accept when she started walking back, dragging Louis with her and Harry just following.

There was about sixty people in the room, all of them chatting in between small groups while getting more drinks and eating small entries.

There was a small platform with a microphone stand and a few amplifiers where some guys played classical music to set the mood to the party.

"We are back," Anne Marie announced, "Tania, this is Harry Styles."

Tania smiled to Harry, with a little nod. They got back to their chat, Anne Marie getting into the talk.

"I hope your family is good, Harry?" Louis said after a while, talking only between both of them.

"Yes, they are," Harry said, taken by surprise, "Thanks," he said, "Actually, Gemma is in London. Perhaps you heard about it."

"Uhmm, not really, no," Louis said, looking at the floor.

"Can you sing Harry?" Anne Marie asked, interrupting their chat. And making everyone in their group to turn around.

"Uhmm -,"

"Yes, he can," Niall said, answering for him.

"Really now?" Anne Marie asked, now interested.

"Not really ma'am, Niall is just being generous," Harry said, shaking his head.

"Oh," Anne Marie said, nodding, "Can you play any instrument?"

"The guitar and the piano, but very poorly," he said, giving out that uncomfortable smile.

"I guess not everyone has the chance to learn properly," she said, very derogatory.

"Not really, no," Harry said, smiling once more.

Louis made an awkward cough and Ed followed up, clapping his hands together.

"Who would like another round of drinks then?"


People started to leave not long after midnight, with the entries ending and just a few people left behind with just drinks. The group of classical music left with just the sound of voices over voices to fill the place.

The group of people that were still at the party, no more than ten, was now sitting in a small lounge near the biggest window, all of them still chatting and looking at the sky - Harry was quiet though, after the encounter with Anne Marie, just smiling and laughing at the correct times; although he could get lost between all the people there.

Louis had been talking the last few hour with a guy with long hair and funny beard; his name was Julian, or at least that's what Harry heard earlier.

They were all scattered, Anne Marie still giving an eye-side look every time Harry was talking or he laughed about a single thing. Harry had been very careful.

Ed had been singing before, a few songs of his, earning claps and cheers from the listeners. Anne Marie really liked him, she could see his real value. And even if her attitude was sometimes rude towards Harry, he could see why Ed was trying to impress her. She was important in the industry, according to what Harry had gathered during the whole party.

"That was fantastic Ed dear," Anne Marie said, clapping along to the others.

"Thank you," he said, blushing just a bit.

"Harry," she said now, turning to see the curly boy, "Would you mind playing something for us?"

"Uhmm - ma'am I'm being honest, I don't play that well -,"

"Harry, just c'me here and play with me mate," Ed said, encouraging him.

"Ed, seriously I don't even remember," Harry said, looking him with pleading eyes.

"Just do it," Ed said, looking between him and Anne Marie.

Okay then.

Harry stood up, just beside Ed, and took his guitar. It was quite different form his own, back at Holmes Chapel, but it would do the same.

He positioned himself and sat down on a chair next to Ed. Everybody was back to it's own business and Ed was now talking with Niall.

"I hope Charlotte keeps practising Louis," Anne Marie told him, catching his attention.

"Yeah," Louis said, turning to her, "She's more into piano nowadays but she still likes the guitar and the violin as well."

"I always say this to everybody, without constant practice, you will never reach excellence," Anne Marie said, very proud, looking at her daughter Tania.

Harry was trying to arrange the cords when Louis approached to him.

"Are you here to see how I fail miserably?" Harry asked, with a teasing grin.

"You won't fail," Louis said, looking at Harry's fingers.

"Even if you have listened to real talent? You will be judging me, I know it," Harry said, shaking his head.

"I won't, believe me," he said, putting his hands behind his back.

"How could I? I barely know you, you don't talk that much," Harry said, teasing again, "It's like talking to a wall - a very proud wall."

"I don't have the talent of opening myself with people I barely know," Louis said, looking at the ground.

"Well, maybe you should follow Anne Marie's advice then," Harry said, going back to the strings, "And practise."

Harry started playing then, Ed finally back into position and Louis was left there, standing alone. He looked at Harry once more, before getting lost somewhere else.

The party died quickly after that, since it was getting late and everybody had a big day tomorrow, with Ed's concert and all.

Ed, Niall and Harry went back to the apartment and decided to sleep for the night.


The next day, Harry woke up to the sound of a closed door. Ed and Niall weren't in the house, and since Ed's concert was that night, he thought maybe they were out for the day, preparing everything.

Harry thought of taking a shower and eating something before calling them to ask about today's plans.

After an hour, he was clean and he was eating cereal in front of the telly, a small bowl in his hands and the Kardashians in the telly.

He took out his phone and looked through Facebook. He saw Gemma's updates, and he saw how she enjoyed some time in London's Eye. He also saw her tweets and snapchats, all of them with kind of the same information. He saw some other photos with Krystal and Aimee, her friends and some others of her in some bar. Well, she was updating a lot so Harry was only praying that would help somehow for Liam to see it. But yesterday, Louis said not even him knew about Gemma going to London. Oh well.

Just when Harry was about to call Gemma, he heard a knock at the door.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows and left everything on the coffee table in front of the couch.

But he opened the door, he would never imagined to find a desperate Louis at the door.

"Louis," Harry said, not letting him in.

"Hi," Louis said, playing with his hands. Harry could see Louis was eyeing the inside of the apartment and he kept looking at the corridor of the building.

"Come in," Harry said, stepping aside and Louis stepped in, only a few steps though. The door was still opened and Harry didn't know what to do.

"Uhmm," Harry said, the tension getting awkward, "Ed is not here but I'm sure he will be back soon."

Louis nodded and made no sound. He was looking at Harry intensely, from his hair to his eyes to his mouth. Harry was being attacked by Louis' stare.

"This is a lovely flat," Louis said, smiling awkwardly, "Looks cozy."

"It is, yeah," Harry agreed, smiling too.

Louis nodded and kept playing with his hands, very nervously. It was obvious he was there for a reason and Harry was starting to believe, that whatever it would be, it must be that important to make Louis Tomlinson that nervous. Though the proper situation was still not revealed.

"Would you like some tea?" Harry offered, already making his way to the kitchen.

"Please, no," Louis said, taking Harry's wrist and when he noticed it, he let it go and looked at the ground, "Thank you."

"Uhmm, okay," Harry said, turning to see Louis.

Louis sighed and looked up, staring directly at Harry, inspecting his face but then Niall arrived to the flat.

"Oh," Niall said, looking at both of them.

"Goodbye then," Louis said, turning around and leaving the flat, "Bye Niall."

Niall waved and looked at Louis until he was no longer in the hall.

"What was that?" Niall asked, closing the door to the apartment, "Poor guy was pale as a ghost."

"I truly don't know what happened," Harry said, mouth dry.


The time for the concert arrived and they all went to the place where it would be held. Ed had been there all day for check sounds and there was a lot of people in there, making technical arrangements and just crew in general.

"Harry!" Niall shouted from some rows behind. He was walking beside another guy, both of them with a red cup in hand.

"Hey," Harry said, turning to see them.

"Here you are mate," Niall said, "I've been looking for you!"

Harry stood up from the chairs and greeted them.

"Harry, this is Stan Lucas, part of the crew. He's like the one in charge of everything," Niall tried to explain.

"Well, not everything," he said, laughing, "Nice to meet you mate."

"Nice to meet you too," Harry said, shaking his hand.

"We should go backstage to see how we can help," Niall said, and they both nodded.

Stan was a cool guy, and Harry soon discovered he was a close friend of Louis. They talked a bit, already making a good connection but Harry didn't dared to talk about Louis. It seemed like a huge risk not worth taking it.

Ed was backstage and he was nervous. Everybody was frantic, almost an hour away to start and Harry was just sitting were he wouldn't bother anyone.

Louis arrived then, talking for a few minutes with Ed, probably giving him some news, procedures and what not but Ed seemed more calmed when he came back.

Stan and Louis were talking just a few feet away from Harry and Harry was just sitting in a little couch just at the corner of the place, right beside Niall. They both were enjoying a beer and talking while everybody got ready.

The noise started to get louder and they noticed there was already a lot of people out there.

Harry couldn't even believe the amount of people he could see from the side of the scenario. He soon learnt that Ed was kind of a legend in Sheffield - since he started his career there, always playing in some pubs and bars and local people always recognized him on the streets. And to just think people back in Holmes Chapel didn't even appreciated when Ed played for them.

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