《pride & property » |larry au|》6. a pint of beer for three pounds and a stranger


So, Harry officially hated Louis. There was no soul in this planet that could stand Louis alone. Everybody in Holmes Chapel knew the boy was too stiff and serious for anyone try and talk to him. Not even to ask the hour. But anyway.

The Music Festival was that day and everybody was buzzing. As always, a small event or change in Holmes Chapel and everyone would have gone crazy.

The Principal Square was being arranged - proper platform and musical instruments for everybody - and musicians were enjoying their time with the citizens of Holmes Chapel. It was all a lovely exchanged. Except for Louis. Who happened to have issues to solve back in London so he was going to miss the festival. Or that's what Gemma said.

She couldn't stop talking about how Liam was bummed for Louis and that because Louis wasn't there, Eleanor was now all the time beside Liam.

"You know the first day, it's all about DJ's and then after the break it's hiphop & rap," Gemma said to Harry, typing away in her laptop, "So I think I'll skip the first day."

"Why? Are we not going to see Grimmy?" Harry asked.

"Oh right," Gemma remembered, "Well, Liam and I thought that since none of us liked that type of music, maybe we could do something else together."

"You mean, only the two of you?" Harry said wiggling his eyebrows to her.

"I mean, not with you nosy twats," Gemma snapped back, "But anyway, you can go and watch Grimmy with Niall and Zayn. You can even take Eleanor if you want. You would make me such a favour."

"No, thank you," Harry declined, "Zayn and Niall are just fine. Besides, Eleanor seems like the type of person to listen to the top 40 songs of the moment. I mean, it's not bad, but I don't think she likes that type of music."

"Yeah, you're right," Gemma nodded, typing some more.

"So anyway," Harry said with a cautious voice, "What do you think about Nick?"

"Like, about what? The feud between Nick and Louis?" Gemma asked, not turning to see Harry.

Harry rolled his eyes at the name of Louis, "No," Harry said, "Just, like Nick in general."

"I don't know," Gemma shrugged her shoulders, "He seems fine. Nice lad."

"Right," Harry said nodding along, "Do you think he is fit? Have you noticed his large eyelashes?"

"Uhmm," Gemma said, not paying attention, "Yeah, sure."

Harry nodded with a small smile.

"Anyway," Gemma said after a few seconds, "I'll ask Liam about the thing between Nick and Louis. I still can't believe Louis would do such a thing to Nick."

"Gemma," Harry shook his head, "That's only because everybody is a saint for you. I know Louis can look like a decent person but inside, he's just fill with jealousy and hate."

"But like," Gemma said, now looking at Harry, "That's really extremist, don't you think? Leave someone homeless because of jealousy? I don't know. I need to ask Liam."

"Oh Gemma," Harry pitied, "You and your big heart."

At the end, not so many people attended the first day. But that just meant more room for Harry to enjoy Grimmy and more men for Zayn. Not even Niall went to the festival because apparently he didn't like hip-hop.

Harry and Nick had some time after the festival, just general chat and gossip. It was an easy connection, what they had. Nick was simple, so Harry kept it simple.


"I heard Louis went away," Nick said at one time, "To London." It was already dark, but the green on Nick's eyes was still shinning full of adrenaline.

"Oh yeah," Harry said, not really interested, "Some business to go back, I guess."

Nick nodded, "Difficult then. I wouldn't know." He tried to snort at that. Harry only looked at him apologetic.

"You were amazing back there," Harry said, changing of topic.

"You have told me that at least six times now," Nick said giggling.

"Well, it's the truth," Harry said, tinting his cheeks a shade of pinkish.

"Well, I thought more people would come," Nick said, shrugging.

"It's Holmes Chapel. People here is close minded and awful. I'm so sorry about that."

"Nah, it's fine," Nick said, "Anyway, people who came tonight enjoyed my bits, didn't they?"

"They absolutely did," Harry said grinning. There was something in Nick's aura, probably his easy going personality, that made Harry smiled to hard.

"Well, I better get you home because Anne is going to hate me if you arrive late," Nick said, smiling.

Right, as if Anne would ever hate Nick. The poor woman was enchanted as well with Nick's manners and Harry was sure that if she wasn't married, she would be flirting shamelessly to Nick.

Anyway, both boys walked home, trusting Zayn to arrive by his own later. Harry just needed some more time alone with Nick.


The next day arrived and now it was time for Ed to perform.

"Are you nervous?" Harry asked to Ed, looking how the poor ginger guy was trying to arranged the cords of the guitar.

"Well," Ed said, still messing with the cords, "Sort of. I was actually expecting someone to be on the crowd tonight."

Harry didn't understand but nodded, "Like... a girlfriend?"

"Oh, no," Ed said giggling, "More like the CEO of Pemberly Digital."

"Pemberly Digital?" Harry asked, the name sounding faintly familiar.

"Yeah, they are this massive digital company - they got everything! From their own production studio, to specialized PR management," Ed saw that Harry was not getting any of it, "And more stuff like that. You know, just every unknown musician's dream."

"Well, let's hope he attends, right?" Harry said, encouraging Ed.

"Yeah," Ed nodded with a sincere smile.

Harry excused himself and went for his phone on his room. He was expecting a text from Nick, just to confirm their plans for later. But when he reached his phone, there was no text.

It was getting late, and Harry had tried three calls and ten texts. None of them answered.

"Are you going to the festival?" Gemma asked, brushing her teeth.

"I don't know," Harry said, shrugging his shoulders, "Nick is not answering."

"Well," Gemma said, spitting and rinsing her mouth, "You should come with us and search for Nick over there. And if he's not there, you can just hangout with Niall and Zayn."

"More like Niall, Zayn and Zayn's man for the night," Harry snorted.

"Well, more people to hang out with then," Gemma said.

Harry sighed and nodded, accepting the offer. He was deeply expecting to find Nick there. And sure, it had been sometime since he hanged out with Niall, but he could see Niall all the time he wanted. Nick on the other hand... he didn't know when he was going to go.


Anyway, they got ready and Liam picked was knocking the door soon. Gemma wore black skinnies, a baby blue crop top and his Nike white sneakers. Still, Liam was awed when Gemma went out to receive him.

"Hi," Gemma said smiling.

"Hi," Liam said breathlessly. He quickly smiled to her and leaned in for a quick kiss on her cheek, "You ready?"

"Is it okay if Harry comes with us?" Gemma asked.

"Of course!" Liam said eagerly.

"Harry, hurry up!" Gemma shouted from the door, Liam in front of her.

It was amazing the way Liam could stare and examine every part of Gemma's face - even get lost in it, with a faint smile and such fascination. Gemma only smiled subtly and blushed because of the attention.

Really, these two love birds were amazing and only a fool wouldn't see their love for each other.

"M' ready," Harry said, running from upstairs, "Let's go."

"Let's go then," Liam said, giving one last look at Gemma's face.

Somehow, Liam had rented a car - probably from Chester - and Gemma got up on the front seat.

Okay, so Harry hated third-wheeling but he was seriously expecting to see Grimmy on the festival. Or probably Niall. He was now remembering hearing Niall said he wanted to go and watch Ed's performance. Yeah, he expected Niall there.

They arrived to the festival, and as soon as the car stopped, Harry decided to give Gemma and Liam their space. He didn't need to be with them all night.

To his luck, he found Niall minutes after that.

"Ni," Harry saluted him, "You came!"

"Yeah, we agreed to see each other here, right? To see Ed's gig?"

Oh right. Well, "Yeah, yeah of course mate!"

Harry was a bad friend, and he knew it.

"So far it's just been like, punk bands - you know? Those you form when you're in high school," Niall said, with a red cup of beer in his hand.

"Wait," Harry said, "Where did you get that beer mate?"

"There's a stand over there," Niall said, pointing to the left, "A pint for three pounds."

"Holy shit," Harry breathed, "I'll go buy one."

"You do mate," Niall said giggling.

Harry went then, because cheap beer was always a yes and he was feeling kind of down with no answer from Nick and he totally pictured this night a lot different. But hey, three pounds for a pint of beer.

So the beginning of the night went like that then, Niall and Harry listening to pop-punk teen bands, singing along to all the covers they played always with a beer on hand.

So far, not a single reply from Nick and Harry was already feeling tipsy. Guess the loud music and four pints do that to your system.

"There's only one more guy and then it's Ed's turn!" Niall shouted to Harry, with a lot more people now surrounding them and feeling a bit crowded, "Isn't it great?"

Harry looked at Niall, the blonde, pale guy with his rosy cheeks and large grin waiting for him, "Amazing!"

Niall nodded and smiled bigger - it was almost impossible - and turned to the scenario.

Harry wasn't sure but... he could almost bet -

"I like Ed," Niall turned to Harry and shouted, "I like him a lot!"

Niall drank what was left of beer and smiled Harry.

"Wow," Harry said to him, shocked, "Does he knows?"

Niall shrugged, "I don't know! But I'll find out tonight!" Niall then disappeared to get more beer.

Well, that wasn't what Harry was expecting - okay, probably a bit. But like, he doesn't even know when they got to hang out and - ohhhh okay. Now he gets why Niall wasn't available all this time and why Ed was never in the house. Cheeky bastards.

The next guy - a guy with a guitar hanging, positioning himself in front of the microphone - announced his next song.

"This is a cover by Ron Pope, hope you like it," the guy said, starting playing the guitar.

Niall was arrived then, "I think I'm going to look for Ed," there was another pint of beer on his hand, "I'll go backstage. I have to tell him now!"

A drop in the ocean,

A change in the weather,

I was praying that you and me might end up together,

"Okay buddy," Harry said taking Niall by his shoulders, "Don't you want to wait?"

"No, not anymore!" Niall said, smiling like a crazy, freeing himself for Harry and running away.

It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert,

But I'm holding you closer than most 'cause you are my heaven,

Harry giggled at the sight - Niall was literally jumping to the stage, like a decent Irishman.

Harry decided he could be alone for a few songs. He didn't need anyone. Not even stupid Nick. He couldn't believe he left him there too.

I don't wanna waste the weekend,

If you don't love me pretend,

A few more hours then it's time to go...

Louis Tomlinson also left. Stupid London.

He decided it was time for another beer; he didn't think he could stay alone with all these melancholic songs without a single drop of alcohol. Okay, he already had like four but - well, the more the merrier. Or something like that.

The line for the beer was longer now, so by the time Harry returned to his place, the guy had ended his song. It was time for Ed's one.

A lot of people cheered at his sight - maybe he was kind of famous at the end - and he got a lot of applauses.

"Thank you," Ed said to the microphone, "Such a lovely crowd today."

More cheers.

"So this next song, it's for someone special... it's an original song and I want to dedicate it to my special Irish blonde one," Ed said, with a small smile.

So, it was mutual then. Harry was so happy for them.

"Hope you like this song," Ed said, starting to play his guitar.

Harry was instantly driven to some place magical. He could remember the first time he listened to Ed's guitar on his house and how it turned the moment to cozy and special for his family.

Now, even in front of a lot of people, the melody was still personal and intimate. Or maybe it was the alcohol working on Harry - but he felt the song on his soul.

The night above him was amazing, with such deep blue and the stars were shinier than ever. There was no moon, but the stars alone could bright the entire town. Harry liked nights like that one.

The guitar intro kept playing, Ed's fingers making magic with his guitar and everybody was feeling it.

He needed someone by his side. He was starting to feel alone. And he didn't want to start crying. Damn you, alcohol.

Settle down with me,

Cover me up,

Cuddle me in,

Okay, he had to admit, that even if he was always complaining about his mother trying to hook him up with someone, he sometimes felt like no one was ever made for him. He didn't want to spend his entire life alone.

Lie down with me,

And hold me in your arms,

He was just about to leave, he couldn't even contain the tears on his eyes anymore, when he felt a pair of arms around him.

"You came," Harry said, at first surprised, not turning around, "You came," Harry said one more time, this time more relieved and giving up into the arms.

And your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck

I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet

"I was starting to feel like you didn't like me," Harry said, the alcohol not letting him proceed the entire scene, "And I know I'm not the most entertaining human being but - I like you, a lot."

And with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now,

Again, there was no response but for Harry it was enough. He needed someone with him and now he wasn't alone. He felt incredibly good around these arms, even though Harry felt incredibly big compared to them - all of that felt good.

Kiss me like you wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

This feels like falling in love

Falling in love

We're falling in love

Harry was lost then in those hands intertwining over his chest and he could spot a match of quote marks on one wrist. He didn't remembered Nick having any tattoos - but it was probably a new one. It looked like a new one, still a bit red and too dark. Still, Harry didn't know shit if he was being honest because alcohol was slowly making his brain sleepy.

Settle down with me

And I'll be your safety

You'll be my lady

"You know, it's okay if you hate Tomlinson," Harry said, still looking at the hands, "Or if he hates you. I like you Nick, very much."

I was made to keep your body warm

But I'm cold as the wind blows so hold me in your arms

The arms tensed a bit and Harry could feel like it wasn't such a good topic for now, "I'm sorry. We shouldn't talk about this. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

Right beside them, a boy knelt in front of a girl, and everybody turned around to watch them - a real proposal with the most sweet song. The guy showed the little blue box and opened it, revealing a bright diamond ring. The girl started to shout and nodding, tears spilling from her eyes.

Yeah I've been feeling everything

From hate to love

From love to lust

From lust to truth

I guess that's how I know you

So I hold you close to help you give it up

When Harry noticed, Nick was gone. There was no one behind him anymore. He was too caught up with the proposal that Harry missed when Nick left. Again.

He didn't even had the time to turn around and look at him properly. Oh well, with all the alcohol he drank it was probably for the best. He would text Nick tomorrow morning.

When Ed's song was over, he couldn't found Niall or Gemma and Liam. But, he did find Zayn. He was making out with Aiden. Oh what a shock.

"Zayn!" Harry pulled him to himself, "What the fuck."

"Harry, don't be a prick," Zayn said, trying to free himself.

"Please, let's go home," Harry pleaded, pulling Zayn again.

"Ughhhh," Zayn groaned, rolling his eyes. Only then Zayn smelled Harry and noticed he was drunk, "Okay then."

Zayn left without telling Aiden goodbye and he hooked his arm around Harry, trying to guide him.

Finally, they found a cab and they got in it, Zayn giving out the address to the driver.

"How did you drink that much?" Zayn asked to Harry, "I don't even know how you handled being all by yourself, if you couldn't even stand properly when you find me!"

"I was not by myself," Harry said slowly, trying to arrange the words in his brain, "I was with Nick."

"Nick? Nick Grimshaw?" Zayn asked, with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yes," Harry nodded.

"Nu-uh," Zayn shook his head, "Aiden said Nick was in Nottingham, he left this morning."

"What?" Harry was more sober somehow, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, it wasn't Nick because he left to Nottingham this morning, you drunkyyy."

"But then, who hug me earlier?" Harry asked, shaking his head, "I thought it was Nick," Harry was starting to panic, "I didn't even look at him! Oh my god Zayn, I was hugged and I don't know who it was!" Harry was totally sober now, "I was hugged by a stranger!"

Zayn shook his head laughing at Harry, "Oh dear cousin, that's why you shouldn't drink by yourself on concerts," Zayn tried to settle Harry and calm him, "And you know what they say, Everybody is always a stranger; nothing is ever familiar."

Harry nodded, trying to understand it. It didn't felt like a stranger though, and it definitely felt somehow familiar.

Harry was too tired and drunkish to think, and when Zayn started playing with his curly hair, Harry slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.


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