《pride & property » |larry au|》5. the festival, the song and the feud


One of the things about Holmes Chapel, was the great ideas for making great events. And Zayn was right, there was a Musical Festival coming up. Apparently, the Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School, had made some funding to bring some bands over the summer and let students volunteer at the event - you know, charity work and values, all that stuff. Clearly, they didn't see the right mess high-schoolers could make at musical festivals. But anyway.

Zayn was excited as one can be, because of course, musical festivals meant new boys in town and that meant new hook-ups. Of course, Harry was not as delighted as his cousin, but surely, he would enjoy a few DJ's that were meant to come.

Just to be clear, all this artists, bands and DJ's, were not that famous – you know, those kind of bands and artists that have performances of pubs and nightclubs. Just random stuff.

"Can you imagine it?" Zayn said, laying down on Harry's bed, "For three days, we are going to be able to dance and enjoy ourselves!"

"Zayn," Harry said rolling his eyes, "This is not Coachella."

"Always ruining it, aren't you?" Zayn said, wrinkling his nose, "Gemma, are you excited?"

"Yeah sure," Gemma said, not even paying attention, but typing something on her phone.

"Who are you texting?" Zayn asked, trying to peak behind her.

"Nobody," she said, shielding her phone, "None of your business."

"That's Liam," Harry said, wiggling his eyebrows with a smug face.

"Ughhh," Gemma said, her cheeks tinting just a fair shade of pink, "You are both so annoying!"

She stood up then, and left Harry's room, typing something into her phone.

"She's really into him, isn't she?" Zayn said, taking his own phone out.

"Yeah," Harry answered, with a little smile.

"And Liam is into her?" Zayn asked.

"I don't know," Harry said, trying to be neutral, "I mean - he was really nice with us and all."

"You know, sometimes Gemma shows her love in a weird way, right? Like, she's sarcastic and sassy, but we all know she's playing and she's adorable."

"Yeah, so?" Harry said, furrowing his brows.

"Well, maybe Liam hasn't made a move because, he thinks Gemma isn't into him."

"Nah, that's bullshit," Harry said, dismissing Zayn, "He knows."

"Okie then," Zayn said, rolling his eyes.

Anne arrived in that moment to the room, not even knocking, "Here you are!" she said to them, "I need your help!"

"What's up?" Harry asked.

"Someone is staying with us for the Musical Festival and I was wondering if you two could accompany me Downtown to buy the essentials," Anne said, with her hands on her waist.

"Someone? You mean like someone from the Musical Festival? Like an actual performer?" Zayn said, standing up from the bed.

"Yeah," Anne said nodding with a smile on her face, "Now come with me you two."

"Definitely!" Zayn said, following Anne.

"Here we go then," Harry said, rolling his eyes but following them.


"His name is Edward Sheeran," Harry said, playing with the grass between his fingers, "Apparently, he is like a big deal on West Yorkshire."

"He sounds posh," Niall said, lying beside Harry on his garden.

"Yeah well," Harry said shrugging, "We will find out tomorrow."

"Aren't you scared there's going to be a stranger in your house?" Niall asked, turning in his back to look at Harry.


"Nah," Harry said, "I mean, probably it's going to be awkward at first but, let's Zayn deal with it because he is the one excited about it."

"Okay then," Niall said smiling to him, "You can always text be all the details."

"I will mate," Harry said smiling back, "I will."

Sure, the next day, first thing in the morning, a few knocks on the door were heard.

"Hi," a ginger fit lad full on tattoos on his arms was standing outside the Styles house, "Styles family?"

"Oh yeah," Gemma said, stepping back from the door, "Come in, please. You must be Edward."

"Ed, please," he said, with a sheepish smile, "Call me Ed."

"Ed," Gemma nodded at that, "Welcome to our humble abode!"

Ed smiled to her and nodded, waiting for someone else to appear.

The lad only carried a backpack and his guitar case - probably with his guitar inside. Gemma could see, the amount of small and big tattoos across his both arms. It was amazing how Gemma could get lost in every one of them but Anne arrived soon for her to snap back.

"Hello!" Anne said, scanning Ed from head to toe, "You must be Edward."

"Ed," both Gemma and Ed said at the same time.

"Please call me Ed," he said, before offering his hand for Anne to shake.

"Nice to meet you," Anne said, shaking his hand, "You can follow me and I'll guide your room."

"Thanks," Ed said, smiling softly to her and nodding.

Well, that went well. Apparently.

But then dinner time arrived.

"So Ed," Des started, always trying to make polite conversation, "How's music business going?"

"Oh," he said, sipping from his glass, "Well, right now I'm just playing at different pubs every night, you know? Random places, technically wherever they let me play."

Anne opened her eyes wide at that.

"That must be interesting," Des said, nodding.

"Of course, yeah," Ed nodded, smiling to him, "But two weeks ago, I got a letter from Atlantic Records and they wanted to discuss with me the possibility of a record deal."

"That sounds nice," Gemma said.

"Yeah," Harry said too, encouraging him.

"Right," Anne said, not believing a thing. She could be harsh sometimes.

"So, do you know anyone famous yet?" Zayn asked, skipping to the point. His point.

"Uhmm," Ed hesitated, taken by surprise, "No, not yet."

"Shame," Zayn said unamused.

"What about your parents? Are they good with it?" Anne said with just a bit of disdain.

Harry wanted to groan at her.

"Uhhh - well, mum died three years ago," Ed said, leaving everybody on the table frozen and speechless, "Yeah, cancer sucks."

Nobody talked.

"And," Ed said, not wanting the awkward silence, "Dad s' okay. He said that as long as I'm happy."

"That's good," Des said finally, after the awkward long silence.

Ed nodded and returned to eating his dinner.

"Well," Zayn spoke up, "If you meet someone famous, let me know. I'll help you with that."

Harry rolled his eyes and just tried not to slap Zayn across the table.

Gemma saw the awkward look on Ed, "Do you want to play for us after dinner? Maybe a petition?"

"Oh," Ed said surprised, "Sure, sure. I have my own songs too."


"Lovely," Gemma said smiling.

And sure, after dinner was over, they all moved to the living room - except for Des who said was tired and needed some rest - and they all sat, waiting for Ed to start playing.

"Do any of you play an instrument?" Ed said, trying to make conversation while he adjusted his strings.

"Harry can play the piano," Gemma said.

"Just a little bit," Harry said, shaking his head, "I attended to some classes when I was younger but I guess I wasn't made for it."

"Oh, that's a shame," Ed said, shrugging, "Well, this one is one of my own - I just wanted to let you guys hear it."

"Bring it," Zayn said.

Ed rasped a few times before starting to move his fingers across the strings.

The melody was beautiful, at least for Harry, and it sounded kind of melancholic. Harry could see himself listening to an Ed Sheeran CD.

Give me love like her,

'Cause lately I've been waking up alone,

Paint splattered tear-drops on my shirt,

Told you I'd let them go,

Ed's voice was soft and quiet. It fitted perfectly with Ed's personality. He closed his eyes and continued the song, probably pretending he was playing for himself.

And that I'll fight my corner,

Maybe tonight I'll call you,

After my blood turns into alcohol,

No, I just wanna hold you

Probably this was like the best song Harry had ever listened to. He didn't want it to end. He wanted to record Ed right now and keep the track for himself.

Give a little time to me or burn this out,

We'll play hide and seek to turn this around,

All I want is the taste that your lips allow,

My, my, my, my, oh give me love,

My, my, my, my, oh give me love.

And they kept listening. And when the song was over, Harry couldn't keep himself from clapping. And Gemma and Zayn as well. And they three were chanting more, more more. And Ed got a little bit flushed but he smiled and nodded and started playing another song. And so, the Styles enjoyed a little concert from their guest.


The next day, Ed had to go to the Principal Square to meet all the other musicians and bands - it was kind of a souncheck. So anyway, the Styles saw this as an opportunity and volunteered to accompany him, even if it was just because they were bored.

Zayn was more than excited, because he was finally going to meet more musicians and bands. Which meant, Harry and Gemma would have to get through a few moments of embarrassment with his cousin being a little bit slutty.

"So Ed didn't turn out to be so bad then," Gemma said once she and Harry were alone, "I actually like him."

"Yeah, me too," Harry said, looking at her, "A bit shy the poor lad, but he's fine I guess."

They were both sitting on a bench under a tree, just a few meters from where the incredible mass of musicians, bands and DJ's were talking to each other. Luckily, Ed Sheeran was on the other end of the Square.

"Mum didn't like his tattoos at all," Gemma said, "She said they were art of a delinquent."

"God," Harry said rolling his eyes, "Mum can be such a nosy conservative, sometimes."

"I think she doesn't like him that much because he's ginger? Is that being racist?" Gemma asked, looking at Harry with a quizzical look.

"Dunno, I guess?" Harry said shrugging, "thing is, we should probably not let Ed alone with mum. I feel bad whenever he looks uncomfortable or awkward."

"Yeah, me too," Gemma said nodding to Harry.

Right there, Harry could see Zayn talking to a tall, lank guy, with a big wide smile and big open honey eyes. The guy was clearly flirting with Zayn - who wouldn't, to be honest? - and Zayn was answering back.

"We should probably go with Zayn," Harry said looking at him.

Gemma nodded and stood up, walking to Zayn, Harry following her behind.

"Zaynie," Gemma said, greeting him once they were near, "Here you are!"

"Oh Gems!" Zayn said with such happiness, "Harry!"

Harry smiled to Zayn and tried not to see directly the other guy, but he couldn't ignore the fact that the guy was now watching Harry intently.

"Oh, I should present you," Zayn said, shaking his head, "Gemma, Harry, this is nick Grimshaw, or as we should call him - DJ Grimmy."

Nick answered at that with his delicious fresh laughter and Harry couldn't take it anymore. Nick Grimshaw was... different.

"Thank you Zayn," he said, "Nice to meet you."

He offered his hand to Gemma, and she accepted, only for Nick to pull her into a quick kiss on the cheek. Gemma only smiled - probably out of politeness.

Nick turned to Harry and smiled, "Nice to meet you, curly," he didn't even offered his hand, but leant in for the cheek kiss without asking Harry.

And yeah, Harry felt kind of invaded but he also liked it. Nick wasn't afraid of rejection, and Harry could see that. Harry felt like Nick was open about himself and that Nick was just, genuine.

Harry smiled - probably more like a smirk - and answered, "Nice to meet you too."

So they kept talking for a bit, until Gemma announced she wanted a coffee from the shop just around the corner and everybody decided to go with her.

"Harry, lend me some bucks," Zayn said, turning to him, "I want a frappe too."

"What? No way," Harry shook his head, "I don't even have money."

"Don't be such a meanie," Zayn said in his boyish voice, "Just a few bucks!"

Harry was about to shake his head again when Nick interfered, "I'll pay for it Zayn, just order."

"Thank you Nick!" Zayn said squealing, putting his hands on Nick's bicep, "Such a gentleman!"

Nick smiled to him and nodded, taking some bills from his left front pocket. Zayn let go of his bicep to properly order his frappe and that's when Nick turned to see Harry with a little smirk on his face.

"You want anything?" Nick said with his low voice.

"No, thank you," Harry declined politely.

"You sure? I can pay for it," Nick said, coming closer to Harry, "I mean, I know this doesn't count as a proper date, but if you want something...," he trailed off, watching Harry with his lopsided smile.

"Oh don't worry," Harry said with a smirk, playing along, "You'll know it's a date because I won't be ordering coffee."

And ouch. Harry was actually flirting back?

"Okay then," Nick nodded, with that wide smile of his on his face, "I'll have to find out then what you order on dates."

Harry was about to answer when Gemma came back with iced latte, sipping from it.

And then Zayn got back with his moka frappe and they got out of the coffee shop. Somehow, Nick and Harry managed to stay behind, walking slower and they started a conversation.

From Nick's music to Harry's life and then to Holmes Chapel and back to Nick's life. It felt totally comfortable to talk to Nick. He was such an open-minded person and somehow, every time Nick made some kind of smile or came up with a new topic, Harry couldn't stop himself to compare him to Louis. Probably because Louis was the complete opposite. Louis was quiet and shy - bit prejudiced and stiff - and he was closed-minded. At least the first time you see him.

When they arrived to the Square, there was more people there and somehow, Zayn could spot Liam and Louis from all the mass.

"Isn't that your boy?" Zayn asked, nudging Gemma, "Hey Liam!" he shouted, before Gemma could do anything.

Liam turned around then, and spotted Gemma with Zayn. His smile changed completely and he showed the biggest smile ever - to the point where his eyes crinkled at the end and he looked completely adorable.

"Hey," Liam said, approaching to them, Louis following behind, "Gemma," he said, leaning in shyly to kiss her on the cheek. This time, Gemma smiled fondly at that, and closed her eyes, accepting the kiss but not kissing Liam back.

"Hi Louis," Gemma greeted the short boy.

"Hey Gemma, how are you?" Louis greeted back, "Is the flu over?"

"Yes, thankfully," Gemma said nodding, "Thanks again for everything."

"No problem," Liam said smiling, "Harry, mate!"

And then Louis froze. And Harry noticed. Nick tried to avoid Louis' gaze.

"Hey Liam," Harry greeted him from behind Gemma and Zayn, "What are you guys doing here?"

"Just came by to watch to see how it was going with the event," Liam said shrugging, "We wanted to volunteer but they said it was full now."

"Oh well," Harry said shrugging, "That's a shame. Guess you guys will have to enjoy the festival."

"Yeah," Liam laughed at that, "Poor us."

"You will have to enjoy the great mixes that Nick makes," Zayn said, looking at Nick, "He is a DJ."

In one swift motion, Louis turned around and left the circle, walking to the other side of the Square - without saying goodbye to any of them.

"Oh," Liam said, trying not to sound so awkward, "I'll guess I'll see you guys tomorrow at the festival."

"Of course," Harry said, not understanding a bit, "See you Liam."

"See you mate," Liam said, "Bye Gems," Liam said with a small smile and quickly turned around and tried to follow Louis.

"Well, that was awkward," Zayn said after that, "You were right Harry, Louis is not friendly at all."

Harry nodded vaguely but didn't say a thing. Gemma tried to ignore the whole thing, but she noticed the behaviour of the two men too, so probably there's something Harry and she would have to talk at night.

"M' going with Chloe over there," Gemma said, pointing out her blond friend, "I'll be right back."

The three boys were left there awkwardly, standing up just a few meters away from the whole chaos.

"Hey Grimmy," one boy shouted to him, "What's up?"

"Hey Aiden," Nick greeted back, relieved from the awkwardness, "Nice to see you bro! Zayn, have you met Aiden?"

"No," Zayn shook his head, "Hi," and okay, Aiden was hot.

Quickly, Zayn and Aiden were deep in conversation and Harry and Nick were left alone. Again.

"So," Nick turned to see Harry, "When did Louis Tomlinson decide to live here?"

"He's only here because of Liam," Harry said, "They are not staying long though. Why? Do you know him?"

"Yes, I was really close to his family" Nick nodded, "You must be surprised after he almost killed me with his stare earlier."

"Not surprised," Harry said, "But intrigued. Louis looked," Harry stopped to think of a good word, "Irritated, I guess. I hope he doesn't affect your mood for tomorrow."

"It won't," Nick said with a smile, "If he wants to avoid me, he is the one who shouldn't attend tomorrow, not I."

"I'm sorry, but I have to ask," Harry said shaking his head, "What happened between you and Louis?"

"Well," Nick said, sighing before continuing, "Their parents and my mother were close friends, so we grew together. And when my mother passed away, their parents received me on their house like a son. I guess he wasn't happy with it, he started to feel jealous. And then a few years later, just about when Louis was about to turn eighteen, their parents had a terrible accident and died."

"We were devastated and there was a lot to come up. I didn't knew, but his father had inherited me part of his company, and that's when he started hating me more. He refused to give me my part of the company and he put several traps over my possession of the company, to the point were I had to give up my part and left."

"Anyway, I had to start from the bottom, where nothing but my poor soul and passion for music. I was homeless for some part of my life, not going to lie to you," Nick said, looking at Harry, "But then, one night at some random bar I met Aiden, and he saved me."

"But why would Louis do that? Is he that cruel that he would leave you homeless?" Harry asked, perplexed by the news.

"Jealousy, I guess," Nick shrugged, "He couldn't stand the fact that his father loved me just as much as him, even if I wasn't part of the family."

"That's, horrible," Harry said, shaking his head.

"Yeah," Nick nodded, "But I mean, what else could I do?"

Harry looked at Nick, with his sad smile and glassy eyes, that the bit of hate he had for Louis Tomlinson, increased by thousands of times. If he hated Louis Tomlinson when he hurt Harry's ego, he now despised Louis Tomlinson. Harry smiled then fondly at Nick, and shook his head.

Nick Grimshaw was the complete opposite of Louis Tomlinson. And Harry Styles had decided he totally despised Louis Tomlinson.


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