《pride & property » |larry au|》4. the tea, the walk but thank you


Harry woke up in silk white sheets and puffy pillows. He thought he was still dreaming but the memories of last night kicked in quickly. He was at Liam's house.

He had slept on his boxers, since he didn't bring any extra clothes and he was thinking of wearing the same clothes again until he heard a knock on the door.

He put on his black skinnies and opened the door, finding a just showered Louis Tomlinson there; he could smell the after shave cologne and his hair was still damp.

Louis faced Harry with wide eyes - the curly boy showing himself with naked chest, showing the couple of tattoos he had - and a couple of seconds passed before Louis spoke.

"Here's - uhmm, - here's some clothes," Louis said, shoving the clothes to Harry's hands quickly, "Those are Liam's so they should fit good on you."

Harry could almost see a faint pink fade on Louis' cheeks but quickly, the short lad turn around and skipped down the hall.

Harry closed the door, deciding to take a shower then.

The room had it's own bathroom, so Harry was pleased to have a moment of privacy - errr. Yeap. Harry was only a 20 year old and he had needs, okay? He needed to relieve some stress and the way the water fall on his ivory skin on the back felt amazing. And if he thought about the blue eye boy with his long eyelashes giving him head - well, no one should never know.

After what felt like years in the shower, Harry finally came out and put on the clothes Louis gave him. It was a pair of washed out jeans with a black t-shirt. Very Liam style.

Quickly, he was out of the room, barefoot and a bun of the top of his head. He was hungry after, uhmm - so he decided to head to the kitchen. The only person there was Eleanor.

"So it's true? You're here," Eleanor said, standing from the kitchen isle, "Good morning," she said with a smile - a fake one, Harry supposed - and eyed him from head to toe, "How's Gemma?"

"I haven't seen her today," Harry answered with certain hostility, "But she was getting better yesterday, thank you."

"Good morning!" Liam said entering the room, "Harry! So the clothes fitted? I'm glad!" he said with a sincere smile, opening the fridge.

"Morning brother," Eleanor said, sipping from her cup of coffee, "Where's Louis?"

"He went to Chester to see if he could find a decent place where he could get tea," Liam said, mocking Louis' accent, "So he should be here soon."

"Good," Eleanor said, battling her eyelashes.

So, Eleanor probably didn't know Louis was gay. Interesting.

Harry was still standing in the corner when Liam saw him, "Oh, where are my manners? Mate, you can eat whatever you find here, seriously," he said smiling, "I think there's fruits on the fridge and - there's some tea bags and there's coffee on the coffee pot as well."

"If there's tea bags, why did Louis go out to Chester?" Eleanor asked.

"I dunno know," Liam said, shrugging and taking out a box of cereal along with the milk.

Eleanor left the kitchen, leaving Liam and Harry alone. Finally, Harry started opening shelves and drawers until he found a kettle. He poured some water in and took out a tea of bag.


"Don't put away the milk," Harry said when he saw Liam opening the fridge, "I will need it."

"You put milk on your tea?" Liam asked, with a funny smile, "Don't tell me - you don't like sugar on your tea?"

"Yeah, why?" Harry asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

The door to the house opened, "I'm home!" Louis yelled through the house.

"We are over here," Liam shouted back, his smirk still on his face.

Louis arrived to the kitchen with a Starbucks cup, barely noticing Harry there.

"I can't believe there's not a single decent place where to buy tea!" Louis started rambling, pacing around the kitchen, "Listen to me Liam, I told you, tea was important! And it's not like I will make my own tea every day! You know I'm lazy as fuck," he said, taking out his own tea bag, "Five shops, and I had to buy a Starbucks before going crazy!" he turns off the fire of the kettle, not noticing the water was for someone else, "I specifically asked for black tea with 1/3 of milk, no sugar; and what did they give me? This -," Louis said, taking the cup and throwing it to the sink, "Fucking tea impostor!"

Liam nodded and smiled to him, every now and then looking at Harry with his smirk.

Louis grabbed the cup that Harry was about to use, "And yes, they did put sugar on it; what a blasphemy! To put sugar! On tea! If I wanted that amount of sugar I might as well have bought a chocolate!"

He put the tea of bag in the cup and pour some hot water over it, "But anyway, I guess I will have to make my own tea - you better appreciate it Liam," he said, with a softer tone now, "Don't put away the milk, I'll pour some to my tea."

Louis left the kitchen after that, running upstairs - probably to his room.

"Just a question Styles," Liam said, smirk still on his face, "Were you going to put 1/3 of milk to your tea?"


Gemma slept until noon, just in time for her to take her medicines and eat some chicken soup, before falling asleep again. Harry was almost scared that something else was happening to her. But again, maybe Liam's attention and the recurrent visits he made to Gemma's room where the only reason why Gemma wouldn't get better. If you know what I mean.

Somehow, they were now all on the Game room; except for Gemma, obviously. Eleanor was laying on the couch, scrolling down her phone, Louis was on the desk, typing on his laptop, probably too hard because he was making a lot of noise - Liam was playing FIFA along with Harry. Yeap, they were all killing time.

"You type uncommonly fast, Louis," Eleanor said, locking her phone and standing up.

"I type incredibly slow Eleanor," he said, not even looking at her.

Liam nudged Harry - for some weird reason.

"How uncomfortable it must be to write so many business e-mails, am I right?" Eleanor said, walking through the room, only to stand behind Louis.

"It's not a business e-mail, I'm just writing an e-mail to Lottie," he said.

"Oh Charlotte! Please, give her my regards," Eleanor said, putting both of her hands on Louis' shoulders, "I do miss her a lot! Tell her I loved her new spring designs," she said, walking again, "She's going to be an extraordinary designer."


"I will tell her," Louis said.

"It's amazing how girls have the ability to do such things, isn't it?" Liam said, getting into the conversation.

"What do you mean, Liam?" Eleanor asked, just a bit irritated.

"I mean," Liam said, pausing the game to properly turn to speak to Eleanor,"You girls have the patience to paint, design, play the piano, imagine, create - like all those DIY stuff on Pinterest or whatever. But really, Lottie is a great girl for her age."

"It's not her age but the passion behind it," Louis said, looking up from the screen, "It's the mere satisfaction of being better. She knows how the real world is and the great competition she will be facing - so she has to be better."

"Are you sure she knows the real world?" Harry asked, getting in the conversation, "Because that sounds like the opinion of a bitter soul with no expectations of the world whatsoever."

"It is," Louis said, looking at Harry, "We must not expect nothing from it, because the world is not always going to be there for us. But knowledge, passion and skills, will always remain with one and Lottie now has the weapons to face everything."

"Designing, couture, classical music, high education, as well as basic manners such as dining manners, dancing manners, dating manners," Eleanor said looking at Harry, "Not to mention, speak at least three languages," Eleanor said, continuing her walk, "And something on her air, the manner of her walking."

"Are you serious?" Harry asked, almost mocking her.

"She must always be quiet and reserved - with what sixteen year olds have been doing lately on TV shows, it's a blessing to enjoy the great presence of Lottie. Always so good," Eleanor said, walking through the room.

"That's not what sixteen year olds must be doing," Harry said shaking his head, "Right, she mustn't get pregnant, but she has to enjoy her teenage years! Let her live, let her be free! You don't want her to be a snob too? Do you?"

"A snob," Liam repeated, giggling.

If stares could kill, Harry would be death by now. Louis' deep blue eyes were directly at him and Harry didn't tear away the gaze, he didn't want to look weak - again - so he continued with the staring, until Eleanor stopped before him.

"Harry, let's take a small walk around the room," Eleanor said, extending her hand.

Harry looked at her, and even if he was surprised by such invitation, he decided to nod and smile.

He stood up from the floor, taking Eleanor's arm and hooking it with his own. The room was indeed quite big and spacious, so it was a relief to Harry's long legs to finally stretch after almost an hour of sitting on the floor.

"Refreshing, isn't it? After sitting in one position for so long," Eleanor said, walking lightly beside Harry.

"I guess it's a small accomplishment," Harry said shrugging.

"Louis," Eleanor said, making the boy turn around, "Are you not going to join us?"

Liam shook his head and giggled, knowing what his sister was trying to do, but apparently, Eleanor was oblivious to Louis' condition.

"No, thank you," Louis said, shaking his head and turning back to the laptop, "I won't interfere with your plan."

"Uhhhh, evil plan," Eleanor said, mocking Louis, "Harry, are we going to punish him for that?"

"I think not asking him about it will be punishment enough," Harry said, following Eleanor's game.

"But I fear I cannot live with curiosity," Eleanor said, shrugging her little shoulders, "Please Louis, according to you, what are our evil plans?"

"You are either going to talk about us," Louis said, motioning between him and Liam, "Probably chat about how terrible Liam is at FIFA or my not so entertaining chat," Louis said, earning a HEY! from Liam, "Or, you are conscious that your figures look good when walking."

So, Eleanor could have take that as a compliment but see, Louis said figures, not figure.

"Such manners!" Eleanor said, trying to joke, without showing her hurt ego.

"Guess we will have to come up with a come back," Harry said.

"Oh no," Eleanor said, "Louis should not be teased, it always makes him cranky."

"Are you really that proud Louis?" Harry said, stopping in front of him, letting Eleanor keep walking, "Do you even consider pride a fault or is it a virtue for you?"

"I won't know how to answer that, because it does depend from the moment," Louis said, looking at him.

"So it depends if you are the one to laugh at or the one who is laughing?" Harry said.

"It's more the way I take offences," Louis said, standing from his place, "Once I get the opinion of someone, I can't change it on my mind."

"And you won't let me tease you about that?" Harry said with a smirk, "Oh, how incredibly painful for me, you are depriving me of a good laugh. And I have always loved a good laugh."

"And it runs in your family, right?" Eleanor said, breaking their chat, laughing at her own comment - trying to make fun of Harry's family.

Harry turned his head to see Eleanor, and only smiled to her. He excused himself and left the room, leaving everyone there so see him leave.


"No Gemma, if you are still feeling bad, you can stay," Harry said, the boy sitting beside his sister on the bed.

"But if you're going, I'm coming with you! Besides, I'm much better than the first day and it's just a flu!" Gemma said, trying to get up from bed.

"Liam is going to hate me if you go," Harry said, after a long sigh.

"Well, it's not like we are going to stop seeing each other, are we?" Gemma said, winking, "Besides, it's time to go and see the family, don't you think?"

"Believe me," Harry said shaking his head, "It's the last thing I want to do right now."

So Gemma and Harry tidied up and packed the very little things into a bag, promising to return to their home before the sunset. Harry couldn't spend any more time here, with Eleanor attacking him and his family and Louis being so... proud.

Harry was tiding up his room when he heard two knocks on the door.

"Come in," he shouted, expecting Liam or Gemma.

"So you're going back to your house?" it was Louis.

Harry turned around surprised, and nodded rather quickly, "Well," he tried to act cool - always cool, "That's where we live, so yes. We are leaving."

Louis nodded and scanned the entire room, "I hope you enjoyed your time here - even if it was only a night."

"Two days and a night," Harry said with a pinch of playfulness, "I will rate you on Airbnb as soon as I get to my house."

Louis sniggered at that, shaking his head, "Seriously," he said then more calmly, coming closer to Harry, "It was a pleasure to have you here."

Harry gave him a small nod, while coming closer to him as well, "Thank you for taking care of Gemma."

"Thank you for trusting us to take care of her," he said, more softly this time, just a couple of feet apart.

Harry took another step, "Thank you."

They stayed there, few inches apart from each other, staring directly at each other eyes and breathing the same air. Harry's green eyes were everything Louis could see and God - such a beautiful sight.

Harry smiled politely and backed away, turning his head the opposite direction of Louis' look.

"I have to go and check how Gemma is doing," he said, walking to the door and opening it, "But really, thank you so much."

Louis nodded and then Harry was gone.


When Gemma and Harry arrived their house, the Styles were having dinner.

"For God sakes, what are you doing here?" was their mother's greeting.

"I missed you both sillies!" Zayn was the only one to properly greet them, standing up and hugging them, "How are you Gemma?"

"Much better, thank you," Gemma said, smiling to him.

"Hey dad," Harry said, greeting him with a smile.

"Son, good to have you back," Des said, giving him a half smile.

"Two nights? Only two?" Anne said, shaking his head between her hands, "I cannot believe it."

"Get over it mum," Harry said, taking a piece of bread from the table, "Or better, thank God your daughter is healthy."

Zayn and Gemma laughed at that and after that, everything was back to normal.


"So, what did we miss?" Harry said to Zayn, three of them talking in Harry's room.

"Well," Zayn said, playing with the hem of his PJ's t-shirt, "Oh right! Niall came yesterday and because you weren't here, we decided to go out and we were at a bar, and we heard there was a band coming to Holmes Chapel to record a demo! Can you believe it?"

"To Holmes Chapel?" Gemma asked,not being common.

"Yes! I literally can't wait for them to come! Imagine!" Zayn said, biting his lower lip, earning a smack on his head from Harry.

"Why are you always thinking about sex?" Harry asked, all grossed out.

"Not sex, but the appreciation of fine men, dear Harry," Zayn said with a mischievous look, "Just like that Louis Tomlinson, with his fine ass."

"Control yourself Zayn!" Gemma shouted, wrinkling her nose.

Harry decided not to comment on that.

"Well, it's not sex anyway," Zayn said shrugging, "I enjoy watching good looking men, and they enjoy watching me."

"That sounds creepier than it is," Harry said and the three of them laugh at that.

It felt good to be back home.


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