《pride & property » |larry au|》3. the pride, the rain and the sickness


"Well, that was absolutely ridiculous," Louis said, once they all arrived their new home, taking off his posh costume coat, feeling tired after the whole party.

"Speak for yourself," Eleanor said, entering the house as well, "I had the most lovely evening," Louis stopped in his tracks, turning around to see Eleanor, "Don't look so surprised! I enjoyed the nonsense chit chat as well as the few decent girls there," Liam entered right then, with his goofy smile on his face, "Like Gemma for example," Eleanor said, "She was okay."

"She was more than okay," Liam said, "She is - charming and like, - incredibly amazing," he said, still couldn't process a single thing.

"Don't exaggerate, she was only okay," Eleanor said, rolling her eyes.

"It was a total nightmare," Louis said under his breath.

"Oh mate," Liam said, only noticing now he is a bit tipsy dizzy, passing his arm around Louis' shoulders, "You are just mad because you couldn't dance with Harry."

"What?" Eleanor asked, almost terrified.

"You are drunk Liam," Louis said, stepping away from the embrace, "You are clearly saying stupid things."

"Yes, that's it," Eleanor said agreeing.

"What I couldn't understand is," Liam said, still speaking, not paying attention to what they just said, "How does he make it so his curls look like that? I mean, proper curls and everything."

"Are we still talking about him?" Eleanor said, clearly annoyed.

"Liam, you better go to sleep," Louis said, opting to take his friend upstairs.

"Not that I found him appealing - well, not for me anyway," Liam said, accepting Louis as a help to get through the stairs, "I mean, Gemma is more my type, but you," he said, pointing his finger to Louis, "You my mate, you are missing the Styles charm."

"What is he even talking about?" Eleanor said from behind, missing some parts of the conversations.

"Nothing," Louis answered to her, "Let's go to bed Liam, we will talk tomorrow when you stop blabbering."

"Blah blah blah - I'm not blabbering," Liam said, "You know what I mean."

"Sure do, mate," Louis said, wanting to end the discussion.

Louis took Liam to his room, leaving him alone to take care of himself and when he came out, Eleanor had turn off all the lights from downstairs.

And later, if Louis couldn't sleep, only turning around in his bed, because he couldn't stop thinking about those green, green eyes and those perfect curls, well - that was no one else's business but his.


The next day arrived fast, promising to be a lovely Sunday for everyone.

Anne and Maura always loved to have a chat after big events - and because this last event had been way more better because certain new people, it was like an official thing to gather around to revise the events of last night.

Maura and Niall arrived to the Styles house around noon and Anne - being herself - had prepared a lovely brunch in her backyard; not only to show off her precious green big garden but also to show off her new garden furniture.

Gemma, Harry and Zayn joined, wanting to comment about last night and also because Maura Horan made the best scones in town, even if Anne denied it.

"Oh Anne," Maura sighed, after sipping her cup of tea, "You must be really excited. Gemma was dancing all night long with Liam."


"Well yeah, I mean - it was only a dance, right? But Liam was surely all night long beside Gemma," Anne said, trying to play fool.

Harry only rolled his eyes and continued picking his scone.

"Well, I listened that he was very pleased with you Gems," Niall said, wiggling his eyebrows to Gemma, "I was near the open bar and -,"

"You were there practically all night," Harry interrupted, making fun of Niall.

Gemma laughed while Anne and Maura tried to ignore it.

"Shut up," Niall said, laughing at the end, "Anyway, I was there and I listened when Liam was talking with Mr. Robinson and he asked him if he was liking the whole event and he was like 'Yeah sure' and then Mr. Robinson asked about you and he was like 'Gemma is an incredible girl' and then he excused himself to continue dancing with you."

"That's amazing," Maura said, smiling to Niall, "Isn't that amazing Anne?"

"Sure, sure it is," she said, proud of her daughter.

"But anyway, it's much better than what Tomlinson said about Harry," Niall said.

"Oh yeah," Maura said, looking at Harry, "I heard about it. Are you okay H?"

"Yeah," Harry said, giving her a small smile, "I mean, it's not like I wanted to dance with him or anything."

"Well, don't think about it Harry," Anne said, brushing the whole thing off, "Louis is not worth it."

"Eleanor told me he is like, really reserved and that he is mostly shy so maybe that's why he didn't wanted to interact with so many people," Gemma said, trying to defend poor Louis from her mother.

"Nah, he looked pretty much a snob to me," Zayn said, "How can you be that handsome and rich but not want to take advantage of it?"

"It's not like take advantage of it, but to know how to use it," Niall said.

"Well, even if he knew how to use it," Harry said, trying to look indifferent, "I wouldn't want to dance with him."

"Well said son," Anne said, smiling to him, "He is really prideful and I wouldn't like someone like him for you."

"You know, his pride does not offend me so much as pride often does, becausethere is an excuse for it," Maura said, now directly at Harry, "He is a very fine young man, he has a large fortune - everything in his favour, so maybe that's why he should think highly of himself; I mean, hehas a right to be proud."

"Yeah sure, he has all the right to be proud," Harry said smiling with an ever so lightly hint of bitterness on his smile, "and I could have easily forgive his pride, if he had notmortified mine."

"Even if his pride was justified, he has no right to be that vain, even if the little shit is handsome as fuck," Zayn said, speaking the truth.

"Zayn!" Anne scolded him, while Gemma, Harry and Niall laughed.

"If I were that rich, you would never see me without a bottle of wine in my hand," Niall said, fist bumping Harry.

"And if that ever happens, I would snatch every bottle of your hand if I ever see you at it," said Anne, scolding Niall as well.


Dinner time was close so Maura and Niall had to returned to their own house, promising to be there in the next days to talk more about the new neighbours.


Anne was in the kitchen, along with Gemma, Harry and Zayn, preparing the dinner when Gemma's phone started ringing.

"Ello?" she answered, trying to go to the living room to have a private chat but Anne stopped her, wanting to know as soon as possible who it was on the other side.

"Yeah sure," Gemma said, nodding, only noticing later there was no point on nodding, "Perfect, sounds lovely," Gemma said, smiling to the phone, "See you there then, bye."

She hanged up and let out a sigh she was holding.

"Who was it?" Anne asked, hovering over Gemma.

"Mother, let her breathe," Harry joked from the table, cutting some vegetables.

"It was Eleanor," Gemma informed, "She wants me to go to their house and dine with her."

"That's lovely!" Anne said, full of excitement.

"Yeah," Gemma said nodding, "She said she didn't want to dinner by herself, because Liam and Louis are dining out and they left her all alone."

"Wait," Anne said, "Dining out?"

"Oh, poor Eleanor," Zayn joked, laughing along with Harry. Gemma only glared at them.

Anne didn't even noticed, thinking way too much.

"Can I use the car mum? I don't want to take the bus," Gemma said, looking outside the window and watching how a clear drizzle was coming.

"Well," Anne said, a small but visible smile creeping on her face, "I have to use the car later so no, you will have to go there by bus."

"I can drive her and come back -,"

"No," Anne interrupted Harry, "You have to do the laundry, as well as Zayn," Anne said, "Sorry Gems, you will have to use the bus."

"But mum -,"

"That's it," Anne said with strong voice finally, not letting anyone else to speak, "Have fun, Gemma," she said after a few seconds, smiling with a not so innocent smile.

As Anne predicted - or really, just guessed - the drizzle became more than that, and later there was a full storm, lightnings and rain as heavy as the weather could.

When Des arrived, damp and wet from head to toe, he only shook his head when he listened Anne had sent Gemma all by herself on the bus.

"Dear God, woman," Des said, disapproval in his voice, "There will be no way for Gemma to return until tomorrow - public transportation is suspended."

"Oh well, one night there won't harm her," Anne said, shrugging with a small smile on her lips.

"Weren't you going to go out mum?" Harry said, fully knowing his mother.

"Oh, right," Anne said, "Well, it's raining so I guess it will have to be tomorrow."

"Right," Harry said shaking his head to his mother.

Harry took out his phone and started typing a text to Gemma,

well, mum is delighted with the storm. hows everything over there?

But Gemma didn't answered right away. Harry decided that maybe the signal over there was awful and now with the storm, Gemma wouldn't get any messages soon.

The remaining family had dinner and soon, the sky was dark.

Even if Harry didn't like storms because of the lightning, he liked the way rain made everything prettier.

It surely made the garden greener, and it made everything more melancholic - which made Harry think and dream.

He couldn't spare his thoughts and he ended up thinking about Louis and what he said about him.


Sure, whatever. It was not like Louis was the most handsome man on earth. Errr.

Looking at the distant lightning, Harry thought of the deep blue on Louis' eyes. Well, fuck Tomlinson. He was just as despicable as Harry thought.

Just then, a text came to Harry's phone,

unknown number: Hey bro, it's Gemma. Everything fine except I have the flu now, so thank mum. Liam doesn't want to let me go until I'm full recovered because he's somewhat paranoid so I'm probs gonna stay here for a while. love to all of you x. ps. my phone doesn't work bc I dropped it in a pond ):

Well, Anne got what she wanted, right? Harry decided to keep the new info for himself until tomorrow - besides, it's not like their mother was waiting for Gemma any soon.


Monday morning when Harry announced that Gemma was staying with Liam until she recovered, Anne burst out with happiness with the news, asking to be updated to every news.

But to Harry all of that was non-sense. It was just a flu! Gemma should get back and get some damn well rest, and even if he was sure Gemma wouldn't completely rest there with their mother yelling and causing commotion to every little detail happening in their life - okay, maybe it was better if Gemma stayed there.

Still, Harry was worried for his sister and he was decided to go over Liam's house and nothing was going to stop him. Not even his mum.

"I'm going to Niall's," Harry shouted to the house, receiving a muffled 'Okay' even if it sounded like Zayn's voice.

With his Hunter Wellies, skinnny black jeans and navy blue t-shirt, Harry decided to work all the way to the house; mainly because he couldn't take his mother car and public transportation was still unavailable. Damn you, Holmes Chapel.

to unknown number: i'm on my way sister, don't worry! xx.

The humidity was horrible, so he decided to throw his hair into a bun - thank God Gemma let him lend some hair ties - and started walking. Even if it was cloudy, the humidity in England was always awful after a storm.

Harry walked for almost two hours when he arrived to the only giant beige house on the road. It was clear what his mother has said about Liam's taste. It really looked like a Victorian house and he could only imagine the amazing furniture inside.

He decided to get closer to the porch, still fighting in his head if it was appropriate to arrive in such horrible conditions. Well, whatever. Right?

He ringed the door bell and just a few seconds later, there was someone opening the door. More likely, Louis Tomlinson.

"Hi - Hello," Louis said, eyeing Harry from head to toe, probably watching all the mud on his boots. Yes, you dickhead, I'm entering your house with all this mud. What you going to do about it?

"I'm here to see Gemma," Harry said, more softly that he intended, and Louis stepped from the frame to let him in.

"Yeah I know, I saw your text," Louis said, smiling just lightly. Probably politeness.

"It was your phone? Oh sorry, didn't know," Harry said, faking politeness as well.

"Harry!" Liam greeted, approaching him with a big big smile.

"Hey," Harry relaxed when he saw Liam, giving him a small smile, giving one of those awkward straight boys hugs when you hit each other back harshly, "I'm here to check on my sister."

"That's good!" Liam said, instantly correcting himself, "I mean, not good that she is sick but good that she's here," Liam said, correcting himself again, "I mean, the events are unfortunate but -,"

"It's okay Liam," Harry smiled, stopping him. Liam guided Harry to the guest room where Gemma was staying, leaving Louis behind.

And if Louis saw the way the curly lad walked down the hall swaying his hips, he could keep that to himself.

"Hey bro," Gemma said, all tucked in bed, little nose red on the tip, slowly drifting away because of medicine.

"Hey bug," Harry ran to her side, kneeling down, "How are you?"

"Well, pretty good actually. Everyone here is so gentle with me," she said, looking at Liam beside Harry, throwing him a small sided smile.

"Thank you," Harry said turning back to thank Liam, "It's not necessary you now - we can take care of her on our house."

"No!" Liam said suddenly, "I mean," he tried to look cool, "I don't want to risk it, because she may get worse."

"Liam, people don't die from colds, you know?" Harry joked, making the lad blushed.

"I insist," he managed to say, "She should stay here until she gets better."

"Well then," Harry said turning to see Gemma, "If that's what she wants, fine by us."

Gemma smiled and nodded, her eyes closed, probably the medicine making effect.

"Are you staying for dinner?" Liam asked to Harry, once they were out of the room, leaving Gemma to sleep, "I think we are going to buy some Chinese food, so you are totally free to stay here."

"I don't want to disturb you guys," Harry said, politely declining the offer.

"Nah, it's fine," Liam said, trying to convince him, "It's only going to be me and Louis anyway, Eleanor is dining out with some random guy she met yesterday."

"Oh," Harry said, thinking about the offer now, "Well, okay then. Chinese it is."


Louis didn't appear until the food arrived, now changed into some denim jeans and white t-shirt, black socks on. They decided to take the food to the living room and dine there because Liam just decided the dining room was a little bit formal for Chinese.

"I'm so sorry about your sister," Louis said, breaking apart the chopsticks.

"It's just a cold," Harry said shrugging.

"Still, it's not something to joke about," Liam said, very seriously.

Then Louis started to talk about illness and cures and how the government surely had cure for everything and that there was a conspiracy because they needed money and it was better to have people dying and charging for it than people living and not have money.

Then Harry realized how little he knew about Louis. And now, listening to him, talking about this random topic, which happens to be so controversial, with such passion, made Harry's mind to wander.

Harry noticed Louis' hair was not styled so his fringe fall carelessly across his forehead naturally. Harry lost himself admiring Louis until he realized what he was doing and turned away.

All of the sudden, Harry was feeling... soft for the boy. Even if he had said been mean to Harry and his whole family, and now - everything felt strange.

"So Harry," Liam said, food almost finished, "Gemma told me you are attending university as well, at Chester."

"Yeah but it's summer," Harry nodded.

"Of course," Liam laughed, "But what are you studying? Have you decided your major? I know Gemma is about to graduate from Marketing Business, but what about you?"

"Oh well," Harry said, sighing at the thought of it, "I haven't decided yet, but probably going to be something like publishing? I mean, I like to write about important stuff and make people understand it and know about it."

"Like government conspiracies?" Louis asked, "Because that's an important topic."

Harry turned around to see Louis, scanning the lad's face. He wasn't mocking Harry or making fun of him. He was trying to make some chat. He was just trying to play along. Harry decided to give in, nodding to Louis ¿.

"Mainly government conspiracies," Harry said with a smirk, "What would happen to the world without knowing about secret conspiracies? Life would be so boring!"

"Indeed," Louis said, for the first time, laughing.

It was short and quick but Harry froze for a millisecond, listening to Louis' laugh, so cheerful and high pitched - filling every corner of the room and making everything brighter. Just for a few seconds.

They kept talking about things - mainly stupid things. Liam didn't understand Louis and Harry's topics - or their sarcasm, for that matter - so he decided to start telling jokes. And all of the sudden, Harry was telling knock-knock jokes and had the boys crackling. Mainly Louis.

Which was wonderful because every time Louis' laugh reached Harry's ear, he was suddenly thinking of another joke to tell, not the wanting the laugh to stop. It was like drugs all of the sudden. And the Louis Tomlinson from the ball was no longer there, but this new Louis, cheerful, open-minded and sassy. Okay, Harry should have seen that coming.

Sure, apart from that they didn't speak directly too much, but Harry found Louis' stare on him a couple of times while Liam was talking and all of the times, Louis turned away too quickly.

It was getting late, the sun setting behind the hills, the sky turning a shade of deep blue.

"I should get going back to my house," Harry said, standing from the sofa, beside Liam, "My parents must be worried for me."

"Oh don't go mate, you can crash for today!" Liam said, enjoying Harry's visit, "I insist, please stay."

Harry shook his head, "I have caused too much trouble already."

"You have caused anything but trouble," Louis said kindly to him.

Harry shook his head, smiling politely to Louis and excused himself, wanting to go and say goodbye to Gemma - the two boys followed.

"Gems," Harry spoke softly to his sister, "I'm going home, I'll come back tomorrow."

"What?" Gemma said, opening her eyes, "I'm coming with you."

She tried to get up from bed before Liam and Harry stopped her, "No Gems, you should stay," Harry said.

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