《pride & property » |larry au|》2. the ball, the introduction and the feelings


In the blink of an eye, the sun was finally coming down and the time to go to the ball was arriving. Finally, after Louis deciding between two tuxedos-suits like, he paid for them and both Liam and him returned to their new house.

It was still strange for Louis to be in such an amazing house but so far away from a decent city. Not that Chester was bad, but to be honest, it was such a small city, with only three main avenues and one mall. Not to mention they only had like four Starbucks and he had yet to look for a decent place to get tea. Now, that was just Chester... imagine the little city of Holmes Chapel.

They arrived to the house and opened, instantly knowing something was different.

"Hey guys," a slim tall brunette was sitting on one of the white couches of the expensive living room, with a cup in her hands, "Where were you?"

"Oh," Liam said with a tone of surprise in his voice, quickly changing it, "Dear sister, how are you?"

"Good, tired. I hope you don't mind but I made some coffee," she said, standing up from her place to come and greet the boys, "Louis, how are you? You look so... smart!"

Louis gave her a cringed smile and nod, "Hello Eleanor, nice to have you here."

Even though Louis knew Eleanor had a thing for him, he was never rude to her - at the end, for him she was like a sister. But somehow, Eleanor did not see Louis as a brother - far from that actually. Apparently.

"Are you ready sis? The ball starts in an hour!" Liam said with enthusiast. He was the only one looking for the ball in this house, apparently.

"An hour? I'm not going to be ready in an hour! Why didn't you told me before?" she said, already passing both of them to reach the stairs, "It'll be almost impossible! Damn it, Liam."

Yes, she was... hard sometimes. But, it was family at the end of the day.

"Well, she is excited for this," Louis said with sarcasm, climbing the stairs as well, going to his room to get ready.

"Oh you guys," Liam said, following his steps, "You're going to love it, yeah? Just give it a chance."

"Right," Louis said rolling his eyes.


The Principal Square of Holmes Chapel looked quite cliché. Fairy lights were hanging from every public light post and there was cute vintage furniture as decoration. There was also an open bar with fair good liquor.

Luckily, there was an esplanade available for people to dance. Currently, there was just a few people dancing at the rhythm of old music. Basically, every single person on Holmes Chapel knew the classic dances so, it was no surprise to see every single person on dance floor dancing evenly at the sound of the music.

The Styles, along with Zayn, their cousin, were just arriving when the song changed.

"Look at that, it's big!" Zayn said clapping his hands, giving little jumps.

"Holmes Chapel may not be Bradford, but we got our thing," Harry said snapping to his cousin.

"Oh yes, you got your thing," Zayn said looking at the couple of guys chilling by the dance floor, already making his way to their direction.

Harry watched what Zayn was talking about and rolled his eyes - knowing how flirty was his cousin, he didn't expect less to be honest.


"When did our parents say they were going to arrive?" Harry turned to ask Gemma, finding her watching every detail of the arranged space.

"I don't know," Gemma said, coming out from her day-dream.

"What's the matter with you silly?" Harry said, making fun of his sister. In a cute way.

"Nothing," she said, trying to brush off the thing, "Weren't you going to look for Niall?"

"Oh, yes," Harry said, turning back to the dance floor in search for the blond boy, "Be right back."

Gemma nodded and smiled to him, while Harry walked to dance floor, already spotting Niall near the open bar.

Soon after that, the place started to fill in and everybody was dancing. The music filled every inch of the chill air and people were laughing and clapping along, while some others were dancing on the dance floor.

Harry and Niall were watching and laughing to some of the girls and boys making themselves fools, while Gemma was already dancing with a friend of hers, her body and feet moving smoothly through it.

Then, all of the sudden, cheers and voices fade while the music turned down, all the attention changing towards the new guys arriving to the place.

Harry looked at the three people, walking through the place, making everyone shy with their imposing presence.

In the middle, a fit built guy, taller than the other two, with chestnut short hair, was smiling and greeting everyone. Then at his left, there was a tall beautiful slim girl, with auburn long curlish hair and an amazing olive dress on her - and even if she was possibly the most beautiful girl on Earth, the way she was watching everyone else, made something about her vile.

Then, at the right, there was a short guy, with such presence that Harry was smitten into keep staring at his deep blue eyes. There was something about the guy - probably his tanned skin or his long eyelashes - but Harry found himself clenching at his stomach feeling all ticklish. He had a stubble all over his jaw, making him look more mature and serious. Still, Harry couldn't stop the feeling he had a mischievous side.

The three were just walking right beside Harry and Niall, when Harry found himself making eye contact with the short one. It was a weird short time, not even a full second, but Harry was feeling dizzy all of the sudden.

"That's Liam Payne there," Niall said, pointing at the one in the middle, showing Harry, "And she is Eleanor, his sister."

"Who's the other one?" Harry asked back, barely whispering, with actual sudden silence all over the place.

"I think he is Louis Tomlinson," Niall said, whispering to Harry, "He is the heir of Pemberly Digital, the most famous marketing media design house in London. He is rich. Like, filthy rich. He is only 23 years old and he already owns a company. Mum said he was the real businessman."

Harry nodded at the new information and looked back at them, not quite grasping the idea of people that rich. His family was barely able to pay the bills and get some luxuries, but not at the point of owning shops, business or in that case, an entire company.

"A bit stiff, aren't they?" Harry said, earning a giggle from Niall and smiling to himself for the great comeback.

In no time, the music came back to life and people continued dancing, but people was quick to start with the comments and gossips about the new guys in town.


"Harry!" he could hear his mother from behind, trying to catch his arm, "There you are son," Anne said, finally coming into sight, "Let's find your sister right away! We need to be introduced to them."

Harry didn't even noticed when his mother arrived to the party, but he was pretty sure she was just waiting for the new guys to arrive to make her appearance.

Once they found Gemma, the whole Styles family, were suddenly walking to introduce themselves to Liam Payne.

They were placed beside the open bar, each of them with a glass on hand already and even if Liam was looking rather excited, the other two poor souls seemed to be aching at every second passed. Or at least to Harry.

"Hello Mr. Payne," Anne said once they arrived near them, making a kind of vow to them, looking only silly, "We are the Styles family, one of the very best ones from Holmes Chapel."

Harry was already rolling his eyes at the incredibly stupid comment his mum made when all of the sudden Liam spoke up.

"Please, call me Liam, ma'am," he said smiling, "Mr. Styles! Nice to see you again!"

"Hello Liam," Des greeted the boy with such familiarity that all of the family was gazing at the scene, "Is everything good with the house?"

"Perfect! We love the house, right?" Liam said, turning to look at Eleanor and Louis.

"Such a lovely place," Eleanor said softly, almost giving the family a smile. Almost.

Louis made no effort to talk and Liam, knowing him too much, spoke up again.

"Thank you so much for all the help Mr. Styles," Liam said only now noticing Gemma and Harry.

When Liam looked at Gemma, he couldn't help to instantly smile all shyly.

"This is my daughter, Gemma Styles," Des said, presenting Gemma. She extended her hand to each of them, receiving a cold short shake from Louis, a weird jealous shake from Eleanor and a warm smiley shake from Liam.

"Nice to meet you, Gemma," Liam said, with a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Nice to meet you too," she said returning the smirk.

Thank god, nobody noticed the weird exchange so Des continued with the presentations,

"And this is my boy, Harry," Des said, with a proud smile. Harry shook all of their hands, receiving the same contempt from Eleanor and Louis as his sister received. Harry was hating them despite how incredibly beautiful they were. Except for Liam, who showed him truthful gratitude and kindness.

"Nice to meet you Harry," Liam said, shaking eagerly his hand, "It's such a cute town, Holmes Chapel."

"Well, it's nice you could find its charm that quick," Harry answered, "There's people who has been living here their entire life and they can't still find it."

"No wonder why," Louis mumbled for himself, receiving a harsh look from Anne, while Liam just rolled his eyes knowing his friend. Harry tried very hard not to punch him right there.

"Enjoy the party and let me know if you need anything," with that, Des ended the awkward scene and the family returned to their place in the party; Anne back with Maura to gossip about what just happened, Gemma lost herself in the crowd just as Des, while Harry returned to his saved spot next to Niall.

"Well, that went horrible," he said when he reach the side of the blond one.

"I told you," Niall said, not even looking at Harry, "They are really rich, and I guess their hobbies don't include spending time at classic balls meeting people that can't even grasp the idea of how rich they are."

"They are still rude," Harry said, sounding just a little offended, "I mean, not Liam. He was nice."

"How nice was him?" Niall said, inquiring more.

"What?" Harry said turning to look his friend.

"I mean, he is now dancing with Gemma," Niall said pointing at the couple dancing over the dance floor - Gemma trying to teach each step to Liam while dancing. Failing, miserably.

"I don't - how the hell.... how did that happened?" Harry was speechless.

Gemma was laughing at the bad moves Liam tried to pull off and Liam was blushing more and more with every second passing. They were holding hands - just barely - while following the music and even if Gemma was not looking directly at Liam but rather focusing on their feet or other people, Liam could not take his eyes off of Gemma.

Anne, their mother, quickly noticed this and started to brag about how Gemma was the only one to awake Liam's interest and how it was obvious they were instantly hooked.

Niall excused himself to go over the open bar and Harry was then left alone. He spotted Louis - the cold posh friend - walking through the party, subtly listening to every chat and by the look in his eyes, he was probably judging every single person he saw along the journey.

"He is very handsome, isn't he?" Harry was surprised by the girl - Eleanor - just beside him, staring at Louis as well.

Harry was smart enough to just smile and excuse himself, not trusting the pair enough to speak to any of them alone. Harry feared the fact that maybe being alone, he could make a fool of himself and his pride could never forget that.

He could not find Niall at the open bar, but he saw Louis a few feet away from him, staring at the crowd in front of him.

It was kind of weird for Harry actually, that someone so good looking, could be full of coldness and vile thoughts in the inside.

"Mate, here you are!" Liam said to Louis, situating himself beside him, "How are you doing? Pretty cool, right?"

"Speak for yourself, Liam," Louis said in a accusing tone, "I told you there was no point on me coming here."

Harry was listening to the whole thing, even if they didn't notice his presence a several feet away from them.

"Come on Tommo, you needed some air," Liam said, putting his arms around Louis, "You should dance and let yourself loose a bit!"

Harry giggled at the thought of Louis dancing. Probably because what Harry imagined was a Louis Tomlinson twerking to Miley Cyrus.

"You know I hate dancing," Louis said, brushing Liam's arm, "And beside, who am I supposed to dance with?"

"With any boy in here?" Liam said, with a tone of sassiness, "You can literally dance with whoever you want."

"Right," Louis snapped, "If I haven't come out in London, what makes you think I will be comfortable coming out here?"

Harry never thought that coming out for someone like Louis was ever going to be difficult. He thought maybe the power gave him some sort of immunity and let him do whatever he wanted. Apparently not.

"I don't know," Liam said, weighting the options, "I just thought it would be easier here since you don't know anyone."

"And that's why it's worse. The only thing this people do is gossip and I don't want them to talk about me."

Too late, Harry thought.

"Don't close yourself like that! There's a lot of handsome boys out there!" Liam said, trying to cheer and encourage Louis.

"You only say that because you found yourself a decent girl," Louis said.

Somehow, that made Harry defensive. It's not just some decent girl. It's his lovely caring amazing cool sister, Gemma.

"What about her brother? Harry?" Liam said, looking now at Harry. Harry looked the opposite way quickly enough so they didn't catch him staring, "He is handsome. And let's be honest, he is fit."

"Yeah well," Harry could sense Louis' look checking him out, and Harry could now feel his cheeks burning, "Whatever," Louis finally said with such disdain, "I'll go and have a smoke before I go mad between this people."

Harry felt wounded. Well, not physically anyway. Not even emotionally. His pride was wounded. Because even if he thought that by avoiding them, it would be impossible for him to make a fool of himself, this little chat just had proven that his pride and family - and even his emotions - could be hurt even by their backs. And for Harry, that was not acceptable.

Harry found Niall later, telling him all about the little chat he listened to - except he didn't showed his wounded ego, and try to mock Louis in the story.

And as if it was to expect, later Anne found out about all the things Louis Tomlinson had said and she was hating him more and more as every second passed.

Harry danced with a few girls, all of them friends from high school, just giggling and dancing as long as Harry swirled them and carried them through every round. It was known for almost everybody that Harry was gay - even if Holmes Chapel was about traditions, they were open minded and since Harry was not the first nor the only gay kid around, it was know more acceptable.

Still, Harry felt good just dancing with known people and he didn't want to deal with the pain of having to found a single man to dance with. Gemma on the other hand.

She kept dancing with Liam, the two of them so hooked to each other than even if Liam went to the open bar for another glass of whiskey, Gemma would decline all the dance offers she received. And Liam, even if people kept asking to meet him and chat with him, he would excuse himself to keep dancing with Gemma. Whenever they had to be apart, they would keep glancing back to each other with that mischievous smirk of them, hiding more than just a couple of dances.

Anne was more than proud of her daughter and she kept making statements to every mother on town that she was such a lucky lady, that they could almost see Liam as a son-in-law and that it was obvious to anyone how much they both enjoyed the company.

People started to leave the ball, being so late and being tired, that Harry wanted to take his car and leave Gemma here by her own, knowing she wouldn't agree to go because she kept talking and talking with Liam.

Luckily, Eleanor - Liam's sister - convinced Liam that it was indeed too late and that they should go back to their house, which was twenty minutes from here.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Gemma," Eleanor said once Liam agreed to go.

"Thanks Eleanor," Gemma said smiling politely, "Nice to meet you too."

Harry was with Zayn, just a feet away from Gemma, watching the entire scene, just waiting so they could finally go.

"Gemma," Louis said to her, giving her a little bow, "Have a good night."

"Thanks Louis," Gemma said, taking her risks and leaning in for a kiss on the cheek, "You too."

Liam watched the entire thing with a silly sided smile, not wanting to say goodbye to Gemma yet.

"You are welcome to visit the house whenever you want," was the first thing Liam said when it was his turn, "But I'm still going to come to Holmes Chapel a lot so I guess I will see you around?" the last statement sounded more as a question so Gemma could affirm. And she did, she nodded softly and smiled to Liam.

"Of course," Gemma said, smiling sweetly to him. Liam leaned closer to her, giving her a small kiss on her cheek, making Gemma close her eyes and smile to herself. Harry was smiling from his spot, knowing too well his sister.

"Nice to meet you Harry mate!" Liam shouted back to Harry once they were leaving.

"See you!" Harry shouted back, waving goodbye.

Liam, Eleanor and Louis left in a black Range Rover, taking instantly the left turn to leave Holmes Chapel to Chester, leaving the Styles and Zayn there.

They left too, after checking their parents had gone a while ago and they all got in a taxi cab, going to their house.

When they arrived, Zayn instantly went to the guest room, falling asleep intermediately. Probably to much beer and dance for him.

Gemma and Harry went upstairs, where their bedrooms are. Harry took off his clothes and put on some joggers, leaving his chest bare with the warm weather inside the house. He was about to go to sleep when he heard small knocks on his door.

"Gemma?" Harry said opening the door and letting her in, "Thought you would be fast asleep, just as Zayn."

"I can't," Gemma said, sitting on the bed with her legs crossed. She was now wearing her PJ's as well - a pair of black shorts and a white t-shirt.

"Come on, talk to me then," Harry said smirking, already knowing what this was about.

A smile appeared on Gemma's face, along with a fair subtle pink blush on her cheeks.

"He's everything one would want to," Gemma said smiling, letting her self fall on the bed dramatically, "Sensible, good-humoured, lively; and he was so polite, so caring of the other people."

"He's handsome too," Harry said, sitting beside her, "And incredibly fit. Are you sure he's not gay?"

"Shut up," Gemma said laughing and hitting lightly Harry's thigh.

"I can't believe he spent every minute with you," Harry said, speaking softly now, remembering there's people sleeping in the house.

"Not every minute," Gemma tried to deny it.

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