《pride & property » |larry au|》1. the beginning, the new guy and the navy dress


"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."

It has been fixed in the minds of several people, that wanting to marry and have kids, it's only extraordinary if you have a rich partner. And what happens when a rich young single man comes to a little town with endless possibilities and plans of starting new businesses? Well.

Holmes Chapel happens to be only an hour away of Chester - with heavy traffic really, because you can get there in less time - but the difference between these two, are much greater than just an hour ride car.

Let's just say, that Holmes Chapel, it's a little town with a lot of green places, a few people and so little changes. And if something great happens, it becomes part of everyone else's business.

Having a free Saturday morning, the only thing that the Styles siblings want, is to lie around on the living room on their PJs watching movies all day until some of their friends call with some plans. Really, just chill.

And it's not like they do a lot on working days, but Saturdays are meant to be part of Gemma's and Harry's ritual to lay back and also, they have all the right on earth to ignore their mother today, since Saturdays are the day Anne - their mother - goes out all the day to buy groceries and goods for the house. And maybe, just maybe, Anne also happens to spend Saturdays morning gossiping with their neighbor, Maura Horan.

The Horan - their neighbors - are a family who moved from Mullingar, Ireland. They've been friends for the Styles since the day they arrived and it's been good for everyone. For starters, Anne loves to hang out with Maura and gossip about every single detail that happens in Holmes Chapel. For Des - Harry and Gemma's dad - is good to have someone like Bobby, so they can chat about work and sports. Or just watch sports together without any chat whatsoever.

Now, Harry and Gemma have always had a close relationship, even if Gemma is two years older. And when The Horan arrived, with Niall - the lanky funny boy - Harry found himself smitten by the simplicity the boy carried around in his aura.

For Gemma, well, she opted to let Harry bond with the boy, because maybe Harry needed a real friend so, why not. And besides, their dynamic didn't change, they were still united so it was a win/win for everybody. Harry could have an amazing sister and an amazing friend. Gemma could have a little time for her own and that was amazing - taking in mind how incredibly difficult that was living under the same roof as her mother.

Anyway, Gemma was eating cereal from a bowl in her baggy joggers and white t-shirt, flannel fluffy socks and glasses on top of her nose, the TV on playing a re-run of FRIENDS. Harry was mindlessly chilling beside her, black joggers playing loosely on his hips, with a vintage Princeton t-shirt, blowing into a cup of tea for it to cool down, watching the TV along with his sister.

Behind them, Des - their father - is sitting on the single sofa reading calmly the newspaper.

Seriously, a really good Saturday morning, until their mother arrived causing commotion all over the house.

"Children! Where are you? I'm home!" Anne sounded excited yet hurried, "Where are you?"

Harry cringed at the sound of their mother's voice, knowing there was a lot to come.


"We are over here," Gemma shouted back, muting the sound of the TV, looking back at Harry. Yes, they both knew something was about to come.

Des didn't even flinch, he knew his wife a lot. He just opted to ignore whatever she was about to say.

"Oh, here you are!" Anne said, taking off her coat excitedly, leaning down to kiss Des on the cheek, "You will never guess what I just heard!"

Neither Des, Harry or Gemma made any effort to guess so Anne continued the talking.

"I was just talking with Maura on her house, just chatting, you know, as always," Anne said, making herself some space beside Gemma on the large couch, "And I was just telling her about how your cousin Zayn is arriving tomorrow and everything, you know to spend the summer here, and I was almost sure I got her this week, with me being all informed and knowing about all she got. But then, as always, she dropped a bomb on me!"

"What are you even talking about, mum?" Harry said, already pissed off with all the nonsense and their Saturday being interrupted.

"She always wins me with the news and gossips," Anne said offended, "And she's not even from here!"

"Maybe because Bobby knows more people than dad," Gemma said, not thinking though it.

Des made no effort to defend himself, but rather snort and nod along.

"Anyway, so Maura told me all about this guy who is coming to Chester to spend some time here," Anne said wiggling her eyebrows to her children, "Apparently, he is from London and he wants to come here to our little city to spend some time away thinking of new ideas for business and that."

"He sounds like a rich kid running away from his parents for a while with a lame excuse," Harry said, obtaining a laugh from Gemma.

"Well, you are right about that one," Anne said ignoring Harry's offensive comment, "He is rich and according to Maura, very handsome."

"How would she know?" Gemma asked, finishing her bowl of cereal.

"Because Bobby met the young kid earlier this week, with Bobby being real estate agent and all, he was the one who sell the house to the kid."

"An entire house? That really seems like a rich kid," Des speaked up, the first time in the whole conversation.

"I know right? So anyway, I asked Maura what was so important about someone buying a house in Chester, and she told me, that the kid was interested in opening some shops here in Holmes Chapel and that the kid was going to be like the new celebrity," Anne said.

"That doesn't explain the whole handsome thing," Harry snapped, not really getting the whole point his mother was trying to share.

"Oh, right so Bobby invited the boy for dinner and now they are way ahead of us!"

"Ahead of us on what?" Gemma asked confused.

"On being friends with the kid! We need to step up and make some connections! God knows we are not doing great economically and a shop could do us well."

"Are you talking about being friends with him so we can have a shop once he starts opening them here in Holmes Chapel? That's fucked up mum," Harry said, giving up on her.

"Don't speak to me like that kid! Des!" Anne turned to speak to his husband, "Are you going to let your son speak to me like that?"


"Harry," Des groaned from his sofa, not even trying enough.

"She is making no sense dad!" Harry complained from his spot.

"The only thing I'm asking for is a bit of cordiality once they arrive. He will be coming to Holmes Chapel regularly even if he is going to live in Chester. We could use someone with power and money once and for all."

"Crazy. You are crazy," Harry said under his breathe.

"Besides, he's not alone. He will be accompanied by his sister and a friend of his," Anne said, trying to make things better but really, "Wouldn't it be nice Gemma? To have a female friend?"

"Mum, I have friends, okay? I just like to spend time alone," Gemma said, trying to defend herself.

"Well, it's not normal and you need more friends and maybe his sister is in need of a friend like you so, be nice."

"And how are we going to meet them anyway?" Harry asked trying to fight against it.

"Well, they are coming to tomorrow's local parade to get to know all the people from around here and get familiar with the place," Anne said with a winning smile, "And maybe the Horans are way ahead with the friendship but let me tell you something kids, tomorrow, we are going to dazzle with our charming attitude and nice manners."


"I can't believe you talk me into this," Louis said, grabbing some stuff from his closet to throw them at a big luggage on the floor, "I have work to do here, you know?"

"You can do it remotely," Liam said, sitting on Louis' bed, watching the short kid choose from different clothes, "And it's only going to be for a couple of weeks, you know? Take it as vacations."

"Yeah sure, as if I need any vacations," Louis snapped sarcastically, "What I need is to stay here and work from my company."

"As if Pemberly Digital have that much of work," Liam said rolling his eyes, then looking at Louis with a serious look and then admitting, "Okay, yeah you got a lot of work, but maybe the others need vacations... from you?"

Louis turned around with a surprised look, "A vacation from me? What are you implying?"

"I'm implying, that maybe you work too hard and sometimes, when doing passionately, you are a bit too harsh with the employees," Liam said warily.

"I'm harsh because I'm the boss. If I'm not harsh, then the company wouldn't be a success," Louis said, turning back to see the different shirts to pick from.

"You are right! And that's good. But you really need to lay back mate, have some chill," Liam said.

"Liam, you don't get to handle a company all by yourself at the age of twenty-four, so you wouldn't understand," Louis turned around again to answer, "But I do hope you understand that my sister Lottie and I depend from that company and it's our only source of income."

"I know Lou, I know," Liam said evading Louis' look, "And that's why I need you! You know more about business than I do, and clearly, you are the one that at the end, it's going to help me with a lot of stuff, so better know about it since the beginning, yeah?"

"Yeah well," Louis said relaxing a bit and smiling a bit, "You will owe me a shit of stuff once we are done."

"I already told you, everything's on me," Liam said smiling, always knowing how to get his best friend on his side.

"And I'm telling you Liam," Louis shouted from the inside of his closet, "If there's not a single place where I can get a decent cup of tea in that town, I'm coming back!"

"Sure Louis, whatever you say mate!"


Sure, Sunday came sooner than everybody expected. The weather was perfect, with the sun shinning up in the blue clear sky. The parade was supposed to start very early at 8:00 am, with a lot of activities for all the family.

Nevertheless, the Styles - or at least, Gemma and Harry - were only planning on going to the dance at the main square around 8:30 pm.

It was kind of cheesy, but Holmes Chapel was all about tradition, so the dance was more like a ball. They all had to wear gown dresses and fine suits - even if you were there to watch. Obviously, only people interested participated, but you could say almost every adult and teenager was going to attend. Again, Holmes Chapel was all about tradition.

"So I heard mum and dad talking earlier," Gemma said to Harry, both choosing which bow tie should Harry wear to the ball, "And mum was complaining to dad for not being social enough, about meeting this kid earlier."

"Payne. Liam Payne," Harry said mindlessly, looking at himself in the mirror, "I talked with Niall earlier, he told me about it."

"Well, that's really unfair," Gemma said crossing her legs, sitting in Harry's bed, "It's not like dad has to socialize to fulfill our mother's needs."

"Of course not, but sometimes I think dad does it on purpose to put on edge mum's nerves."

Gemma smirked at that, knowing how their dad had always been a fan of putting their mother on edge of everything. Apparently, it was a hobby the whole family shared.

"What are you going to wear?" Harry turned to look Gemma, "Please tell me not the same beige dress?"

"Why not? It's always a safe one. Besides, it's not like I mind about this stupid ball. Soon, I'll be over with uni and I'll be very far away from this town."

"Ouch, thanks sister," Harry said gripping through his t-shirt over his heart.

"It's not about you, you know it," Gemma said rolling her eyes, "But more like everybody's attitude. It seems like mom could not be the worst one around here."

"What do you mean?" Harry said sitting beside her.

"Well, I went to the grocery shop earlier and I overheard two girls talking about - Liam Payne, you said? - like if it was something this town should be looking forward. I mean, it's only a boy, for christ sakes."

"You're really young to be that bitter Gems," Harry said shaking his head, "Just don't pay attention to it."

"I try, I really try," Gemma said, "And I'm not that young, I'm 22. Besides, you're younger! And sometimes you sound more bitter than I have ever sounded."

"That's because I'm a boy," Harry said smirking, "And it's only a two year difference. Really, not that far."

Gemma smiled at that, nodding with a bit of fond over her face. When suddenly, the door burst open.

"You weren't talking about me, were ya?" the boy holding the door open smiled to both of them, with that luscious smirk of his, perfect white teeth and glowing brown skin.

"Zaynie!" Gemma said, jumping from the bed to hug him, "Dear cousin, you are here! Why didn't you call us to pick you up from the bus station?" Gemma said separating from him to let Harry hug him.

"It's just a five minute ride from the bus station, a cab was fine," Zayn said hugging Harry, "How have you two been? Are you ready for the ball?"

"We are sorting that out just now," Harry said, already back at the bed, picking three bow ties to show Zayn.

"Jeez, those are horrible," Zayn said with all sincerity, making Harry flinch, "Good thing I'm here."

Zayn dropped his bags to the floor, and kneeled down to one of them, opening it and searching for something inside of it. He then managed to take out a classic black matte bow tie from it, throwing it to Harry.

"You're welcome," Zayn said smiling.

"It's really cool," Harry said, trying it in front of the mirror, "Thanks mate."

Zayn nodded and then turned to see Gemma, "Now, don't tell me; you're planning on using the same beige dress."

"Why does everybody hates it? It's a safe one!" Gemma complained.

"It's pretty sure, but I heard a new hot rich boy is arriving today, so we need new stuff for you," Zayn said.

"I don't like to buy new stuff," Gemma said, sure she was going to win the discussion.

"Lucky for you, I only have money for vintage clothes, so come on, let's go," Zayn said before exiting the room.


"What do you think? Isn't it wonderful and spacious?" Liam said, twirling around the living room.

"It's fine," Louis said, looking at the classic furniture, "Where did you get these from?"

"It's a vintage online shop, thought the Victorian Style would get along with the house," Liam said, stopping to see the shelf Louis was talking about.

Louis took another look at the place, walking through the several rooms. The ground floor was granted with a big living room, a dining room up for twelve people, a studio with a grand black piano on it and a couple of shelves with books, two full bathrooms, a big modern kitchen and at the side of the kitchen, a glass door to the enormous green garden/patio.

"I can't believe you actually furnished all the place," Louis said, returning to the hall where Liam was waiting.

"Well, I wanted to be comfortable enough for us," Liam said, "Besides, I've been working on the house for a couple of weeks."

"Good job mate," Louis said throwing him a smile, "Should we go and see upstairs?"

"Sure, let me show you your room," Liam said, climbing the stairs.

"So you told me Eleanor was going to join us later?" Louis said, following Liam through the stairs.

"Yeah, hope you don't mind," Liam said, giving a quick look at his friend.

"No, of course not," Louis said, "It's only your sister."

"Even if she has a crush on you?" Liam said, almost making fun of his friend.

"If she only knew," Louis said, rolling his eyes.

"I have tried to tell her but I think she genuinely thinks it's you trying to play difficult," Liam said, a little giggle escaping from his mouth.

"Well, whatever," Louis said, "She may as well notice now that we are going to live in the same house."

Liam nodded at that, opening one of the rooms of the first level, showing a big baby blue room with king size bed and white furniture.

"It's perfect," Louis said, entering the room, "Thanks mate."

"You're welcome," Liam said, "You may as well get ready then."

"Ready? For what?" Louis asked, turning around to see his friend.

"I forgot to tell you? There's going to be a ball in Holmes Chapel, and I promised we were going."

"A ball? They keep doing that? I thought that only happened in movies or stupid fairy tales."

"You may as well be in one and don't notice," Liam said teasing.

"Oh shut it," Louis said annoyed, "Besides, I don't even have a single thing to wear."

"Well, good thing the house is on the outsides of Chester," Liam said, his eyes full of excitement, "It means it's closer to Holmes Chapel. Come on, let's go there and look something for you."

"You mean you already have something for you? God, you are enjoying this, aren't you?" Louis said, trying to be the sassy cold guy he is.

"I am, and you should," Liam said, "At least before Eleanor arrives."

"Okay then, let's go."


"See? There's cool dresses in here," Zayn said the second he entered the shop. Gemma puffed, rolling her eyes.

"Come on Gems," Zayn said, "I know I'm not fun like Harry but I will try to find the perfect dress for you, yeah?"

Gemma shrugged and started looking at dresses. Gown dresses, if we were being specific.

For being a little town, Holmes Chapel happened to be a town full of weird shops. Like this one, which specializes in selling vintage clothes, like dresses, gowns, suits, tuxedos... even wedding dresses!

The shop was big, full of exhibitors with loads of clothes. There was a few more people in the shop, trying to find something for later. It would be a lie to say Gemma was never tempted to enter the shop. It looked fancy from outside, with white curtains and fake pearls hanging from above the windows.

Zayn separated from her, probably because he was looking for himself too, and within minutes, Gemma was lost.

She kept looking at the various racks, searching for a nice dress. It was going to be impossible to find one dress that Gemma liked - because let's be honest, she was kind of picky - but that would only mean for her to wear the same beige dress. And even if she liked, she started to doubt about it.

Then finally, she found one. It was a navy blue tulle midi dress, with the upper part, being a heart shaped strapless with a subtle cleavage and then at the high waist, parted with a ribbon with a shade darker, started lower part with the tulle.

Gemma was fascinated, looking at the dress. It felt like it belonged to a Disney princess, but it still felt so real and soft under her touch.

"It's beautiful," Gemma heard someone say behind her. She turned around quickly, surprised by the interruption of her little day-dreaming.

She saw a tall, built guy there, with broad shoulders, widish nose and crinkled eyes. He had a funny shaped face, like a puppy, with brown big eyes and light brown hair in a quiff. He also had a birth mark in his throat. Oh god, why was Gemma watching his throat?

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