《Being Human》23. Watermelon Steven
Y/n, Steven and Greg are sitting outside the car wash and eating watermelons.
"Thanks for inviting me Steven, Some Watermelon on a hot day really hits the spot." Y/n says content.
"Aww It's no worries Y/n. Dad said a client left him watermelons instead of cash." Steven says.
"Is that good for business?" Y/n asks Greg.
"Well, I would only have spent the money on food anyway." Greg shrugs.
Steven spits out a seed and it lands on his cheek. "Look, Dad! I'm Amadeus!" He says. "My father, he disapproves of me!" Steven then says in a German accent.
"Ha! Well check this out." Greg says and he takes a bite on his watermelon, closes his eyes, and spits out two seeds. The seeds land on his eyelids, forming pretend-eyes. "Ta-da!"
Steven laughs while Y/n chuckles.
"Betcha can't top that." Greg challenges.
"Bet I can." Steven says now. Steven blows the seed off his cheek and bites into his watermelon. He stands up. takes a deep breath and spits a seed, knocking a can off a cone faraway. Leaving Greg and Y/n a little shocked.
Steven raises arm in triumph. "Haha! Beat that!"
"Haaa... That was impressive, my son." Greg starts. "But the name of the game ain't distance nor accuracy."
"It ain't?" Steven asks.
"No Steven, this challenge is all about who can spit the coolest. Allow me to demonstrate." Greg chews on a watermelon slice and places on it on the ground. He winks at Steven and Y/n then hunches over. He then spits three seeds between his legs into the watermelon slice, which flings them back over him and he catches them in his hand.
Steven and Y/n both applaud impressed.
"Wow, Dad!" Steven cheers but
Y/n however sees that Greg is not responding. "Uh... Greg? You okay?" Y/n asks.
Greg remains hunched over. "...Help me, please!" Greg strains and both Y/n and Steven help to straighten his back and he falls backwards onto his seat, groaning heavily. "...Beat... that."
"What?!" Steven cries in shock. "You're asking for it!" He proceeds to bite into several watermelon slices. "You're really asking for it!" He then says with his mouth full and he pauses.
Sensing Steven was about to do something potentaly crazy Y/n takes cover behind his chair.
"Hurricane... Spin... Spiiiiiiit!!!" Steven cries as he twirls and spits watermelon seeds everywhere, even on Greg and Y/n's chair. "My hurricane spin spit is unbeatable!"
Greg looks around shocked as Y/n's head pops back up.
"By jove! It's full of seeds!" Greg says looking all around.
"Dad?" Steven asks.
"Congratulations, son. You win by a mile." Greg concedes as he starts to make a crown out of a watermelon slice and puts it on Steven's head. "I crown thee, Your Water-Melojesty."
Greg bows with Y/n joining in on the joke, and Steven bows back.
"My liege." Y/n jokingly says as Steven and Greg start laughing.
It was the next morning and Steven is fast asleep on a lawn chair in front of It's A Wash. He yawns as he slowly wakes up and looks around, noticing tons of oddly-shaped watermelons had grown all around him.
"Huh... ? Holy watermelon!" Steven cries and he picks up a watermelon that resembles himself. "Is this... ?" He gasps. "Can it be... ? They're me! They're all me!"
Steven brings Y/n and the Crystal Gems to check on the strange occurrence.
"Are these all from the seeds you spit out last night?" Y/n asks as he looks around in shock.
"Hmm. This is really impressive." Garnet comments.
"I suppose..." Pearl says unsure herself. "Your mother had the power to grow sentient plant life to act as her defenders." She explains to Steven now.
"But Rose's plants moved and stuff." Amethyst says as she picks up a smaller-looking watermelon. "These guys don't do... anything."
"Amethyst, be careful. This one's just a baby." Steven cries and he takes the watermelon and looks at it. "Aww! Look at him, so precious."
Greg tries to tread through the field of watermelons. "Ugh..." He says when he accidentally steps on one. "Ohh... This is really weird..."
"What are we gonna do with all of them?" Y/n asks Steven now as he looks down at the watermelons.
Steven gasps as he has an idea. "Y/n!"
"Yes Steven?" Y/n replies.
"Can you help me set up a stall?" Steven asks excitedly now.
"Sure buddy." Y/n smiles.
Y/n and Steven had set up a fruit stand outside of Beach City Funland, with the smaller Watermelon Steven as a display. "There. That's a mighty fine looking table, right Baby Melon? Mm-hmm."
Mr. Smiley shows up on the pier now. "Steven! What's going on here? Do you two got a permit for this setup?" He asks.
"Oh, uh... Hey Mr. Smiley! Um, here." Steven hands Mr. Smiley a watermelon. "Try one of my Watermelon Stevens!"
"Hmm, man I don't know, it's kinda weird lookin'. Buut....I'll go ahead and accept your bribe." Mr Smiley says and he walks off with it.
Steven sees Sadie approaching now. "Hey there!"
"Hey Steven! Hey Y/n!" Sadie greets them. "What's all this about?" She asks.
"Hi Sadie." Y/n gives her a small wave.
"This is just a little side project that I got going on." Steven answers now.
"Oh, really? Ha, that's great. How did you get such handsome watermelons?" Sadie asks.
Steven looks at Y/n who shrug a little before Steven turns back to Sadie. "Let's just say there's a little Steven in every one of them."
Sadie laughs a little. "Great sales pitch, dude. So, how much for one?"
"How much?" Steven asks. "Uh, I was just gonna give you one, Sadie." Steven says.
"Come on, I insist. I love supporting local businesses." Sadie holds up some dollar notes.
Ronaldo appears now and takes a photo with his phone. "Whoa! What's going on here?"
"Hey Ronaldo." Y/n says.
"Don't mind me, just doing some live blogging about your guys weird watermelons." Ronaldo laughs and starts typing on his phone. "Check... out... these weird... watermelon guys... down by the Funland... entrance... It's... really... weird..."
Y/n, Steven and Sadie watch on as Ronaldo slowly types away.
"Steven, you shouldn't keep your customers waiting like this. I'll just give you five bucks and take one, okay?" Sadie says now and she hands the notes to Steven and takes a Watermelon Steven before walking away.
"Sadie, wai..." Steven starts to call out after her but Ronaldo interrupts.
"What? You're only selling them for five dollars!? Hey everybody!! Come get a Watermelon Steven! He's practically giving them away! Hurry before they're gone forever!" He shouts out causing a crowd of people rush over to Steven and Y/n's fruit stand to buy Watermelon Stevens. Some time passes, Steven is counting all the money he and Steven had collected from the sale.
"And another, and another, and another, and another... Cool, one hundred pieces of money." Steven says to Y/n.
"Wow, they were more popular than I expected them to be." Y/n comments.
Onion appears from underneath the fruit stand and gets out from it.
"Oh, hey Onion." Steven greets him.
Onion beckons with his hand.
"Umm, you want... my money?" Steven asks.
Onion looks up, shakes his head and beckons again.
"I think he wants a watermelon Steven." Y/n clarifies.
"Oh, sorry for the misunderstanding. We're all out of Watermelon Stevens." Steven tells onion.
Onion simply points at Baby Melon.
"Sorry Onion, Baby Melon is not for sale." Steven says as he looks away for a second.
"Hey!" Y/n voice sounds out and Steven turns around to see that Onion had snatched Baby Melon, and run away..
"Ooniiiooon!!" Steven cries and he chases after Onion, who is running away with Baby Melon.
Y/n grabs the money and places a closed sign on the stall before he gives chase after the two.
Steven was catching up to Onion meanwhile. "Give me back my Baby Melon!" Steven growls.
Baby Melon suddenly comes alive in Onion's grip. Onion quickly drops him and Baby Melon runs up to Steven to hug him.
"My Baby Melon! Aah, my precious... I... thought I'd never see you again..." Steven hugs it. But Steven suddenly realizes and looks at the living baby watermelon, as it winks at him. "You're... ALIIIVVVVEEE?! I really shouldn't be so surprised about this.... "
"Steven!" Y/n's voice sounds as he catches up to him. "Oh you got them back, nice work."
Look he's alive Y/n!" Steven cries holding up the baby watermelon to Y/n who looks at it.
"Steven, Doesn't this mean the other one are alive too?" Y/n asks a little worried now.
Steven looks at Y/n as Baby Melon hugs Steven, unaware of the question.
"Oh no..." Steven says.
"I'll go get the ones we gave to Mr Smiley and Sadie." Y/n says now. "You'd better get the one we sold to Ronaldo." Y/n suggests and Steven nods his head in agreement.
Steven and Y/n split up now as they begins to go all over Beach City to returning buyers their money and rounding up the Watermelon Stevens, who were also begin coming alive.
Ronaldo had started recording a live video for Weirdstar.Stream.
"Keep Beach City Weird" presents— oh hang on a second..." He retrieves a spatula and a hand mixer. "... first, ever, official, mutant, watermelon, autopsy."
Steven appears alongside several Watermelon Stevens. "Ronaldo! STOOOP!"
"Steven! Get out of here! You're gonna ruin my web-sclusive!" Ronaldo says annoyed.
"Ronaldo, it's ALIVE!" Steven tells him.
"Not for long." Ronaldo says now.
"No, don't do it!!" Steven cries but Ronaldo hits Steven's hand with his spatula as Steven reaches for Watermelon Steven.
"Ow..." Steven says holding his hand.
All the Watermelon Stevens turn to look at Ronaldo.
Ronaldo senses the hostility. "Wha— G-get away from me! Stay back!"
The Watermelon Stevens hiss at Ronaldo and begin to attack him.
"Noo!" Ronaldo screams and yells in distress.
"Nooo!" Steven says horrified. "Ronaldo! I'll go get help!"
"Steven, is the camera getting all of this!?" Ronaldo asks inbetween hits.
Steven adjusts the camera to Ronaldo's direction.
"Sweeeet!!" Ronaldo says before he keeps yelling in distress as the Watermelon Stevens keep hitting him.
Steven bursts into the house to see Y/n sat with the two water melons he had retrieved from Mr Smiley and Sadie. The gems were also present as Y/n was explaining what had happened with the watermelons.
"Y/n, Pearl, Garnet, Amethyst!" Steven cries getting the fours attention now.
The four all turn to see Steven now. "Hey you're back, How did it go?" Y/n asks.
"My watermelons came to life, and they're attacking people!" Steven cries.
"What!?!?" The Gems cry in shock.
Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst leaves the house with Y/n and Steven following. The group all gasp in amazement to see a crowd of Watermelon Stevens standing at the beach.
"Wooow..." Amethyst comments.
"You said they're hurting people?" Pearl asks.
Steven nods.
"Rose's plants lived to fight." Garnet explains.
"He can't control them. "Pearl says as she places her hands on Steven's shoulders. "Steven..."
The Watermelon Stevens takes a step forward, looking angry at Pearl.
Pearl summons the rapier Y/n used in training and hands it to him now. "You two get in the house." She tells him and Steven.
"But..." Steven starts to say.
"Now!" Pearl pushes Y/n and Steven inside the house and the Watermelon Stevens hiss loudly.
Inside were the two watermelons Y/n had retrieved earlier. Y/n looked to see they were hissing and he drew his rapier from it's sheathe ready for a fight..
"Oooh what!? Bring it, melons!" Amethyst cries as the Gems leap onto the beach to confront the Watermelon Stevens.
"Gems, do your thing." Garnet commands.
The gems begin to use thier weapons to start destroying the Watermelon Stevens now.
Inside Y/n had sliced through the two Watermelon Stevens as he brought his rapier back close to him and lets out a deep breath. "Stay here Steven, I'm going to try help the gems." He says before rushing out of the beach house.
"Wait, don't!" Steven calls trying to chase after him. "Come on Baby Melon, we have to stop this." Steven runs down the stairs.
Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst continues to destroy several Watermelon Stevens with Y/n doing his best to help now.
"Y/n I told you to stay in the house!" Pearl says worried as she notices him.
"Well It's too late now P." Amethyst says.
"Come on!" Garnet shouts but Garnet is then tackled by many Watermelon Stevens, piling and pinning her down.
"Everyone! Please stop! I'm okay, look!" Steven calls out and raises hands in the air to try get the attention of the watermelon Stevens. "You don't have to fight anymore!"
Amethyst gets pinned by the Watermelon Stevens and cries in distress. "They're gonna put me in the ground!" She cries more. "Noo! Noo! Aaah!" Two Watermelon Stevens are digging a hole in the sand and another one brings in a banquet of purplish flowers. "Those flowers are lovely!!" Amethyst screams and cries.
Pearl was wrestling with the Watermelon Stevens who had a hold of her spear. "Let go of my spear, you little twerps! I'll destroy you!"
Y/n was visibly tired as he tired to fight back but the amount of Watermelon Steven's seemed endless and he couldn't keep up.
Even Garnet was still trying to get all the Watermelon Stevens off her.
Steven looks around panicked. "This is bad, Baby Melly. How do we end this carnage?"
Baby Melon closes his eyes and punches Steven in the belly, knocking him back on the sand and grasping the other watermelons' attention.
"Baby... Melon?" Steven asks unsure what just happened.
Baby Melon stretches his arms out in content as several Watermelon Stevens tackle him, causing a cloud of sand to envelop the place.
With the watermelons distracted Y/n and the Gems were freed.
"No more watermelon for a while." Y/n groans.
After the cloud subsides, Steven tries to push his way through the crowd of Watermelon Stevens to Baby Melon. "Ugh, let me through, you melon heads!" He says but all he see is a destroyed Baby Melon. "Ba...Baby Melon...." Steven says sadly as he starts walking to Baby Melon's remains. "I understand... You stopped the watermelons from fighting everyone else.... by making them fight you."
Steven holds up Baby Melon's remains in anger for the other Watermelon Stevens to see. "Look at what you've done! You think I wanted this?! You should all be ashamed! He knew this is what it would take to calm your rage! ... He understood true loyalty."
There is a momentary silence.
"Go! Think about what you've done! And don't come back until you understand what he did for me, for all of us!" Steven commands.
The Watermelon Stevens begin walking away, splitting up into different paths; some head into the ocean, some travel far into the land.
"Spoken like a true king." Garnet comments as the Gems and Y/n join Steven's side.
"They don't need a king. They're their own melons now." Steven says.
"Did we just release a new potential predator in to the eco system?" Y/n questions but Steven then takes a bite on Baby Melon's remains and the Gems react in disgust.
And that's the Chapter! So I wanted to have Y/n use his rapier a little bit here even if it was for a small while. I also kept this chapter in as I like the little watermelon dudes. If you liked this chapter or just the story in general then don't forget to leave a vote and a comment below as it really helps and I shall see you all next week in...
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