《Being Human》19. Ocean Gem
It was the next day and Steven and the Gems are in the Beach House discussing the previous events of the day before.
"... I'm grounded?" Steven asks the gems.
Pearl folds her arms "Yes, you're grounded!"
"You disobeyed an order." Garnet adds.
"And now we're gonna bury you 'til you've learned your lesson." Amethyst says as she holds up a shovel.
Steven panics. "Aah! That's not how grounding works! And If I'm grounded how am I going to be able to talk to Y/n about what happened?" Steven asks and the gems all look at each other with an unsure look.
The door of the house suddenly opens. The Crystal Gems turn to look and see Greg standing at the doorway, panting heavily.
"Dad?" Steven asks.
Greg was still breathing heavily. "Uh, you guys better come check this out." He says using his thumb to point behind him.
Greg had brought the Gems to the beach now as they can see the citizens of Beach City all gathered.
"W-w-wha?" Mayor Dewey was stammering as the citizens of Beach City are gathered behind Mayor Dewey and murmuring worriedly.
"Wait. What the... Where did it go? Whoa!" They all murmured.
Amongst the citizens were Connie and Y/n who stood at the edge of the crowd with his arms crossed across his chest seemingly looking out into the distance at something.
Ronaldo takes a picture with his phone as it is now ,revealed that the entire ocean is gone, leaving various boats and ships stranding on the now-deserted ocean floor.
"The ocean!" Steven cries in shock.
"Hey, it's those magical ladies!" Mayor Dewey yells into his megaphone.
Y/n hears the gems being mentioned but he doesn't look at them instead his brow furrows.
"What's going on here?!" Mayor Dewey asks Garnet still using the microphone.
"The ocean is gone, obviously." Garnet says bluntly.
"That's right. Now it's just a desert. No one wants to take a vacation to... Desert City! Aww, we're gonna lose all our summer business!" Mayor Dewey despairs as he falls to his knees.
"And all the beach babes! Awwww!" Lars cries in the background.
"Who's gonna buy my fries?" Mr Fryman asks.
"And my pizza!" Mr Pizza asks.
"Who's gonna have fun at Funland?" Mr Smiley interjects.
Mayor Dewey looks up at Garnet now and raises his megaphone. "As mayor, I DEMAND you explain this immediate..." Garnet slaps the megaphone out of the Mayor's hand. "...ly...."
"It was Lapis Lazuli." Garnet says.
Y/n looks at the gems with curiosity now when he hears the name Lapis.
"Lapis Lazuli?" Steven asks.
"She's the Gem you and Y/n released from the mirror." Pearl explains and she projects a hologram of Lapis with her gem.
The Beach City Citizens gasp and begin to murmur amongst themselves. "That's incredible. How did she do that?"
"But she's a Gem, just like us." Steven says not understanding why Lapis would take the ocean.
"There's a lot you don't know about Gems, Steven." Pearl says
Y/n turns to look out at the barren ocean floor, He closes his eyes and let's out a frustrated sigh.
Steven, Greg, Connie and the gems were back at the Beach house now. Steven was packing his Cheeseburger Backpack as the Gems are discussing the situation in the kitchen.
"How could I have known the Gem contained in that mirror would be so powerful?" Pearl says to to Garnet and Amethyst.
Steven finishes his packing and walks towards the door, passing by Greg and Connie in the house.
"Where are you going, Steven?" Connie asks him.
"I'm leaving to fix what I did to our home. I was the one who helped Y/n set Lapis free from the mirror. Now it's partly my fault the ocean's gone." Steven says looking down. The sound of the beach house door opens behind him now. "I'm gonna bring the ocean back or get really thirsty trying."
"I'm the one who let Lapis free." A voice says now and Steven jumps as everyone notices Y/n in the doorway. "If you're going to see her, then I am going with you." Y/n says.
"Wait up, kiddos." Greg says as he places his hands on Y/n and Steven's shoulders now. "I'm coming with you."
"I want to help, too." Connie says as she places her hand on Steven's other shoulder. "Also, I feel weird being in your house if you're not here."
Lion then appears from behind, placing his paw on Steven's head, and growls in agreement, which surprises Greg.
Pearl clears throat. "Clearly, we're coming too."
"You're un-grounded, by the way." Garnet adds.
Amethyst jumps on the kitchen counter. "WHOO-HOO!! Road trip!" She cheers.
With so many of us we'll have to split up our modes of transportation." Pearl begins to say. "We'll take Y/n with us in...."
"Let's go Steven, I'll ride on Lion with you and Connie." Y/n interrupts as he doesn't wait for a reply and walks down the beach house stairs to the beach.
"yeesh, I haven't felt this awkward Did something happene with you guys and Y/n?"
The two groups were now heading off into the deserted ocean, with the Gems riding in Greg's Van, and Steven, Y/n and Connie riding on Lion's back, while they pass by an unshaven and distressed Mayor Dewey cries and sprays water on the sand with a hose.
In the van Greg held up a CD. "How about some tunes? This was one of Rose's favorites."
Greg inserts a CD into the music player and loud rock music begins to play. Amethyst chuckles while Pearl chuckles uncomfortably.
"So what do you think, Garnet?" Greg asks.
Garnet glares uncomfortably, before kicking the van door open and jumping out of the van, rolling on the ground.
Riding on Lion in front was Steven, while Y/n sat behind with Connie in the middle of them. Steven thought to himself for a moment before he decided to ask
"Y/n, Are you mad at me?" Steven asks sadly as he looks down at Lion's mane but he soon feels a hand on top of his head and he looks up at it to see it belongs to Y/n.
"No Steven, I'm not mad with you." Y/n says as he sighs and takes his hand off of Steven's head. "I'm mad with the gems. What they did to Lapis was wrong, and the worst part of it is that they can't seem to understand why it was so wrong. They act like they are better then humanity...and for while I was starting to think they were. But when I found out they knowingly kept Lapis in that mirror, It showed me that they are flawed just like us."
"Like us?" Steven asks.
"The gems treated Lapis like property. In the past humans have done the same to other humans." Y/n tells him.
"Whaat?" Steven asks shocked.
"It's true." Connie says sadly. "It was a long time ago but people used to have slaves."
"Imagine if I owned your dad Steven or maybe even Connie, and I kept them helplessly trapped in a mirror. Would I be right to do so?" Y/n asks Steven.
"I..I..." Steven stammers.
"It's alright Steven, You're just a kid." Y/n says now. "You two should try and get some rest, I have a feeling this could be a long journey."
It was night now and the group was still travelling through the deserted ocean, passing even through the abyssal zone of the ocean. Garnet is now lying on the top of the van while Pearl takes the driver seat, with Greg and Amethyst sleeping and snoring in the back of the van. Y/n and Steven were still awake, riding on Lion, with Connie fast asleep on Steven's back, with her arms wrapped around him.
"I can't believe Lapis would do this. Gems shouldn't fight each other." Steven says in disbelief.
"We're always fighting Gems, actually." Pearl says sadly.
"What?!" Steven gasps looking to the side at Pearl in the van now and Y/n begins to listen in too.
"Oh, how do I put this? All Gems aren't necessarily... good." Pearl says carefully.
Amethyst suddenly leans forward. "All those monster we fight used to be just like us!" She tells Steven before she looks to Pearl. "Right, Pearl?"
"Yes. But they've become corrupted and broken." Pearl explains and Y/n thinks back to the various Gem Monster encounters in the past. "We have to take care of them, subdue them, contain them. It's the best we can do for them, for now. If we don't, then..."
"What about Lapis?" Y/n interrupts. "Does she fall into this corrupted category?"
"Lapis's situation is different from the other corrupted gems." Garnet says sitting up on top the van roof now.
"I might be just a kid compared to you guys. But I can still understand what a cry for help is. Did you even try to communicate with her at all, or did you just immediately treat her like an enemy that needed to be locked up?" Y/n asks them.
Pearl and Amethyst look at one another feeling slightly guilty now.
"It's clear that while I still have a lot to learn about Gems...You still have a lot learn about life in general." Y/n says.
"We..." Garnet starts but the sound of Steven and Connie gasping however interrupts the four.
The group had arrived at a giant glowing blue structure standing before them.
"That's some... magical destiny stuff right there." Connie comments.
"Guys..." Greg says from the back of the van as he looks up at the structure in awe. "I just had the best idea for an album cover."
The group approaches the structure, revealing to be a massive tower made entirely out of the ocean.
"This is it. Lapis Lazuli is here." Garnet says now.
"I don't understand. What does she want with the ocean?" Pearl asks.
"Whoa. Look at all this." Connie says excitedly as she sees various fishes inside the water tower. "It's- it's just like a giant aquarium."
"You shouldn't be here!" Lapis's voice loudly calls out to the group now.
"She sensed us." Garnet says becoming on guard.
"LAPIS LAZULI! IT'S ME, STEVEN!!" Steven calls out to the tower.
The water sloshes from the tower, as Lapis Lazuli's face is formed on its wall. "Go away! Before I make you." It says.
"But we're beach-summer-fun buddies!" Steven tries to reason with her.
Lapis forms Steven's face from the water and screams in Steven's voice. "NOOOOO!!!"
Steven and Connie gasp while
Lapis forms her own face again in the water. "You're one of them. One of the Crystal Gems."
Amethyst and Pearl growl angrily an step forward until Garnet puts a hand on Amethyst and Pearl's shoulders. "Easy."
"What do you mean? We're all Gems, right? Just let us help you." Steven pleads.
"You don't understand. Just leave me alone..." Lapis says as her face disappears into the water tower.
"We're not leaving, Lapis. Not until you give us back our ocean!" Steven starts patting on the wall of the water tower, when an arm suddenly extends from it and grabs Steven by his shirt. "I SAID... LEAVE ME ALONE!" A Water Clone of Steven then emerges from the water tower and knocks him away with a water-arm attack.
"Ah!" Steven cries as he flies through the air.
Garnet catches Steven as he is flung towards her. Water clones of the Gems then emerge from the water towel too.
"Greg, Y/n, kids, you stay behind us. We'll handle this." Pearl says the others.
"Sounds good to me!" Greg is quick to say as he hides behind a rock, and Steven, Connie and Lion retreat behind the Gems. The Gems and their water clones proceed to summon their weapons and prepare for battle.
"Uh-oh." Amethyst comments.
"Stand together." Garnet says now. "Don't let them separate us." But as soon as she finishes her sentence she gets punched by the Water Garnet.
"Garnet!" Steven cries out worried.
Garnet is sent flying backwards into the ground. She quickly gets up as Water Garnet proceeds, cracking her neck twice, and engages in a fist fight with Water Garnet. Their attacks parry one another, till Garnet finds an opening and punches Water Garnet in the head, splattering it. The head quickly reforms though, and Water Garnet punches Garnet into a rock.
As Garnet leaps away from the rock, Amethyst uses her whip to grab the rock and sling them at Water Amethyst, who effortlessly dodges it. She keeps slinging nearby rocks at the water clone, who continuously dodges them by bending out of shape. "Aw, come on!" Amethyst cries annoyed. Water Amethyst them grabs Amethyst with her whip and flails her away. "Ahh!" Amethyst screams and groans as she lands. "Well, as long as we're playing fair..." She shapeshifts into Purple Puma and charges at Water Amethyst.
Meanwhile, Pearl spars off with her water clone. She then manages to slice Water Peal in half. "Ha Ha!" Pearl laughs in triumphant but the two halves however quickly reforms into two Water Pearls. Pearl sighs. "I hate fighting me." She summons another spear.
Lion was engaged against Water Steven, emitting several magical roars at it, but it effortlessly slither out of the way every time.
"Come on, Lion!" Connie cheers
"You can take me!" Steven says but the two find themselves pushed down by Y/n as Lion is then knocked back by Water Steven, slamming into Greg's van.
"Oh no, not the van!" Greg worries.
"Revenge!" Steven cries.
"Revenge!" Connie joins him.
"Wait!" Y/n calls out but it's too late as Steven an Connie charge towards Water Steven. Steven shoots a water gun while Connie hurls a small rock at the clone. Water Steven then extends its water arms and entraps Steven and Connie's heads in water bubbles, in an attempt to drown them.
"Steven! Connie" Y/n cries out worried.
"Kids!" Greg also cries out.
A struggling Steven can see Connie quickly losing her breath, when Greg rams Water Steven over with his van. Steven and Connie are freed as they cough and gasp for air.
"Connie!" Steven calls out to ask if she is okay.
"Is this a NORMAL magical mission for you?" Greg asks Steven worried. "Cause I'm not so sure how comfortable I am with you going on these any- mooooooorrre...!" Greg's van is then blasted upwards and away by Water Steven underneath, along with Greg inside the van.
"Dad! Steven shouts in worry and the van crashes a distance, and Greg crawls out of it, coughing and groaning.
Steven, Y/n and Connie rush towards the van now. "Dad! Dad! Are you okay?" Steven calls out to him.
Greg groans in pain. "Ugh, I think my leg's broken. See, this is why we wear seatbelts, kids."
Steven glares at Water Steven now and Water Steven creates a water bubble in it's hand as it waits for them to charge at it.
"Steven I have an idea, But I need you to make a shield can you do that?" Y/n asks him.
Steven looks at his dad in pain now as his brow furrows and he is able to successfully summon his shield, He then hands the shield to Y/n. "We're going to to stop the fighting." Y/n assures him before he turns around.
Pearl! Amethyst!" Y/n the cries out getting their attentions. "Hold this up together!" He shouts holding Steven's shield up before he throws it with all his might towards Pearl who catches it.
Amethyst has to dodge the water whip of her clone as she makes her way to Pearl. The two take a hold of the the shield together now as they hold it up.
"Okay! What now?" Amethyst calls out.
Y/n turns to the side now. "Garnet! You need to hit the shield with all you've got!" Y/n shouts to her.
"What!?" Amethyst cries confused.
"JUST DO IT!" Y/n shouts losing his patience.
Garnet says nothing as she nods once and begins to jump up high and Y/n looks up.
"Steven, Connie, Greg. Cover you're ears." Y/n quickly says to the three and they do as he says as Y/n covers his own ears.
Garnet comes flying down now as he aims her fist at the shield. Pearl and Amethyst close their eyes and hold the shield up with all their strength as Garnet connects with with now. The impact of Garnet's gauntlets striking the shield causes a massive sound wave, resulting all the water clones to dispel in the reverberation.
"Ow..." Amethyst groans as she and Pearl get back up now. Pearl gasps as she sees that the water clones had been dealt with.
The shield disperses now as and Y/n walks towards the water tower
"LAPIS!" He calls out hoping to get her attention before she can reform the water clones.
Steven gets up now as he walks over to were Y/n was stood.
"Steven?" Connie asks.
"Lapis, Steven and I are coming up to see you. No one else just us." Y/n says looking up at the water tower now.
"...please don't drown us." Steven says determined.
"Wait, Steven! Y/n!" Connie shouts worried but Steven holds his breath and jumps into the water tower. Y/n takes a deep breath as he walks into the water tower himself. Lapis then makes a water hand inside and lifts Y/n and Steven to the top of the tower.
Y/n Steven ascend the water tower to the outer atmosphere of Earth. When they arrive at the top, Lapis keeps him encased in a water bubble, leaving only their heads free.
"Lapis?" Steven says looking at her.
"What are you two doing here, Steven?" Lapis asks.
"What? I- No! What are you doing here? This thing, the ocean, this is CRAZY!! Can't we work this out? We Gems should be friends. Whoa!" Steven starts to say but Lapis pulls the bubble forward. "Don't you know anything, Steven? Your friends, they don't really care about other Gems. All they care about is the Earth. But I never believed in this place..." She says gazing up into space at the stars. Lapis frees Steven and Y/n from the water bubble. now as she walks away from the two and sits down on her knees atop the water.
"Wha... ?" Steven begins to ask but Y/n slowly approaches Lapis.
"I just... want to go home..." Lapis says desperately.
Y/n slowly approaches Lapis and he sits down next to her. "It's beautiful, isn't It?" He says and Lapis turns her head to look at him looking up at the stars.
"I know what it's like to miss home." Y/n starts now. "I had to leave my own home recently, Wasn't even really given a choice. Was just told I had to pack up my whole life into a few cardboard boxes then move to somewhere I'd never even been before." Y/n says. "Our circumstances are clearly very different. But when I say I understand why you miss home, I mean it."
Lapis turns here attention back to the stars now. "Why do you fight with them...They're just going to use you then betray you when they are done." Lapis says looking down and grasping the edges of her dress.
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Plagued by indecision and guilt, Arthur has fallen into the chasms of despair and depression, trying to come to terms with the consequences of his actions. His friends tell him that it wasn't his fault, his therapist that he should leave the past behind him and his colleagues that he can change nothing. But Arthur knows better. After all, no one knows what he's done. No one knows the life he's lived. But just six months after the loss that would change his life forever, Arthur is given a second chance. Redemption. The world has changed; evolved, and with it has come the intangible and esoteric energy of Ether, as well as the system that governs it. With new rules to live by and a path to redemption before him, Arthur now has a way to right his wrongs. At least he thinks so. After all, nothing is quite impossible when you can rewrite reality itself. He'll do anything he can to bring his sister back.
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