《Being Human》18. Mirror Gem
Steven is lying on the couch in the living room of the Beach House, talking on his phone with Connie. "What...? Why not?" He asks sadly. "Y/n's also been unable to hang out recently as well."
"Steven, I told you, I can't hang out today. I have tennis practice. And then Mom wants to go out for a family dinner. But she said I could hang out all day tomorrow, and I can come over all the time now that it's summer vacation."
Steven flops off the couch. "What's summer vacation?" He asks Connie.
"You know, when school gets out for the summer?" Connie tells him.
"I've never been to this... How do you say..."school". How does it work?" Steven asks.
"It's a place where you go to learn. It's full of desks, chalkboards..." Connie begins.
"Hmm." Steven hums.
"Books, maps." Connie continues.
"I see." Steven ponders as the door to the Beach house opened now and Steven turned his head to see Y/n walking through the front door.
"Hey Steven." Y/n says raising his hand with a smile.
"Y/n!" Steven says getting up now.
"Sorry I haven't really been around the last week." Y/n says rubbing the back of his head. "Finals have been Kicking. My. Butt." Y/n says as he collapses down on the couch with a relieved sigh. "But they are all over now and I am finally free." He smiles.
"Can you help me set a school?" Steven asks him and Y/n sits forward little as he raises his brow.
"You want to set up a school?" Y/n asks surprised.
Shortly after, Steven begins to assemble a pile of school equipment in the kitchen, with the help of Y/n and Pearl who had joined the two.
Steven examines the pile. "Yep, it's all coming together."
"Alright here's the last school related thing." Y/n says as he adds a school desk to the pile.
"So, how do we begin our "school"?" Pearl asks
"Uhh... I... I don't know! This is everything Connie told me. Why do I never ask follow-up questions?!" He despairs.
"A school usually is place where kids go to learn." Y/n explains to Pearl now.
"Who will teach little Stevie now!?" Steven cries now.
Pearl gasps excitedly. "Teach you?!" She repeats. "Steven! If only I had known that's what you really wanted!" She quickly gets up now. "Twooooh!" Pearl cries out before begins doing the same dance she had done when summoning police tape.
"She's still doing it?" Y/n whispers to Steven confused.
"Haaaaaah!" Pearl's gem begins to glow, as she summons a mirror from her gem.
"We found this Gem-powered mirror at the Galaxy Warp." She begins to explain as the mirror twirls in mid-air. "It can capture and display any event it's witnessed in all of Gem history." The mirror lands in Steven's hands now as he and Y/n looks at it. "It'll offer you everything you've ever wanted to know about your fellow Gems and our culture."
"Gem powered?" Y/n repeats and his brow furrows with slight confusion.
Steven however looks at his reflection in the mirror. "I must be incredibly important to Gem culture."
Pearl scoffs. "It's just you in there. It hasn't even been activated." She clears her throat. "Show us the Galaxy Warp." She commands but the mirror does nothing. "Show... us...the Galaxy Warp." Pearl repeats frustrated. "Oh, come on!" She grabs the mirror that Steven was still holding onto the mirror and he gets lifted along.
"Whoa!" Steven laughs.
"I know you've seen it." Pearl examines the mirror and sighs. "It is in pretty rough shape. It must finally be broken. What a shame."
Steven admires himself in the mirror again. "Doesn't seem broken to me!"
"Oh well. I guess that's the end of our school."
Steven gets excited. "Whoa. Wha... So you could say... School's out for summer?" He asks Pearl.
"Yes. Good, Steven. There are many ways to say the same thing." Pearl says to him.
Steven gasps. "School's out! Come on Y/n!" Steven cheers as he runs out of the house.
"I guess I'll see you later Pearl." Y/n says as he gives a friendly wave to Pearl and then chases after Steven out of Beach house.
Pearl waves back to Y/n with a smile before looking at the pile the three had made now. "Hmm. The asymmetry of this pile is really starting to bother me."
"Steven wait up!" Y/n's voice could be heard calling out.
Steven was running down the beach. "School's out!" Steven cheers excitedly as then holds up the mirror. "Happy Summer Vacation Steven!" He says looking at himself in the mirror before turning around to starts running backwards as look at Y/n who was getting closer to him. "Happy summer vacation Y/n!"
"Happy Summer Vacation Steven." Y/n chuckles as the two continue to run.
"Yeah! Happy Summer vacation Beach City!" Steven then chuckles but not looking where he is going, Steven bumps into Lars and Sadie, who are setting up tables outside the Big Donut.
"Hey!" Lars and Sadie cry as the table falls over.
"Ugh, watch where you're going, you little..." Lars starts but Sadie glances at him. "Sss..Steven!" Lars curses.
Y/n catches up to Steven now as he notices the knocked over table. "Here let me give you guys a hand." He offers as he take a hold of one table edges and lifts it back up.
"Oh, Thanks." Sadie says appreciative.
"Sorry Lars and Sadie!" Steven apologizes now. "I'm just so excited for summer. Are you excited for summer? I'm so excited for summer!"
Sadie chuckles at Steven's enthusiasm. " Uh, I think I'm as excited as I can get about setting up extra seating for the summer rush. But Lars has big plans." She then says.
"Is that so?" Y/n asks as he lets go of the table now.
"You bet I do! All those out-of-town summer babes traveling away from home without their boyfriends, if you know what I mean." He jitters his eyebrows.
Steven just looks him cluelessly "...Nope."
"Just give it a few years Steven." Y/n says with a small chuckle.
"Maybe I'll get a few numbers. Maybe I'll even... call one." Lars says to himself hopefully.
"Ha! Well, yeah, maybe I'll meet a new friend." Sadie says now.
"That's a great idea!" Steven then suddenly cries. "A special new friend to have fun on the beach with in the summer. Maybe if I keep using the mirror to guide me, I'll walk backwards into my own beach-summer-fun buddy!" Steven says as he holds the mirror out and starts walking backwards before bumping into Y/n. "Found one!" He cheers causing Y/n and Sadie to laugh but Lars just grumbles grumpily.
"Next time you see me, I'll be on the arm of a hot woman!" Lars says.
"You can stop talking about it now." Sadie comments.
Steven and Y/n left the big donut now as Steven continued to walk backwards using the mirror to see what was behind him.
"Well I'm going not to stop you but be careful. alright buddy?" Y/n says but Steven moonwalks into the boardwalk, when Mayor Dewey's Van, reflected by the mirror and chanting "May-or Dew-ey", is driving towards him.
"Er, watch where you're going, you little!" The mirror suddenly begins to replay Lar's earlier warning Steven and Y/n.
"Huh?" Steven says as he sees the mirror, and then the van. "Nooo!" Steven screams in fear and the van halts just in front of him and Y/n.
Mayor Dewey leans out of the van and speaks into a megaphone. "Car wash kid, Relatively new Citizen, what are you two doing?!"
"I don't know." Steven answers.
"Why were you driving down the boardwalk?" Y/n asks Mayor Dewey pointing out he is the one in the wrong.
"I'm the mayor, I'm not going to walk anywhere. Now go get run over somewhere else, I'm late for a speech." Mayor Dewey says and he maneuvers the van around Steven and Y/n now heading past them.
Y/n looks at the mirror in Steven's hand now. "What just happened?"
The Mirror projects Steven laughing.
"You work!" Steven cries as he looks at it. "This is so cool! What's it like being a mirror?" Steven asks.
The mirror projects Steven again. "You work!"
"So... you can repeat stuff?" Y/n asks the mirror.
"Yeah!" The mirror projects Steven.
The sound of citizens gathering around gets Y/n and Steven's attention now however and they turn to see Mayor Dewey giving a speech nearby on the beach. "Hello, Beach City, my friends! It's great to be here to celebrate the coming season. A warm summer breeze wafts through the air."
Y/n inhales deeply and makes fart noises "PBHT!"
The crowd and Steven snickers.
"Sorry but he set it up so perfectly, I couldn't resist." Y/n whispers to Steven.
Mayor Dewey continues. "We all look forward to the sounds of the summer season..."
"PBHT!" The mirror replays Y/n's fart noise.
"...the smells of the busy boardwalk..."
"...the hot, wet ocean wind...
"...the time to take that pressure that's built up all year and just let it out."
The crowd finally laughs aloud.
"Wow, you picked that up fast." Steven comments.
Time had passed by, now as Steven and Y/n were still on the beach, still playing with the mirror.
"PBHT!" The mirror replays Y/n's fart noise.
Steven still laughs at it while Y/n let's out a smile. "You got a lot of mileage out of that joke huh? You're pretty funny for a mirror." He comments.
"You're pretty funny for a mirror." The mirror says to Y/n.
"Y/n's not a mirror!" Steven chuckles.
"You're pretty funny for a...Y/n." The mirror says.
Steven gasps. "You made something new! Say something else!"
"Ssssteven!" The mirror says as Lars. "Is..." It says as Steven. "...a new friend." It finally says as Sadie.
Steven blushes. "Really?"
"Yeah!" The mirror says.
"Any friend of Steven is my friend too." Y/n says and the mirror laughs.
"We got to go tell the Gems." Steven gasps now.
"Nooooo!" The mirror cries out in Steven's voice getting some concern out of Y/n.
"What's wrong with the mirror?" Y/n asks looking at it.
"Aww don't be shy, they'll love you." Steven says getting up now.
"Nooooo!" The mirror cries out again.
Steven chuckles. "Don't worry, they're a good audience." Steven says.
Steven and Y/n enters the house, "Guys! Wait 'till you see..." Steven start but he stops when he sees Pearl arranging the pile of school equipment from before into a tower, while Garnet and Amethyst were sat on the couch watching on.
"Yo! Y/n! Ste-man!" Amethyst calls out.
"Hello, Y/n, Steven." Pearl greets.
"Howdy." Garnet says and she makes a finger gun." Bang."
"Want to see something hilarious?" Amethyst asks as she takes a M.C. Bear Bear toy and attempts to place it on the tower, which Pearl quickly impales with her spear. Amethyst then starts laughing.
"You don't understand. Symmetrical means both sides have to be the same!" Pearl grunts angrily and tosses M.C. Bear-Bear into a pile of other stabbed items.
"How long have you guys been doing his for..." Y/n asks looking down at the pile.
"M.C. Bear-Bear!" Steven cries looking at his teddy bear before he shakes his head. "Okay, that's great. Anyways, Y/n and I fixed the mirror!" Steven says now.
"Excellent work, Steven!" Pearl says impressed.
"You didn't tell me it's like a person." Steven says and the Gems react in shock as the mood of the room changes. it goes unnoticed by Steven but Y/n however notices it.
"Wait, what?" Pearl asks shocked.
"Say hey." Steven says to the mirror but their is silent pause. "Lil' buddy..."
Awkwardly, the mirror does nothing while the Gems still look shocked.
"Uh... excuse us. Steven turns around. "Come on. You want to come out, don't you? You have so much to say and funny noises to share from across the ages. Are we not beach-summer-fun buddies?" He asks the mirror hopefully.
"PBHT!" The mirror says replaying Y/n's earlier fake fart noise.
Steven laughs. "Just couldn't help yourself, huh?" He asks.
"Just...for...you... Y/n... and...Ssssteven!" The mirror says as Steven before it uses his laugh repeatedly.
"It's talking to him?" Pearl questions. "It shouldn't be able to do that. I-It should just be following orders..."
"Garnet, do something." Amethyst says uncomfortable.
"Y/n. Steven." Garnet says as she starts to walk towards him.
The mirror keeps laughing repeatedly, and changes when Garnet approaches. "Nooooo!" It cries in Steven's voice.
"You should just give us back the mirror. It will be safer where we can watch it." Garnet says.
"Yeah, let's bubble it!" Amethyst says.
"Nooooo!"The Mirror screams again as it echoes repeatedly.
"Something is not right here..." Y/n starts to say as he become uncomfortable with the mirror's cries and he steps forward now in front of Steven.
"Don't make me have to take it from you." Garnet warns Y/n and Steven now as she crouches down at reaches for the mirror.
Steven gasps as he holds the mirror.
"It doesn't want to go with you. Don't you hear it screaming?" Y/n says to Garnet now.
"Y/n, it's just a mirror, a tool. It can't want anything." Garnet says back as she reaches for the mirror now.
The mirror keeps screaming repeatedly, Garnet slowly offers a hand which would take the mirror.
"Nooooo!" The mirror's cries echo pushing Steven too far as he looks horrified. "Y/n's right! It wants to be with ME!" Steven shouts as he slaps Garnet's hand away, which causes her to hit herself in the face and knocks her visor off. Amethyst gasps in extreme surprise, and Garnet glares at Steven in anger.
Y/n uses the moment of confusion to grab the mirror from Steven "Come on!" He shouts to the young teen as he opens the the Beach house door.
"Aah! Aah!" Steven cries as he realises what he had done and runs out of the house. "I'm sorry!"
Y/n looks at the gems for a short moment but says nothing as he begins to run away himself now.
Garnet slowly gets up and puts her visor back on clenching her fists. "That little boy...and his friend... are in big trouble."
"Garnet, wait! I'm sure they don't understand what they are doing!" Pearl says worried.
The Gems exit the house to the beach. "Fan out." Garnet commands.
Steven and Y/n were hiding behind a rock, panting heavily "What are we gonna do Y/n?" Steven asks panting heavily. "And what's their problem with the mirror?"
Y/n lifts the mirror and looks at it now as his brow furrows.
"You can hear me right?" Y/n says to the mirror.
"Yeah!" It says in Steven's voice.
"Yes... or No." Y/n closes his eyes and lightly holds the mirror to his forehead no wanting to ask this next question. "Is there someone trapped inside this mirror?"
"Yes...Yes." The mirror replies in Y/n's voice and his face screws up in hurt and anger.
"Wha..What!?" Steven asks in shock at the mirror's answer.
The mirror whirs in distortion now. "Away from home...Let...Me...Out!"
"I don't understand!" Steven says frightened by everything that was going on.
"Steven! Y/n!" Pearl's voice called from afar now.
"They're getting closer!" Steven says panicked.
"I need you to show me how I can I help you?" Y/n says looking at the mirror again now.
The mirror whirs and projects a scene of Y/n pulling the gem out of the back of the mirror now.
Y/n turns the mirror to its back and he looks at the cracked blue gem that sit embedded within it. His brow furrows determinedly as he begins tugging on the gem. As he is pulling the gem, water from the sea begins to form the pattern of the mirror around Y/n. After much effort, Y/n manages to pull the gem out, and the mirror shatters with some it's glass accidently hitting Y/n's hand causing him to inhale sharply. The gem then starts glowing in Y/n's other hand and it levitates in mid-air towards the ocean where it reforms back into its physical, humanoid form and it collapses onto the sand.
Steven gasps in shock. "Wha..."
Y/n however runs towards the Gem and Steven follows him as they reach her.
"Are you alright?" Y/n asks the gem slightly worried as he crouches down to her.
The gem turns to Y/n and Steven now and they can see that her eyes were missing their pupils and looked more like mirrors. "Thank you." She starts. "You didn'... She tries to get struggles to stand, and stumbles but Y/n is quick to take her arms.
"Here, Take it slowly." Y/n advises as he slowly helps her up to her feet now but she holds on to his arms as she tires to find her strength and balance.
"You actually talked to me. You both helped me!" She says extremely appreciative. "It's Y/n and...Steven, right?" The gem asks.
"Mm." Steven breathes deeply still unsure how to react to this revelation.
"That's right." Y/n says.
"I'm Lapis... Lapis Lazuli." The gem introduces herself now. "Are you two really Crystal Gems?"
"Yeah!" Steven quickly answers.
"But you set me free." Lapis says confused.
"I'm not a Crystal Gem." Y/n says now.
"But... Wha...?" Steven stammers at Y/n and Lapis's words.
"STEVEN! Y/N!" Garnet's voice could be heard shouting and the boys turn to see the Gems approaching and summoning their weapons.
Steven runs towards the Gems. "Wait!"
"You..." Lapis begins to say angrily as her grip on Y/n's arms tightens slightly. A huge water-arm rises out of the ocean behind Lapis and Y/n now as he looks up at it in shock. "You three knew I was in there, and you didn't do anything. Did you even wonder who I used to be!"
Lapis slams the water-arm onto the Gems, trapping Garnet underneath it and knocking Pearl and Amethyst aside.
"Steven, Y/n run!" Pearl quickly says.
"What are you doing?" Steven asks in shock.
"I'm Lapis Lazuli, and you can't keep me trapped here anymore!" Lapis declares.
"Lapis!" Y/n says as he looks at her now. "Please, I know you are upset, You have every right to be but you need to calm down." Y/n tells her.
"They're not going to let us leave." Lapis says now.
"Leave?" Y/n asks.
Lapis parts the ocean in half behind them, creating a path through it. "Y/n, Steven, come with me." She says to the two.
"Where?" Steven asks her.
"Home." Lapis says with a sad tone.
"Lapis, We can't go with you..." Y/n tells her.
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Earth is a fairly small place, but it's all Bath has. It's the only home he's ever known for all of his 500-or-so-million years of life. One day, Bath realized his treasured Earth was being drawn into the next mass extinction ahead of schedule. So, fascinated by the humans and their quick rise to power (after all, setting off a mass extinction is a pretty sizable achievement), what's a nearly all-powerful, somewhat bored, morally ambiguous, savagely violent, shapeshifting alien entity to do other than assume the form of a human and do some front-line investigating? Little did Bath know he would soon stumble upon a mysterious human organization with a gate leading to planets eons away. And that's just the beginning... A story with aliens, intergalactic space travel, mind powers, and an abundance of adventure! Author's note: ON HIATUS! Hello and thank you for reading! Constructive criticism and grammar-policing are both appreciated. Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are complete at 1271 pages! Part 7 is in progress! If you've ever read any other web serials, you might've noticed that authors get better with time (that is, their art or writing improves). Wutosama of Metaworld Chronicles noted that the first 20 chaps are always a mess. This is also the case with Apex Predator. The first two parts (ranging just under 30 chapters, or 161 pages) are absolutely subpar. While I have edited them as of 7-10-18, they require a rewrite, which is currently in the works but not complete. For a sample that gives insight into what the latter ~80% of the story's writing style is like, check out chapter 56. Vote for Apex Predator on Top Web Fiction! The Apex Predator Discord is here. Cover: original work done by me, the author, caerulex.
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