《Being Human》20. House Guest
Quick apology if this chapter has any mistakes I'm currently under the weather so may have missed some things, hopefully not though anyways lets get into it.
Y/n, Steven and the gems were at Greg's car wash as Y/n was working to cover for Greg's injury. Pearl was meanwhile examining Greg's broken van, while Garnet and Amethyst lean nearby against the building.
"Wow. Those water constructs really did a number on Greg's van. Hmm..." She hums and looks at a broken tube.
"Ah, give it a rest, Pearl. That thing will be busted forever." Amethyst says.
"I completely disagree. It's just a simple human machine. I'm sure that I can figure this whole thing out before you know it!" Pearl says.
"You might need to replace several of these parts." Y/n say appearing behind the gems now with a hose in hand. "Given the likelihood water got into the electronics, transmission and the engine block it's going to be a tough job." He comments.
"Hey guys!" A voice calls and the group look to the side to see Steven walk in, as Greg scoots over on a movable chair with a hockey stick, carrying a toolbox.
"Thanks again Y/n for agreeing to help out with the car wash while I'm unable too." Greg say to Y/n gratefully.
"It's no worries Greg." Y/n says back to him. "We were just discussing if it's possible to fix your van." Y/n then tells him.
"Zoop! I got something that will patch this van up real good!" Greg says as he starts to looks inside the toolbox.
Pearl gasps. "Is it some kind of complex human tool?" She asks
"Yup, high-quality duct tape!" Greg says as he shows Pearl a roll of duct tape. "Some well placed duct tape can patch anything up in a pinch, see?" He points to his broken leg, with a ruler duct-taped to it.
"I'm sure that I can fix this without your "tape"." Pearl says trying to remain polite.
"Well, gee, at least let me give you a hand." Greg says but he struggles as he tries to stand up.
"Ah! Dad, be careful! Steven says worried and Greg fails to stand, and he sighs. "I'm sorry that you hurt your leg and that your van got smashed up because of us."
Greg pats his head. "You apologize too much. Maybe I shouldn't have tagged along in that crazy adventure. But at least I got to spend some time with my fave guy!"
"What if you stayed with us until you got better?" Steven suddenly suggests.
"Hey, that's a great idea!" Greg says excited. "But, won't I get in the way of your training..."
"Yes!" Pearl quickly interrupts.
"Wait, Steven. Don't you have healing powers now?" Amethyst asks.
Pearl smiles nervously. "Oh, right, yes! You fix Greg, I'll fix the van." She quickly says. "Then Greg doesn't have to live with us." She then mumbles under her breath.
"Oh that's right, you used it to fix Lapis' gem recently." Y/n remembers. "It should work on your dads leg."
Steven gasps. "Yeah! Mm-hmm! Here goes something new and exciting." He licks his hand. "And... go!" He pats his saliva-covered hand on Greg's broken leg. "Okay, you should be better now."
Greg looks down at his leg. "Okay, if you say so." He tries to stand up, but fails again.
"Why didn't it work?" Steven asks.
"Hey, sorry, buddy. Maybe you just need a little more practice." Greg says.
"But... I was doing so well before!" Steven says annoyed and disappointed.
"Steven... don't worry about it. Your powers are a bit fickle, after all." Pearl assures him.
"Just give it a bit more time." Garnet tells him.
"As they say practice makes perfect." Y/n advises.
"Cheer up, Steven! At least now we get to spend some more time together, right?" Greg asks Steven.
"Y-Yeah, right." Steven replies but he still felt disappointed.
"Hmm..." Garnet hums in thought.
"Y/n, Garnet, can you give me a hand?" Pearl asks.
"Sure." Y/n says as he looks at the van. "I'm going to working here all day anyway so I might as well be useful." Y/n says.
Garnet lifts the front of Greg's van up, and the engine of the van falls right through it, startling Steven and Greg.
"We've...got a long job ahead of us..." Y/n comments.
Steven, Greg and Amethyst had all left for the beach house now as Garnet, Pearl and Y/n stayed behind.
Garnet had the van held up as Pearl inspected it from underneath. She poked several parts to test them out until she was suddenly sprayed with oil leaving her unimpressed.
"Hey I found a manual for the car inside the car wash." Y/n's voice calls out with a booklet in hand as he walked out of the car wash. "It should...woah." He stops himself when he sees Pearl covered in oil.
Steven and Greg throw some confetti in the air as they begin to engage in some father-and-son quality time, such as cooking breakfast, watching videos on Steven's Phone, Steven washing Greg clean after he spilled soda on himself, and singing "Dear Old Dad" together. After the song, Steven, Greg, and Amethyst are seen making paper airplanes in the living room.
"Bombs away!" Amethyst calls as she throws her paper airplane in the air and it hits Greg on the nose. The three start to laugh and when Pearl enters from outside, covered in oil from repairing Greg's van. She drops Greg's toolbox and wipes herself clean up, when Garnet appears as well putting her hands to her glasses.
"The Geode is cracked, we must leave immediately." She then says to Gems.
"What?!" Pearl cries in shock.
"Oh, no!" Amethyst says worried.
"I'm going to go ahead and guess that's bad." Y/n says.
"Very." Garnet answers.
Pearl and Amethyst rushes towards the Warp Pad now.
"You too, Y/n and Steven."
"Me?" Y/n asks surprised.
Steven quickly stands up excitedly. "Yeah!"
"Aw, really?" Greg whines slightly.
"Oh! Oh yeah." Steven enthusiasm drains a little as he remembers his dad needed his help.
Greg frowns. "It's okay, Steven, I'll be fine. You go on your mission." Greg says now.
"Are you sure?" Steven asks him.
"Of course." Greg says.
"Thanks, Dad! We'll be back before you know it!" Steven tells him as he runs to the warp pad to join Y/n and the others.
"Okay... Don't worry about your old man. My leg's not getting any more broken. If I need something, I'll just... crawl." Greg says as he gets teary. "My arms are still not... broken."
"Oh, brother." Amethyst groans.
The Crystal Gems gets off the warp pad and walk towards Greg.
"Now, Greg, there's no need to be so pathetic." Pearl says. "If anything happens to you, you can call us with this." Pearl pulls out a small flute and hands it to Greg.
Greg gasps as he looks at it. "What is it?"
"It's a Warp Whistle." Garnet tells him.
"Warp Whistle..." Greg says in awe.
"If you blow in it, the warp pad will activate and will alert us that we need to return." Garnet tells him now.
"See, Dad? You'll be fine." Steven assures him.
Greg sighs. "Right, I'll be fine. Good luck on your mission, son."
The Crystal Gems and Y/n warp and arrive at the warp pad outside the Geode, as a lightning storm is brewing over all around.
"Man, this place is janked up." Amethyst says looking at it.
"Wow. Was there an explosion or something?" Steven asks.
Garnet walks ahead of the group now. "Almost."
"What you're looking at is a synthetic storm that was contained in..." But Pearl's explanation is interrupted by a whistling sound.
"Is that... the Warp Whistle?" Y/n asks surprised it was being use so early.
"Ah! Dad needs me, I'll be right back!" Steven cries and he warps.
Back to the Beach house Steven appears on the warp pad. "Dad! I'm here! Is everything...?"
"Oh, hey, Steven!" Greg says awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. "Just making sure that this thing actually works. Heh."
"Okay, we'll be back later!" Steven says as he holds out his arms.
Steven had warped back to the Geode where the others were waiting for him. "Sorry for the holdup!"
"Is everything okay?" Y/n asks Steven.
"Hey, did Greg fall down and break his butt? Ha ha!" Amethyst says before forcing a laugh out.
"That's not funny." Garnet says bluntly.
Amethyst looks down sadly. "I know."
"Like I was saying, this is a synthetic..." The Warp Whistle is heard for the second time, interrupting Pearl again .
"I'm sure it's very important." Steven is quick to say.
Steven warps back to the Beach house.
Greg scratches back of his head. "I'm really sorry, but where's the remote?"
"That's actually... a very important question." Steven says.
Steven warps back to the Geode after helping Greg out. "It was very important."
"Okay, so if the Geode breaks, then the storm will be unleashed and our bodies will be vaporized." Pearl quickly explains this time and points at the Geode, which is absorbing the lightning.
"Then... we'd all be dead." Y/n says as he looks at the large geode.
"That's where you come in." Garnet says as she turns to Steven now.
"Say what?" Steven says surprised.
"You should try and seal that crack with your healing powers." Garnet tells him.
"But... what if... I can't do it?" Steven says worried.
"It never hurts to try." Garnet tells him.
"Okay." Steven nods unsure. Steven then walks toward the Geode, still doubting his power, when he sees the Gems and Y/n silently cheering him on. He then begins to attempt healing the Geode with a palm covered in his saliva, but nothing happens. He begins to strain himself as the Gems watch in worry.
"IT'S NOT WORKING! Ugh... I knew this would happen. Just when I thought I was getting better.
"Don't beat yourself up, It's okay Steven." Y/n calls out to to him.
"Yeah, don't worry about it!" Amethyst quickly joins in.
"We'll find another way!" Pearl tells him.
"Eh. You don't understand. How am I supposed to call myself a Crystal Gem, if I can't eve..." The Warp Whistle suddenly sounds again for the third time, this time interrupting Steven. The group decide to warp back to the Beach House for now.
"Dad?" Steven calls out but gets no response. "Dad?! Daaad!" He cries a little more worried and he runs up to his bedroom to see Greg lying in front of his TV. "Dad! Are you okay? Answer me!"
Greg suddenly wakes up. "Steven! You just missed... the funniest commercial."
"... What?" Steven asks confused.
Greg laughs. "It was that one for the dog treats where the dog's dressed up like a doctor. If I ever get heartworms, I'm eating those dog treats."
"Dad! You're only supposed to use the Warp Whistle for emergencies. Like if you fell down and broke your butt!" Steven tells him.
"Ah, haha, yeah... Sorry about that." Greg rubs the back of his head.
Steven sighs now. "It's okay."
"Since you're here, mind grabbing me a snack from the Big Donut?" Greg asks.
"Yeah, sure thing." Steven says as he climbs down the bedroom steps and turns to Y/n and the Gems. "I'll be right back guys."
"We'll be in the temple." Garnet replies as she walks off.
"We have to come up with another plan, quick." Pearl says in thought now following behind Garnet.
"Yo, dude, no worries about earlier. You'll get a hold of your powers before ya know it!" Amethyst holds a thumbs-up to Steven.
"Thanks, Amethyst!" Steven says feeling a little better.
"Get me a croissant." Amethyst says as she walks towards the temple now.
"Wait up a second Steven, I'll come with you." Y/n says and Steven nods.
"I'm surprised Amethyst wanted a croissant. Normally she doesn't want anything specific " Y/n says to Steven as they open the the beach house door for the boy.
"Maybe they taste the best to her." Steven suggests as he walks out of the beach house with Y/n following.
"I don't really think Amethyst cares how they taste considering the odd things I've see her eat." Y/n chuckles.
Steven suddenly stops now as they reach the stairs. "Ah, I forgot to ask Dad what kind of donuts he wants. Ugh..." goes back inside*
"Hey, Dad, I... Steven begins to call out but he and Y/n are shocked however to find Greg at the fridge, searching for food and dancing on his "broken" leg.
"Olé!" Greg cheers but he notices Steven and Y/n now. "Steven!" He cries in surprise as he drops all the food he is carrying. "Ha, you had me scared there, son. Didn't see you... standing in the doorway. Your old man's still got it!"
Steven angrily glares at Greg as Y/n puts a hand on his hip looking annoyed himself.
"What, this? I guess I couldn't wait for those donuts." Greg says.
Steven crosses his arms, and Greg realizes that Steven is referring to his "broken" leg.
"Uhh. Oh yeah... " Greg begins to pretend that his leg still hurts. "Ugh... Ouch... Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho!" He rolls on the floor.
"Just stop, Dad. I get what's going on. Your leg isn't broken at all, is it?"" Steven says angry to Greg.
"It was broken, but you healed it back at the car wash." Greg confesses now as he gets up off the floor
"You lied to me! Now I can't do it anymore!" Steven shouts upset.
"What?" Greg asks shocked.
"The Gems needed me to fix the broken rock, but my healing powers aren't working. It-it's because of you, you messed with my head!" Steven tells him.
"No! I didn't mean to... I just wanted to live with my son again!" Greg says and Y/n sighs shaking his head.
"I really thought I was getting better, I finally felt like a Crystal Gem. Now, what if I can't do... anything?" Steven cries as he starts to tear up.
"Steven, don't beat yourself up! This is my fault!" Greg says feeling guilty.
"Yeah! Yeah it is!" Steven shouts as he runs outside the beach house.
Greg sighs now as he looks down at the ground. "I really blew it, Didn't I?"
Y/n looks at Greg now and it makes him think about his relationship with his own dad for a moment. His mouth skews at the corners for a moment before he relents and gives in. "I'll talk with Steven, But Greg." He says as the middle aged man looks up at him. "I expect overtime pay for the work I did at the Car wash since Steven fixed you up." Y/n says as he opens the beach house front door.
As Y/n steps out he can see Steven talking to himself on the decking. "Ughh! What am I going to do? My powers, they're..."
"Steven." Y/n calls out getting the younger boys attention.
"I know you are mad at you're dad." Y/n says looking out to the waters calmly lapping on the beach below. "He made a silly decision but with a good, if slightly selfish reason behind it." Y/n says as he turns to Steven now. "My own dad and I haven't been getting on well recently. He spends every night at his new job and during the day he just sleeps." Y/n rubs his eyes frustrated. "The point I'm trying to make is that your dad does care about you, He would never mislead you intentionally. He just misses hanging out with you."
Steven thinks about Y/n says as he looks at his ukulele sat next to Greg's guitar nearby, and he remembers the times they had together, and walks back inside. "I'm sorry, I..." Steven gasps in shock. "Dad!"
Y/n and Steven see Greg standing on the warp pad, with the Warp Whistle and his toolbox. "It's time for me to fix the trouble I've caused." Greg says.
"Greg!" Y/n calls out.
"Nooooo!" Steven cries.
Greg blows into the Warp Whistle, activating the warp pad, and warps away. Steven quickly pulls Y/n with him as the two jump into the warp stream, and the three of them warp to the Geode.
"Dad, be careful!" Steven tells him worried.
"Don't worry, You two. This old man's gonna... Whoa!" Greg trips in the middle of his sentence and falls down the crater.
"Daaad!" Steven cries out worried as he and Y/ slide down the crater and catch up to Greg.
"Greg are you okay?" Y/n asks him.
The lightning storm begin to worsen, as the Geode is unable to contain the storm any longer, generating strong winds and striking lightning everywhere.
"Steven, Y/n, get out of here! I'm responsible for this!" Greg says to the two of them.
"No, you're not." Steven tells him.
"But, I messed up your powers Steven! I did everything I'm not supposed to do, and now you can't heal!" Greg says back.
"Steven healed you, right?" Y/n says to the two now as they look at one another and Greg smiles.
"Hey, get in there and patch things up, just like you patched up your old man!" Greg says to Steven who nods.
Steven runs up to the Geode now as Greg an Y/n watch. "Double... healing... powers!" Steven shouts before he licks both his hands and pats them on the Geode, but still nothing happens. "It's still not working!"
"Ah, forget it! I've got another idea!" Greg spreads a strip of duct tape over the crack in the Geode, sealing it up. The lightning storm quickly calms and subsides. "There, see, as good as new!"
The Crystal Gems and Greg are gathered on the beach. Greg is admiring his now-repaired van in awe, looking almost brand new, while Pearl reads a checklist of repairs she performed on the van.
"No way..." Greg says as he looks at the van in awe.
"So, we've realigned the axles..." Pearl begins to list.
"I can't believe it!" Greg comments as he looks all over the van.
"...replaced the spark plugs..." Pearl continues.
"It's never looked this good!" Greg says excited.
"...sealed the leaks in the intake manifold gaskets, and recalibrated the timing belt. As long as you ease up on second gear, your transmission should be fine." Pearl tells Greg.
"We also gave her an oil change." Y/n chuckles.
"Y/n! Pearl! I can't thank you guys enough! Haha!" Greg hugs Pearl tightly, as she reacts in disgust. After Greg releases Pearl, she shivers and crawls backwards, hiding behind Garnet.
"Remember, I expect a lot of overtime for my hard work..." Y/n says and Greg nervously chuckles.
"So, now that I'm feeling better, it's about time that I move back home. Can't have me messing up more magic stuff." Greg chuckles as Steven walks over and hugs Greg. "Just in case you have trouble again..." Greg whispers as he hands over the roll of duct tape to Steven.
It was late now and the gems had headed to their room in the temple while Y/n had gone home. Steven was heading to bed for the night, with the roll of duct tape on the nightstand next to him.
"Good night, Dad." Steven says.
"Good night, Steven!" Greg's voices is suddenly heard and it's revealed Greg's van is parked on the beach just outside the Beach House, as Greg also turns in for the night.
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