《Being Human》6. Bubble Buddies
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It was an ordinary day as Steven left the beach house with a bicycle, pushing it down the stairs. A roaring noise is heard, rumbling the place, which startles Steven and causes him to let go of his bike leading it to tumble down the stairs.
"Oh! Woooh" Steven cries as he runs after his bike.
Garnet, Pearl and Amethyst were on the beach walking towards the direction of the beach house. "I don't think they are earthquakes, they're too frequent!" Pearl says as Steven's bike collapses in front of the Gems and they look down at it. Steven catches up to it and picks it up.
"Hey look! Steven's got a bike! Where ya goin', Steven?" Amethyst asks.
"Just out for a ride." Steven replies.
"In the sand?" Pearl asks not understanding.
"Yup!" Steven says as he climbs onto the bike and tries to peddle.
Steven struggles as he rides his bike in the sand away from the gems. He looks up and sees a dark-skinned girl nearby, reading a book on the sand. He then peddles his bike past her and parks it.
"Some smooth ride..." Steven starts as he turns to look at the girl who is engrossed in her book. "Five speeds... "He continues as he repeatedly turns to between her and his bike. "Hand brakes... Electric blue finish with a tiger bell!" He rings the bell to draw the girl's attention, without any luck and failing to notice a familiar figure had made their towards them. "I bet there are a lot of kids who'd love to ride this bi.."
"Steven, what are you doing?" A voice asks and Steven is startled to see Y/n behind him.
"Woooah!" Steven cries as he falls over with the bike in hand. The girl finally turns her head towards Steven, who is sitting on top of his fallen bike. Embarrassed, Steven throws his helmet away and runs off screaming. "AHHH!!!"
"Steven wait!" Y/n calls out as he and the girl watch Steven run away. Y/n's brow furrows confused by what had just happened and he turns to Steven's knocked over bike and sighs. Y/n picks up the bike now as he prepares to try roll it back towards the beach house. He takes notice of the girl now who had returned to her book.
'Hmm? It's rare for anyone to come this far out on the beach...Could she be a friend of Stevens?" Y/n wonders.
Steven rushed through the beach house and slams the door behind him, panting. He then notices the Gems, who were watching through a window.
"Whaddup?" Steven says trying to be casual.
"Who were you talking to?" Pearl asks.
"That girl." Garnet clarifies.
"You saw?" Steven asks as he starts to blush with embarrassment. "She's just a girl I know, except she doesn't know me. We never talked."
Amethyst gasps. "You like her!" She says as she smushes Steven's face.
"Uhh... I like everyone..." Steven says before he pushes Amethyst's arms aside.
"Oh! Let's set up a play-date!" Pearl says excitedly. "I'll write up an invitation and work out a schedule. Oh! We'll have to find out her favorite kind of tea..."
"No." Garnet interrupts. "Just talk to her."
"Okay. But you guys can't watch this time! It'll mess up my funky flow." Steven says to the gems.
"Funky flow?" Pearl and Amethyst ask confused.
"We won't watch." Garnet says adjusting her visor.
"Alright!" Steven says determined to try again and he runs to the fridge to take out a glowing bracelet.
"What's that?" Amethyst asks.
Steven runs out of the house now. "Nothing!" He calls back.
Steven was walking back towards the beach as he practices his speech. "Hi! My name is Steven. Hi, my name is Ste-ven. Hi my name is... Stevan?" He gasps however when he can see Y/n talking to the girl.
Another roar is heard however. "Oh-whoah!" The earth begins to shake, startling Steven, Y/n and the girl. Steven looks up and see a piece of the Crystal Temple breaking and start to fall towards both Y/n and the girl. Steven gasps and runs towards the two. "Hi, my name is Steven!" He shouts and pounces onto the them.
Steven's gem starts to glow and creates a bubble-like shield, surrounding him, Y/n and the girl. The rubble falls onto the bubble and shatters, leaving the three unharmed.
"Whoa! How did I do that?" Steven wonders out loud before he turns towards the girl. "Hi, my name is Steven!"
The girl adjusts her glasses, startled. "Connie." She says revealing her name.
"Ow." Y/n calls out and it is revealed Connie's boot was on his face.
"S..Sorry." She says apologetically as Steven helps her back on her feet.
"It's okay." Y/n says rubbing face a little. "Accidents happen. This was the boy I was telling you about earlier." Y/n says getting up now.
"What... happened?" Connie asks touching the bubble.
"I'm magic, well... half magic, on my mom's side." Steven says to her.
"You did this?" Connie asks him.
"Apparently. I'm a member of the Crystal Gems, we fight monsters and protect humanity and stuff." Steven tells her.
"Oh! That's kinda like my dad. He's a cop. Well... more like a private security guard." Connie reveals.
"Mine's a fisherman now...I guess." Y/n says.
"Are you magic too? A...Crystal Gem?" Connie asks Y/n.
"Nope I'm not a Crystal Gem." Y/n says shaking his head. "I'm a regular human being just like you." He tells Connie. "I just like hanging around with them." Y/n then adds with a small smile.
"Whaaaat!? You're totally a crystal gem Y/n!" Steven says now.
"Well If the Gems say that one day then we'll talk." Y/n says with a laugh.
Connie looks at the bubble again now. "So... how long does it usually last?" She asks.
"Oh! Right." Steven says and he begins straining himself, and even slaps his gem.
"What's wrong?" Connie asks.
"It uh... doesn't seem to wanna go away." Steven tells Connie and Y/n.
Connie looks down. "Oh."
Steven starts pushing against the bubble trying to pop it. "So... we don't see you around that often."
Connie pushes along too. "My dad works for a bunch of different beaches, so we're never in the same place long."
"We go on adventures with the Gems sometimes. They usually say it's too dangerous for us though." Steven pushes the bubble further, as it inches a bit, and he falls over.
"Do you guys always go in a bubble?" Connie asks.
"No, this seems to be new." Y/n says poking the bubble.
"I don't know what this is. But it's okay! The Gems will know what to do." Steven says.
"We'd better work together to get over to them then." Y/n suggests.
Y/n, Steven and Connie now work together to roll the bubble to Steven's house, but stop when they see the steep hill leading towards the beach house.
"Awww what?" Steven cries as he tires to push the bubble, but it does not move up the hill. "Hey guys! Garnet! Help!"
"I don't think they can hear you Steven." Y/n says to him.
Steven facepalms. "Aaaww... That's right. I told them not to watch."
"We can just wait here until they come out." Connie says.
"No, no, no, it's okay! I've got other friends that can help." Steven says now.
Steven had managed to convince Y/n and Connie to roll the bubble to the Big Donut where Sadie was now attempting to break the bubble with a hammer while Lars is laughing aloud.
"Way to go, Steven! Is this your magic love bubble or something? Did you make it because you're in looove?" Lars mocks as he presses his face against the bubble.
"Does he not realise I am also here?" Y/n says looking at Lars uncomfortably.
"That's Lars." Steven says.
"He makes weird faces." Connie says as the three watch as Lars proceeds to make kissy faces and licks the bubble.
"Lars, quit being a jerk and help!" Sadie says annoyed.
"What? I'm helping Steven on his date."
"You're embarrassing him! And probably creeping out Y/n!" Sadie tells him.
"No, I'm not!" Lars says back
"Yes, you are!" Lars and Sadie's argument becomes inaudible in the bubble and Y/n rubs his eyes.
"He and Sadie run the Big Donut." Steven says to Connie now.
"Do... they get along?" Connie asks looking the two skeptical. Sadie and Lars continue arguing and Sadie pushes Lars.
"They're crazy about each other." Steven says seriously.
"I'm gonna go try something else!" Sadie says running inside the Big Donut.
"Anyway, this place has the best doughnuts! I come here, like, everyday!" Steven tells Connie.
"I come when I forget to buy food for breakfast." Y/n shrugs.
"My parents don't let me eat doughnuts. They have trans fats." Connie tells the two.
"WHHAAAAATTT??!!" Steven cries as Lars starts making kissy faces again behind Steven. "Well it's still a cool place to hang out."
"Aaaahhh!!!" Sadie cries running out of the Big Donut with a stool and smashes it against the bubble, destroying the stool on impact.
Steven begins to nervously chuckle. "I have a better idea."
Steven had brought Y/n and Connie to the docks now and Connie was looking around the pier. "Whoa, a trawler! And a little skip-jack!"
"You seem to know a lot about boats." Y/n comments.
"That's what happens when you hang out at the beach and don't swim and don't have friends... Y-you look at boats..." Connie says trialing off.
"Heh, uh..." Steven start before he notices a boy holding a bag of popcorn. "Oh hey, Onion, Onion!" He cries getting the little boys attention and Onion waves. "We need a Harpoon Gun!" Steven tires to shout through the bubble.
"What?!" Connie cries.
"Maybe I'm getting to used to these kind of things." Y/n sighs.
"To pop the bubble." Steven says.
"Can't we just go back to your house?" Connie asks him.
"It's okay, I'm a Gem." Steven says brushing of the idea. "Onion, we need a harpoon gun! HAR-POON-GUUUN!"
Onion eats the popcorn obliviously. Steven signs and breaths on the bubble, creating fog where he attempts to illustrate a boat firing a harpoon gun at the bubble. "Haar-pooon-guuun..." Steven says but Onion continues eating obliviously. "UGH!" Steven facepalms.
"Let me try." Connie says and she breaths fog on the bubble too and spells out "harpoon gun". Onion gives a thumbs up and runs off. Steven looks at her, impressed.
"It just made more sense to spell it." She says and Y/n nods his head in agreement.
A boat horn is heard, as Onion stands at the helm of a boat with the harpoon gun. Steven and Connie scream as they leans out of the way in the bubble and Y/n ducks down. Onion shoots a harpoon at the bubble, which gets deflected by the bubble and and hits a nearby boat. Onion gives a thumbs-up.
"The trawler..." Connie says sadly as the three watch the boat sinking into the water.
"We... really should get out of here." Y/n says worried they would get in trouble.
Connie and Y/n were rolling the bubble with Steven now as he brought them to a new place on the boardwalk
"Funland?" Connie asks looking up at a sign.
"Yeah! Tons of horrible accidents happen here everyday! There's gotta be something to break this bubble." Steven says to her.
Umm...Steven." Y/n starts.
"We just gotta find the right ride." Steven hums as he looks around and spots a roller coaster. "Yeah, the kiddie coaster!" Steven cries as he leads the three in rolling the bubble to the station platform where the Rollercoaster takes off from. "Alright, we just roll down this ramp as the carts are coming at us, and the crash will break us free!"
"What happens after the bubble pops?" Connie asks now.
"We'll be free!" Steven answers.
There is an Awkward pause however as Y/n and Connie look at one another skeptical of this idea.
"Steven, this is a bad idea..." Connie begins to say but another roar is heard, shaking the place.
"Whaaa. This will work!" Steven says as pushes the bubble onto the roller coaster tracks.
The bubble starts rolling them down the roller coaster tracks. The roller coaster collides with them, pushing them along. Mr. Smiley hits the emergency break and stops the ride. The inertia launches the bubble off the tracks, sending Y/n, Steven and Connie flying and screaming out to sea. The bubble hits the water and sink all the way to the ocean floor.
In the fall Connie had managed to knock off her glasses. "Where are we?" She asks not being able to see.
"I think were on the Sea Floor." Y/n says looking around with some interest.
Connie gasps, horrified at the news.
"It's okay!" Steven quickly says as he hands Connie her glasses and she puts them on.
"Are we even close to the shore?" Connie asks worried.
"Yeah, sure!" Steven says hoping to keep her calm.
Y/n stands up now. "Let's start rolling this thing back to the shore." Being the oldest he felt he had a responsibility to make sure Steven and Connie got back home safely.
The three began to roll the bubble along the sea floor now.
"It's a good thing this bubble is airtight, otherwise we'd be drowning right now." Steven tries to joke and he laughs nervously, while Connie looks visibly agitated. "Don't worry Connie, I have an idea that will definitely work, when we get ba..." Just then, a huge worm-like monster swims above them, scaring Connie who covers her eyes.
"Woah!" Steven says in awe as he and Y/n watch it. "A huge worm!"
"Connie, It's okay.." Steven tells her as he encourages her to open her eyes and she looks at it.
"It's not interested in us, It only wants to eat that bright stuff." Y/n points out to the worm monster as it consumes some nearby glowing red seaweed. "See? Not scary at all." The Worm Monster however begins to burrow into the ground, creating a crevice underneath Steven, Y/n and Connie in the bubble sink deeper into it as the suns light becomes less visible overhead.
"Ughhh..." Steven groans as he sits up but realizes his foot is in Connie's face. "Oh, sorry! Are you alright?" He asks but Connie stands up, speechless. "It's not so bad." He looks up from inside the crevice. "Uhhh. I-It's okay, I uh..."
"It's NOT OKAY!!" Connie says now at a breaking point and Steven goes quiet.
"You keep saying that but you don't know what you're doing! Now we're going to suffocate or starve at the bottom of the ocean and only my parents will notice because no one else cares about me!" Connie says as she starts tearing up. "I'm gonna disappear without ever making a single friend..." Connie as she finally breaks down and starts crying.
Steven looks at Y/n unsure what to do but Y/n thinks for moment before sits down in the bubble now in front of Steven and Connie andbegins humming.
♫ I'd like to be, Under the sea, In an octopus' garden, In the shade.♫ Y/n begins singing which confuses Steven and Connie who sniffles but they watch him.
♫ He'd let us in, Knows where we've been, In his octopus' garden, In the shade. ♫
♫ I'd ask my friends, To come and see An octopus' garden, with me.♫
♫ I'd like to be...♫ Steven begins to sing the chorus with Y/n. ♫Under the sea, In an octopus' garden, In the shade.♫
♫ We would be warm, Below the storm, In our little hideaway, Beneath the waves.♫ Y/n sings as he looks up at the waters overhead before he then looks down at the sea floor. ♫ Resting our head, On the seabed, In an octopus' garden, Near a cave. ♫
♫ We would sing and dance around, Because we know We can't be found.♫
Y/n and Steven give Connie a smile now and she wipes her tears away.
♫ I'd like to be, Under the sea In an octopus' garden In the shade.♫ The three all sing together now.
♫ We would shout and swim about, The coral that lies, Beneath the waves. ♫ Y/n sings.
♫ Lies beneath the ocean waves. ♫ Steven and Connie sing.
♫ Oh what joy, For every girl and boy, Knowing they're happy, And they're safe. ♫
♫ We would be so happy, You and me, No one there to tell us, What to do. ♫
♫ I'd like to be, Under the sea, In an octopus' garden, With you.♫
♫ In an octopus' garden, With you, In an octopus' garden, With you.♫ The three finish singing now as Steven and Connie laugh a little feeling better and Y/n smiles feeling better that the morale had improved.
"My mom used to sing to me like that when I was sad or scared." Y/n says with a little sad smile. "But now I guess it's my turn to do that job. We're going to get out of this one okay you two, I'm right here with you no one is going to disappear, And no is going to miss us because they won't need to, We'll be back on the shore by the end of the day laughing about this all like friends do together."
"Friends?" Connie asks.
Steven remembers something now as he holds up the glowing bracelet he retrieved from the freezer earlier to Connie. "Y/n's right Connie we can all be friends." He says to Connie who blushes with a small amount of embarrassment. "I saw you at the Boardwalk Parade last year. You dropped your bracelet. I picked it up, but then I couldn't find you. I saved it in the freezer so it would last longer, in case I saw you again." Steven tells her.
Connie looks at the bracelet surprised before she suddenly remembers something. "Oh! You were the kid on the car wash float." She chuckles a little. "You had soap bubbles in your hair."
Steven blushes and laughs. "I was supposed to be a scrub brush. I'm sorry Connie." He says putting the bracelet on Connie's wrist. "If I had returned your bracelet back then, you guys wouldn't be stuck in this bubble with me now."
"No, it's okay. I'm having fun." Connie says feeling better now.
"Hey, you know I'm always with you at this point, Through thick and thin." Y/n says ruffling Steven's hair.
The three all smile when the bubble suddenly bursts, exposing Y/n, Steven and Connie to the water. Y/n leads Steven and Connie as they swim upwards to the water surface, gasping for air.
They start laughing, when, the Worm Monster from before emerges and attacks them. The wave created from the attack splashes the three back onto the shore. Connie looks back to see the Worm Monster swimming in the water towards the shore as it continues to pursue them.
"Come on, come on!" She says to Y/n and Steven who quickly get up from the shore and run towards a nearby pier with some rocks below it. "Hide in the rocks!" Connie cries out.
Connie tries to climb up a bunch of rocks while Y/n and Steven run under the pier. The Worm Monster chases after Connie however.
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