《Being Human》7. Serious Steven
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Steven and the Crystal Gems were at Funland preparing to ride The Teacups ride in Beach City Funland, operated by Mr. Smiley.
"Get ready, Steven. This is gonna be intense." Garnet says.
"I'm ready!" Steven cheers.
Mr. Smiley starts up the ride, with Pearl and Amethyst, sleeping, in one cup, and Garnet and Steven in the other cup
Pearl was holding a teapot in her hand. "I misunderstood the point of this ride."
"This is fun, Steven." Garnet says but Steven looked nauseated.
"I think... I need to get off this ride now!" Steven says before he jumps off the ride.
"Steven, no!" Garnet calls out. Steven falls onto Mr. Smiley, breaking the lever to the ride. The ride starts to spin out of control and flings all of the cups off the ride, causing mass destruction. Mr. Smiley then grabs Steven off the ground by his shirt.
"Steven! You are banned from all the rides! Forever!"
It was now 2 weeks later and Y/n was with the Crystal Gems warping through a warp stream. "Pay attention Y/n, Steven, this is going to be your first serious mission. You both need to be ready." Garnet says to the two and Y/n nods.
Steven however is warping upside-down excitedly. "Yes! I'm ready, I'm so ready!"
"Steven, come on, you're gonna make yourself sick." Pear says as she turns Steven upright but gets hit in the eye by Steven's ukulele and scoffs. "Why did you bring that?" She asks him.
"I don't know! I was excited, and i-it's mine, and I like it!" Steven says as the ukulele starts floating away upwards and Steven swims after it.
"Steven get back here!" Pearl calls out to him. "You could get seriously..." but she is interrupted as The Gems and Y/n warp safely onto a Warp Pad in the middle of a field of giant strawberries. " ...hurt!" Pearl finishes.
Steven warps several feet into the air and several yards away from the Warp Pad, and falls into the strawberry field, groaning in pain.
"Steven!" Pearl cries worried. "Are you...??"
Steven gets up. "I-I'm fine! I'm good. I'm just gooey." Steven finds himself covered in strawberry juice and licks his arm. He then sees a swarm of butterflies surrounding him, and they cling onto his face and arms. "Aaaah! Aah! They're in my eyes!" He cries as he runs around while frantically yelling and trips over.
Y/n calmly swats the butterflies away from Steven now as he offers him a hand. "They're just butterflies, Steven." Y/n reassures him.
Steven takes Y/n's hand and gets up and laughing sheepishly. "Well, they looked a lot bigger when they were on my eyeballs."
Amethyst just laughs. "Steven, you're a riot!"
"I'm suddenly having second thoughts about bringing Steven and Y/n on this mission." Pearl says to Garnet.
Garnet puts her palm on Pearl's shoulder. "Shh. Just look at them." She says as the two look at Y/n and Steven laughing together about something. "Now let's go recover the gemstone."
The group begin walking through the strawberry field, littered with swords stuck in the ground. "Unbelievable." Pearl says in awe as she looks around. "This was once a Gem battlefield, now it's wild strawberries as far as the eye can see!" She twirls in joy. "Oh, that's what I love about the Earth! Maybe this will be a light mission after all." Garnet comes to a halt in front and Pearl bumps into her. "Oomph."
The group find themselves standing in front of an upside-down pyramid temple.
"Maybe not." Garnet comments.
Garnet then summons a small pyramid piece and slots it into the Pyramid Temple. The door magically disappears, revealing a path into the temple.
"Woooaaahhh!" Steven says impressed and the group enters the temple. "Woooaaahhh!" Steven cries again as they enter into a large room filled with murals on the walls. Y/n looks up to the murals that seem to tell a story but he is unsure what the story is.
"Steven's the best! " Steven calls out and an echo of "Steven's the best!" returns. "Why thank you, temple." Steven jokes.
"You're a doof." Amethyst says.
Steven looks around and sees a small pyramid levitating on a pedestal. "Hey, what's this thing?" Steven asks as he examines the pedestal now. "It's like a cool floaty triangle thing."
Pearl was looking around not paying full attention to Steven. "Whatever it is, you probably shouldn't touch it."
Steven however touches the small pyramid and it tips over. The Temple begins to shake and rumble. The Gems quickly rush to Steven.
"Steven! What have we told you about touching magical things?" Pearl quickly says.
"Definitely... always... never do it!" Steven says.
The group begin to float off the ground, as they are seemingly sucked into a hole in the ceiling and into a new room. The Gems land gracefully on the ground with Y/n and Steven falling behind them and groaning as they pick themselves up. The hole is then sealed up and torches begin to light up all around them, revealing several doorways.
"Looks like we're gonna have to split up." Amethyst comments.
"Right!" Pearl agrees as he suddenly takes a hold of a surprised Y/n and Steven and holds them close to her. "Steven, Y/n and I will stay right here where it seems to be safe, while you guys go and solve the mystery of this place."
"Wait, I want to help solve the mystery!" Steven cries.
"Yeah, c'mon Steven, let's solve the mystery." Amethyst says as she lifts Steven over her head.
"Yeah, mystery solvers!" Steven cheers.
Pearl snatches Steven away. "No. No, no, no, no. You two are a disaster waiting to happen."
"Steven goes with me." Garnet says now interrupting.
"Really?" Steven asks surprised. "Awesome!"
"So I'll go with Amethyst and Pearl?" Y/n asks Garnet now and she looks down at him for a moment.
"Yes. But remember, this is a serious mission." Garnet tells him and in turn Steven who was still being held up by Pearl.
"Understood. Serious Steven!..." Steven pauses. "Pearl, can you put me down?"
"Wha-?" Pearl asks. "Oh, yes, of course." She sets Steven down.
"I need to be standing or else it doesn't work. Serious Steven!... Activate!" Steven declares as he starts treading off with Garnet.
"But this could be the teacups all over again." Pearl says cautiously.
Steven turns to Pearl. "Hey, I've put that behind me!" He says.
"Good luck." Garnet says to the other now. "And Y/n." She calls out to him getting his attention. "Use your mind." She advises confusing him before she leave with Steven down one of the corridors.
"What does she mean by that?" Y/n asks Pearl and Amethyst.
"Eh Garnet's cryptic at the best of times, I'm sure you will figure it out." Amethyst. "Now come on lets get this over with." She says pointing to a corridor.
"Amethyst!" Pearl stops her. "We need to take Y/n's safety into account here. We can't just rush in without any caution." She says to her before turning to Y/n. "If Amethyst or I tell you to do something we need you to do it for your own safety do you understand?" She asks him.
"Yes Ma'am." Y/n answer hoping to satisfy Pearl's overprotective nature.
"He'll be fine, now let's go." Amethyst says as she grabs Y/n's arm lightly and pulls her with her.
Pearl just groans and follows behind as they begin to walk down a corridor. As they were walking down the corridor Y/n noticed more murals were sprawled along the walls. "It's like the drawings from before." He comments.
"These Mural's depict events from the rebellion." Pearl says as she looks at them.
"The Rebellion?" Y/n asks and Pearl nods.
"Lead by none other that Rose Quartz, Steven's mother." Pearl says slightly sad.
Y/n looks at Amethyst who just grits her teeth and shakes her head in a don't ask kind of way.
Y/n turns his attentions back to the murals now. "I understand the drawings are diagrams, but what do the scribbles mean?" Y/n asks.
Pearl looks at them again and gasps. "This is the Gem language." She tells the others as they move to look at it properly now.
"What does it say?" Y/n asks curious.
"Maybe it's a recipe for fry bits." Amethyst jokes as she nudges Y/n with her elbow.
Pearl just rolls her eyes as she then begins to read the writings. "It says...Only...an...Obedient...Gem...will...Pass." She reads out.
"Only an obedient gem will pass?" Amethyst repeats but scoffs.
"Hmm. I'm not sure what this means but we should proceed carefully and with caution." Pearl says to the two but Amethyst begins to walk forward accidently stepping on what appeared to be a pressure plate of sorts. "Amethyst what did I just say!?" Pearl cries.
Y/n's eyes darted around the room however as he repeated the words from the wall. "An Obedient Gem will pass...An Obedient Gem will pass." Y/n repeats as he thinks. "An Obedient gem...kneels." He quickly works out. "KNEEL!" He shouts ducking down and Amethyst and Pearl do the same just as a grid of lasers activates above them.
"Woah." Amethyst says surprised as she looks up at the lasers.
"Y/n! Are you alright!?" Pearl asks worried now.
"I'm okay." Y/n says as he falls on his back looking up at the lasers a moment.
"How on earth did you manage to work that out?" Pearl asks Y/n now.
"I..it was a riddle." Y/n says as he lets out a deep breath.
"Dude, Nice work." Amethyst says impressed.
Y/n rolls over now as he spots a door. "We need to keep going." He says and the three begin to crawl under the lasers.
Steven and Garnet were walking through a doorway as Steven starts singing. "Oooh, we're on a magic treasure hunt, for some magic treasure junk! Something, something, magic something!"
Steven and Garnet enter an open room and a door closes behind them. "Huh?" A door on the other side of the room glows, and random tiles on the floor begins to light up all around the room.
"We need to stay on the glowing panels." Garnet tells him.
"Right! Serious Steven!... Go!" He shouts as he hops across the panels and reaches the other side. "Oh yeah!" Steven dances in joy, when the temple suddenly rumbles, causing Steven to trip and fall onto a non-glowing panel. The glowing panels all turn red and the room begins to shake, as the floor collapses into a pit of open flames. The panel under Steven collapses too, and he clings onto the edge of an intact panel.
"Steven!" Garnet calls out worried.
Steven begins to lose his grip and falls towards the fire pit. Garnet hops across the intact panels, catches Steven in time and plants her feet into another intact panel, holding Steven upside-down by his leg.
Steven begins laughing. "Woo-hoo! That was..." But he quickly changes tone. "Uhh... seriously dangerous. Thank you, Garnet." He finishes as his hair catches on fire.
Meanwhile Y/n, Pearl and Amethyst had reached the next room of their corridor. In the room were tiles covered in the same scribbles of the Gem language of before. Pearl notices another mural with some text beside it. "Only in the footsteps of a...Diamond will they proceed." Pearl reads out.
"A Diamond?" Y/n repeats and both Pearl and Amethyst look at each other hesitantly. "So...We might have to spell out the letter Diamond in Gem?" Y/n questions.
Amethyst looks at the scribbles on the ground before placing her foot on one but it immediately falls through to reveal a large drop below. "What the hell!? That was totally the right letter!" Amethyst says annoyed.
"No. This is the right letter. If you hadn't of rushed you would of noticed that." Pearl says smugly pointing to a very similar looking letter to the one Amethyst had almost fallen through. However this letter had a slight difference to it that Amethyst only now noticed and she groans knowing Pearl had been right.
"Why don't you lead the way then Pearl as our translator, that way Amethyst can help me across." Y/n suggests wanting to keep the peace.
Steven and Garnet walk into another chamber while Steven pats away the fire on his hair. The door closes behind them again, startling Steven, and the chamber starts to rumble.
"We can take a break if you're not feeling well, Steven." Garnet says to him.
"Huh? Oh, no. I'm okay! Let's keep going!" Steven says as he flexes his arms.
"Alright, but be careful. You might trigger a trap with that gun-show." Garnet jokes.
"Right! I'll put these babies away, and use my minds." Steven says as he starts inspecting the wall. "Maybe there's a clue hidden in these ancient drawings. It looks like... there's lots of triangles hidden somewhere in this room." Steven feels around the wall and accidentally pushes a section of the wall inwards. Spikes then appear from the ceiling.
"Run!" Garnet shouts.
Several ceiling spikes begin crushing upon Steven and Garnet. Steven barely misses the trap, ripping his shirt and the strip of his ukulele. Garnet steps in, summon her gauntlets and use them to stop the spikes.
"Ah, my ukulele!" Steven cries picking up his Ukulele and starting to tune it.
"Steven!" Garnet who was still holding up the spikes starts. "Now is probably not the best time for that."
"Oh, uh, right!" Steven quickly realises and he rushes to the other side of the chamber. Garnet somersaults towards Steven, escaping the trap. "Now that was a pretty close one."
"Yeah." Steven laughs nervously. The door of the chamber opens up and Garnet walks in. Steven follows suit. "That was a pretty... close... one." Garnet and Steven enter into another chamber, this time, full of swinging blades, spikes, falling lava and open flames. The door closes behind them, and Steven becomes visibly nauseated and frightened.
"Get ready, Steven. This is gonna be intense." Garnet tells him.
Y/n, Pearl and Amethyst had come face to face with room that seemingly had no floor and only a large drop.
"How are we supposed to cross this?" Pearl asks not understanding.
Amethyst summons her weapon but she finds no where to latch the end of her whip onto to use as a swing across the room.
"There's another riddle." Y/n says noticing a small mural of text on the wall.
"The Path of a Diamond.... Only with a leap will they prove their worth." Pearl reads confused.
"This is impossible nobody can jump this!" Amethyst says.
Y/n steps forward as he looks down at the drop. "It's a leap of faith..." He says to himself and his breathing becomes heavier. He closes his eyes before lifting his foot up.
"Y/n what are you doing!?" Pearl cries.
"Yo dude Stop!" Amethyst also cries.
But Y/n steps forwards stopping seemingly mid-air shocking both him and the two gems and he lets out a deep gasp of relief.
"Oh Y/n! Be careful!" Pearl cries grabbing ahold of Amethyst with worry. "What is he standing on!?"
Y/n doesn't move his body as only his head moves from side to side. I..It's a bridge." He says shakily. "I don't how but it's invisible. The riddle is a leap of faith." He explains before slowly taking another step forward. Pearl and Amethyst carefully edge onto the invisible bridge themselves now and Y/n leads them as they one by one make it across the room to the door on the other side. Once they are over they let out sighs of relief but it short lived when Pearl grabs Y/n and holds him like a child.
"Don't you ever do that again!" She cries telling him off and Y/n can't help but give a tired but triumphant chuckle.
"Yes Ma'am." He says.
Steven, slowly began waking up as he noticed Garnet was carrying him. She sets Steven down on the ground, revealing they are now at the other side of the chamber.
"Whoa. We made it?"
"I carried you while you took a nap." Garnet says as she walks off into the doorway
"N-Nap?!" Steven asks as he runs after Garnet.
Garnet and Steven step into a large chamber where they see Y/n sat down on his own looking tired. They look up and sees the sealed hole where they previously fell in from. "We're back where we started." Garnet comments.
"So it brought you guys back here too." Y/n says.
"Whaaaat?!" Steven cries in shock.
Pearl rushes in from a corridor now. "Garnet, there you are! The doors and rooms here make no sense, they all bring you here!"
Amethyst runs out of another doorway, groaning in agony. "Get me out of here!" She shouts runs into another doorway.
"There are sixteen doors, and we entered from the northeast and went through three consecutive rooms in a straight line..." Pearl begins as Amethyst returns with a bear trap on her head. She pulls it off and runs back to the same doorway. "...But arrived back here out the southern-most door, which could only mean... W-Well, I don't know what it means! I-"
Amethyst slides in from a different doorway, frozen in a block of ice. "THIS IS A DEATH TRAP!" Pearl cries as she summons her spear and tries to break Amethyst out of the ice.
"Wha...? What do we do?!" Steven asks worried.
"We go back in. Again, and again, and again, and again."
"I CAN'T!" Steven shouts panicked.
"Steven." Pearl says concerned.
"Steven, It's okay." Y/n tries to reassure him.
"No! No, it's not!" Steven says upset. "You were all right about me. I wanted to do this so bad, but now I feel like I'm gonna throw up. THIS IS JUST LIKE THE TEACUPS!" He yells.
"Oh, Steven, I-I didn't really mean that!" Pearl says feeling bad.
"Teacups..." Y/n says getting up as he looks at all the doors. "Oh! Steven's right. What if this is just like the teacups? That's why we're getting so lost and that's why Steven is feeling so sick. All the rooms are spinning us around so we end up here!" Y/n suggests.
Garnet walks towards the center of the room and starts pounding it with her gauntlets. The floor breaks and the Crystal Gems fall into a hidden lower room filled with spinning upside-down pyramids, orbiting around a central floating obelisk embedded with a gemstone.
"Whoa!" Steven says looking around.
"This is unbelievable!" Pearl says as she projects a hologram of the room mechanism. "This Gem-powered mechanism! It's manipulating the rooms above. Every room we entered spun us until we came back to the central chamber! It's just like the teacups ride at Funland!"
"Y/n already figured that out!" Garnet calls out to her.
"Oh..." Pearl blushes embarrassed and she hides her hologram away.
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