《Being Human》5. Cat Fingers
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It was another day in Beach city and Greg was washing a van modeled in the image of Mayor Dewey with Steven and Y/n helping him.
"Almost done!" Greg calls out as he sprays the van with a hose. "Thanks again Y/n for agreeing to help us out with this one." Greg says.
"No worries. I didn't exactly have plans today to begin with." Y/n admits and Greg smiles with a nod. "I mean if you looking for some part time help, I could always do with a job." Y/n says truthfully.
Greg muses. "Well we never really get busy busy, but it could be nice to have some company around here. Certainly would stop me falling asleep on the job." He says to himself. "Why don't you come tomorrow and I'll give you a trial shift for the day."
"I'll be here." Y/n says as he wipes the van down with a smile.
"Steven, get the hubcaps!" Greg says to Steven now.
"Hubbing it up!" Steven says as he rubs the van's hubcaps vigorously.
"Hub it good! This is a high-profile job." Greg says now.
"You mean cause it's the mayor's election-mobile?" Steven asks.
"If we do this right, we might get political favors!" Greg says dramatically.
"I'm not sure what that is, but I like it!" Steven replies as he grabs a nearby hose. Steven turns on the hose to spray the van, but the water arches over the van and splashes onto Greg by mistake. Greg laughs and sprays back at Steven with his hose, starting a water fight. At that moment Mayor Dewey then walks in towards them.
"Hey, hey, hey! I'm not paying for father-son bonding here!" He calls out and Steven turns around accidently spraying him with his hose.. "Universe! Control that kid!" Mayor Dewey says annoyed as he tries to wipe the water off himself.
"Steven!" Greg calls out as he holds Steven close to him. "Hehe, I'm sorry, Mayor Dewey. Hehehe, this one's on the house."
Mayor Dewey begins examining his van. "On the house, eh? I like the way you do business, Universe." Mayor Dewey gets into the van and drives off, with a siren chanting "Mayor Dewey".
"That's really not a good way to do business Greg." Y/n says to him.
Greg just sighs in dismay.
Steven wiggles his fingers. "Political favors!"
"Ahh, you rascal!" Greg cries as he picks Steven up and noogies him. "Enough with the hose fights!"
Steven laughs. "Aw, okay." But both Steven and Greg are suddenly splashed by some water and they turn to Y/n assuming it to be him but they see he has no hose in his hand.
"What the...?" Greg begins to wonder. But the three notice a purple cat holding a running hose in its mouth.
"Woah!" They all cry as the purple cat starts chasing them around, continuously spraying them with the hose.
"What is with this cat?!" Greg cries.
The purple cat begins to shapeshift, revealing to actually be Amethyst. "Haha! Got you guys!"
"Amethyst!" Steven calls out surprised.
"Uh, pretty cool, Amethyst." Greg says a little uncomfortable.
"Really cool! I wish I could shapeshift like you!" Steven says.
"Being able to shapeshift would be pretty cool and handy too." Y/n admits.
Amethyst ties the hose she was using into a knot to stop the water flow. "You could probably learn." She comments.
"Really?" Steven asks hopeful.
"Sure. While I can't help Y/n out." She starts lifting up Steven's shirt a small amount. "You've got a gem."
"Whup! Magic stuff! Should I get out of here? Is there going to be an explosion?" Greg quickly asks getting worried.
"Aw, it's no big deal, dad." Steven says as he pulls his shirt down.
Amethyst shapeshifts into Steven. "Yeah, it's fiinnneeee."
"Gah!" Greg cries out uncomfortable.
Steven, Y/n and Amethyst had gone back to the beach house and now Amethyst was showing off her ability to shapeshift.
"Hey, Pearl!" She calls out to Pearl who was sat at the kitchen counter.
Pearl looks uninterested in Amethyst who shapeshifts into a seal. "Arp, arp!"
Steven began laughing. "Do more!" He cries.
"Check it out." Amethyst shapeshifts into a wolf next, while Pearl stares blankly. "Aaoooo!" Amethyst howls before she shapeshifts into a wrestler. "Raaa!" Next she shapeshifts into a jay* "Gaah!" She then bawks before perching on Y/n's head.
"Whoa!" Steven says impressed.
Pearl walks over to Y/n now and looks at Amethyst perched on his head. "You're overdoing it."
"Uh, chill-it, dude." Amethyst says ignoring her.
"Just because you can shapeshift, doesn't mean you should." Pearl tells her now.
"Can you shapeshift as well?" Y/n asks curiously.
Pearl just smiles. "Well, of course..." She begins until the sound of Amethyst shapeshifting interrupts her.
The three watch as she changes into a purple copy of Pearl. "Well, of course I can. I'm perfect!" Amethyst says in a teasing and mocking tone before she begins smacking her butt. "WOMP, WOMP!"
Pearl just shoves Amethyst to the side and Amethyst tumbles away laughing. "All Gems have shapeshifting powers." Pearl begins to explain to Y/n and Steven now as she projects some holograms from her gem. "We can turn into objects, we can change parts of our bodies or... we could do that." She says looking at Amethyst.
Amethyst was still smacking her butt. "WOMP, WOMP!"
"I want to try it all!" Steven says excitedly now.
"Don't bite off more than you can chew, Steven." Pearl says hesitantly.
"WOMP, WOMP!" They hear Amethyst cry.
"Ugh!" Pearl groans and leaves through the front door, Amethyst shapeshifts back into herself now as she rejoins Y/n and Steven.
"You ready to Shapeshift then little dude?" Amethyst asks Steven.
"Aww I wanna but then it would be unfair on Y/n." Steven says thinking about his friend.
"It's alright Steven, I'm not a gem like you." Y/n tells him. "I'm just happy to hang out and witness all these crazy things." Y/n says truthfully with a smile which makes Steven feel better.
"Alright!" Steven says excited again. "Show me how to change into a, uh, huge lion!"
"Actually." Amethyst begins. "For once Pearl is right. If you're gonna do this, you've gotta start with something easy." She says.
"Like that cat you turned into?" Steven asks.
"That sounds good." Amethyst says in agreement. "Now follow my lead." She says and begins demonstrating for Steven. "First, think of what you wanna be, and then, just shake it out." She shapeshifts into the cat from before with ease. "See? Haha! Now your turn." She says strutting over to sit beside Y/n as they watch Steven.
"Okay." Steven says as he take a deep breath and starts straining himself. "Caaaaat..."
"Nah, you're too tense." Amethyst says opening a bag of chips while still as a cat. "Just relax and feel it." She says eating a potato chip then holding up the bag to Y/n who takes a few. "Bio-rhythms, yo."
Steven presses fingertips against his temples. "Feeeel it..."
Amethyst begins to look less convinced. "Ehh, if you're not ready, we can try later."
"No, wait! I can do it. "Steven says and Amethyst shapeshifts back into herself.
Steven begins to wave his arms around slowly. "Yeah... Yeah... Hunh!" He says to himself as he brings them together in middle but he doesn't shapeshift.
"Well, it was a good try." Amethyst comments.
"You'll get it with some practice I'm sure." Y/n encourages.
A meowing noise however appears out of nowhere. Steven opens his palm to see his index finger has turned into a head of a cat, meowing away. Amethyst starts giggling.
"This is so cool!" Steven says excited by it.
"You should go show your dad. He's gonna freak out!" Amethyst tells Steven.
"Rreow!" The Cat finger meows in agreement.
Y/n and Steven were now back at the Car wash. Greg was laid out on a sunbed with a pair of sunglasses on.
"Dad, I'm back!" Steven calls out getting Greg's attention and he lifts his sunglasses.
"Hey, schtu-ball, Y/n." Greg greets the two.
"Check it out!" Steven says eagerly and he shows the cat finger to his dad. Greg however reacts in shock, hurling a water bottle which hits Steven on the head. Water splashes from the bottle onto the cat finger and it cowers, as if it got burned. "I shapeshifted my finger into a cat!"
"Whoa! Is, is that a thing you can do now?" Greg asks. "That's pretty... cool." He says a little uncomfortable.
"I know, right! I'm gonna take this show on the road!" Steven starts laughing.
"I'll catch you later Steven." Y/n says now getting ready to part ways with Steven.
"Aw your not coming? But I was going to go to the Big Donut to show Lars and Sadie." Steven asks.
"Nah, I need to get back home and start making dinner. Besides I need to get a good nights rest if I'm going to be working here tomorrow. Say Hi to Sadie and Lars for me." Y/n says to Steven as he gives a wave and begins to walk off.
"Heh, you won't need that much rest." Greg says quietly putting his sunglasses back on.
Steven was inside the big donut now having just ordered some donuts.
"That'll be a dollar 'o five Steven." Sadie tells him.
"Mm, okay. Here's a nickel... and a buck!" He says and hold up the cat finger, which was holding a dollar bill in its mouth.
"Whaaat!" Sadie and Lars say in shock.
The cat finger drops the dollar bill and meows.
"Oh Steven, that's adorable!" Sadie says and she pets the cat finger with her finger, making it purr. "Are... you making it purr?" She asks a little uncomfortable.
"It kinda does what it wants." Steven says awkwardly.
"Really?" Lars asks unimpressed as he roughly pokes the cat finger, and it bites him. "YOW!" He cries pulling his finger back.
"See what I mean? "Bad cat finger!" Steven says telling it off.
"Oh, I'm sure it just wants to play." Sadie says and Steven gasps.
"You're right! And he doesn't have any friends."
"Oh my gosh. It's just like you, Steven." Lars says mockingly.
Steven takes a deep breath, sways a bit and conjures four more cat fingers on the same palm. "Huh haa!" Steven holds his hand up high
"Rraaooow!" The cat fingers all cry energetically.
Steven was now at the Fry shop hiding his cat fingers behind his back. "Hey, Peedee! Whoa, you work the deep-fryer now?"He asks before slamming his fist on the counter. "Make me some fry bits!"
"Steven, I take my job seriously, please use the actual menu." Peedee says to Steven.
"Give me the bits!" Steven chants slamming his fist down again. "The bits..."
Mr. Fryman appears behind the counter now as he notices Steven and turns to his son Peedee. "Alright listen, it'll be over sooner if you just give him what he wants." Peedee sighs and walks away.
"Whoa, hey, hey, it's not for me. It's for these guys!" Steven declares as he holds up the cat fingers, meowing away.
"What the....?!" Mr Fryman calls out in shock.
Peedee returns with a tray filled with the bits. "Uh, here's your... "*But he looks at the cat fingers and slowly puts the tray down in front of Steven on the counter. "... bits."
Steven dunks the cat fingers into the fry bits, and they start to eat.
"I can't look away." Mr Fryman says still in shock.
"Steven, that is freakish!" Peedee cries.
"No, it's not. It's natural." Steven says as he starts to sway his other arm. "Shake... it... out!" All the fingers on his other hand turn into cats now. "See!" He dunks the other hand into the bits.
"You know who would love this?"Mr Fryman starts. "Your older brother. Yo, Ronaldo!" He calls out.
"What's up, daa..." Ronaldo asks bored until he notices Steven, starts gasping and shoves Peedee out of the way. "I've gotta take a pic for Keep Beach City Weird!" He cries taking out his phone and snaps a picture of Steven and his cat fingers.
"What's that?" Steven asks.
"It's my blog:" Ronaldo tells him.. "Keep! Beach! City! Weird!" He then says dramatically and Peedee groans.
"Can I see the picture?" Steven asks and Ronaldo holds out his phone to him. Steven takes the phone and the cats whine in agony. "Yikes!" Steven says dropping the phone on the counter. "Sorry, guys. I guess cat fingers don't function well as... fingers."
It was the next day and Steven was struggling to open the fridge. "Tsk, I'm just getting a snack!" Steven says as he tries to pull a sandwich out, as the cat fingers start whining.
"Steven!" Amethyst voices sounds and he sees her in hanging in an open window at the front of the Beach house.
"Amethyst?" He asks.
"Yo where's your friend? He a no show today?" Amethyst asks.
"He's...working with dad at the carwash today." Steven says as he concentrates on lifting the plate from the fridge.
"Need some help?" Amethyst asks Steven now.
Steven turns to her holding the sandwich on a plate with his elbows. "Nah, i-it's cool." He tells her playing off the situation.
"Oh, good! See ya later then." She says getting up.
"Huh?" Steven hums confused.
"We're taking the Gem Sloop out to sea to fight a living island." Amethyst tells him now before walking away.
"What?" Steven asks shocked as he drops the sandwich by accident then rushes out the beach house. "Uh, Amethyst, wait!" He calls out to her "I wanna go on the Gem Sloop! I wanna see a living island!" He cries as he runs down stairs and to the dock. "Wait, wait, wait!"
Steven runs into the water to catch up to the Gems who were sailing away on the Gem Sloop.
"Steven!" Pearl calls out.
Amethyst just laughs. "C'mon, you can make it!" She says out loud.
Steven dunks his hands into the water to swim, but the cat fingers start meowing in agitation. The Gems gasp as they see this now.
"Steven, what's going on?" Pearl asks.
"Waah! I-It's nothing!" Steven quickly says. "I-I just turned all my fingers into cats!"
Amethyst snorts.
"We have to stay and help Steven!" Pearl quickly says.
"We can't. This is a tectonic emergency. We'll deal with Steven when we get back." Garnet tells her.
"Amethyst, I blame you for this!" Pearl says pointing to Amethyst annoyed.
"Eh, that's fair." Amethyst says shrugging unphased.
"Grrr!" Pearl growls angrily. "Steven, just try to stay calm!" She then calls out as the Gem Sloop drifts further away.
"Shouldn't we be working?" Y/n asks Greg as the two were sat down in foldout chairs with two guitars Greg had taken from his van.
"Well the Car wash is never really that busy. I hired you more for the company than for the work." Greg chuckles. "Besides you've picked up a lot quickly. You should try playing a song."
"Well, I do know one song my dad used to like about a car wash." Y/n hums.
"Let's hear it then." Greg encourages.
Y/n looks down at the guitar in is hand now and he shrugs and takes out his phone to look up the tabs for the song before he starts to try play it.
♫ Well, I had just got out from the county prison, Doin' ninety days for non-support. ♫ Y/n begins to sing.
♫ Tried to find me an executive position, But no matter how smooth I talked. ♫
♫ They wouldn't listen to the fact that I was genius. ♫
♫ The man say, "we got all that we can use" ♫
♫ Now I got them steadily depressin, low down mind messin. ♫
♫ Working at the car wash blues. ♫
♫ Well, I should be sittin' in an air conditioned office, In a swivel chair. ♫
♫ Talkin' some trash to the secretaries, Sayin', here, now mama, come on over here" ♫
♫ Instead, I'm stuck here rubbin' these fenders with a rag, and walkin' home in soggy old shoes. ♫
♫ With them steadily depressin, low down mind messin. ♫
♫ Workin' at the car wash blues. ♫
♫ You know a man of my ability, He should be smokin' on a big cigar. ♫
♫ But 'til I get myself straight, I guess I'll just have to wait in my rubber suit rubbin' these cars. ♫
♫ Well, all I can do is to shake my head. ♫
♫ You might not believe that it's true. ♫
♫ For workin' at this end of Niagara Falls is an undiscovered Howard Hughes. ♫
♫ So baby, don't expect to see me with no double martini in any high brow society news. ♫
♫ Cause I got them steadily depressin, low down mind messin. ♫
♫ Workin' at the car wash blues. ♫
"You're doing great Y/n keep going." Greg grins as Y/n continues to play.
♫ So baby, don't expect to see me with no double martini in any high brow society news. ♫
♫ Cause I got them steadily depressin', low down mind messin. ♫
♫ Workin' at the car wash blues. ♫
♫ Yeah, I got them steadily depressin', low down mind messin. ♫
♫ Workin' at the car wash blues...♫ Y/n comes to the end of the song.
"You're a real natural Y/n." Greg grins at him.
"T...That was fun." Y/n admits as he looks down at the guitar now.
"Why don't you go ahead and keep that guitar."
"I can't do that Mr Universe it belongs to you." Y/n says shocked.
"No no, I insist. Today was only a trial shift so I can't really pay you so take the guitar instead I have plenty more after all." Greg laughs.
Y/n looks at the guitar in his hands now. "Thank you Greg." He says with a smile.
"No worries." Greg says. "And if you still want to you can sign on permanently part time and get paid properly now. Just you wait till you being out the wax special in the summer, we'll have plenty of customers then." Greg tells him and Y/n laughs and nods his head in agreement.
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MEH un chico argentino gana una inbitasion a espania para ber a su youtbue faborito i entonses elige a aunron play u oyutber k le callo bien i luejo okurren kosas inesperadas entonses okurren abenturas entonses empesemos.
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