《Being Human》2. Laser Light Cannon
Thank you everyone for the wonderful support on the first chapter! :D
Steven and Amethyst run towards the counter of Beach Citywalk Fries as Y/n calmly followed behind them. The stores owner known as Mr. Fryman was entering the building.
"Hey, Fryman, give me the bits!" Steven says.
"The bits?" Y/n questions.
Mr. Fryman flips a we're closed sign. "Steven, we're closed."
"Aww, what?" Steven says disappointed.
Amethyst hits counter now. "Give 'em the bits!" She begins chants while continuously hitting the counter. "The BITS. The BITS."
Steven joins in the chanting now.
"The BITS! The BITS! The BITS!" They both chant while banging on the counter.
"Okay, okay! Take it easy on the counter, will ya?" Mr Fryman says relenting as he goes to retrieve the fry bits.
"Yes!" Steven and Amethyst says as they hi-five.
Mr. Fryman empties the bits into a paper bag. "I can give you three actual fries if you want." He says handing the bag to Steven.
"Just the bits, please." Steven says politely as he takes the bag. "Thanks! Okay Y/n time to try the bits!" Steven says holding up the bag as Amethyst and him start walking away while eating the bits. Y/n follows beside as he looks at the bag. Curiosity gets the better of him when Steven offers the bag towards him and Y/n takes a small handful before eating them.
"Hey, these aren't bad actually." Y/n admits.
"Right." Amethyst adds in agreement.
"Ah, sunset, my favorite time of day." Steven sighs content as he looks towards the ocean. "When the sun goes down, and the second sun gets bigger and bigger in the sky."
Y/n's brow just raises in confusion while Amethyst bursts out laughing as she look up to the sky.
"Yeah, that big hot second su... " Amethyst gasps, noticing a strange orb in the sky. "Oh no, what is that doing here?"
"Huh? What is it?" Steven asks but Amethyst picks him up, causing him to drop the bag of bits. "Ah, my bits!" Steven cries Amethyst carries him away.
Y/n sighs as he begins to jog to catch up to them.
Back near Steven's house Garnet and Pearl were looking through a telescope, observing the strange orb.
"This is bad." Garnet comments.
"Look at the size of it, I had no idea these things were so big!" Pearl says
"Garnet! Pearl!" Amethyst cries out while running towards them carrying Steven while Y/n who had caught up to them ran alongside.
Pearl begins to look visibly annoyed. "We saw. Some of us are trying to protect humanity. Where were you?" She asks.
Amethyst puts Steven down now "... Eating fry bits. "She replies causing Pearl to groan.
"Oh, can I see?" Steven asks as he peers through the telescope at the large orb. "Woah." The orb rotates and opens into a eye now. "It's a giant eyeball! Awesome!"
"NOT awesome!" Pearl interrupts. "It's a Red Eye!"
"A red eye?! It's going to infect us all!" Steven cries.
"That's pink eye, Steven." Y/n says causing Amethyst to laugh.
"It's going to crash into Beach City and crush us, along with a bunch of oblivious, innocent people! We have to stop it." Pearl cries.
"Well...that's not good." Y/n says taken a back by this news.
"What are we going to do?" Steven asks worried.
Garnet adjusts her visor. "The only thing powerful enough to destroy it is a Laser Cannon that belonged to Rose Quartz."
"My mom?" Steven asks surprised.
Amethyst groans. "If Rose were here, this would be so easy."
"I know, but she's not, and the cannon is missing." Pearl says sadly. "We'll have to find another solution."
"If it belonged to my mom, I bet my dad knows where it is. He can help us save the day!" Steven declares but the Crystal Gems are left speechless. "Huh? Ehh!?"
"Greg is... nice, Steven." Pearl awkwardly starts. "But I doubt Rose would entrust someone like him with such a powerful weapon."
"Your dad is kind of a mess, Steven." Amethyst says bluntly as she puts her hand on Steven's shoulder.
"Amethyst!" Pearl chastises.
"I'm just sayin." Amethyst says defending herself. "Even if she did leave it with him, he probably broke it, or lost it, or dropped it in the ocean by now."
"True." Garnet says in agreement.
"No way, I'm sure he's just keeping it somewhere safe. I'll go ask him." Steven says now.
"I'll help. It's better than me staying her unable to useful, while the other alternative is panicking about what ever this Red eye thing is." Y/n says to Steven.
"We can handle this." Garnet says as she turns to Amethyst. "Ready?"
Amethyst nods and Garnet picks her up, leaps into the air and tosses her at the Red Eye. Amethyst hits it with no impact at all and falls into the ocean. Garnet and Pearl are dumbfounded.
"Ugh... we're gonna go." Steven says.
Pearl just waves her hand without looking "... Okay, good luck."
Y/n was stood watching dumbfounded himself now as Steven was banging on the back doors of a van "Dad, it's me! Dad, are you in there?"
"You're dad lives in a van?" Y/n asks.
Steven just starts ramming into the van. "Wake.. UP! We have to save the WORLD!" He syas before climbing onto the van and start stomping on it. "Dad!" Steven loses his balance however and trips on the van roof managing to set off the van's alarm, which he smiles at as he climbs back down to stand beside Y/n.
A man bursts out of the back of the van now. "Who's there?! I have a waffle iron!" He says raising his arm wielding a waffle iron.
"Dad, it's me!" Steven calls out.
The man turns around and looks at both Both Steven and Y/n in a half tired state, he drops the waffle iron and shuts the van alarm off. "Steven?" Steven runs forward and jumps on the man hugging him. "I almost waffled your face! What are you doing up so late?"
"What do you mean? The sun just went down an hour ago." Steven replies.
"Oh, heh." The man laughs embarrassed as he rubs the back of his head. "It was a... slow day at the car wash. Anyway, what's up? Just needed to see your old man? Pal around? Learn some lessons about life?"
Steven blushes embarrassed. "No! We need the light cannon that belonged to Mom, to blow up that eyeball!" Steven tells him.
"Eyeball?" Steven's dad asks confused.
"That!" Steven says as he points at the Red Eye in the sky.
Amethyst is seen flying and yelling towards the Red Eye, hitting it, and falling back into the ocean again.
"Wait, is that a magical thing? The Gems told me not to get involved with magic stuff. It... it could be dangerous or interfere with what's left of my hair." Steven's dad says worried as he rubs the back of his head again.
"Apparently they need Steven's Mom's cannon to destroy that thing." Y/n says now.
"Oh Hey there, Who's your friend Stu-ball?" The man asks Steven as he notices Y/n now.
"Oh this is Y/n Dad. He just moved to Beach City recently." Steven says introducing Y/n now.
"Sorry about that, I didn't see you there for a moment. I'm Greg, Steven's old man." He says holding out his hand and Y/n shakes it politely.
"It's alright, We kind of have more pressing matters at hand." Y/n says understanding.
"Oh Right!" Steven says remembering the Red eye now. "Come on Dad, You've gotta know where Mom's cannon is, like a cave dungeon or a cloud fortress, or in a clam at the bottom of the ocean!
Greg picks up the waffle iron from the ground, throws it into the van and shuts the doors. "Well, I don't know about all that. But I have an idea where it might be. Hop into the van you two."
Greg had driven Steven and Y/n to a U-Store-it facility on the edge of the town.
"A magical storage unit!" Steven says excitedly as he runs towards the storage building.
"Ha, not exactly. But some would say there's magic inside." Greg says before he winks at Steven, who looks at him clueless. "It's just a shed I use to keep things that don't fit in the van. If it's anywhere, it'll be in here." Greg opens the door and reveals a shed filled to the brim with boxes and clutter. Steven tries to make his way in, but the first few boxes collapse in front of him.
"If we're going in there, we're gonna need some gear." Steven says determined. He ties a flashlight to his head with a nearby sock, and an electric cord wrapped around his waist. "Okay I'm ready! Y/n are you ready?" Steven asks.
"Umm Steven, I think I'm just a bit too big to fit in there. You might have to Solo mission this part." Y/n says to him as he looks at the cluttered unit.
Steven nods his head as he turns to the unit. "Here I go." He says moving forward.
"Good luck!" Greg calls out while holding the other end of the cord.
Y/n and Greg were stood in an slightly awkward silence with the Red Eyeball in the hanging sky behind them.
"So..." Greg begins awkwardly. "What brings you to Beach City?"
Y/n puts his hands in his pockets. "My dad... decided we needed to move." Y/n says as he looks down at his feet. "It was quite a sudden decision. We just picked up everything we and moved halfway across the country.
"Wow that sounds pretty extreme." Greg comments.
Y/n lets out a sigh now. "It's honestly kind of been a rough few months for my dad and I recently."
Steven meanwhile had managed to crawl into the shed now as he looks around at all the items inside. "Woah, cool! It's like a dad museum." Steven comments as he ventures deeper and notices a long object on the floor. "There it is!" He says pulling it out, revealing to be a golf bag. "Do you golf?" He calls out to his dad.
"Eh, I'd like to think of myself as someone who would golf... eventually." Greg jokes.
Steven sets the golf bag upright and notices another slender object. "Hmm, yes!" He sweeps off the various junk on top of it but is left disappointed. "A drum." He pats it once and continues rummaging deeper. "No, no..." Steven says dismissively before he gasps. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Is this..." He picks up an object and it shoots like a small cannon, the projectile unravels into a shirt. "Buy T-Shirt Cannons?" Steven reads off the T-shirt revealing h was holding a T-shirt cannon. Steven notices a box full of CDs near him now and they get his interest as he looks through them. "Hey, there's a bunch of copies of your old CD!"
"Huh. Oh, man, I couldn't give those things away. You know, before I ran the car wash, when I was a one-man band, I traveled the whole country." Greg begins to say.
Steven chuckles as he keeps one of the CDs in his pocket. "I know, Dad."
"When I came to play a concert here in Beach City, no one showed up excep..."
"An ALLIGATOR!" Steven interrupts.
"No, it was your mother." Greg says
Steven just laughs. "Hahaha, I know." He calls crawling deeper into the shed.
"And we were always together after that. Until she gave up her physical form to bring you into the world." Greg says which catches Y/n off guard. "I don't know what a magic lady like her ever saw in a plain old dope like me."
"I'm...I'm sorry." Y/n starts to say as he rubs the back of his neck. "I didn't realize Steven's mom was...gone in that way."
"It's alright." Greg says to Y/n appreciating his attempts to cheer him up.
Y/n looks down as he thinks about Steven and himself for a moment.
In the shed Steven accidentally steps on a photo frame of Greg and Rose and gasps. "Uh, Dad, I broke a photo."
"It's okay buddy. If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs." Greg says.
"Greg." Y/n says getting the man's attention. "Do you mind if I asks why Steven lives with the Gems instead of with you?"
"Well actually, Steven's only been living at the beach house for a few years. Originally it was just a temple but the gems and I built a house just for him. He was so excited when I first told him about it, it was all he talked about." Greg says.
"Your son, he's a nice kid." Y/n starts.
"That's my Stu-ball all right." Greg smiles.
"He keeps inviting me to join him on the beach, But I always get the feeling that the gems don't really like me around." Y/n says to Greg honestly.
"You and me both." Greg says with small chuckle. "The gems don't like interacting with people so don't take it personally." Greg says.
"The Crystal Gems." Y/n thinks back on them. "To be honest, I still don't know how to process it all. What are Gems? Why are they here? How can they do all the...amazing things they do."
"Well, I don't know really anything about all the magic stuff. The Gems tell me not get involved with it." Greg says truthfully.
"You know, in the nicest way possible. I think this might be one of the most normal conversations I've had since coming to Beach City." Y/n says with a small smile.
"Heh, It's not often someone wants a conversation with me. You're welcome Y/n." Greg says.
Steven notices something begin to glow near him. "Huh?" He looks up and gasps. "The light cannon!"
Greg was looking at the Red Eye, which now appeared to be nearer than before. "Oh boy, that thing's giving me the willies." Greg comments scratching his chest.
"Dad, Y/n, I found it!" Steven cries getting their attentions.
"Really?" Y/n asks hopeful.
Steven ties the electric cord around the cannon. "Get the van!" He calls out and Greg ties the other end of the power cord to his van, Greg then uses his van to pull the cannon out of the shed, along with all his other possessions, which collapse afterwards.
Y/n looks at the large pink cannon. "The gems said this thing could save the city, we've got to find a way to get it to the beach."
"But How? It's too big for the van." Greg says as a wagon rolls out of the shed.
"I... can't...see...this...working..." Y/n strained as he, Steven and Greg were carrying the heavy cannon towards the wagon Greg had tired to the van with the electric cord.
"Easy... does...it. Greg says as they drop the cannon onto the wagon, and its base breaks from the cannon's weight leaving Steven and Greg are speechless.
Y/n, Steven and Greg were in the van driving to the beach, dragging the cannon with the damaged wagon.
"Is it gonna be okay?" Steven asks Y/n and his dad.
Greg just shrugs. "If every pork chop were perfect..."
"We wouldn't have hot dogs!" Steven chimes in.
Greg watches the Red Eye getting bigger. "That thing's getting huge, it's freaking me out!"
"Can't the van go any faster?" Steven asks now.
Greg steps the van accelerator but it barely picks up any speed. "This is faster!"
"Don't worry. Come on, let's put on your CD." Steven says as he holds up a CD he retrieved earlier.
Greg just looks at it embarrassed. "What? Really? Come on, you've heard it." He says brushing the idea off.
Steven chuckles. "You come on." He says inserting the disc into the van's CD player and Greg's song begins to play.
Greg begins to look visibly embarrassed. But Steven starts to bounce and sing along to the song.
"You wrote this song?" Y/n asks Greg as Steven sings and Greg sighs.
"Back when I just bit older than you. It's pretty bad huh?" Greg says feeling awkward.
"I don't think it's that bad really. If you had fun singing it then does it really matter?" Y/n comments and Greg smiles feeling a little better about his old song.
The van drives past Sadie, Lars and Mr. Smiley, all looking at the Red Eye, which has turned the environment into a red hue. The song continues to play in the background as they drive up next to Garnet and Pearl at the beach.
Amethyst gets washed up back on shore. "Throw me again, I think I'm cracking it." She says to Garnet but then she notices Y/n, Steven, Greg and the cannon. "Is that...?"
"Hey, guys!" Steven waves his arm.
Pearl gasps in shock. "He really had it!"
"We're SAVED!!!" Amethyst cries.
Destruction begins to ensure as everything is being pulled away by the Red Eye's gravitational force, such as the Beach House, electric poles and the Beach Citywalk Fries.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy!" Mr Fryman says as the building's sign gets ripped off, and Mr. Fryman dodges out of its way.
"We have to use it now." Garnet says as the gems rush over to the cannon.
"I don't know how it works, it was Rose's!" Pearl shouts over the howling winds.
"Dad, how do we use it?" Steven asks but Greg shrugs.
Pearl grabs Steven's shoulders. "Steven, this is serious!" She says before seemingly having an epiphany. "The gem. You have Rose's gem!"
"That's it!" Amethyst says as she lifts Steven and start rubbing him against the cannon. "Ahhh, come on!"
"Stop that." Garnet says.
"It's no use." Pearl says losing hope.
"Fine, forget it. Throw me again!" Amethyst shouts as she jumps onto Garnet's arm.
"That's not going to work." Pearl cries.
The gravitational pull intensifies and starts to pull the van and the cannon too.
"I got this." Greg says as h e unties the cord from the cannon, as the van continues to be pulled without it. "Ugh, wait, nope, maybe I don't!" Greg says as he gets dragged along with the van.
"Y/n what do we do!?" Steven asks but Y/n just looks up at the red eye. "
Steven starts banging on the cannon. "Please work- unlock- activate- go- please!" She says desperately. "Everyone's counting on you, you can't just be useless! I know you can help." Steven then adds.
Y/n looks up at the Red eye. "It's okay, Steven. W...We'll figure out something else, something even better." He says trying to remain hopeful but secretly he wondered if this was the end.
"R-r-r-right, if every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs." Steven says remembering his dad's saying.
The cannon suddenly starts to glow and activate. Steven loses his grip and falls onto the ground.
"It's working!" Pearl cries.
The cannon's hinges unlock and the barrel falls onto the ground. The Crystal Gems gasp as it begins to prime itself. Steven tries to lift the cannon by himself but the weight proves to be too much for the boy. Y/n quickly grabs a piece now as well trying to help. The gems watch as the two boys strain and rush to help them now. With all five of them lifting they are able to aim it towards the Red eye as the power powers up even more.
"Steven!" Pearl cries worried.
"This is it!" Amethyst says.
"BRACE YOURSELVES!!!" Garnet shouts and the cannon fires a rose-shaped beam at the Red Eye, shattering and destroying it. Shrapnel from the blast begin to fall around the beach and destroying parts of the city boardwalk.
"Steven, you and your buddy just saved most of Beach City!"
"Sorry about that!" Steven shouts to Mr. Fryman in the distance.
"What?" Mr. Fryman yells back.
"How did you get it to work?" Pearl asks Steven now still in shock.
"I just said that thing that Dad always says." Steven says.
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