《Being Human》1. Gem Glow
The sun shone down on the highway road as cars drove along it's hot road. The song "Have you ever seen the rain" was playing on the radio in one of the cars but both it's occupants were not really listening to song. A man with heavy bags under his eyes sat at the wheel as he stared down the seemingly endless road. In the passenger seat beside him was a boy in his late teens. His head lay back against his seats headrest, as he watched disinterested by the scenery that passed by them.
The car began to pull into a new lane as it left the highway and onto quieter roads. With the road changing so did the scenery. Tree's and bushes became less frequent to see as they were replaced with edges of a cliff that overlooked the vast deep blue ocean. In the distance a lighthouse upon a large hill and town below came into view. The Elder teen lifted his head ever so slightly to look at an upcoming sign on the roadside that reads "Welcome to Beach City."
The car had come to parked stop now outside a modest sized house in the residential part of the town. The teen and middle aged man get out of the car as they look up at the house. The teen looked at the house with a frown as he closed his car door.
"Y/n." The man starts getting the teens attention now and he throws a pair of keys to him. "You can pick a room first, I'll take whatever one is left." He says not bothering to wait for a reply as he head to the back of the car to unpack.
The teen called Y/n just looks at the house again now as he moves with a lack of enthusiasm. As he approaches the door he can see what appears to be note in the letterbox. Y/n pulls it out, holding it up now as he begins to read the note that read. 'Welcome to your new home!'
Y/n just clicks his tongue a little as he finishes reading the note. He places the keys in the doors lock and turns them till he can feel a clicking signaling the door was unlocked. He pushes the front door open with one hand to reveal an empty house.
The house lacked any furniture as only the gentle sunlight lay on the wooden flooring. Y/n sighed as he stepped inside now and put the keys down on a nearby worktop. Y/n remembered that he had been told too choose a room and his eyes looked to set of stairs now. He placed his hands into the pockets of his jeans as he slowly headed up the stairs and onto the houses second floor.
The second floor was dimmer than the first. Closed doors limited the amount of sunlight that could light the hallway. Y/n reached the top of the stairs now as he opened the doors to look at all the rooms. The room he came to last was towards the back of the house with a window that looked out to the town's beach and ocean.
'Well, I guess a room with a view is something...' Y/n thinks to himself.
The sound of footsteps on the stairs get his attention now as he turns to see the middle aged man appearing in the doorframe.
"I see you've chosen a room." The man says but his voice lacks any real judgement or emotion leaving it sounding more like an acknowledgement.
"Dad..." Y/n begins revealing the man is Y/n's father.
"You should go out and check the town Y/n." Y/n's dad interrupts. "I... need to build the furniture." He finishes before leaving. Y/n simply watches as his dad disappears down the stairs again. Y/n leaves the room now and heads back down the stairs himself. Y/n could see his dad in the living room laying several flat packed boxes of different furniture sets. He thought about trying to talk to him but when he looked at his fathers drawn and emotionless face he decided against it.
Y/n had started to wonder down a concrete path not caring where it would take him, Keeping him company was a can that he kicked lazily along the way. But the task soon proved to be chore as Y/n gave it a final large kick and it skidded along the road to meet a wooden deck. Y/n looked up to see his aimless walking had brought him to the town's boardwalk. Along the boardwalk were a few restaurants, an arcade and at the end of it what appeared to be a small amusement park. Y/n looked to the side now as his feet took him away from the boardwalk and on the sandy beach. Y/n sat down on the beach now as he watched the waters calmly lapping against the shore. Feeling a small moment of peace Y/n closes his eyes listening to the waters. HIs peace however is quickly interrupted by the sound of a fair of flip flops on the sand. Y/n opens one eye to see a young boy now stood in front of him. The boy was relatively short with a thick, stocky build. He has fair skin, curly dark brown hair, dark brown eyebrows, and full black irises He was wearing a salmon-pink T-shirt with a gold star in the center, cuffed blue jeans and salmon-pink flip-flop sandals.
"Hi I'm Steven!" The Young black haired boy says introducing himself.
"Mhm." Y/n hums not really acknowledging the boy.
"I haven't seen you around before are you new to Beach City?" The Young boy asks. "Oh I can show you around there's loads of places to see. You're going to love it here!" The boy says excitedly.
'Are all the residents this energetic and annoying?' Y/n begins to wonder to himself as he looks at the boy with disinterested eyes.
"Oh there's also Fish stew pizza, The Arcade, Funland..." The boy says in the middle of listing locations on his fingers.
"Look, kid." Y/n starts now as he stops the boy. "I... just want to be alone right now."
"Oh." The boy says as he stammers a slight bit. "You just looked kind of lonely sat here on the beach so I thought you could use a friend." He says honestly now with a smile.
"While I appreciate the thought, I have had a really long day and just wanted a moment to get my thoughts together, In peace." Y/n hints at now.
"Oh, um okay." The young boy suddenly says understanding. "Well I guess I'll see you around." He nervously laughs before he waves. "Bye." He then says before he starts walking away.
Y/n just watches as the kid walks away towards the large lighthouse hill and he sighs shaking his head. He takes out his phone now and puts in a pair of headphones as he starts to listen to the song Only the Ocean by Jack Johnson.
The sun had set now as Y/n had returned to his new house. As he entered he could see all the lights were off. Several pieces of furniture seemed to have been delivered while Y/n had been out.
On a newly placed couch Y/n could see the figure of his dad lay down. He was faced towards the couch with one of his arms under his head and wet marks under his eyes.
Y/n ran a frustrated hand through his hair before he scratched the back of his head with a sigh. He then quietly began to look through some boxes that lay strewn on the half filled living room floor. Inside them he managed to find what he was looking for. He approached his dad's sleeping figure as he carefully draped a blanket over him.
Y/n dragged his leg up the stairs now and to his new room. When he turned on the light he could see the room was filled with newly built furniture. 'Dammit dad, You should have at least made a bed for yourself.' He thinks to himself as he sits down on the newly made bed.
It was the next day and Y/n awoke to the sun shining on his face. It warm glow disturbed his eyes as they fluttered open and he squinted to look at the window. Despite his bed being built no curtain had been put up yet. Y/n sat up in his bed as he looked to the beach in the distance and he sighed remembering the day before. 'I was probably too harsh on that kid yesterday..."
Y/n now dressed descended down the stairs but it remained quiet. He could see the couch was empty now save for the blanket that Y/n had put on his dad in the night. Y/n looked around to see where his dad had gone but couldn't see any sign of him.
Giving up Y/n made his way to the kitchen but suddenly stopped and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Right, No food..." Y/n groans as he sees at a note on the kitchen worktop with a ten dollar bill beside it.
Y/n reads the note now recognising his dads handwriting. 'Gone to look for work. Breakfast money.'
Y/n picks up the bill now as he looks at it. He wasn't sure what he really wanted for breakfast but he vaguely remembered there being a donut shop near the boardwalk. 'It's better than nothing.'
Y/n had made it to the Donut Shop by the boardwalk now as he looked up at it for a moment. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Y/n can suddenly hear a voice dramatically cry out and it makes him close his eyes and wonder if it is worth entering the store but his rumbling stomach forces his hand.
Inside the Big Donut Steven was looking at an empty freezer. "This can't be happening! This has to be a dream! Lars! Lars!" He grabs Lars around his waist. "Please tell me I'm dreaming!"
"Get off me man, I'm stocking here!" Lars says as he shakes Steven off and the boy falls to the floor flatly.
A girl at the counter looks down at Steven on the floor. "I'm sorry, Steven. I guess they stopped making them." She says.
"Stopped making them?!" Steven says quickly getting up now. "Why in the world would they stop making Cookie Cats?! They're only the most scrumptious and delicious ice-cream sandwich ever made! Don't they have laws for this?!"
Lars kneels to restock a cabinet and sighs. "Tough bits, man. Nobody buys them anymore. I guess they couldn't compete with "Lion Lickers".
Steven groans as he walks over to the fridge of Lion Lickers. "Not "Lion Lickers"! Nobody likes them! They don't even look like lions! Kids these days I'll tell ya what!"
Lars chuckles and mocks Steven now. "Well, if you miss your wimpy ice cream so much, why don't you make some with your "magic belly button" He laughs as he finishes stocking the shelf.
"That's not how it works, Lars!" Steven says as he lift his top a little to reveal a rose coloured gem at his navel. "...Right?" he asks jiggling his belly a little.
The shops bell door dings now and the girl at the counter turns her head to see Y/n who had entered the store and started looking around a little.
"Hi welcome to the big donut can I get you anything?" She asks him.
"Just a F/d." Y/n replies but he notices Steven now who was stood in front of an empty mini freezer. 'It's the kid from yesterday on the beach.'
"Oh, sweet Cookie Cats, with your crunchy cookie outside and your icy creamy insides... You were too good for this world." Steven says draws a cookie cat on the freezer with his finger and kisses it. Causing Y/n to raise an eyebrow.
"Uh... Steven?" The girl says as she hands Y/n his donut in a bag and he hands her the 10 dollar bill. Both of them watch as Steven doesn't reply as he hugs the freezer.
"Do you want to take the freezer with you?" The girl asks now as Lars leans over and looks at Steven in confusion. Steven just nods sadly.
Y/n sighs as the girl gives him his change. "It's Steven right?" He calls out to Steven who takes notice of Y/n now. "You want a donut?" Y/n offers and Steven nods his head cheering up a little. "I'll also take one of what ever Steven's favourites is." He says to the girl at the counter now and she smiles nodding.
Steven moves now to stand beside Y/n. "Sorry about last night, I wasn't really in the mood to talk." Y/n starts to explain to Steven.
"That's okay." Steven says understanding. "So...does that mean your in the mood to talk now?" He follows up with.
"Well...more than last night I suppose." Y/n says as the girl hands him a second bag with Steven's donut inside now and he hands her the amount needed. "I'm Y/n." Y/n says introducing himself to Steven now.
"Well You already know my name." Steven laughs before he points to Lars and then the girl at the counter. "But that's Lar's and Sadie. They run the big donut."
Lars just grumbles about work but the Girl called Sadie holds out her hand. Y/n hands Steven his bagged donut before he shakes Sadie's hand. Steven looks at the bagged donut with stars in his eyes.
"Nice to meet you. Are you just visiting Beach city or did you just move in?" She asks Y/n.
"My dad and I just moved in yesterday." Y/n tells her.
"Well welcome to Beach City." Sadie says happily.
"Ah...yeah." Y/n sighs. "So...are you really just going to give that freezer to Steven?" He asks changing the topic.
"Well it's just going to go to waste otherwise so why not?" Sadie replies.
Y/n turns to look at the freezer now as an idea pops in his head. "Hey Steven, if you carry my donut for me then I'll carry that freezer back to your place as an apology for last night."
"Awesome you can meet the Gems!" Steven says as his eyes became filled with stars and he takes a hold of Y/n's donut for him.
'At least this way I won't feel bad anytime I come across him in the town.' Y/n thinks to himself not really listening to Steven as unplugs the small freezer.
Steven was humming a tune while running ahead of Y/n who was carrying the Cookie Cat freezer in his arms. Y/n found it rather odd that they were heading towards the beach rather than the houses in the other direction but he also realized he didn't really have anything else to do in this moment of time. A distraction was something he would welcome. As they walked across the hot sand they came closer to lighthouse hill that Y/n had seen from the car ride into the town. Y/n was left surprised however when the pair rounded the corner to see a large house built on a hill lower to the ground of the lighthouse hill. What struck Y/n the most however was the large statue of a two faced woman with multiple arms looming over the house. Several of the arms seemed to have eroded away with time but the sight still remained impressive to Y/n.
Steven had hurried up the hill with Y/n following behind just about catching up. As they reach the front door Y/n set the freezer down a moment wanting a quick break from carrying it. Steven opens the door of his home now as he started to call out. "Hey, guys, you won't believe this!" But Steven is suddenly attacked by a creature that roars at him and Steven screams. Y/n quickly looks to see the creature on Steven as he moves to grab the boy and pull him back but a whip then wraps around it pulling it away from Steven slightly. Y/n and Stven look inside the house to see a short and stout woman with bright lilac skin, her eyes were dark indigo, and her thick, messy hair is pale lavender flowing down to her ankles, with a large bang that obscures her left eye. She had plump lips, and a small, upturned nose. On her chest appeared to be some form of gem that Y/n found bizarre but had no time to think.
"Sup, Steven?" The woman says before yanks the Creature off of Steven completely.
As Steven and Y/n watch it fly in the air they can see another woman fighting off several more of the creatures on a strange pad like surface. She was taller than the first woman with a slender, thin build, an ivory complexion, light cyan eyes, a pointed nose, and thin lips. Her hair was a light peach color and resembled a pixie-cut in the front, while in the back her hair lead to a point. Her clothes were a sleeveless, sky blue top that had a yellow star upon it. On her bottom half she wore short salmon pink colored leggings, light-green socks, and slip-on ballet flats to match with a transparent silk ballet skirt around her waist. In her hands was what appeared to be a spear that she twirled effortlessly as she used her slim frame to dance around the creatures and cut them down.
She soon swings her spear at one of them at is is sent flying in the air only to be caught by a large woman who was the tallest of the three. She had medium, red skin, and black hair styled into a cube-shaped afro. She was wearing triangular futuristic, translucent peach-tinted shades, which covered her eyes. She wore a black and crimson bodysuit, with cubic shoulder pads, the right one being brink pink, the left one being crimson, and a pale pink star with a brink pink outline on her chest. Upon her hands seemed to be pair of gauntlets that she caught the creature in before bringing it down on her knee breaking it. Several more of these creatures try to attack but she is a able to stop them with ease. One lands in her large afro like hair before she pick it up and pulls it apart only for it too poof into nothingness.
'What the hell is happening?' Y/n says as he watches in both shock and awe still.
"Awesome! What are these things?" Steven asks rushing inside but Y/n remained unsure if he should run for his own safety or try to help Steven.
The slim woman groans as she lifts up a one of the creatures. "Ugh! Sorry, Steven. We'll get these Centipeetles out of your room. We think they were trying to get into the temple."
"Aw. You don't have to get rid of them. They're really cool." Steven comments as he looks at the Centipeetle in Pearl's arms. The Centipeetle that the slender woman is holding spits acid onto the floor now, dissolving it into a hole, which Steven and the slender woman look at in disgust.
"Steven what is going on!?" Y/n asks as he stands in the doorway now looking at the destruction the Centipeetles were causing.
The slender woman gasps as she takes notice of Y/n now.. "A Human? Steven what have we told you about bringing the townsfolk to the temple it's dangerous!"
At that moment one of the Centipeetles locks onto Y/n and he notices it. The Centipeetle tires to launch itself at Y/n but dives to the side only just narrowly dodging it as he finds himself landing on the couch near Steven and the slender woman.
"Y/n!" Steven calls out worried.
"This is why we don't allow humans near the temple!" The slender woman calls out being unable to drop the Centipeetle in her arms.
As Y/n pushed himself up he was given no time to rest as the Centipeetle rushed towards him again. It's jaws snapping. Y/n had to quickly grabs the Centipeetles jaws to avoid it snapping around his head, he uses all of his strength to keep the jaws apart while trying to kick at the Centipeetle's torso. Y/n's grasp on the Centipeetle began to loosen but it was suddenly picked up and poofed by the large Afro haired woman.
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Among us are guardians. They are known as Aqayans. -- 700 years ago there was a war. Good and evil. Dark and light. On the side of Darkness - cursed creatures, wizards, and most of humanity. On the side of light Aqayans and Elfa with the remnant of humanity. Humanity, Wizards, Cursed Creatures, Aqayans, Elfa. In the end - the darkness lost. The leader of the darkness - Ka'atra was sealed away. The council of seven decided that magic was too dangerous in the hands of humanity - and erased magic from existence. Aqayans watched humanity from afar- ensuring that they would never again stray. 700 years passed by... then one day... Ka'atra broke free. - A young boy- Narice- is the only one resistant to Ka'atra's dark magic, but with no magic of his own and- how will he be able to stop his enemy?
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Her is Enough (TriciaRobredo×Reader)
This is a series of oneshots. Note: This oneshots is a G×G but boys/male readers are also welcome!DISCLAIMER : Do not bring this story to other social media platforms. What's in here, stays here. This is for entertainment purposes only.(Any typo or mistakes you might encounter, I apologize. I'm still learning how to write properly.)
8 149